One real life thing from Sciborg2 -> Emergency Registries

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Joined: 2005-07-26
One real life thing from Sciborg2 -> Emergency Registries

After Boston I figured this might be helpful:

Was helping with a health resource project and thought it would be good if you all got your families to try and make 911 registry profiles as described here at the top of the document:

In case there's a personal emergency or mass disaster the ambulance can have the info before they arrive. Figured we all know people who are elderly, have special needs, or take various medications.

Feel free to share, as I think it benefits everyone to know about it! Smiling

We put in the Smart911 registry which anyone can sign up for and some other state/county/city based disability & special needs registry information - DC and its surrounding area, Delaware, etc.

We also put in some other stuff that is more likely to be helpful to those who work in nonprofits aiding the poor, but stuff like anxiety hotlines and sites probably benefit everyone too.

Would love to add more resources that are national and state/county/city specific so feel free to share but please have people reply to the email in the document which goes to a shared email account. (Topics mentioned after signature)

Finally, please share with anyone else who might get the info out to those who need it.



Topics covered include:

I. Special Needs, Disabled Adults and Children
II. Mental Health - free/cheap care, hotlines, online support groups
III. Youth and Adult Homelessness
IV. Legal Assistance - legal aid
V. Insurance Assistance - mainly for kids
VI. Prescription Assistance - kids and adults
VII. Emergency Preparedness
VIII. Veterans


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

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