Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Someone mentioned that we ought to do this for the Orthoite beholders.

So, I decided to crack open Savage Species and give it a go.

+2 natural armor
+2 good flight
+1 at will spell like abilities
+1 good ability scores

With HD, this gives a base beholder an ECL of 17. So, for the acid test, give it a Wizard level, and throw it up against a level 18 wizard. If the boholder doesn't use its antimagic feild, whoever goes first will kill the other. If it does, it will go to whoever gets luckier with their mundane weapons: The beholder's bite, or the mage with his crossbow. They both do about the same damage, they hit each other about half the time (+2 to hit vs AC 12 vs +11 to hit vs AC 20), they both have about the same HP.

So, the ECL is probably fine as it is.

So, the first thing to do to make the class is to figure out what spell levels the beholder's abilities are, so as to sort them for the progression.

All Around Vision: Skill bonuses, plus a minor ability. Give them the skill bonuses from level 1, the immunity to flanking at mid level. Rogues get improved uncanny dodge at level 8, which does the same thing.

Antimagic Cone: This is a level 6 wizard spell with a duration of 10 minutes/level. Give them a usage of 2 hours/day first, then 6/hours day, then at will. This mirrors the ability to cast the spell 1/day, then 3/day, with the ability to stop and start as is traditional of beholders.

Eye Rays:
It's important to note that beholders effectively have the Quicken Spell-like Ability feat applied to their eye rays for free, twice. Limit the number of eye rays a beholder can use at once until high levels. Base said limitation around how powerful the eye ray being used is.
Disintigrate: 6th level spell. Grant 1/day at about level 12, increase to 3/day at some mid point (level 14?), At will towards the end.
Finger of Death: Level 7 spell, but not all that much better than Disintigrate. Grant at same time, or a level later.
Turn to Stone: Level 6 spell. Similar effect as Disintigrate, grant at same level.
Telekinesis: Level 5 spell. Grant at about level 9-10 as 1/day, progressing to 3/day, then at will. However, it will be a good idea to give the class a Mage Hand ray at will from level 1, to compensate for the lack of hands.
Charm Person: Level 1 spell. Grant 1/day from level 1, increase to 3/day, then at will.
Charm Monster: Level 4 spell. Grant 1/day at about the same time as the Telekinesis.
Sleep: Level 1 spell. Grant 1/day at level 1, increasing as levels are gained at the same times as the Charm Person ray.
Fear: Level 4 spell. Grant at same time as Charm Monster, advance at same rate.
Slow: Level 3 spell. Grant 1/day at about level 5 or 6, advancing to 3/day then at will.
Inflict Moderate Wounds: Grant 1/day at level 3 or 4, advance to 3/day then at will shortly afterwards. This is the beholder's only way to deal real damage for some time.

Flight: Grant full flight at about level 6, and permanent Feather Fall at level 2. Until then, grant the following:
Float (Ex): The beholder is naturally bouyant. This natural bouyancy allows it to float up to 5 feet off the ground without falling. Additional feet may be acquired by making a jump check, as normal.

Size: Given the lack of reach, and poor natural weapons, I would start these guys off at Large, though they wouldn't get their full natural armor bonus until high levels. This is actually a disadvantage- they have to pay more for armor and equipment (beyond the difference for odd shape), as well as the size penalties to attack and AC. The only advantage is more a slightly more damaging bite, which is the equivalent of a longsword.

I'm going to leave it to you folks to do it up and distribute the hit dice and make it look all pretty with tables and what not. With the stuff I just laid out, you should be able to get something pretty much every level, and get the fun of using eye rays from first level, without being unbalancing.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Hmm.. well, as far as hit dice go, it looks like the 'dead' levels could go at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 17th level as a semi-regular pattern. It would also sinc up with the increased eye beam abilities.

Natural Armor: Well, we have 11 points of natural armor to distribute over the course of 17 levels. I'm not sure whether to front load or rear load the progression with these. The savage species progressions tend to grant regular increases, and if we go with +2 increases, there would be 5 increments. So maybe +2 at first level, then +4 at 4th, +6 at 7th, +8 at 10th, +10 at 14th, and +11 at 17th.

Ability scores: The progressions in Savage Species tended to start out with positives in mental scores. We have +2 Con, +6 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha to distribute over the course of 17 levels. I would say to grant +2 Int at level 1, then distribute the remaining 14 points over the course of the remaining levels. There are 7 increases there, so about every other level should do it.
Here's an idea of it could be done:
3: +2 Cha
5: +2 Con
7: +2 Wis
9: +2 Int (+4 total)
11: +2 Cha (+4 total)
13: +2 Wis (+4 total)
15: +2 Int (+6 total)
Yeah, it lacks at the very end, but they'll get other goodies instead.

Darkvision: All aberrations have Darkvision 60', grant it at level 1.

Beholders are not proficient in any sort of weapons or armor.

Skills: Beholders have 2+Int mod skill points. I don't know what their class skills are, because I'm working from a 3.0 Monster manual and the SRD here. Can someone post what they are?

Magic Item Slots: Beholders can use magic items designed for humaniods, as keyed by the particular slots given below:
• Two headband, hat, helmet, or phylactery on the an eyestalk each
• One pair of eye lenses or goggles on or over the eyes
• Two amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, or scarab around an eyestalk each
• One robe or (specially designed) suit of armor on the body
• One belt around an eyestalk
• One cloak, cape, or mantle around the body (over a robe or suit of armor)
• Two pairs of bracers or bracelets around a pair of eyestalks each
• Two rings on a tooth each (or two rings on one tooth)
This equates to the same number of slots as a human can wear. Basically, I removed the vest, glove, and boot slots, and replaced them with an extra helmet, bracer, and amulet slot each.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

I've submitted a Beholder class to Planewalker over My Planewalker, implementing what I put in my posts here. I had to break it up into two peices, though, because the PrC form only goes up to ten levels. Tell me what you folks think.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

So, I'm not too hip to the 3e rules (I play 2nd ed. and have a basic understanding of 3e), but was wondering what, say, Blinky the 1st level beholder would look like (HD, #feats, abilities, Effective Class Level, etc.)...Could you post one (if you have the time)...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Binky the 1st level beholder:
1d8 HP, Charm Person and Sleep usable once per day, 2 points of natural armor, and a bite attack.

So, he's a wizard that can't change his spells, but has a little bit of armor, and more HP.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Fly or no fly? Mostly b/c you didn't mention it - but I can't imagine Binky rolling around on the floor like a beachball. Eye-wink Hence - the asking.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Binky floats up to five feet off of the ground.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Beholder Racial Class

Ok, good. Smiling That banishes the thought of: "whump-whump...thudOwmyeyestalks!-whump-whump" from my mind. Eye-wink

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