On the Question of Nobility

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Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
On the Question of Nobility

[What follows is an excerpt of a conversation between the tome archon of Mertion, Raziel, and a throne archon.]


Raziel: Let's get back to something you mentioned a few days ago... something about "the nobility of the spirit". Can I ask... what did you actually mean by that?

Throne Archon: I mean nobility, my lord. That special "something" that people are born. It is what makes them either good or evil, follow the ways of law or chaos, live rich or poor.

Raziel: I'm sorry... you said "born with"? Is that what you said? So, by that definition, can someone start out common but eventually become noble?

Throne Archon: Yes, that was what I said. And no, I do not think that can ever happen. At least, I've never heard of such a thing occuring anywhere.

Raziel: So then, could you possibly be a friend to someone who had say... committed a crime, or maybe they were poor?

Throne Archon: No!. I doubt it. I mean... of course not!.

Raziel: So you are saying that there is no hope of redemption for the weary sinner then?

Throne Archon: I'm sorry my lord, but I'm afraid I don't quite follow your question.

Raziel: Never mind. It's of little consequence, I suppose. Please, look out there, my friend. Look out over the Heavens, and tell me what you see?

Throne Archon: I see... I see a flight of silver dragons about to leave Mertion, as well as an army of dwarven petitioners marching in formation down below. Up there... there's also a number of astral-warjammers stationed up above, obviously waiting to get underway on some crucial mission of Goodness.

Raziel: And looking at these things, tell me, what do they represent to you?

Throne Archon: These things are the might of Law... the power of Good... the righteousness of the Seven Heavens. It is the force by which the we, the ultimate race of Goodness, can smite its enemies and create justice in the multiverse.

Raziel: Are you saying that justice is something that can be created?

Throne Archon: Of course. Yes, I am.

Raziel: How is that possible? Justice is justice, is it not? It has often been said that justice is the indefinable purpose of the Powers Above we look for in life. It's not something we can create.

Throne Archon: Please do not jest, my lord. Every non-power and mortal in Creation knows that justice is one of the spoils that comes with victory.

Raziel: So, might is right?

Throne Archon: It is the noble way, I believe?

Raziel: Says whom? According to whose definition?

Throne Archon: Zaphkiel. He says that nobility is often just blind confidence.

Raziel: And so, when you believe you are right, then anything you do is to be considered, right?

Throne Archon: Yes. Exactly. You have it my lord. Why do you shake you head that way, my lord?


EDIT: To create a space between two points of the discussion.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
On the Question of Nobility

whoa, nice man. Im sideing with Raziel on this one.

intresting idea of perception. I am in the right so everything I do is right.

But if every killer is convinced that the victim needs killing, then they must think they are doing the right thing, and that makes the murders justifiable, and it's too early for this.
Boy, am I glad I glad we have the Mercykillers to handle promblems like these.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
On the Question of Nobility

Seems like the new Sodkillers, actually. Might makes right, and all.
Bloody archons.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17

I am truly getting a Harmonium vibe off of this...

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