OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Ok guess there seems like there might be interest in a free form thread. I will likely get one up and started here in the next day or two. Just thought I would throw this out to let people know it was coming and so we could have an OOC board. I guess if you want to join up just toss a post in here and toss up something about your character. Then we can get cracking and get adventuring out on the Planes.

My Character is going to be one I used shortly on the boards here before.

Jennifer she is a Sorcerer/Fighter and a more detailed set of information about her is on the 2nd page of the Character index. She is a freshly arrived clueless essentially from a prime world she thinks she is human but is actually a tiefling. I used her shortly in an old thread that died a while back.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Also feel free to IM me on any of my messenger programs to chat about plots, plot devices, characters, or just to say hi.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes


I might use Jhalan Tal, a roguish cuprilach rilmani from an old PS campaign of several years past. I'll try and hunt around for the specifics of this character... as it has been a long time.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Sounds good, if you looked at my character profile you can tell I didn't do stats more of a simple overview and a partial list of major equipment and backround story. I think that is fine or if you want to do the whole complete stat thing that is cool too as much as you want to reveal (player and character knowledge is of course different or should be...). I went out to celebreate surviving my night of camping in -30 F weather in Northern Minnesota earlier this week so the opening post in the thread will likly have to wait until tommorrow.

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

I'm in, I'll be playing as a partially penitent kyton named Salve-Slave if that isn't too eccentric for the game. History will be up by this Saturday.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Alright I had to go searching for that but eventually found the Kyton race in the Planes of Law monster supplement. I was happy to discover a comprehseive index of races in the monster supplements in the back of the PSMM3 supplement. That will become very handly I am sure in the future now that I know it has all of the 2E stuff covered and not just an index for the stand alone book. (I rarely use PSMM3)

Anyway that seems ok to me my only question and its not a problem with me but why the name Salve-Slave? Is there some kind of a story on that? Also if you want to describe in your character profile what exactly a Kyton is and mention that its located in the Planes of Law Monster Supplement that would be great. Not sure if there is a 3E or Planewalker source for it... But if there is I wouldn't mind looking at that as well just for reference.

But anyway glad to have you on board with the story and I assume you mean that you will have much more free time once your class is completed this weekend?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Oooh, a cuprilach. I was actually thinking of playing a rilmani, too.


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ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Uhhh....I had a great idea for a character a couple of hours ago...unfortunately that idea eludes me right now...anyway...I suppose this post is just to say I'd like to join up...when, and if I remember what that idea was, I'll mention it here and write something up in the character index...

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"bonemage" wrote:
Alright I had to go searching for that but eventually found the Kyton race in the Planes of Law monster supplement. I was happy to discover a comprehseive index of races in the monster supplements in the back of the PSMM3 supplement. That will become very handly I am sure in the future now that I know it has all of the 2E stuff covered and not just an index for the stand alone book. (I rarely use PSMM3)

Anyway that seems ok to me my only question and its not a problem with me but why the name Salve-Slave? Is there some kind of a story on that? Also if you want to describe in your character profile what exactly a Kyton is and mention that its located in the Planes of Law Monster Supplement that would be great. Not sure if there is a 3E or Planewalker source for it... But if there is I wouldn't mind looking at that as well just for reference.

But anyway glad to have you on board with the story and I assume you mean that you will have much more free time once your class is completed this weekend?

Not completed, but a few essaies will be finished which should give me the time to iron out his details. Yes the name has a story behind it, but just Salve would probably work better. The 3E mm has a fully stated Kyton, while the [ugh]Planar Handbook[/ugh] has a savage species progression for him.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Alright I am likely going to get the opening post up later this evening after the Timberwolves Game. I was wondering if any of those interested in this thread would want to write some connecting backround history between my character and theirs. The other character would have to be a planar which isn't a problem because I think all of them are (except mine who thinks she's a prime but really isn't so I guess even she is a planar...)

Might be fun to even tie more than just 2 characters together with mine and of course chat among yourselves as well about possible tie in together.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

I don't think a tiefer need be a planar character. One born on the Prime is considered a native "outsider" to the Prime, as far as I know.

Don't have the details all spelled out yet, but my character'll be a Radiance genasi with a rather chaotic bend (possibly a Xaositect). Have not decided on the class-orientation yet, but he'll either be a monk-ish sun-devoter (in which case he could of course be played as a clueless, though the radiant bloodline might seem a bit strange), a bardic light-weaver, or a rogue whose nature bends and warps light around him, creating illusions at random.

Bio will likely be up by tomorrow. If you'll have me, of course.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

No she is certainly a planar character who was bought to a prime world at a very early age.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Elethíus" wrote:
I don't think a tiefer need be a planar character. One born on the Prime is considered a native "outsider" to the Prime, as far as I know.

Don't have the details all spelled out yet, but my character'll be a Radiance genasi with a rather chaotic bend (possibly a Xaositect). Have not decided on the class-orientation yet, but he'll either be a monk-ish sun-devoter (in which case he could of course be played as a clueless, though the radiant bloodline might seem a bit strange), a bardic light-weaver, or a rogue whose nature bends and warps light around him, creating illusions at random.

Bio will likely be up by tomorrow. If you'll have me, of course.

Seems interesting will have to look the character over a tad but I think we can be pretty leinient with character types. Not going to ban anyone but a possibility I guess that we might ave to alter something a tad for story balance.... But so far nothing seems too out of the ordinary... Though the illusion thing at random has me a bit interested I might want to chat with you about that a tad at some point...

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Sorry to post 3 times in a row in the same thread but I just started off the thread with a really short intro post on Jennifer walking around. I was going to do a more detailed long stating off post but decided maybe it was just better to get the thread moving then wait days and do a big huge post. But don't worry those will come I really do enjoy to "write" longer segments than just post a paragraph or a frew sentences for these. Also as I noted in the thread anyone feel free to jump in as someone else or as the person Jennifer just walked strait into.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Center of All" wrote:
Oooh, a cuprilach. I was actually thinking of playing a rilmani, too.
I don't often play rilmani characters, or allow them as viable PC races in campaigns that I DM... because I believe that they function better as NPCs... However, I also enjoy sometimes playing races and classes outside the roles they are normally seen to perform.

I'll try and have a little detailing and history up before the day is out.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Center of All" wrote:
Oooh, a cuprilach. I was actually thinking of playing a rilmani, too.
I don't often play rilmani characters, or allow them as viable PC races in campaigns that I DM... because I believe that they function better as NPCs... However, I also enjoy sometimes playing races and classes outside the roles they are normally seen to perform.

I'll try and have a little detailing and history up before the day is out.

I haven't yet had a chance to look up and figure out what these two are. Been sorta busy the last day or so. Can you clue me in breifly?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Will be joining the fray sometime soon, still in the middle of moving.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Sounds good I just introduced the Planewalkers guild and another character of mine that is on page 2 of the character index. His name is Jack and he is a Tout for the Planewalkers guild which is a guild of Planewalkers that actually predates the factions.

They used to hold a lot of sway in Sigil before the factions toke over but then they moved over to the the name of it slips my mind at the moment but the really tall tree that grows through various planes and has tons of portals.... Well anyway the guild has of course moved its base back to Sigil now that the Faction Power is basically broken or reduced from what it once was.

But anyway whether or not we use the guild long term as part of the thread or whether Jack plays any kind of a role beyound this I guess is yet to be seen.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"bonemage" wrote:
"Evil Construct" wrote:
"Center of All" wrote:
Oooh, a cuprilach. I was actually thinking of playing a rilmani, too.
I don't often play rilmani characters, or allow them as viable PC races in campaigns that I DM... because I believe that they function better as NPCs... However, I also enjoy sometimes playing races and classes outside the roles they are normally seen to perform.

I'll try and have a little detailing and history up before the day is out.

I haven't yet had a chance to look up and figure out what these two are. Been sorta busy the last day or so. Can you clue me in breifly?

Rilmani are a creature type composed of several different sub-types... much like the other exemplar races such as the baatezu and tanar'ri. They are creatures of pure neutrality, who see it as their solemn duty to uphold the Balance of All Things.

The cuprilach rilmani are mostly spies, assassins, and secret agent-types. They use both shadow and stealth, as well as speed to strike at threats to the Balance. These threats are often other high-up creatures of certain alignments.

They appear much like humans, although a litttle wiry. They are said to possess an easy with grace, similar to that of an elf. They carry themselves with a certain degree of arrogance, which comes from the pride they feel in their profession, which they seem to excel at. They consider themselves to be the best at what they do.

Characters details to follow shortly...

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

I'm thinking of playing a young but clever Argenach rilmani.

Argenachs are generally the diplomats and sweet-talkers of the rilmani. Where cuprilachs do the spying, infiltration, and assassination, argenachs go about saying just the right things that need to be said to sway people to one side of the balance or other.

Want to team up in full rilmani force, EC?


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Hmm. I think I have the time to add another game to my list. (I'm reading them all, anyway.) I think I'll bring in a member of the Planewalker's Guild. You know, since that's where the action is sitting right now.


Pants of the North!

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Center of All" wrote:
I'm thinking of playing a young but clever Argenach rilmani.

Argenachs are generally the diplomats and sweet-talkers of the rilmani. Where cuprilachs do the spying, infiltration, and assassination, argenachs go about saying just the right things that need to be said to sway people to one side of the balance or other.

Oooh... good choice Cool.

Want to team up in full rilmani force, EC?
Oh, I see... You do all the talking while I do all the work. Is that what you've got planned, CoA? Sticking out tongue Laughing out loud... Anyways, yes, I think that would be a great idea Eye-wink. I still want to post some brief character details, just as soon as I find my notebook... Puzzled.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Also feel free to use Jack as a character in the thread for anything small scale. If you are going to create some new major plot point or backround for him maybe just run it by me and I am sure we can work something out easily enough. But he tells a lot of stories so little stories about adventures here or there particually roughting it or drinking stories are his favorites.

He doesn't brag about his female "friends" but he might slip in a random comment about how beatiful some lass or lady was. Some think he is being a polite older gentlemen others think he does that so everyone wonders whether or not he got close to every girl he mentions in a story.

Kind of wise old man that is still active, a tad dirty but always polite especially to women, and joviel hard drinker all in one. Though he never seems drunk or out of it so perhaps he can hold his liquor which is likely or he uses it to loosen up everyone else around him its hard to tell.

Also feel free to zip right past the meal with a sentence or two and get us out of the guild headquarters. I am not sure how quickly any of you who have expressed interest will be joining the thread. But we can easily mess around at the Planewalker's building there for awhile or start waundering around Sigil.

Let me know when anybody else might be stopping in or of course better yet just get into the fray of of things by posting in the story thread.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Is this going to be pre- or post-Faction War?


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Well i hadn't really thought about it before hand but since we have introduced the Planewalkers guild having moved back to Sigil I guess we have to go Post Faction War.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

I would like to play... I will come up with a character at some point in time... which point? I dunno.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"bonemage" wrote:
Well i hadn't really thought about it before hand but since we have introduced the Planewalkers guild having moved back to Sigil I guess we have to go Post Faction War.
I'll have to tweak my character's history a little then...

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
I would like to play... I will come up with a character at some point in time... which point? I dunno.

Sounds good just get on with the posting when you do or drop us a note. Seems to be going ok so far with the 2 of us who have started I am sure the thread will start to get bigger soon though.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Ok maybe its time we huddled either by chatting here in the OOC thread or by IMing each other or any othe rmeans you guys want. We should start talking about where we should go either sub plot wise between characters or main plot wise as a big group.

I wouldn't mind doing something with my character actually be the distant relative of someone mildy powerful at least enough where they certainly have enemies. Perhaps someone comes after her or maybe a devot follower was the one who arranged for her to show up in Sigil and is lurking the shadowns.

Guess i would like to know if you have any plot ideas for your chracters at the moment or maybe link some of them together. Like maybe Jack knows some people rather well, certainly knows Riliarc a little bit at the minium.

Anyway though I would get this out there.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

I didn't have any specific plans. I was mostly just improvising my way through some events. It seems logical that Jack and Riliarc know each other, given our previous interactions I'd be inclined to say that Riliarc is mostly annoyed by Jack's sense of humour, but puts up with him anyway... perhaps respect for his skill as a fellow planewalker? Or if Jack was a fellow Doomguard, but I'm not sure he's the type. I think me and Fringe are going to work something out eventually, but we've left that somewhat open at the moment as well.


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Yeah Jack most likly isn't really the doomguard type in fact he was part of the planewalkers guild before they moved back to Sigil had a bit of an annyounce those he doesn't let it show about how the factions kinda muscled groups like the Planewalkers guild out of Sigil. Nothing against the members really he is mostly a forgiving guy when it comes to idealogies not being bothered by them for the most part. But doesn't like to see people get trampled for thier ideas.

Jack the type that might help a berk talk his way out of a fight but certainly isn't afraid to have your back if one breaks out. Then again he also doesn't like to stand for somone just getting trambled down often but it really depends on the mood of the situation and how much danger Jack would be putting others with him and to lesser extent himself in. He is an old and wise enough planewalker to realize he can't and even if he could shouldn't get into and win every fight there out there.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Come on Guys we need to keep some posting going here. I mean I know I slacked off a tad there for about a week but more than 1 between posts really starts building disinterest in the thread. People start checking the thread less often and it spirals out of control soon. I mean at least 2 or 3 posts every 36 hours (total not each person) isn't too much to ask any less I think we risk the thread dying....

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Is our thread dead already? Come one guys wake the heck up!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Sorry Guys I have been really sick the last two days I hope to be back posting regularly soon but I am just under the weather right now.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

So in the next few posts we should likely get to heading on the adventure. Also what exactly do you have in mind so we can write towards that direction. I think we are getting to the point where we can start working on more complex plots that require some cooperation.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Alrighty then. Here is what I have in mind.

Fringe is currently in possession of a book that was written as a sort of guide that will lead one on to perform a series of tests.

Namely Nine tests in all.

After passing each test one MAY find one of three components to a portal key that is needed to travel into a demi-plane where the reward is.

The 9 tests are located (in no particular order) Elysium, Gray Waste, Mount Celestia, Abyss, Arborea, Baator, Limbo, Mechanus, and the final test is in the Outlands.

However, the whole thing was constructed by a Pit Fiend obsessed with finding out as to whether or not one's nature can overcome another.

Sound interesting?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Yeah it certainly does, has he done any of them yet since we are on the outlands? Or is he doing this one first but I guess you did say that was the final test...

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

He's done none of them yet.

The first place to visit simply acts as a waystation at first.

There is a certain order that has to be followed test-taking wise and the portals that lead from the Outland's waystation lead to the plane next to the destination.

Example, to get to the Test on Limbo, hop to a portal to Pandemonium, do some serious trekking, then hop to the portal to Limbo.

The Tests were devised by a Pit Fiend and are aimed at drawing out the journey so one may possibly succumb to Pride at finally getting to the Test and fail.

The Tests themselves are located in remote towers that exist courtesy of the Pit Fiend's wish ability. Inside the towers a construct will ask a question. If it is not answered within three tries, 'The Devil's Due is Collected'. Meaning the construct will attack.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: Free Form Game: Amazing Planes

Its possible that from Sunday night until Friday night I will not have regular or I may not have any access to the internet. I am starting my archaeology survey work again and depending on whether I have access to internet at my hotel and/or a local libaray that I can easily get to where I am working. Most likely I will have one or the other but just thought I would toss you guys a heads up just in case.

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