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Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: I, Modron

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
I was told to submit him despite his being my obvious NPC. I mentioned wanting to use one of NPCs and mentioned the anonymity thing and was told ot submit him anyways. My thing is, I cannot be told not to use him as an NPC. NPCs in my own game are my territory, I can use the Lady despite not owning her so I can use Yarr to if he wins.
There's really three concerns. 1 - Anonymity. Fact is, anonymity in the PW Idol contest is by choice. So this isn't an issue. 2 - Ownership of the character. This one is pretty cut-and-dried. By submitting a character, you agree that if that character wins, you relinquish your rights to that character to PW staff. It says so pretty plainly in the contest rules. What this means for Yardulence is that if he wins, he's PW property. Does that mean you can no longer use him in private games? No, but games on the forums are not so private, so whether the slaad can make occasional appearances in I, Modron would be up to PW staff. The concern is that after the contest is over, the oringal autor might continue to use the character as an online persona, undermining the character's authority as the official voice of PW. 3. There's the issue of judge impartiality -- Box-in-Bloom is one of the judges. I know I can and will be as unbiased as humanly possible and will judge Yardulence purely on his merits within the context of the contest, but others may not feel comfortable with that.

I think it would be best if Yardulence sort of faded out of I, Modron for the remainder of the contest. As for what happens to him afterwards, you'd have to take your chances.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

:Primmy considers:

Actually, I think I may just pull him out. I like the crazy bastard, but I don't think he's really got the bacon to be PW Idol. Plus, I'd hate to have to lose him - he's such a lovable sidekick. He doesn't really have any big part to play in this campaign except for lovable rapscallion.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: I, Modron

Pull him out?! What do you mean, you don't think he's got the bacon? Check the polls, my friend. He's in the lead. You said he doesn't play a big role in I, Modron, so why not have him disappear from the game for a bit.

I know you don't want to have to give him up if you win, but what painter paints a work of art, just to keep it for himself? Wouldn't you rather see the big red lug racin' 'round the wards on his cab at breakneck speed, touting the wonderful stuff that PW has to offer?

There's some tough PW Idol challenges ahead, and they're going to separate the good ideas from the great ones. Why not see if Yardy's up to it?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Yea, he wasn't even gonna go on the next adventure anyways. Alright, he'll stay in the competition. Let's all wish the crazy bastard luck.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

And her,e finally, is an image of the first ever Boxy shirt.

Box-in-Bloom's picture
Joined: 2005-05-04
OOC: I, Modron

Woo hoo! I'm famous!!!

I love it!!!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Hey kids I dropped out of PW Idol for the same reason I'm about to say that the game shave to go on hiatus (even though they're dead now anyways). On Friday I will be leaving for nearly one month to go to Greece for a study abroad (drawing and painting, wee) course. Probably no e-access there.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: I, Modron

Damn damn damn! Another 'hiatus'. I'm really starting to hate that word!


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron


Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

"Proposal unacceptable. Prepare for termination."

"But... but... what will we do? We're modrons! We're not capable of independent functioning!"

Or, as Nordom says: "I will guard this 5x5 foot perimeter until you return."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Let it be known that Primus the One and Prime just, out loud, exclaimed HOLY SHIT.

THis game has been going on for like 10 months and has been on hiatus probably more than half that time and you people are still here? What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!

(We now return you to yer regularly scheduled programming>

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron

... It's all about the modron's. Sticking out tongue

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Two more weeks...

Just poppin in to say... Primus is watching you....

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron

*girlish shriek* PEEPING TOM!!! *starts swatting Primus with the nearest towel*

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Well, as a point of interest, I read in a recent issue of Dragon magazine about swarm familiars. While I don't subscribe personally, a friend of mine does, and I'll try to get the information, as it seems to be useful for Boxy.

As another point of interest, where is the thread where we posted our characters for this? Because that's where I had Kilojoule saved, and it seems to be gone now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron

In the same spot. Should be the same post numbers even. You just need to update the link to the viewTopic.php?intPostID=x format
In your case: /forums/viewTopic.php?intPostID=1599#p1599

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

I return! BOW TO ME!

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: I, Modron

'Rhys' wrote:
Well, as a point of interest, I read in a recent issue of Dragon magazine about swarm familiars. While I don't subscribe personally, a friend of mine does, and I'll try to get the information, as it seems to be useful for Boxy.

I don't a have a subscription either but I would be immensely interested in this! (please and thank-you, Rhys)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Do you call THAT bowing?! PFAH! PITIFUL!

Hehe, hey guys. My trip to London got cut short by... yea, I'm sure you've all seen. Well, I'm home now, and posting will begin again fairly soon. Most likely tonight as I have little to do in town other than post.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron

I'm glad to see you back and in one piece, Primus! Ready to play when you are. Smiling

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: I, Modron

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Do you call THAT bowing?! PFAH! PITIFUL!

Hehe, hey guys. My trip to London got cut short by... yea, I'm sure you've all seen. Well, I'm home now, and posting will begin again fairly soon. Most likely tonight as I have little to do in town other than post.

Bowing? Oh, right. Bowing. I... uh... I hurt my back so I can't. Yeah, that's it, I hurt my back. I would, otherwise, really. gear_:)

I'm sorry to hear that your trip got cut short, but it's really great to have our DM back!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Hey kids!

I have seen pictures of Clueless and I will reveal them only for the price of your souls!

Sorry for all of my absence. I dunno where I went, honestly, but I didn't know where any of you were either so it wasn't SUCH a big deal.

Honestly, I've hit an Eberron-jag, I think I may have burned myself out on PS a little - I'm really not thinking in a PS way lately. Or, rather, I'm thinking of ways to blend PS and Eberron without blatantly linking the settings in a way that just pollutes Eberron needlessly. Maybe if Orri restarts that PbP he's promised to restart I'll get all of my juices back.

So what to do?

Let's put it to a vote. This game's always been slow and I have lately been particularly inattentive. If you guys want me back I'll come back. I'll kick the game in the ass and let you go adventuring. We'll actually have some kind of duingeon crawl or something, won't that be fun? Now, this is only if anyone wants to stick around and try to pick this back up again.

PS Man Pat Robertson is CRAZY!

PPS After seeing Orri and Rip's GenCon journals I feel sad and really want to go! I want to sell t-shirts out of the back of my van and bilk poor rubes out of the little cash they have left.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: I, Modron

*clueless sends a few extra rogue modron to chew on Primus's ankles pinning him in place*

(aka - Sidrem's reporting for duty Cool )

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

My life for Aiur Primus. Let's make with the modrons.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: I, Modron

Heehee. I love you chilluns's enthusiasm, I really do. I'll consider dragging in some of my non-PW associates for this. If noone wants to tag along, I'll just put your two modrons on a little adventure!

I got so bogged down in the story that I killed all of the fun! : Primus commits seppukku :

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: I, Modron

Well, if it's open to the other campaign, Optimus just needs an oil can and would love to be off to Oz as well. Something tells him if he only had a heart, it would optimize his torso weight for ambidextrous balance.

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