Ortho: Current Plotlines

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Spinning off of this thread: [url=/forum]/forum]

The rilmani as an unusually active force on this particular Prime World.

'Clueless' wrote:
The Rilmani were mentioned above - I could see them as a definate force in this world trying to re-set it. Though that may be wandering a bit *too* far from the topics of this thread in regards to background, it's an idea to hold onto for later.

'Gerzel' wrote:
Though the Rilmani would definatly need more of a reason than just the plane is utterly dominated by law. There are infinent prime worlds, and many are probably dominated by good, evil law or chaos, so "resetting" one world might actually shift things out of balance more than leaving it alone. Thus the actions of the Rilmani would have to be to halt or slow the greater advance of the Harmonium itself rather than just to push the prime back to neutrality. IMHO

Who knows the Harmonium might be a Rilmani tool to counter balance some other growing chaos in the multiverse.

'Clueless' wrote:
The Harmonium *did* just slide a planar layer to Mechanus. I think they 'owe' the universe for that. Plus, forcing the Harmonium to focus on the prime world would be a slowing effect.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The sun is affected, turning reddish in color.

There could be disagreement on what exactly the red sun portends. Some might think it means Ortho is finally ascending into the Outer Planes, while others might see it as a sign from the long-banished Lords of Chaos that another rebellion is needed.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: Current Plotlines

There could be a good plot hook on the Forbidden Goddess. How she "fell" from the grace of the Harmonium. There are a thousand plothooks there. And how she is worshipped today by the True Believers. I like the stone with a hole in it idea Clueless had. Where you place an specific plant or nut or flower, the flower I think would be best, unless you want to go ironic and have it be a nut (nut=crazy=chaos does not equal the Harmonium), in the hole. I think that seeing through the portal window would be only accesable during the crescent moon, under which are fabled stories of secrets, seeing into the future, sages are known to be born under the crescent moon, waxing or waning.

I would write more but time is not allowing me to.

Just let me know if you want more on the Forbidden Goddess aspect from me and I will write more later Laughing out loud .

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Check out the timeline restrictions I just found out on the other thread too actually... looks like we may have to accelerate some of the stuff we've put together. I really like having the idea of the elven druid though, esp if her memory has been whitewashed by the shorter lived races since. Smiling

Personally i like the idea of the nut as a symbol of potential - trapped and locked away but potential none the less.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Current Plotlines

From 'Ortho: The Beginnings' Thread:

'Clueless' wrote:
'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The Factol's Manifesto makes a direct parallel between Ortho and Athas. Does anyone want to go further with that? Maybe Ortho's starting to get less fertile and its deserts are expanding.

Perhaps the seas are starting to get saltier? (Considering how much the sea is the basis for many life cycles this is a baaad thing.) There are more instances of red algae blooms, often right off the coasts of Iironda. And the Thaeran divers speak of being unwelcome in the grip of the ocean.

This is definately something to pick up on in the Plots thread. I already saved some of your previous thoughts regarding the sun in that one.

So, is the saltier seas a result of the beginning of an ice age (decreasing the amount of water in the seas without decreasing the amount of salt - my knowledge of this area is next to nil), just some sort of magical effect, the introduction of increased contact with the quasi-elemental plane of salt or something else?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Possibly a magical effect. The elven dead - one of the greatest moments of collective guilt for the Hardheads were buried in the sea. There is at least one deep trench filled nearly to the brim with a roiling mass of undead... if those elves were to act - the ocean would be the first thing to show it. I chose salt as the best physical reflection of their poisoning of the seas - the beginning of revenge.

As for how they're going about it...

1) Intellegent undead, perhaps some of the elves have become aware and are beginning to muck around with mineral deposits or magic in the deep.

2) A forgotten diety of the ocean has allied with them in exchange for their worship. The diety has aquired more and more of their undead vengefulness, turning from a power concerned with the health of the seas into one made bitter by hate.

3) Perhaps through dreams or other magic, the Elven Dead have contacted their brethren, the refugees from Ortho, in the elemental planes and have asked them to open a connection to Salt for them.

4) The loths are doing it. Somehow. Eye-wink Because they're *always* a possibility.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

'OpheliaWhispers' wrote:
I would write more but time is not allowing me to.

Just let me know if you want more on the Forbidden Goddess aspect from me and I will write more later Laughing out loud .

*poke* More is needed. Eye-wink

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: Current Plotlines


I am sorry that I haven't replied yet... my life has been REALLY busy. But I will write up some of the plotlines that go along with the Forbidden Goddess aspect as soon as I am able.

Laughing out loud -Ophelia

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Coolbeans. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

*bump* Any other ideas anyone wants to toss in the mix... toss on in.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: Current Plotlines

These are ALL plotlines having to do with the Forbidden Goddess aka the Elven Lady.(She is spoken about in the thread "Ortho: The Beginnings")

1- A PC or NPC goes to Three Rivers and visits the Garden in the middle of it. While in there they:

a-See a vision of the Forbidden Goddess and are intruiged->obsessed as to what it means.

b-See a small part of the Pure Truth of the Harmonium that the Elven Lady/Forbidden Goddess taught, and are interested->obsessed as to what the rest of it is. They then start their pilgrimage to Pan Thaera.

c-Run into an animal Totem while in the Garden who speaks to them telepathically and sets them on a pilgrimage to Pan Thaera.

2- Anywhere on Ortho they find the Elven Lady/Forbidden Goddess through:

a-An animal Totem that speaks to them telepathically

b-A ladybug or other insect lands on your shoulder (anywhere on your body really)

c-A specific leaf from a specific tree falling on you, or by you brushing past it while it is still on the branch

d-Any other specific (see Ortho: The Beginnings Thread-the part on the Forbidden Goddess/Elven Lady) aspect of Nature touching you

.....telling the PC or NPC a little about the Lady and a little about her ways of the Pure Truth of the Harmonium (basically enough to get them interested in finding out more about it). They then want to go to the Garden in the middle of Three Rivers (see #1), or to Pan Thaera (see #3). These incidences happen most frequently in Pan Thare or in the Garden btw, but can also happen in any place on Ortho.

3-The PC or NPC goes to Pan Thaera, feeling pulled or drawn to the Lady's secret Druid's Circle, which contains the huge sensory stone with a hole in the middle of it. By this time the PC or NPC should have enough information or get in enough information in Pan Thaera, that they need to bring a nut to the Sacred Place of the Lady. Once in the Sacred Place of the Lady they eventually find, after however many trials you would like to put your PC or NPC through, the Sensory Stone with the hole in the middle of it. On the Sensory Stone it is written in every language known to all parts of Ortho (even secret languages), "Put the nut in the hole in the stone, and watch the Truth come to light.".

After doing this they immediately see what the Harmonium went through to take over Ortho in the beginning to the present, what the Harmonium went through to take over other worlds from beginning to present, and what the Pure Truth of the Harmonium Way is... not the corrupt way that it has been run or is being run (however you want to run it in your campaign), the ways of the deity Lao Tzu, (do not forget to put the ways of the deity Lao Tzu into this knowledge learned Eye-wink ), and lastly that they are to spread the knowledge of everything but the specifics (ie:what other worlds were conquered, the names of the people she knew, the way to get to this Sacred Place (since part of the learning is in the journey), etc.).

There ya' go Clueless! I finally put my thoughts oabout the Elven Lady to written words! Yay!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Sometimes I wonder why I even work on these things and post them. I feel so invisible sometimes. ::sigh:: I hope that the plotlines I came up with are usable... if anyone is reading this please let me know. Thanks!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

I'm still reading - don't worry. Eye-wink
I'm just getting all of the Ortho stuff pulled together at the moment for the provinces. I've got the feeling we've gotten to the part where not a lot of folks have a lot of ideas and there's probably some writer's fatigue going on.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Ahh. Good to hear someone is reading my work... heh. Thanks for letting me know! I feel much better now. Maybe I will get some more plotlines going.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

I'm trying to round up some new blood and see if we can get some plots a'going... Eye-wink

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Um... Is the black ice in Bafatai related to the plane of shadow or is that just my imagination? Haven't seen much about Shadow (or the ethereal for that matter) in Ortho as yet, does it have those planes?
If this was the case and the quantities of this ice were getting bigger this could be part of a plot for vengeance by the Shadar-kai (the shadow fey in Fiend Folio, once again I apologise for my probable mutilation of D&D spelling) on the Harmonium, possibly even the exiled unseelie court?
The increasing quantities of natural ice caused would increase the salt levels in the sea as mentioned above and destroying nature seems to be an appropriate punishment by the fey.
The effects of consuming the Ice could be explained by an influence from shadow. The emotional and relational effects of the ice could be explained by a "darkening" of mood and view of the world as the person begins to see it through shadow tinted glasses. In reality many clinically diagnosed psychopaths do very well for themselves because of their lack of ability to empathise with those around them and this could be the case here too. Those who disappear after taking too much may even be plane-shifting across.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

'Azriael' wrote:
Um... Is the black ice in Bafatai related to the plane of shadow or is that just my imagination? Haven't seen much about Shadow (or the ethereal for that matter) in Ortho as yet, does it have those planes?

Baator actually was what I had in mind - but I deliberately left it open enough that someone could spin it into a different plotline as needed. Implied connections to the great frozen carcasses of the ancient baatorians on layer 8. And nope, I haven't gotten around to touching on Shadow or the Ethereal directly, but you can assume Ortho has fairly standard planar connections - so Shadow and Ethereal exist.

If this was the case and the quantities of this ice were getting bigger this could be part of a plot for vengeance by the Shadar-kai (the shadow fey in Fiend Folio, once again I apologise for my probable mutilation of D&D spelling) on the Harmonium, possibly even the exiled unseelie court?
As far as I know the shadowfey aren't a concept native to Ortho, though i suspect the seelie and unseelie courts aren't too happy with what's going on on Ortho. I don't know if Rip ever actually pinned out what was going on with them or where they were.

The increasing quantities of natural ice caused would increase the salt levels in the sea as mentioned above and destroying nature seems to be an appropriate punishment by the fey.
An increase in salt content in the ocean is something currently going on. Eye-wink and that's possibly an elven and fey conspiracy there from the Inner Planes?

The effects of consuming the Ice could be explained by an influence from shadow. The emotional and relational effects of the ice could be explained by a "darkening" of mood and view of the world as the person begins to see it through shadow tinted glasses. In reality many clinically diagnosed psychopaths do very well for themselves because of their lack of ability to empathise with those around them and this could be the case here too. Those who disappear after taking too much may even be plane-shifting across.
*nodnod* That's fairly close to what I had the ice doing as it was - just instead of fey - read, ancient baatorian influence directly from Baator. At least in the spin I was taking it with. Eye-wink

(Yes. I'm a bit of an LE fangirl, but I like me my Unseelie too... hmm...)

I really need to go make sure I have all the provinces up, I have Motmurk done save for one paragraph, and that orc society is just... *fun*. Unexpectedly civil.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Current Plotlines

Fair enough, I thought the Baatorian influence was already spoken for with Motmurk but some "My lawful evil is better than yours" stuff with the ancient Baatorians could be nice.
I still think the fey should have some kind of payback, they can be spiteful buggers and destroying nature to show humans/orcs/beholders exactly what they were messing with seems right up their alley


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

It definately does. A lot of this is still in development, and re: the A. Baatorians vs. the Baatazu - it's something that I'd eventually like to play up more actively in some of the PSCS stuff as well as the Ortho stuff. Just looking for a good opportunity to.

I'll admit, I need to reread soem of the threads myself - it's been awhile since we had activity on this particular project since I started in on editting the massive amount of material everyone produced.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Current Plotlines

from the pdf

All buildings in the core of Harmony's Glory are warded against scrying by magic and by means of lead used in their original construction. The residences of all Orthorian Council representatives may be found here, as well as the primary residences of the Octave.

Hmm, interesting plot hook – The children of the Orthorian council are contracting an inexplicable illness beyond the capacity of the best healers in the land to cure.
The children are becoming apathetic and weak, their minds slow and unable to learn, their bones are fragile and easily damaged. Is this revenge from an abyssal lord? A Doomguard plot to break the will of the Harmonium? The consequence of breaking the natural order of Ortho? A dark necromantic plot, stealing the energy of the young ones to feed a power-hungry lich? That fine, lead based paint?

Seriously though, sometimes I like to throw in a mundane explanation to what seems to be a mystical problem, for a good example of this see “Brotherhood of the wolf”.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Current Plotlines

I'm all for that actually. That would make a great module idea. Eye-wink

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