Ortho: Map Poll

I'd like to hear from some of you folks regarding a new project I've got in mind. That is to detail the ins and outs of Ortho - the Prime World that is the origin of the Harmonium. (Yes, they came from the Prime - stick that in your craw Cirily. )
Now, there's scant little that I've been able to find on Darks regarding this place - other than that the world is on the surface peacefull subjugated by the Harmonium. There are no elves, halflings or fey (those oh so chaotic individualistic sorts) - or at least there aren't any anymore.
Does anyone have a list of the resources already available on this Prime in the main books?
And does anyone have an opinion regarding the above generated maps?
If you're still working on the map, I might suggest a little free-ware program called Autorealm. It's a neat little program with great fractaling, check it out at:
Shouldn't a map of a world called Ortho have a lot more right angles on it? I would have thought that the powers of Ortho would have terraformed at least some of it according to their linear designs.
While lawful in philosophy they're not modrons, and are far too mixed with aspects of good, evil, and neutral from less 'conforming' members of society... so I didn't feel it would be appropriate to make them want to make those sort of changes purely for aesthetic reasons like that.
They *have* however blown perfectly straight roads through mountain ranges/over towns/bridges regardless of where the land says they should go - in the interests of speedy trade (and speedy military travel). Very Roman road style in that respect.
And Harmonium trained architects heavily zone their cities and tend to favor grids save for locations where an alternate design is more fitting (there's really no reason any other polygon shape isn't just as deserving of favor ) ... regardless of the layout, cities are very much*designed* things with a plan from the get go...
So I suppose in a way their terra-forming shows up more in the course of urban and infrastructure design?
I suspect if they needed to divert a river they would - hmm... might be something to play up in one of the provinces... some of the ecological impact of such actions and if the local Harmonium are learning from it or not as the case may be. The Harmonium aren't stupid after all - so some of their researchers may have the documentary evidence in favor of doing the wise thing when it comes to certain projects.... definately something to think on.

I thought there was already some serious environmental fallout in one of the provinces - salinity if i remember correctly and the zone was spreading.
Not to say there can't be multiple problems in various places around the planet, I mean it's a big place and it's not like Earth doesn't have a slew of problems all over the place.
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
That's a good explanation. I don't know much about Ortho, but I thought since it's all about the Harmonium, the expression of utmost law and order, and the culmination of the Harmonium's work on a prime material plane, that it would look a little more structured. Doesn't the Harmonium also believe in making nature submit to human law? Of course they wouldn't be stupid about it, but if they have had enough time (and I don't know the timeline) they probably would have tried to straighten out rivers, blockify shorelines (to make better ports), create cities on plains in a grid pattern, and similar stuff.
Rough coastlines tend to be better than straight lined ones actually - rougher lines provide more ports. But... beyond that - in the case of Ortho, you gotta remember - it's not just some prime that the Harmonium took over - it's their home. They have millennia of history here, it's home and history and tradition.
The work on Ortho - at least the approach we took on it, was much more from the point of view of the Prime, taking a more rational/human point of view of such things. They'll make environmental changes where it's logical to do so, and worth the cost as opposed to spending the money and resources elsewhere off world for other projects. They've got a budget.
(There's a lot of threads on this - if you wanna poke round at em.)
hurrah for the chosen map!
Just for reference, I love having lots of islands. I have this image of Harmonium traders sailing out with rose-coloured sails, to bring unity through peace, diplomac, and trade (hey, they can't all be soldiers at home right?)
There's also enough major continental seperations to allow distinct cultural stock and (originally) very different civilisations to have sprung up, each now contributing somthing to the modern makeup of the world.
And on a less sophisticated level, I also love the curving continent in the SW - "Aye sir, we've sailed as far Sou'west as the Last Scimitar, bleedin' edge of the world!" etc etc...
I am much impressed
Hunh. It does look like a sword of some kind; scimitar or cutlass.
Anyhow, I get your point about them being humans on a budget, not robots. I'll read some more about the project before commenting further.
I'm a little leery of using the exact maps for elevation. For one to my eye it just doesnt' seem as natrually formed enough. For another I don't think the harmonium would have such detailed maps. And finally I don't really think we need that detail. For now just placing the major mountain ranges is enough to my mind.