OOC: The Story So Far...

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Blitz's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: The Story So Far...

The story is an old idea that we started about five years ago. It died only when PW.com went on hiatus. I am looking to get is going again.

Basically, the story is built up, three lines at a time, by anyone who wants to contribute in character (but usually third person 'story teller' format). To add to the story, please read back to the begining (hopefully), or at least a few posts back to get an idea of what the character(s) are doing, and then add three sentences as a reply to the previous post. Use sentences only. Don't use full paragraphs. And always supply three sentences, not just one or two. Also, please continue the numbering sequence to help with the eventual goal of this project...

Other than that, there are really no rules to follow... If you have any out of character questions, please reply to this topic, and keep the story itself clean and in character.


(Link added: /forums/viewtopic.php?t=208)

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