ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

One of the only things mentioned for sure in the canon materials about the Harmonium (on the Prime) is that its vast. Its also (generally) expansionist and unlikely to settle for 'just' one entire world and eight colony worlds, as detailed in the Ortho project PDF.

In my opinion there are likely to be many places where the Harmonium has a toehold on a world but is far from dominating it politically, everywhere from a few outposts and bands of missionaries to whole kingdoms and alliances of nations that have joined the cause and are fighting to unify their world as Romhel did. These would be the real frontiers of the Orthorian Central Authority, both civilised and barbaric, with plenty opportunities for Harmonium adventures, from taming teh wilderness to diplomacy to crusades.

To quote Chiwetel Ejiofor: "we're building a better world. All of them. Better worlds."

I think that it wouldn't go amiss to have a paragraph or two on some sample worlds the Harmonium is interested in but certainly hasn't conquered, and that includes the old published settings and any homebrewed worlds that their authors would like to contribute.

So, where would (if any?) the Harmonium have outposts on:

Faerun (I could see them having contact with the Land of Fate/Dragon Emperors of Kara-Tur rather than the usual areas)
Anywhere else we can think of or make up....

Anybody feel like throwing some words in here please do so!
(I will, as soon as I have a chance)

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

I think we should remember that this isn't a Harmonium supplement and the 'be-end-all' of the Union. This seems like we're going more than slightly beyond what we have.

Also, while the Harmonium is vast. I think we should also keep some limits to it.

This is stuff for the Planar Harmonium to handle. It's still an Ortho based group, not the Galactic Empire.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

'Charles Phipps' wrote:
I think we should remember that this isn't a Harmonium supplement

I think it is, actually. The primary focus is on Ortho proper but there is a lot on the Harmonium and Ortho's otherworldly colonies in the PDF.

That said, I'd rather concentrate on unique areas rather than on official campaign worlds. I'm sure Harmonium members end up in the other game worlds occasionally (Oerth, with its worshippers of St. Cuthbert, is particularly ripe for cooperation), stepping on the toes of other game settings strikes me as slightly cheesy. It can be done, carefully (a low-level Zhent officer on Toril or Knight of the Watch on Oerth is trying to steer the organization to the Harmonium's ideals), but I'd recommend caution. There's a whole infinite Material Plane out there, so there's no reason to step in someone else's bathwater.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

Yeah, I always hated the way we have an infinite Prime in D&D and yet things always come back to the same few campaign settings. I'd steer clear of the different settings for different reasons.

Oerth has the kind of structure that the harmonium love, all those little kingdoms, fighting each other. All they'd have to do is unite a few under their banner and use them to conquer the rest of them. If they were to do that though, we wouldn't have a Greyhawk setting anymore (of course, given WotC's current level of regard for the setting, we likely won't have one anyway), so we can't have that. Plus "Ortho" and "Oerth" kind of sound the same, it could get confusing. It's probably best if we figure that the Harmonium just doesn't care about Oerth right now and not mention them at all.

Toril is in much the same boat as Oerth but has the added drawback of being so heavily ret conned that it's not even in the same universe anymore. If we include Toril, we have to also explain why it isn't in the stupid tree cosmology, why the Weave and Shadow Weave don't extend to Ortho, and so on. That may be worth doing for a setting like Planescape that has its whole history intertwined with FR, but Ortho is a new setting and a perfect chance to cut away from the ever expanding mess that is FR canon.

Athas and Krynn, great as they are, are both too obscure now to just mention off hand. Athas in particular would just pass right by people. Most D&D players these days don't know enough about either setting to be able to do anything with it. We'd either have to put up lengthy summaries just to get people to be able to use them or brief mentions that would be meaningless to most players. Neither options are what I'd consider to be optimal.

Eberron is, of course, right out, as it is set in an entirely different universe, and getting it to fit in the Great Wheel is the sort of wrangling even the PSCS didn't try.

That leaves Spelljammer and Planescape, both of which have already been incorporated (although we could do more with SJ), so, uh, go us, I guess.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

I'd like to suggest this sidebar.

Why doesn't the Harmonium exist in X setting?

The Harmonium and the OCA wish to, effectively, conquer the whole of the Multiverse. However, unlike the invasion of the Abyss, the Harmonium has a better grasp on the fact that this is a goal that is better reached in the nebulous future. With an infinite Prime Material Plane before them, the Harmonium has their work cut out for them. In fact, despite the fact they've conquered several worlds already, they're but a drop in the bucket of the entire cosmos.

This doesn't mean that the Harmonium doesn't, eventually, intend get around to conquering the other campaign settings of the Dungeons and Dragons worlds. It just means that there's a potentially infinite number of worlds out there that they have the potential to go about dominating before they reach. Taking over a planet is risky business, even for the Harmonium, and they're already busy trying to recover a lost Layer of Arcadia. While the Harmonium is huge, they're not so foolhardy as to commit to any act of conquest without significant forethought.

That doesn't mean your Dungeon Master might not want to incorporate the Harmonium into their campaigns, however.

The following are optional notes for the existing campaign settings of Dungeons and Dragons. In canon Planescape, it is our decision that the Harmonium may have spies on all of them and information but are making no significant moves towards taking them over. That might change but this is their overall opinion on them thus far.

Athas (Dark Sun)

The planet Athas wouldn't take much effort from the Harmonium to take over. Most of their Sorcerer Kings were recently killed along with their massively powerful Dragon Overlord. Unfortunately, the Harmonium also recognizes that taking over the planet wouldn't really be worth even that minimal effort. Reports have described Athas as a magically blasted wasteland, a place where halflings are cannibals, elves are thieves, most of the populous is slaves, and there are no gods. While some Harmonium scouts have insisted this is only the more reason to invade, the OCA prefers to work with some infrastructure already in place.

The current policy is to wait and see if the situation is improves before working to ally with them.

Demiplane of Dread (Ravenloft)

The Harmonium has no knowledge of Ravenloft, since none of their operatives have visited it and returned. If they were to discover it, they'd be horrified at a land that was overrun with unholy monsters that were empowered by the land itself. They would likely underestimate the power of the Dark Powers and attempt to mount an invasion against what they'd perceive as a fairly small world. It would likely end very badly but could well result in a large amount of monsters being destroyed.

Eberron (Eberron)

The Harmonium has only recently discovered Eberron and is actually quite interested in making contact with its leaders. The Harmonium employs a similar level of magic and science to the planet, it has a relatively small number of powerful nations, and its leaders are ambitious for uniting the whole of their continents into one world order. There's only a small number of gods and there are powerful Churches eager to destroy all evil. The prevalence of Fiends on the planet is a concern but they especially like the continent of "Sarlona" that seems to have united all of its people in blissful service to the state. The Harmonium approves!

Krynn (Dragonlance)

Krynn is interesting to the Harmonium as the planet seems to have recently moved across the universe and back. The planet has been listed as having some redeeming features like the fact that the Mages are well organized, there's a powerful goodly knighthood, and the powers of good are united. Unfortunately, the Harmonium has also noticed that Krynn doesn't have much in the way of large nations to ally with. Furthermore, the powers of evil are also very powerful and united. Worse, the Goodly folk on the planet seemed to have this strange and wooly headed notion that a 'Balance' is needed. Nonsense!

Harmonium historians have noticed that someone called the "Kingpriest" had some good ideas but he seems to have failed. Pity.

Oerth (Greyhawk)

The Harmonium has a big set of red flags against any activity on the planet Oerth. The gods are ridiculously numerous, the country-side is almost completely divided, and there's powerful Evil Demigods like Iuz with their own massive kingdoms. Worse, it seems that Vecna the God that almost wrecked the Multiverse is from this planet. The Harmonium would love to see Oerth united but its got almost nothing to work from and not even the Church of St. Cuthbert is enough to warrant it's transformation into the next project for the Harmonium.

Toril (Forgotten Realms)

The Harmonium stares at Abber-Toril as the embodiment of everything that's wrong with the Multiverse. It's a hopelessly divided Realm that, nevertheless, is filled with massive numbers of incredibly powerful magicians that put some of the strongest on Ortho to shame. Even if the Harmonium could muster all of its forces, it would probably face down tremendous losses from the planet's abundance of godlike spellcasters and powerful beasts. At this point, no country on the planet is large enough to justify an alliance with.

I don't know enough about Mystara or Birthright to do a proper one for them.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

I believe Athas is also virtually cut-off, so that makes the OCA's job a lot more difficult.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

'Clueless' wrote:
I believe Athas is also virtually cut-off, so that makes the OCA's job a lot more difficult.

I've heard that but I think that since Athas is mentioned in the Factol's Manifesto, it should be treated as open. If nothing else, Sigil has portals everywhere.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

Athas wasn't originally connected to Planescape, so canon is a little muddy on the matter, but yeah, Sigil has portals everywhere.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

Neither is Ebberon if we get picky about it. Eye-wink

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I'd rather concentrate on unique areas rather than on official campaign worlds. I'm sure Harmonium members end up in the other game worlds occasionally (Oerth, with its worshippers of St. Cuthbert, is particularly ripe for cooperation), stepping on the toes of other game settings strikes me as slightly cheesy. It can be done, carefully (a low-level Zhent officer on Toril or Knight of the Watch on Oerth is trying to steer the organization to the Harmonium's ideals), but I'd recommend caution. There's a whole infinite Material Plane out there, so there's no reason to step in someone else's bathwater.

That's actually what I was driving at, a few comments for each established campaign (or why the Harmonium aren't on it) seemed like a worthy bit of info, because PS used to do it all the time back in 2e. What I was actually after (poorly expressed, it seems...) was a paragraph or two on Hardhead influence on various peoples' homegrown worlds or anywhere they wanted to make up, to fill the gap between 'colony' and 'outside'.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
ORTHO: Enclaves & Outposts

What I actually meant was something like this:

Aquaria (Oerth)
Outside Territory
Covert Operations

Oerth has a (justifiable) phobia of outsiders from both wildspace and the Planes, and it also has powerful protectors (not least of which are Mordenkainen and the Circle of the Eight). The Harmonium has learned from experience to proceed with caution here.

Harmonium activities on Oerth are generally limited to the obscure continent of Aquaria, whose inhabitants seem keen to keep themselves removed from the rest of Oethian society - especially the war-torn Flaeness of the continent of Oerik.

Aquaria's Port Devotion is their chief spelljamming fascility. From here the Hardheads sail forth for covert operations and provide humaniarian aid. At present their activities are (by Order of the Octave) conducted in secrecy, but there are many in the Council of Ortho who believe that the OCA has a duty to bring peace and harmony to a world so threatened, but which produced one of its most popular deities.

Outside Territory
First Contact

Drakehold is a hot, lush world with a primeval feel. The air is much purer here than on most worlds; fires burn faster and brighter, and humanoids frequently feel light-headed and giddy. Lightning often ignites the air, creating writhing columns of fire in the sky and raging conflagrations on the ground. Despite the dangers plant life thrives here, often specifically adapted to life where fires are common. The atmosphere also extends far higher than normal, with air that’s cold and thin (but breathable) stretching even to the nearest moons; of which Drakehold has many, both large and small.

This world is largely untamed. Only reptilian and insect races are present in significant numbers and the intelligent varieties are much more technologically primitive than those found elsewhere. This is an enforced rather than natural circumstance, however. Dragons rule the land, and the whole world is divided up into gigantic domains. Each draconic species commands its own corner of the world, ruled over by the largest and most powerful wyrm of that breed. Each 'Dragon Prince' is served by lesser beasts ruling client territories, but all dragons claim divine rights and powers over all other species.

All non-dragons are considered servants, pets, or prey, which makes diplomacy rather tricky. The Harmonium is nevertheless engaged in exploratory diplomacy with the Blue and Gold Hegemonies, in an attempt to open trade and diplomatic relations.

Kara Tur (Toril)
Outside Territory
Limited Diplomacy & Trade

The Dragon Emperors of Shou Lung have spelljamming technology of their own and contact with several similar cultures on other worlds. Although most travellers from Kara Tur detest the crudity and alien ways of “foreign barbarians” their flying dragon-barges have encountered the Harmonium’s own vessels more than once. A small party of Orthorian merchant-diplomats are presently installed near the palace of the Divine Emperor and diplomatic relations are quietly underway.

Most of the great Daimyo of Kar Tur pride themselves on both the order and harmony of their society, making them superficially sympathetic towards the Orthorian cause. The nobility is notoriously hidebound and close-minded to new (especially foreign) ideas however, and OCA personnel are forced to operate under severe legal restrictions, stringent rituals of etiquette, and the samurai classes’ prickly sense of honour. Contact is limited but productive. The emperors tolerate no attempts at mass-conversion, but a few Harmonium and local philosophers are investigating their similarities of belief and meditation techniques. Things are progressing at a slow but steady pace.

Trade Compound

Pilgrim is a surface-bare asteroid floating in the badlands of Wildspace. Built half-into the grey stone is a combined port and fortress ‘acquired’ from a band of rogue illithids. It took five years for the tunnels to be cleansed with fire and steel, after which the Harmonium renamed and reopened it as a port and trading enclave, encouraging travellers to come to Pilgrim for trade and to see the friendliest (and most persuasive) side of Harmonium.

Pilgrim is a showcase for the racial integration of the Harmonium, with the most personable members of ‘monster races’ like Orcs, Beholders, lycanthropes, and even Mer on show to persuade visitors towards the Way of Harmony. Opponents of the Harmonium call it ‘a propaganda freak show’ and nothing more than a brainwashing camp behind the facade. There are also persistent rumours that something may have survived in the tunnels beneath the enclave – the Harmonium say the talk of disappearances are mere lies spread to hurt their venture, and nothing untoward is happening; after all, people jump ship at ports all the time, don’t they?

Ward Colony
Open War

Whatever the world now called Ruinous once was, now it is a broken battlefield. It’s hard to find even the smallest stretch of land which isn’t strewn with broken weapons, blood, or bodies. Intact buildings are a rare find; intact cities are to be found nowhere. It is a world of huddled refugees, armed camps, and roving monsters. Civilisation has collapsed in the face of continual destruction and slaughter.

Three hundred years ago, Ruinous was the site of a major demonic incursion. Seas boiled, the land cracked, lava bubbled forth, volcanoes erupted, and from it all the forces of the Abyss issued out in search of victims.

Three hundred years of rampaging demons have destroyed virtually every aspect of civilisation. Whatever art, culture, architecture, and other achievements the people had, it is now torn down and ground beneath the heel of demonic forces. The only lords in this land are demonic regents for their Abyssal Lords. It is as if the Abyss was overwriting the laws of the Sphere. Alzrius, Grazzt, Demogorgon and others use the world as a playground and chess-board for their monstrous armies.

They are not entirely unopposed however. Fighting alongside the scattered refugees are Harmonium legions determined to halt the demonic advance – and drive the demons out if they can. The OCA declared Ruinous a Ward Colony as soon as they discovered and is currently engaged in holding a number of major spelljamming ports against the demon horde. Refugees are shifted off-world, but all able-bodied natives are encouraged to stay and fight the menace – as part of the Harmonium if possible.

Progress is slow because the armies are (comparatively) poor in resources for a Hardhead campaign: The OCA is wary of over-committing to a new ‘War of Iron’, even if it’s on the material plane. The Measures are forced to concentrate on solidifying their tenuous hold on the world rather than meeting the demon hordes head on.


Sepulchre is a dead world, quite literally. A few molds and lichens cling to life, but otherwise almost everything is dead – or more specifically undead.

Sepulchre shows all the signs of once being a thriving, normal, world. A thousand years ago however, something changed. The local sun-god perished, leaving only a dead ember hanging in the sky. At the same time a virulent plague struck down the populace, not just killing people and animals but transforming them into undead.

The land is perpetually gloomy, filled with lingering ghosts and wandering undead both mindless and intelligent. It is a savage world, where the undead inhabitants have learned to prey upon each other and the few remaining living things for sustenance. Over the centuries many of the populace have degenerated into monsters, and few can truly remember the lives they had a thousand years ago.

A Harmonium expeditionary force is currently entrenched in what was once a royal palace of Ath Woldren, heart of a formerly great and bountiful empire. From this base the Harmonium is sending agents out among the ruins, to learn more about the sphere and the calamity that befell it. The Harmonium expects to begin ‘pacifying’ the land soon. Although a crusade against the undead seems inevitable, a few voices in the expedition leadership have called for a more diplomatic solution. They hope to lead the undead into the afterlife peaceably, and perhaps even bring life back to the world.

Outside Territory

Verdence is a hot and steamy world – unpleasantly warm for most humanoid races. A vast amount plant growth covers every viable inch of the planet, forming layer upon layer of greenery and even stretches over and into the world’s oceans.

Animal life is a rarity on Verdence, confined to birds, insects, the deep sea and frozen polar regions. Floral life dominates everywhere else, and this includes intelligent species: Verdence is home to myconids, shambling mounds, phantom fungi, plant-based analogues of normal creatures, and intelligent versions of flora found elsewhere.

The Harmonium is only just beginning to explore this world and is having some trouble identifying exactly what’s intelligent, let alone communicating successfully with them. Unlike other life, the plants seem to live in relative harmony and uniformity with each other but find it difficult to understand many concepts that Harmonium explorers try to communicate with them, and there have been both conducive diplomacy and violent misunderstandings during the Hardhead exploration of the planet. Compounding the problem is the fact that Verdence is a treasure trove of natural medicines, including a local variant of Eallian Cheese which the rich of Ortho and her colonies are desperate to replace the supply of. Venture Companies and Cartels alike are chomping at the bit to be unleashed on the verdant world.

Sponsored Territory
Diplomatic Pacification

Opal possesses the usual mix of races, terrain, and gods, and the usual fractured political tapestry. In general it’s no better or worse than any other world outside the Pax Harmonium.

The OCA is involved with several of Opal’s nations, promoting law and harmony from the barbarians of the Ironheart League to the refined Caliphates of Zenath. The Harmonium is currently engaged in reinforcing properly ordered regimes and expanding the existing empires, commonwealths, and alliances into a single unified whole. It’s a hotbed of high level diplomacy and front line heroics as the OCA tries to swing the leaders of the world towards the Path of Harmony: Rebels need crushing, monsters require conversion or destruction, and the common people need to be shown the benefits of joining the OCA. There’s plenty of work to be done at every level of the Harmonium.

Cartels and government officials from various colonies of Ortho are also vying for the honour (and wealth and prestige) of sponsoring this new territory in its bid to join the Pax Harmonium. Many of the OCA’s political factions hope to find allies on Opal, to add weight to their cause.

Outside Territory

Orb is a world newly discovered by the Harmonium, a sphere that had long been isolated from both Planes and crystal spheres. Orb’s links have begun to reopen of late however; spelljamming Harmonium traders have begun to cautiously explore the world.

Orb is divided not along racial lines but cultural ones, so a dwarf from the province of Anland has much the same culture as a Anlandish human, elf, or giant. This interracial attitude makes Orb especially suitable for a OCA’s unification program – even though its nations are just as factious as every other. Unfortunately the Orb pantheon is surprisingly unified, happily including good, evil, law, and chaos in its family (and a number of these deities also allegedly call kip on the Prime), so the Harmonium has decided to be cautious.

External Affairs agents are currently active covertly on the world, gathering information prior to official diplomatic contact. Of particular concern to them are incursions by beings of the Far Realm, which seem surprisingly common (although still rare) on this world.

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