OOC: All that We See or Seem

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Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
OOC: All that We See or Seem

My apologies Primus, I meant as a full time fighter.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Well it does seem like Jim's followers will be able to be "powered up" considerably for combat, but I don't know how much 2 first level commoners, or even to 1st level fighters, will help in combat. Still, since Jim counts as his own follower, he'll be able to supe himself up (I'm picturing a polymorph and benediction kind of like the Hulk Laughing out loud ) and Al-Rickan will be great as a band-aid box. We do have a limited amount of spell firepower, but frankly, I think we're fine. I can take care of ranged combat as well as any magic missile, and we've enough melee fighters to keep the enemy on the defensive. Let's just hope no one gets hit with a nasty enchantment...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Don't forget. If you guys prove to be good friends and allies to Jim he can bestow three people with marks that allow him to apply his benedictions to them. I think that Jim gets control over when the benedictions are activated, though.

Also, Jim will probably leave his followers in Sigil if we go out of the Ring City - leave them to start their church and maintain contact via dream communique.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

So... I guess we're set?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Oops, I forgot to show the wand of CLW. Eluvan, the wand *should* be on the copy I pm'd you.

Other than that, it looks like we're ready to roll. Well, except we have no wizards or sorcerers among us. Yikes. I hate RPing wizards and I don't have a sorcerer ready (nor do I have time to make one up now), so unless someone else wants the job, we'll have to make do without.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Indeed, you are ready to go... I, however, am not. :roll: Sorry...

I've been busy recently, that's my only excuse. And I'm not going to get less busy; essay deadlines are bearing down on me like some kind of horrible monolithic constructions on the horizon. Imagine the Tower of Pain, viewed from about a week away Eye-wink . You can expect this to kick off fairly soon, but don't hold your breath, and be patient. I don't want to rush into it before I'm ready.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: All that We See or Seem

We'll make do without arcane spellcasters. It'll be a little more interesting and we'll just do things the old-fashioned way. In the meantime, why don't we go over character backstories and figure out how we got where we got? How did we all end up together?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Well, I think we're all staying in a tavern in Sigil, conveniently the same tavern, and we don't all need to have arrived there for a connected reason. Maybe we're all just there and then get dragged into some sort of action? What do you think, Eluvan? How well do we need to know each other before the action starts?

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Well, really it's up to you. I like complex inter-player relations, I think they make a game much more interesting, but if you prefer to let them develop in game then that's fine too. Do whatever feels right to you - if you want you can say that you've known each other from childhood, or that you're complete strangers up till the point that the campaign starts. It's really up to you.

On another note, I just got my grubby mitts on a copy of the Guide to the Ethereal Plane, which I'm currently in the process of poring over. Laughing out loud

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

"Eluvan" wrote:
On another note, I just got my grubby mitts on a copy of the Guide to the Ethereal Plane, which I'm currently in the process of poring over. Laughing out loud

Awesome, I hope everyone has magic weapons to hit all the translucent baddies... As for personal connections, Adian (the soulknife) and Lykos have at least been on an adventure together before and will have a relationship. As fellow adventurers, though, it wouldn't be out of hand for us to at least know each other before. Certainly more than a few cutters know about Jim, and Olorin could even seek the Reluctant God out to help him along his path of self-improvement (as I understand his Order enjoys). Lykos also has heard rumors of an aasimar of couatl descent in Sigil and would love to meet such an illustrious part-celestial.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Just a note to let you all know that I'm alive, and haven't abandoned you. I've been labouring under essay deadlines and a bad cold for a while, but I'm getting a lot better and the last deadline of the term is imminent, so pretty soon I should have the wind at my back - at which point I'll be ready for a last push to finish all my musings and porings over source material, and to collate my ideas and get this show on the road. Expect something before the end of this coming weekend.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Wow! I was getting worried about you Elu, glad you're still with us. Does anyone have anything else we need to do before the start of the 'venture?

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Good to hear it. Alhesander's in the tavern with the intention to watch over Jim, unofficialy of course, after he hearing about the assassination attempt. Besides the altruistic reasons for doing so Alhesander see's the Devout as possible proof of his ideals, should Jim suceed in his transcendance. And if of course the reluctive pseudo-god needs prodded along in his destiny, Al can do that too.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Lykos is staying in the tavern with Siul, his celestial wolf. He's sharing a room with Adian, the tiefling soulknife with whom he's been traveling in a love/hate relationship, and has perhaps noticed the distinctive Alhesander since Lykos is always on the look-out for anyone celestial. He's also on the look-out for adventure...

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Okay, I'm gearing up. The planning stages are going fairly well. My original prediction that the first adventure post should be up by the end of this weekend holds true. Alhesander, please PM me the information on the Arête. Sorry for not asking about this earlier, I plead temporary insanity.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: All that We See or Seem

I'm still up for it.

Olorin's been in Sigil for about a month now, but so far he's not found 'a man who would be a God against his will'. Harbinger House was his last visit, but like all of his other leads, it turned up nothing.

He's taken up kip at the Green Mill, an elven establishment in the Lower Ward (from In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil). He's taken to wandering the streets aimlessly, hoping to happen upon a Moonlit Path.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Primus - we need to talk about how Leadership is going to work. How much control do you want over your followers? If you prefer, I can run them as NPCs (though, obviously, you have a great deal of influence over them. Though their exact actions and words will be decided by me, you can of course make reasonable requests of them and expect me not to be a jerk about it). Or you can run them yourself, alongside Jim. In this case I would reserve the right to seize control of your followers or cohort temporarily if there is something they need to do for reasons not apparent to you.

Personally, I would favour the first solution. It's just a bit easier. However, if you want to set up complex relationships between (for instance) Jim and Al-Rickan and you don't trust me to handle one side, I can respect that. It's up to you ultimately.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Running them as NPCs is fine, I have no plans for these characters just yet, still haevn't let them develop to that point yet.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Okay, that's fine then. Just waiting on information from Alhesander on the philosophy of the faction he hopes to create. It occurs to me that alot of people aren't very active on forums at the weekend - I think I'll wait until tomorrow to start the IC thread, and won't start worrying about Alhesander until tomorrow evening either.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Dropping a line to let you all know I'm still alive and checking this thread. Can't wait to get going.

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
OOC: All that We See or Seem

The info's been sent, ready to start whenever you guys are.

Eluvan's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
OOC: All that We See or Seem

Okay, the game's up! In this forum, entitled 'All That We See or Seem'.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OOC: All that We See or Seem


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