Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Important: Please be sure to read this thread if you are new to the project! It'll get you caught up on history, and which species were originally where in these maps.

Since we've worked out the basic background in the previous thread... we're now down to figuring out some details regarding nations (in the past), and current provinces. This thread is to work on that prospect - what are these provinces like now, the people there, the type of leadership they have (LE, LN, LG...), and what they are currently like.

Since, for this thread we're really focusing on the cultural and society level of the people, any plot nuggests that creep up should be tossed into the Plot Nugget thread for later development: Ortho Plotline Thread

To start us rolling, we need to figure out where all the provinces truly lay. Some of these lines would be drawn by geography (following mountian ranges, rivers, etc.), some drawn arbitrarity and deliberately so to break up potentially troublesome populations into different provinces and the like. Some provinces would follow the lines of the older national lines, some not.

To help us with this:
Geographical Map with Older Nations in rough locations (courtesy of Rip)
A blank map to scribble on

One suggestion is as follows:
Current Province Draft

Once we have provinces laid out, we'll all be on the same page in referencing each of them - which should make it a lot easier to say "The people in place X are like this..." and have everyone else understand you.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Already 'known' locations (being pulled over from the old thread):

1) The southern continent being rather cold and inhospitable as many pole continents are - is not really a province. No one lives there. However, we do have a secretive Temple to the Nature Goddess there.

2) Also, the Province labled above as #0 is already defined as what used to be the center of the homeland of the Elven kingdoms - it is currently a nuetral territory unrepresented as a province and home to Harmony's Glory - the planetary seat of government, and headquarters to the Harmonium of Ortho, and more than a few mage and lawyer schools.

3) There's something simular to the Bermuda Triangle going on off the southern coast of Thera (that pennisula in the lower left hand corner) midway between there and Harmony's Glory. That area is the secret site of corpse dumping of the elven dead in a long ago genocide.

4) Pan Thera was overrun heavily with demons in the past - I forsee many tieflings in that area. (Oh! - tieflings with gills - underwater humans! Eye-wink ) Also, we had placed the orcs and the dwarves both on the central continent to start with, and the beholders on the mountians just above what used to be elven territory. I'm assuming like in many fantasy worlds - humans are all over the place.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I dunno if I want to jump feet first into a whole province, but I do have an idea for that distant island way off the southwest coast of #2. Details should be online within the next few days, and anyone who wants to elaborate in the meantime should feel free.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Province 13 looks like it would be a prime area for piracy. Lots of small islands, in what looks to be a good area for trade otherwise. I suspect lots of valuable goods (spices, and so on) grow or flow through there, and where there's lots of trade, you'll find either piracy, or privateering.

Luc "Sid Meier Fan" French

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

A few thoughts on just how much space and such we have for Ortho:

- The map is depicted at 1024 pixels in width and 469 pixels high. Assuming that Ortho's roughly the size of the Earth (24,900 mile circumference), a single pixel of territory covers about 24 miles on a side.
- Ortho is presumably a globe, not a flat surface - there's room for skew. This is an opportunity rather than a flaw - it allows a bit of fudging in distances and landmass areas, arguing that inherent limitations on topology is why the map looks so much different than verbal descriptions. It's probably a good idea for the moment to assume that Ortho's equator runs straight down the center of the map, though.
- The map's 1024 pixels wide, but only 469 pixels high - a gap of some 86 pixels on both top and bottom. This is basically extreme polar regions; the poles are some 1000-odd miles past anything that appears on the main map.
- Weather and climate bands may be useful things to doodle on a larger map. The northern and southern map edges, frex, are probably along about the 80-degree point - something to keep in mind when judging how places like provinces 6 and 10 work out. OTOH, large-scale magic or Universal Harmony can moderate things quite a bit (and probably did, for at least the elven homelands - that, or in they lived in a subarctic taiga...)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Looking at the map I can see two distinct spots of a major ocean current. The central area between 13 and 9. And somethign flowing on the underside of 2,1 over to 16. With those sort of flows - I figure the first one keeps those areas fairly warm. Much like the gulf stream keeps England fairly warm and the US. Also the inlet between 5 and 4 almost certainly has a Mediterranean Sea effect - warming that *entire* area considerably.

Clueless's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Thread Link: [url=/forum]/forum]
Another very good site - but what country would be good to place this one in?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

The Howler's Den
In the capitol of the Harmonium on Ortho there are pockets of resistance and chaos. The Howler's Den is a roving nightclub where chaotic individuals (or at least youthes wanting to rebel against their parents and society) can gather and have a good party. Currently the Den rotates between an old warehouse, an abandoned part of the city sewers, and a forgotten part of an underground temple to one of the gods that was outlawed.

Members of the den organize and recognize each other through making a hand-signal with their hand on their head and fingers up as "spikes" and barking like a dog to imitate a howler. Also signs and graffiti are used to disseminate information of the group's planned gatherings using pictures of a howler that look like a Dalmatian with horns (probably no one in the organization have seen an actual howler). Meetings generally occur once a week switching between sites, decided by a coin toss at the end of each meeting. For an organization dedicated to chaos there are bi-laws and a lot of organization. Most activities are harmless pranks and parties activities refered to as members "going howling" but every once and a while a member will go bad and start doing things that are more serious.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Assuming the inhospitable "arctic" regions are off the map, would the climate zones look something like this?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Or perhaps this would be more precise.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'eldersphinx' wrote:
- Weather and climate bands may be useful things to doodle on a larger map. The northern and southern map edges, frex, are probably along about the 80-degree point - something to keep in mind when judging how places like provinces 6 and 10 work out. OTOH, large-scale magic or Universal Harmony can moderate things quite a bit (and probably did, for at least the elven homelands - that, or in they lived in a subarctic taiga...)

I was actually assuming that the northern and southern edges were more like 60 or 70 degrees. What does everyone else think?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I clipped the original image just under it's icey capish area - so this is what I would consider the 'livable' areas of the world. Like how south canada is livable - and north canada is "Are you insane? I'm going south for the winter, ya'll."

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

*shrug* Climate zones are open to discussion, but if Ortho's roughly spherical and 1024 pixels around at the equator, then there's 512 pixels between the north pole and the south pole. We see 469 of those on the uncropped map. There's maybe about twenty pixels of distance between the top edge of the map and the north pole.

This doesn't mean that the edges of the map aren't cold-but-livable - Ortho could have more temperate climate bands all around due to a more active carbon cycle, or simply closer to its sun (though that last means the equator is super-hot and possibly nonlivable). But it's worth keeping in mind for mapping efforts and world design.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

*blink* You've put a heck of a lot more thought into it than I have I can say that. Eye-wink

But, as it stands I think we need to figure out if the rough outline of provinces I tossed out will serve for our needs, and determine the cultural tones for those provinces - or if it won't serve, redraw the lines and get some new ones in.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places


Personally, I think either 8 should be extended to contain the top part of 7. I don't really know why. Otherwise, it works for me.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Ortho Mountians: Probably somewhere near the Beholder territories...

(Yes, I got a new paint set for Xmas. Cool )

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I could deal with that - I really ought to overlay this map to the geological one actually and get a feel for the mountian ranges I'm sure I stampeded over.

As for cultures and societies - for some reason I've got lurking in the back of my head, an orc with a brititsh accent wearing waistcoat and a beholder with chinese-like character tattoos having an amiable conversation over tea.

How closely do we want to model any real world cultures? Or rather - what elements do we want to bring in?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Right. I like at least one region having a sort of Renaissance clothing style rather than the standard medieval peasantry. I'd put it at either 0 or 1 since as the seat of government, that region would probably be the richest and not rely on agriculture as much (Importing being the number one trade activity).

One of the provinces could have a caste system in place, possibly even a multispecies caste system. Thus if there is any intracultural strife it would be across caste lines and not racial lines. People would not self-identify as Humans or Orcs, they'd self-identify as Kelmen laborers, or Ruko bureaucrats.

A reptile-folk tribal level cultural system where amount of clothing is a sign of rank. The more clothes you wear the less labor capable you are, thus, the higher your rank is. Sets of eight tribes would band together to form Bands. Five Bands would form Hives. Etc.

What about psionics? The dromites would be a good race to have extent. Perhaps as ambassadors to the Formians. Perhaps they've moved into colony 0 from some other plane and acts as either mouthpieces of the formians or diplomats TO the formians.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Updated provinces:

Much clearer view of the provinces, a few lines have wandered about in observation of geography.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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I nominate Primus' words "Kelmen" and "Ruko" as official Orthoan place-names.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Laughing out loud I have more silly collections of Syllables if we need them.

I've also got a bit of Ortho-inspired art for uploading when I get back into Scanner range.

I had an idea for the Prehistory of the Beholders. A great Beholder War over the land as the Eye Tyrants spent the centuries trying to eradicate each other as Beholders are won't to do.And then the other abberratins came, up from the depths, up from the dark places beneath the world, and the Eye Tyrants found something worth overcoming their differences. At first they warred singlely, but as the great Aberration Lords and their Mind Flayer lieutenants marched up out of the darkness, the beholders found that they had to band together or be subjugated.

As a unified force the Beholders developed powerful enchantments, binding the arcane power of multiple beholders. They were a race chained together by common arcane might and blood and torn apart by madness and it took a greater madness from without to force them to reconnect the great bonds of the Beholder Nation.

Together they banded, pushing the mad lords back and destroying them utterly. It was the loss of the grell that rang the death knell of the Abberant Horde.

The grell were called from beyond the shadows and bound to the will of the Mad Lords by ancient compact. They worked hard, creating powerful arcanoalchemical items to aid the great war effort. It was a Beholder Mage by the name of Old Khan who, casting a spell of strange import, redirected the epic bindings of the grell, not dismissing them nor breaking them (an impossible feat) but redirecting them to transfer the leash from the hands of the Mad Lords and into the waiting jaws of the Beholder Nation. And with this defeat, the war was over. The mind flayers fled, the tsochar crumpled inwards.

And this is how the Beholder Nation of Keln'in saved the world of Ortho without the other races even knowing, and how the grell artificers came to be the servant class of the Eye Tyrants in the land of mountains and caverns where, until recently, no mortal would dare to tread..

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Hrm... I type really poorly when I'm just trying to get an idea in words. Shrug.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Trust me - I type worse. "Diety" for example. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Alright. I can do some specific stuff on Keln'in when we decide where it is. And is there a problem with a province based around the extents of the old Beholder Nation and primarily governed by beholders (plus advocates from the other races in the region)?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'eldersphinx' wrote:
I dunno if I want to jump feet first into a whole province, but I do have an idea for that distant island way off the southwest coast of #2. Details should be online within the next few days, and anyone who wants to elaborate in the meantime should feel free.

*bump* *pester* Cool

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I think we had figured that the beholders were still fairly xenophobic - though that makes them remarkably friendly for beholders. As one of the stronger races in the Empire too I would think they would deliberately insist on having their 'turf' in one province so to speak. Which would make #1 - beholderville.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Nod. I was currently figuring the Beholder social and political system like THIS:

The Beholders have, since the days of the Great Victory (Beholders do not speak of wars, only victories yet to come), had a democratic form of government. The original beholder legislature (as minimal as their population was after years of warring) consisted of all of the beholders in each "state" coming together to make decisions. Majority rules, everyone obeys the dictates of the full legislature. (I imagine this like the big scenes in the Star Wrs prequels before the Galactic Senate; but with Eye Tyrants instead of ETs).

Over time, with the stopping of their self-genocide, the beholders have been forced to modify their system. While each beholder feels that it is important that He be heard, logistical concerns of course bely this. Now, seperate beholder regions elect a representative and (only after giving him a lack of ears full of their opinions) send their representatives off to a Great Congress.

Let's say 100 Representatives and 1 Grand Mediator. Officially, the Mediator has no vote, unofficially, a strong Mediator can shape the policies of the Beholder Nation.

The current Mediator is known as the Benevolent Eye to mortals, but Illix to its friends. Illix is a kind soul with a kind tongue but a shrewd negotiator and orator. It is largely due to his guidance that the beholders have become a powerful force in the Harmonium rather than silent partners primarily concerned with their own problems. Diplomats and others who visit the Mediator expecting an uncouth beast are surprised to discover a well-spoken, polite, and inquisitive ceature with a love of games of strategy and logic puzzles.

The grell have no representation in official beholder government. According to ancient compact, the grell serve the beholders faithfully and, for the most part, are treated as respected servants by their masters. No grell can ever harm a beholder through action or inaction, and none owuld even think to do so. It is with the help of the grell that the beholders have created many of the strange magic items that they are known for around Ortho. In addition, grell fleshweavers have designed a number of "Beholder-kin" worker beasts, similarly bound into the mystical shackles.

(PLOT HOOK* - beholder mystics have determined that the grell contract is nearing its end and must find a way to renew or renegotiate it before they BEST CASE lose their labor force WORST CASE have a host of angry unbound grell to deal with.)

A typical Beholder Warren (their form of a "village") is a cavern complex carved into the summit of a mountain. Each one contains from 1 to 6 adult beholders and between 2 and 8 juvenile beholders who follow their singular parent until reaching full maturity. It also contains up to 50 grell who have their own dens in the topmost layers of the Warren. Increasingly, small settlements (Hamlet-sized) of mortals have begun arising above the primary entrances to some of the more tolerant beholder warrens, in a show of cooperation suggested by Illix himself.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

What alignment is Illix? He's sounding LN or even LG (now wouldn't *that* be a twist on things)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I imagine Illix being LG (LN-G at the furthest). I like him as a truly Nice character. True, he has agendas, but they aren't evil ones like many of the Octavo members think. I'm a little tired of good-seeming people being evil, let's flip it! (Not to say we can't have good-looking evildoers about, just not in Kiln'in.

However, the beholder representative to the rest of the Harmonium is an entirely different matter. Old Ghal (LE) is a warmongering old monster, notable for the two adamantine tusks he's had surgically attached to his own jaw by his grell servitors. He speaks with a strange speech impediment from the massive mauling implements, but even those who cannot properly hear his words know that he is suggesting the bloodiest and most straightforward plan possible to end any given situation.

He thinks Illix is a weak pansy while Illix finds Ghal a threat to the true cause of Harmony. Neither was particularly supportive of the election of the other.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I agree actually - there are bound to be a fairly sizable chunk of the populace that is truly kind and nice. On a basic level after all the Harmonium has succeeded in Ortho. In the better run provinces there is *actual* peace and harmony and even happiness - which while it doesn't prevent evil people from growing up, it makes it a lot harder for the whole place to be dominated by evil.

And I'm giggling my head off at the idea of a beholder who's actually *nice*. I get the image of this fellow welcoming you in, offering you beer or tea whichever you prefer, and "perhaps a game of scrabble after dinner?" Smiling Good twist.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

re: "better run provinces" I figure about a fourth are well run and progressive. Possibly showing higher levels of technology and governmental techniques. Half are probably about average medieval provinces - a mix of the good and the bad and all. And a last fourth are truly bad places to grow up in - places where obedience is taken to an extreme by an uncaring government. Not that I'm thinking of N. Korea or anything.

There's an even mix throughout these probably on how internally 'corrupt' things have gotten. Progressive does not nessecarily equal more 'good' than 'lawful'. Better run doesn't nessecarily equal free or nice to live in if you don't buy into the belief - think of the example of the Central Worlds from Serenity. Clean living, available education, health care and technology... but only on the government's terms. There's a certain element of the populace that is going to contentedly give up their freedoms just to live in peace and warmth - which is the core 'problem' with the Harmonium: "Make us your slaves, but feed us."

There's going to be some very different elements in Ortho society than in most societies. The nature of a class based society (peasantry, and levels of nobility etc) is broken down heavily in many areas simply by the existance of the Harmonium. Within the Harmonium one can advance *regardless* of being a serf by birth. Which turns many of the Harmonium posts into a meritocracy with a little bit of good old fashioned intrigue as you have to work up through the ranks.

Torin Dalemark's picture
Joined: 2005-12-08
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
The current Mediator is known as the Benevolent Eye to mortals, but Illix to its friends. Illix is a kind soul with a kind tongue but a shrewd negotiator and orator. It is largely due to his guidance that the beholders have become a powerful force in the Harmonium rather than silent partners primarily concerned with their own problems. Diplomats and others who visit the Mediator expecting an uncouth beast are surprised to discover a well-spoken, polite, and inquisitive ceature with a love of games of strategy and logic puzzles.
If I may suggest something (I just stumbled on this and had an idea). If you're not opposed to using beholder-kin, I would say he is more of a Spectator (Magic of Faerun pg 182).

"Spectators are smaller realatives of the beholder, often summoned to guard treasures. Their powers are less combat-oriented than those of beholders but better suited to their task, and they are capable of limited planar travel.


The spectator is not necessarily evil and may even be friendly to those who approach it in peace. Guarding its treasure always take priority, though, and a spectator does all in its power to fufill a mission. If somehow it is unable to prevent a treasure's theft, it departs for good (usually to another plane).

Spectators understand the beholder tongue and common but prefer to communicate telepathically."

Guarding a treasure for a long time can probably make someone well educated. Telepathy also helps for diplomacy. Also, they seem to have a protective nature which would explain his kindness, but sudden shrewdness when it comes to the nation it protects.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Eh. I'm wary of having a beholderkin in such a position. In my mind there is no reason a standard beholder can't be good-ish and intellectual and I find it hard to see the entirety of Beholderdom taking any sorts of advice from a mere beholderkin.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
'eldersphinx' wrote:
I dunno if I want to jump feet first into a whole province, but I do have an idea for that distant island way off the southwest coast of #2. Details should be online within the next few days, and anyone who wants to elaborate in the meantime should feel free.

*bump* *pester* Cool

Shows how many people actually track my sig, huh? Sticking out tongue

Material from here is copied and pasted below for reference. Also possibly of interest is the fluff-work here.

Hundreds of miles off the southern coast of the province of Iironda lies the bleak and desolate island of Blackhaven. A forbidding mass of rock and ice, isolated from the rest of the world by deepwater currents and perpetual ocean storms, Blackhaven is rarely visited by outsiders, but talked about in many tales nontheless.

Blackhaven is a long, narrow island - some three hundred miles from east to west, but barely a hundred miles across at its widest point. It's a place of rough, craggy basaltic rock, covered over by loose scrubgrass and bramble brush; the beasts native to this place are a motley assortment of seagulls, crows, rock rodents, and a few hardy goats left loose here by some long-forgotten group of colonists.

Still, even in such a forsaken place, the Harmonium presence exists. The harbor village of Eboncove nestles in a small bay on the island's northeastern shore, home to a few dozen fishermen, minor crafters and a single small governor's post. A trail leads uphill out of the village, winding along the crest of the island. At its far western edge, a bleak edifice known as the Citadel of Silence rises. Part defensive bastion, part holy site, part prison, this place is one of the more mysterious locations on all of Ortho.

The Citadel of Silence is a huge place - seemingly sized for small giants, with doorways and halls a full twelve feet high and a central keep that rises ten outsized stories into the air. The uppermost windows look out over perpetually storm-grey waters, so high up that even the smallest edge of land below is not visible, and seemingly upon the edge of another world altogether. The citadel is claimed by the Harmonium, and garrisoned by a small but highly-trained company of soldiers and priests, but well over three-fourths of the massive structure lies unused and untouched, empty and smelling faintly of long-past decay.

Four types of people come to Blackhaven, taking port in Eboncove and setting out on the longwalk across wind-blasted hills and ridgelines to reach the strange Citadel at what seems to be the edge of the world. The first are the penitent - those who feel doubt within their hearts, and have chosen to seclude themselves from the world for a time while regaining their faith in absolute Law. The privacy and sweeping emptiness offeered by the Citadel is said to be quite comforting to those unsure in their devotion; whether other, more drastic measures are taken behind closed doors is a thought that no loyal citizen of Ortho would dare voice.

The second are the loyal - those few sworn to defend the Citadel from whatever might come against it. If any enemy exists, it has never shown itself, or done so only so subtly that those resident have never realized. The loyal also guard the repentant, the third sort of visitor - those who have committed a crime and must be shown the error of their ways. Such residents receive much the same treatment as the penitent, though they are watched at all times as a precaution against violence, escape or suicide - and while most are redeemed, a few leave the Citadel only in death.

The last kind of visitor is the watchful - those who wonder why the Citadel exists, who built it and what threats might appear from nearby or within. Though the Harmonium itself would never admit that the Citadel had been built by another, most who have seen it privately are certain that such is the case - and wonder who constructed such an edifice, and why. A person investigating such concerns must be on excellent terms with high Harmonium officers in order to receive permission to visit Blackhaven, but a few still manage. From these visits, a few confused whispers have leaked out about such things as ancient necromancies, dead gods of the giants, dreams of elder dragons, and traces of Shadow or the ether that lurk in the corners of the Citadel. No conclusive report has ever been revealed, however, and if the Harmonium is at all concerned about possible dangers they are responding with the utmost care and secrecy.

Most of the people of Ortho live out their entire lives without ever even hearing the name of Blackhaven. Only a few have reason to come here, and those in power consider it a place of little consequence. Whether such a casual dismissal of such a remote and unknown place is a good idea is yet to be determined.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Pan Thera

My proposed addition to the history of Ortho:

Begin quote from "A Brief Summary of The Fraternity of Order's Guide to the History of Ortho":

"The Confederacy of Pan Theara[1] is especially interesting from a sociological perspective. The region is surprisingly heavily populated by Tieflings, due to the nature of the fall of the Thearan Empire, and was, before the Harmonium, a center of piracy, which still has influences on the government of the region...

"The many spices that grow in the region, being very valuable, are prime targets for piracy; trade between Theara proper and either Iathra or Motmurk also had to go through the region, also encouraging piracy. Kingdoms that serviced, or were run by, Pirates (known as the Pirate Kingdoms) were to be found throughout the region, and the successor states of the old Pirate Kingdoms are among the members of the Confederacy.

"The Confederacy actually dates back to before the founding of the Harmonium, interestingly. The great Pirate King Renaldo Zee (a figure with a surprisingly positive reputation among Harmonium historians[2]) sought a pact to stabilize the region (intermittent warfare having been the state of affairs since the fall of the Thearan Empire some six hundred years before, preventing both legitimate and illegitimate business from flourishing). The treaty that was eventually agreed to, while flawed in that it contained many concessions to the Pirate Kingdoms, was a surprisingly stabilizing document, in that it kept piracy and other conflict on the waters of the Thearan Ocean to what were considered "acceptable" levels.

"Among the provisions the treaty called for was a Court of the Seas, to arbitrate matters that might otherwise lead to war, and to agree to punishment for those Kingdoms that went outside the "Code of the Seas". Around this court evolved a system of agreements that eventually lead to the founding of a confederation for mutual protection.

"Note that during the High Age of the Confederacy, while piracy and open warfare between members of the Confederacy was not as common as it was in former times, Pan Theara remained a very dangerous place for an outsider, and piracy and limited warfare were frequent occurrences.

"When the Harmonium gained control of the region, they chose to maintain a suitably modified version of the Confederation as the regional government..."

[1] "Also known as the Empire of Pan Theara, both because it was a part of the Thearan Empire before said Empire's collapse, and because many of the languages of Ortho historically had no word for Confederation."
[2] "Yes, he was a killer and a thief, but he wanted to create an order that benefited everyone, and he created something of benefit to everybody that lasted (if in a different form) until today" is the reasoning behind the way most Harmonium historians view him. He's talked of as someone who was fundamentally misguided, but still closer to the right track than almost anybody else at that point in time.

How's that?

Luc "Spot the hidden injoke" French

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'eldersphinx' wrote:
Shows how many people actually track my sig, huh? Sticking out tongue

Sig? Wait - you have a Live Journal?! *adds to friends list!* Smiling

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Nod, chuckle.

Other beholder stuff I've been coming up with:

Beholders reproduce asexually (I'm using the LoM biology for the 'holders and not the 'Eye Tyrant' one) creating clones identical to themselves save for random genetic mutation (which is surprisinly high in beholder populations - possibly an adaptation to help fight the weaknesses inherent in parthenogenesis). In any case, there are a number (I'm saying 27) different beholder clans each with slightly different in terms of carapace shape, color, eye stalk length, etc. These clans stem from the genetic bottleneck caused by the decimations of the Great Victory.

The beholder capital of Coldash is located inside an extinct volcano. A caldera lake sits in the long dead mouth of the volcano and a large gleaming city of humans, dwarves, and gnomes has built itself up around the lip of the lake. Beneath this city lies the true city center of the beholder nation.

Sites in Coldash
- The Great Council
A massive cavern capable of holding thousands of beholders, this is the main legilative chamber for all beholderdom.
- The Library of Xuuni
One of the great knowledge repositories of Ortho, the library of Xunni is a massive cavern complex containing books penned by the great minds of the world (it is said that there are even some books written by the grell in its shelves, though these tomes remain competely incrompehensible). But those who visit the libary must be wary. for it is built for beholders and it is only through magical levitation or other such means that mortals can traverse its shelves. In addition, Xunni still roams the halls, safeguarding his tomes against those who would defile them... an amazing feat since the great sage died fourteen hundred years ago. Its the only library on Ortho where the penalty for a late return is being haunted by a spectral beholder.

Grell Feeding Habits

The grell are known on other worlds as "The Eaters" and the grell of Ortho are no different. Because of their domination, no grell would think to eat a beholder or beholderkin, but al other creatures are fair game. Recently the Great Congress voted to declare humanoids off of the menu of their grell servants (without provocation). While most beholders follow the will of the Congress (and the grell follow the will of the ebholders unquestioningly), some isolated warrens have been slow to implement this change -- mostly due to being complete bastards.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Flame of Iathra

The flame of the North, the demon fire, our father, lord, god, and master. We turn to you now before the face of your enemies from the West. Bless us so we may burn them from your new claimed lands.

- Opening hymn of the evocation to battle, Iatharian elite troups

At the height of it's power the Iatharian Empire ruled nearly an entire continent of Ortho. The earth hissed under the firetraced feet of demons, and the land trembled on the verge of joining to the planar realms of the Demon King. The fields were parched, and newly conquered lands were covered in deliberately set wildfires by the invading army announcing the claim of the Abyssal Lord Alzrius.

What mortals remained in command after the conquering of lands were the harshest of those who lived there before, murders, assassins, criminals and above all others arsonists. The fire elite were bonded to their demonic flames, controlling it in battle as others would control dogs or beasts of war. Troops would set themselves ablaze and leap into battle to savagely kill all they could before they were extinguished. The weak and the useful but otherwise defenseless, toiled in ashy fields forcing the dirt to give forth enough fuel for the mortal troops.

Iathra was the beachhead for Alzrius's attempt to draw the sphere of Ortho into the Abyss - to join it with his own layer. The slaves and serfs who survived under the weight of his troops would come to bless the paladin and his coalition of armies that forced the Fire Eaters from their lands and freed them from the demon god. Even now, the earth recovers slowly from the abuse, though those who live in this harsh land are some of the staunchest supporters of the Harmonium.

More troops were volunteered for the War of Iron from the provinces that used to be called Iathra than from any other province in the Empire, for the people who lived there knew in full what others do not of the horrors of the Abyss. Alzrius has seemingly withdrawn his hand from the sphere, tending to other playthings as he was thrown back - but five hundred years is a blink of an eye to an immortal such as he and there are many in these provinces who expect the demon to take another shot. When he does, they are ready with ice and iron.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Where Iathra in the North was the beachhead of a demon lord, Thaera in the south was little better in the eyes of the Harmonium. The Lords of Chaos, unwilling to see their worshippers or their lands slide into the Abyss were mounting their own unorganized defenses against the Flame - trying to shore up the weakening defenses of the sphere. They provided, in ignorance of the fate soon to befall them, the anvil to the hammer of the Harmonium and the influence of Alzrius was driven out.

However, in the eyes of the Knights of Harmony, they were Chaos worshippers all, and just as perverted and twisted as their mutual enemy had been. The Chaos worshippers, with their pirates and their enhanced troops, may have made a good defense against the Flame of the North. They may have been a lesser evil, but they were still an evil nonetheless and not to be tolerated. In fact, the Harmonium claimed, in many an area the people willingly breed with those of chaotic blood in the persuit of their perverted cult of worship. (Demons opposing Alzrius on the one hand, eladrin on the other. Slaadi don't exactly 'breed'.) That these made for troops able to withstand the assaults of Iathrian Fire Eaters, which held the forces of Alzrius at bay was something less advertised to the average Hardhead. Thaera hadn't defended itself from one conquer just to be conquered by another and the Harmonium knew what had to be done.

The people of Thaera were assaulted shortly after the Iathrian Empire. They were brought into the beliefs of the Harmonium with a slow reluctance. The lands were claimed fairly quickly, becoming a military strongpoint, but it was the conversion of the isles that took the longest, in part because the blood of the people themselves was strongly tainted, and in part because of a steady resentment of their treatment at the hands of once allies. Teiflings in particular had a hard time of it, especially from any commanders the Hardheads had gathered from the survivors of Iathra. Many tieflings though can still be found in any of the four provinces that used to be Thaera. The provinces were divided as such to encourage the peoples to contest amongst themselves instead of allying together.

Nowadays the four provinces still show traces of their origin - all four show a higher percentage of plane touched bloodlines. The isles, what was calle the Empire as opposed to Thaera proper, in particular show tieflings that have adaptations for underwater living, gills, fins, webbed hands and feet.

The isles are known to have the greatest free divers in the world - often plummeting to depths that would require magic for any other being to survive. It is of particular note that Thaeran divers will refuse to dive near the Fogs off the West side of their isle - not that that area isn't off limits anyways due to standing orders from the Harmonium citing strong tides and dangerously active steam vents.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho Temples

The Temple is responsible for caring for the souls of the citizenry. The temples are organized to work together coexisting within the provinces of Ortho. One temple or another may have a greater power within each province, but overall, and by law, each religion is considered equal. This includes even those that originate from the colonies.

The primary deities of Ortho are the Lords of Order. The eight Lords are native to Ortho and are the primary temples throughout the entire world. The Lords of Law represent various aspects of law, order, and harmony. They have existed in Ortho since before the Knights of Harmony came to power in Ortho. Once, the Harmonium came to power, they restructured them, changing them to better suit the changing society of Harmony. The god of war was turned into a god of discipline as war was no longer necessary. The god of learning was turned into a god of clerks to reflect the sharp increase in structure within the realm of the scholars. The god of martyrs and healing turned into a god of peace and harmony – for without war, there were no martyrs. Each of the deities underwent some form of modifications major or minor to better suit the needs of the new world order.

The Conclave of Order

The temples of Ortho do have a formal way to decide on inter-temple conflicts and other religious matters. This Conclave of Order is routinely called once every twenty years to discuss the direction of the temples and make any long term decisions requiring input from all of the temples. Each temple that holds membership in the Ortho pantheon sends three representatives to participate in the voting and debate at the Conclave. Only rarely will the head of a temple attend such a meeting. Each of the Lords of Order of Ortho itself may also send an additional three representatives to reflect the prior establishment of those powers and their specific experience with the souls of Ortho.

The Conclave may also be called for special sessions; usually those sessions are called to vote on the membership of a new Power to the Ortho pantheon since that particular matter can rarely wait for the next Conclave.

Planar deities

Planar deities have been added to the official pantheon as the colonies brought exposure to the new deities. The Lords of Law have welcomed these newcomers to the world, so long as they reflect the ideals of the Way of Harmony. New deities are subjected to an extensive ethical review in the schools of Ethics found throughout the world. If they meet the approval of this review, then they will receive a recommendation to the State and be added to the State approved religions list. Once a new deity has been recommended, the current temples may also issue their approval of the newcomer, opening up the world to the new Power and inviting them to join the pantheon. Such changes to the pantheon may only come after a conclave approves the recommendation with a ¾ majority.

Planar gods commonly worshipped on Ortho include, St. Cuthbert, Torm, Koriel, Paladine, Chung Kuel, K'ung Fu-tzu, Shang-ti. Other lawful deities have managed to get small footholds within the colonies are on the approved list, but have not yet indicated an interest in joining the pantheon.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Province of Iironda - Overview

Here's some work I put together on a big-picture view of one of Ortho's provinces - Iironda, #2 on the big map. Opinions and responses are welcome - this idea just seemed to leap out at me. Any thoughts on how well this meshes with what people are thinking of for neighboring regions?

The province of Iironda is a spacious land, stretching along the western coastline of the largest continent of Ortho. Running nearly a full four thousand miles from north to south and nearly a third of that distance from the western shore to the province's eastern borders, Iironda is one of the ancient centers of civilization on Ortho and a valued bastion of the Harmonium.

Though Iironda itself is all one province, the land has two very different parts - the mountains and the sea. The latter consists of Iironda's fertile coast, which possesses many small rivers and good natural harbors, and is good land for both agriculture and the growth of cities, manufacturing and maritime trade. Tens of millions live in the towns and cities strung along Iironda's coast, and the region is a center of crafting and scholarship for the Harmonium in Ortho.

The region isn't perfect, of course. Any land so widespread is bound to be a melting pot of many cultures, each with its own quirks, dislikes and old grievances. Warfare on the seas has been a part of Iironda's past almost as long as sea travel itself, and ancient rivalries sometimes break out into economic disputes, legal squabbles or even outright bloodshed on occasion. Harmonium troubleshooters react as quickly as possible to smooth over such confrontations, but they can't be everywhere - and are known to quietly look with favor on independents who act decisively to preserve peace and order in the region. Of course, luckless meddlers who make matters worse with their blundering can expect no mercy whatsoever...

While the coastal areas may be prosperous, the vast majority of Iironda is different. Starting some two hundred miles inland, the flat alluvial plans begin to break sharply upwards, creating a vast range of rugged mountains and badlands that are ruled over only lightly, if at all. Though not especially steep or treacherous, these inland mountains are so rocky, sparse of vegetation and inhospitable to life as to be virtually uninhabited by civilized humans. This great sweep of interior wilderness is only lightly ruled over by the provincial government of Iironda, and is a source of great concern to the Harmonium.

Most inhabitants of the inland mountains are savages - barbarians who care nothing for the prosperity offered by Ortho's rightful rulers, outlaws and fugitives from the Harmonium's justice, and creatures such as gnolls and grimlocks who are irredeemably lost to chaos. Such inhabitants would be mere nuisances were it not for the lingering fear that escaped faeborn or demonic infiltrators might choose one day to raise an unholy host, troubling all of Iironda and possibly the lands beyond.

While no such danger has ever come to pass, the leaders of the Harmonium are ever watchful. Many rangers and wilderness scouts continually patrol the crags and highland valleys, quashing any sign of resistance before it has a chance to threaten the citizens of Iironda. Infrequent military expeditions sweep inwards, launching punitive strikes against any sign of chaotic taint and putting unbelievers to the sword. Such measures suppress dissent, but cannot stop it entirely, and the Harmonium has recently begun work to settle many dwarven clans in selected areas beneath the mountains. Such a work is slow, but likely to succeed, and within a millenium the inner reaches of Iironda may be as lawfully aligned and prosperous as the cities of its coast.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Iironda is also the province home to Han - *the* largest trade city-port in Ortho. Most of the worlds spice, silk, perfume, fine oils, and exotic goods flow through this city. A center of learning, merchant trade, and intellectualism - it's also been described as a cesspool of intrigue. While the city makes a point of following the law - family connections and money can get you ahead in surprising ways in the city. The School of Ethics here, while one of the finest places to learn ethics and laws, is likely one of the most corrupt schools on the planet. Neoptism and membership in secret fraternities on campus can be almost assumed. One of the most progressive areas - Han and the seaboard coast of Iironda have many examples of higher technology.

The advancements and comparative advanced culture does lead to a certain degree of snobbery with the Han elite - and a tendancy to look on the mission to spread the way of harmony as a kindness to the cultures uplifted from their previously degrading lives. (Aka much like the central worlds from Serenity.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'eldersphinx' wrote:
Such measures suppress dissent, but cannot stop it entirely, and the Harmonium has recently begun work to settle many dwarven clans in selected areas beneath the mountains. Such a work is slow, but likely to succeed, and within a millenium the inner reaches of Iironda may be as lawfully aligned and prosperous as the cities of its coast.

Isn't that right next door to the beholders? Ohhhh that must have caused a fuss. I like. Smiling It all fits in quite well I think.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Glad to hear you're down with Iironda, Clueless. And yeah, moving dwarves into the mountains may have raised a fuss, but given that the likely alternative is orcs... Eye-wink

Anyway, a quick catalogue of what we have to go on with:

0: Harmony's Glory, model territory, center of government and unmarked graveyard for most of the elven race.
1: As-yet-unnamed province run by the beholders.
2: Iironda, as detailed above.
3-7: Nothing yet. 6 may be a good place for the major dwarven homeland - isolated from any common borders with the orcs or beholders.
8: Motmurk, ruled by the Orcs since before the birth of the Harmonium.
9-10: Also nothing yet.
11: Iathra, once a proud nation, more recently liberated from rule by an Abyssal Lord.
12: Formerly Heka and Voll, as well as other northern territories - maybe these two kingdoms were ancient rivals, and their squabble with one another made them an easy Harmonium takeover target?
13-16: Formerly the Empire of Pan Thaera, a nation celebrating chaos in all its forms - the Harmonium's probably fostered some very, ahem, assertive cultural outreach here to make the provinces distinctly separate, as well as productive and law-abiding.
17: The southern polar ice-continent, mostly uninhabited.

Plenty of stuff still to fit into place...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Here's my on going list actually - looks like we match up pretty closely. I'm getting the thread input sorted out into some good summary articles over the break.

0 : Harmony's Glory, capital
1: Flamedance Mountians, Keln'in
2 : Iironda
3 : North of Beholder Mts, trades with Thaera
4 : Peninsula off of Iironda, to the north on the equator
5 : North of #4, also peninsular
6 : Northern land, traded with Heka
7 : Northern land, beside the orcs
8 : Motmurk
Motmurk is the home of the orcs.

9 : South of the orcs, dwarven lands
Three-Rivers in the central continent is a biggest city in that land.

10 : Small, northern lands north of Iathra
11 : Iathra
12 : Voll and Heka
13 : The Isles, Pan Thaera
14 : North Thaera
15 : Central Thaera
To the west of this is the Fogs, a deep sea trench containing Much of the elven dead - aka the Bermuda Triangle of Ortho

16 : South Thaera
17 : Uninhabited polar land

I have an idea of a lycanthrope dominated society up in the most northern of the cold northern regions. Who spend much of the time during the long night (When the sun doesn't rise for a few months), in their were forms roaming and hunting - the best way to survive the cold. I had been thinking #7 or #10 would be best for that, though I've not really defined anything more specific than that.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'eldersphinx' wrote:
12: Formerly Heka and Voll, as well as other northern territories - maybe these two kingdoms were ancient rivals, and their squabble with one another made them an easy Harmonium takeover target?
Voll and Haka had a little bit of trading but Voll in particular was the origin of the Harmonium. One of the founding members of our intrpid little faction came from there - the paladin leader. I've been assumign that Voll and Heka allied againsts Iathra at the start of the conquests...

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
I have an idea of a lycanthrope dominated society up in the most northern of the cold northern regions. Who spend much of the time during the long night (When the sun doesn't rise for a few months), in their were forms roaming and hunting - the best way to survive the cold. I had been thinking #7 or #10 would be best for that, though I've not really defined anything more specific than that.
I'd been thinking about lycanthropes myself, in a more antagonistic role that caused a human culture to learn the forging of silver weapons in order to deal with the threat. Put your idea in #10 and the borderers of Iathra have a perfect reason to become good silversmiths - which becomes an added bonus for our Abyssal Lord to invade, improved anti-baatezu weaponry.

Other stuff that might be an interesting fit -
- A second orcish culture, more indrawn, mystical and xenophobic than the Tyrants of Motmurk - potentially very strong in arcane magic. These guys probably wouldn't rule an entire province, but might hold part of one. It'd make an interesting spin on the stereotypes.
- A nation of horsemen, its children born in the saddle - valued by the Harmonium of Ortho for the overland messengers and armored knights it provides, an opponent of the present planar Harmonium since so many weird things on the planes -eat- horses without a second thought. This may very well be in Voll, or one of the Iathran provinces.
- An arcane culture (possibly in one of the Thaeran provinces) that specializes in building and architecture, especially floating castles. First-time visitors often wonder why that small island with wizard's tower wasn't marked on any maps of the coast - until they realize the island's pacing them...
- A desert where the influence of elemental Fire is strong - inhabited by fire genasi, lawfully-inclined magmin and flame mephits and home to the best smiths outside the dwarven mountains. Efreet and azer visit regularly to trade and discuss business, but the area is watched constantly for fear of chaotic infiltrators.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beholder Statblocks

Hey Primus? When you get a chance?

I could use some stat blocks for Illix and Old Ghal.

I added a small note to Illix that he trained in Harmony's Glory in one of the Schools of Ethics (aka - law school) as that hint of cosmopolitan education just really seemed to fit for him.

Also - if you happen to have some stats in mind for beholder PCs - also very useful. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

FirstL WHat do you mean you added? Is there like some sort of document I'm not aware of?

Second: Sure, I'll stat them up. Should they have class levels or no class levels? I was probably going to have Illix with no class levels, just a high Cha and maybe give Old Ghal a few barbarian levels.

Third: Beholder PCs? Ew... that's kind of a toughy. Really, of all monsters, beholders prove most of all that some things really aren't playable. Even with the Savage Species system - at what level does FInger of Death at will become balanced? How about a permanent antimagic cone? I'll have to think on it... I'd say try to modify the Gauth but in my current conceptions Gauths are the mad degenerate beholder clan who act like ravening monsters through out the Flamedance region.

Clueless's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Yep - we're pulling all of these together into an actual PDF release for Planewalker.

I linked to it on this thread earlier: /forum]

But a direct link to the last PDF I generated out of my Word doc can be found: [url=/ortho/Ortho.pdf]/ortho/Ortho.pdf

I really need to generate a new one soon here - we're up to 39 pages.

What I'm doing as I edit this stuff together is mostly making sure that the writing flows smoothly from one section to the next. Most of that is just fixing up wierd grammar. Where there's a really obvious hole, or something that just seems to 'fit' really well I'll add it in.

Re: Our beholder leaders. Perhaps a handful of levels for the two of them really - there's a reason they're in that position and no one else is, but they don't need anything excessive.

I know what you mean with beholder PCs and I've got a section I plan to write up under the DM notes regarding how *hard* they can be to deal with, and the troubles involved in doing so. But I honestly think not providing stats for them would be a flaw in the work. Players are silly that way and will try to play them if we put it in or not. Sort of like how White Wolf's previous product line had never been designed to be played together - though any player could have told you that of *course* there would be a lot of groups wanting to play a Vampire/WereWolf/Mage/Changling game.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Hey, eldersphinx :

Iironda's prvincial government?

How do you think that plays out? I don't see them playing the nobility card but I can defaintely see merchant houses maybe? Where your household holdings have to meet a certain value in land, or other assets, before you are considered to have enough of a stake in the area to vote on your Council reps? Any idea on how that would realistically play out?

As a note from the previous thread from Rip:

The ancient empire ruled by Han (kind of a Byzantine/Ottoman/Chinese style deal) embraced the war against the elves and found the Harmonium ideals easily adaptable to its bureaucratic religion and often obscure philosophical notions, and much of their culture became incorporated into elements of the Harmonium creed today.

*headscratch* Ok... how do we fit these ideas together. An extremely formal people perhaps, where so much as the color of the fan you choose to bring to a play is a telling sign in the internal politics of the area?

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