Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

Ok I have 7 days before a small gaming convention at a local university. Well 8 days if you count the first day of the convention. I am leaning very heavily towards running at least one if not two sessions of Planescape. Not sure quite yet if I want to run classic or post faction war Planescape but I will certainly have a lot of stuff from here at Planewalker around for advertising if nothing else to interest the kiddies in this great setting. I think last year they had overall attendance of about 70 people though a good number maybe 50%-60% were there for solely the collectable tournaments (ie magic, heroclix, and etc.)

I have only limited experience with 3rd edition as yet however I have already enlisted a person to act as a mole type who knows the edition well. I am planning to use pre-constructed characters to maximize role playing time as I have seen far too many convention sessions wasted by extremely long character creation sessions. Anyway as I am still in the early planning stages I was wondering if anyone has any advice on a couple of fronts.

1) If I decide to run classic Planescape are there any published adventures that might work well in a convention setting? (I own all 30 original supplements so I have them all) I can most likely setup a session length between 4 and 7 hours though most likely around 5 or maybe 6 hours though.

2) What kind of general advice do you have for running one shots like this at a convention. I have only played in 3 sessions like this before and never actually attempted to DM one. What are some pits falls I should watch out for and work to prevent

3) If you were a player (or even as a DM giving advice) do you think I should just stick with like 6-8 pre-created characters basically ensuring a mostly rounded out group or would it be better to have like 15 characters ready so people have an extensive choice especially considering the nature of Planescape. I could balance that out a bit by having my mole player pick a character that will balance the group out a bit if needed.

4) What sorts of things from Planewalker do you think I should put up and give out around the convention?

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

Go current. PS3E, so you can advertise the site more prevalently to the players and those watching.

Use pre-gen characters, but base the alignment on your campaign.

If they're doing naughty things, make 'em neutral and Evil, if they're freakin' niceys, neutral and good. (This way, if someone wants to play something outside the realm of the campaign, you won't be sequested into party infighting at a 6-7 hour block, which eats up a TON of time, I tell you that.)

Keep the characters to ten. (Three good, three evil, and four neutrals.) This way, your PCs will have a decent choice, and the optimal size group (3-6, IMO), will still have a chance to pick and choose what they want to play.

This has worked best for me in the past at cons. I suggest against the using of a ringer, though, because (s)he may have favoritism, and if your goal is to garner newbies to the fold, this may be a hindrance to this. ('Course, I don't know your bud, so you can disregard that last comment if you wanna.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

Be prepared with a speech or a handout describing planescape and setting the mood of the setting.

I usually start by telling them a 'creation myth'. Something along the lines of (what I used for a PBeM):

The sages and grey beards say, that there used to be a time when nothing existed. Everything floated in a void of potential, something simular to what we would call the etherial plane, and nothing existed, save burning bejeweled Sigil. A hidden place, with sealed doors and sealed secrets.

Then there was a spark of heat at the center of things. Fire, followed by a rush of Air, and Earth, and Water to quench the flames and sooth the heat of all. And so the Inner planes, those realms of physical reality came into being. And so there was light, and the Inner Planes were born.

The Positive and the Negative arose, sending the Inner planes into flux - and a mixing, and churning of the waves brought forth the Material Plane. Time passed, and the Prime spawned. Potential grew, and from the silvery void, what we would call the Astral, *ideas* came forth. People arose on the Prime, and with those people their thoughts and beliefs. And so, thousands of mortals were born.

The mortals looked apon their worlds of mountian, storm, seas and plains, and saw that it was great, and built upon it. Believing such good couldn't only be made by unknown hands, they rose temples to gods, punished and rewarded themselves as they saw fit. They birthed their gods, their demons, devils, and angels, and gave their newborn dieties homes in Heaven, Hell, Chaos, and, Law. The gods, grew, and looked upon their worshippers, and gave forth to them powers and belief. And so the Outer Planes were born, and the doors of Sigil opened.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

"jordarad" wrote:

This has worked best for me in the past at cons. I suggest against the using of a ringer, though, because (s)he may have favoritism, and if your goal is to garner newbies to the fold, this may be a hindrance to this. ('Course, I don't know your bud, so you can disregard that last comment if you wanna.)

Its not so much as using my man as a ringer as it is making sure I have a decent reliable backup on 3E rules. He is going to help me put together the pre gen characters and a few other things to take some of the general work off me. But primary he is just helping make sure I have 3E in a working fashion for myself throughout the session.

Also I really like all the other suggestions so far and I think I might use them all. I am still pondering whether i will run one classic and one post faction war yet but I will almost certainly have one set in post faction war Planescape.

Which reminds me has the Sigil map changed much at all since Faction war or is it basically just new people in charge of the buildings? Is there a new Sigil map sitting around on Planewalker somewhere?

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

I'm working on that for Gabe, one ward at a time. The Lady's is first. None of them will be ready for the con, sorry.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ok 7 days to small gaming convention, little help.

That's cool thanks though for working on one in any case thats awesome. I think I am just going to use the map that is in the Main boxed Set or possibly the one included with IN the Cage a Guide to Sigil.

I am actually leaning towards only hanging out in Sigil a little bit at this point and maybe doing a small tour of a few planes. I am thinking maybe the Astral, one of the elmental and maybe 1 or 2 others at this point. But I am going to meet with a friend of mine and discuss it more in depth so nothing is set in stone quite yet.

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