OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

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Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Hey to all the old bloods from pre-hiatus PW.com

Just wondered if any of you would be able to help me? Im writing a story that has just topped 79,000 words so far and would like some of the old guys and gals who I know from the old days to give me their opinions of extracts before I finish and send it to publishers.

Now it isnt a planar story so I already feel like a fraud for posting here, but this was the only way I could think of to reach anyone who is still active. Anyway, if you want to take a look at a little bit of it then email me (my address should be in my profile, let me know if it isnt!)

Thanks in advance people,
Sean 'Barkin' Taylor

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Hey guys,

Just sayin thanx to all the people who contacted me. Had some really good feedback and I appreciate the comments (and of course the praise). Its good to see just who is still active, not to mention who cares enough to keep in touch. To anyone I havent replied to, ill speak to you soon promise!


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Just to update, ive FINALLY finished Laughing out loud

Its topped out at 103,000 words before I edit and either add or subtract things to it. The only problem I have now is that I dont know whether I need an Epilogue to explain what has happened since the end of the story? Like what happened in the UK and the HRE given that the Governments have dropped to pieces. Im planning a 2nd and 3rd book so im not sure whether to just do Prologues before those books or try and hook readers in with a good epilogue to the first book that makes them want a second.

Anyway, enough fevered rantings. Im open to anyone here who wants to help me out Laughing out loud Although feedback from those who have read my story would probably be the best assistance.

Thanks again guys to everyone who has helped me. If this all works out the way I want it to ill make damn sure people hear your names Sticking out tongue lol

Barkin x

P.S Have I seen Ashy lurking about? Thought I saw someone commenting on a post who had a username similar to the benevolent Tiefer. Might just be me going...ok, gone mad. Peace out x

EDIT: Tee Hee Hee, just realised this thread has had like a hundred views. Makes me feel all warm inside that people are interested Sticking out tongue lol

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

For those who are interested.

Just gone to publish.

Ordered the first copy to check quality before it goes on public release.

To save being shouted at by Clueless or someone for advertising, PM me if you want details of how to order and ill be more than happy to tell you Sticking out tongue lol

Again, thanks for all the support people have provided me. Could NOT have done it without your help and feedback!

Love n Hugz
Barkin xxx

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Havent heard anything back shouting at me to say dont post a link. So for those interested...here ya go!


And if there is a problem then just tell me and ill remove the link Sticking out tongue

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Hey there Barking Wilder!

This is SO cool... congratulations! Sticking out tongue

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Oh by the way im taking it down soon because a couple of Publishing companies have shouted at me for not approaching them first :s

So I could be getting professionally published!
Watch this space...and your local stores lol

Peace out

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
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This is freaking cool, my friend! Cool

BIG congrats to you!

By the way, the story sounds really interesting, a very creative and inspiring approach! Go rock the world! Eye-wink

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P


Möglicherweise gibt es eine deutsche Übersetzung zukünftig!

P.S: Apologies if this is a poor attempt, its been YEARS since I did German at school :s

Meant to say "Thanks! Maybe there will be a german translation in the future!"


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

That was pretty good, really Smiling

Only the word "zukünftig" is used rarely in normal language, and it's not for the end of the sentence; it should be "Möglicherweise gibt es zukünftig eine..."

Anyway... personally, I prefer the original language. I've made the experience that translations into German often suck or at the very least it's simply impossible to translate some things really good... so, if I find the time and money, I'll simply get your original book Smiling

Have fun,


gothwalk's picture
Joined: 2005-05-03
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That's excellent, Barkin - really glad to hear it!

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
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'Barking_Wilder' wrote:
P.S Have I seen Ashy lurking about? Thought I saw someone commenting on a post who had a username similar to the benevolent Tiefer. Might just be me going...ok, gone mad. Peace out x

Keen eyes, basher - keen eyes - even tarmy, I'd say! Eye-wink Yea, the ol' tiefer is still lurking about but not too often. First, the Lady mazed me and now that I've given her the laugh, I've hit the blinds with the Hardheads! Those sodding softheads have blocked most of the portals the ol' tiefer uses to access the Cage, so I have to run tha ring to get it Sigil!

LOL! Greetings, Sean - very good to hear from you again - congrats on the new book - please keep us posted as to how things go!!! Smiling I'm here off and on now, as Planewalker is blocked at my work, but I try to get on at least once a week or so (as time allows, with church, the fam, and all that...).

I've got a DMling whose took to hanging around here, however - if you need me, just get ahold of him and he can track me down. Goes by the name Benyamin. Or, you can just drop by my new website (see sig).

Twig to ya later, bashers! Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Yeah, yeah..Couldn't let the Monkey have all the fun. Sticking out tongue

Actually, I stumbled across this site while I was looking around for gaming info. Sorta funny to walk up to your DM as a clueless prime and say, "Look at the cool site I found."--only to have him go, "Yeah, I created it." :shock: Laughing out loud

Still sort of a clueless (definitely not up to the shins of you bloods), but I'm glad to have found such a cool group of cutters.

Anywho, cya around Sigil!


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'Benyamin' wrote:
(definitely not up to the shins of you bloods)

Don't worry about it. I'm size Large.


Pants of the North!

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Ashy! The boss is back...albeit avoiding the Ladys gaze as much as possible. Still, I know it makes a lot of people feel better just knowing you are around. Sure as hells makes me feel better.

Thanks for the support by the way! Thanks to everyone for the support! Who knows, when work stops kicking the *vile language deleted* out of my social life, I might actually get the time to send it to a professional publisher. Already done a book signing at one of my local book stores :s So at least my name is known! Kinda.

Hugz to all and a happy new year!
Barkin X Wilder

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Wow, ok has anyone here bought a copy of the book? Because I just logged on to the site to check my sales and there has been a big jump :s lol Pleasant surprise.

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
OLD PW MEMBERS! Need your help if you know me :P

Glad ta be back, blood - glad to be back. Laughing out loud

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