Official Stats for Razorvine, Ooze Puddles, and Smog?

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Official Stats for Razorvine, Ooze Puddles, and Smog?

Do we have 'official' (WotC or PSCS) rules for razorvine, ooze puddles, smog, and the general 'bad air' of Sigil?

As I prep those things for my introductory adventure, I was wondering what rules various people are using?

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Official Stats for Razorvine, Ooze Puddles, and Smog?

Planar handbook has rules for Razorvine doesnt it? Im sure I saw them somewhere like that.

For smog...just use a stinking cloud spell with a caster level appropriate to how vile you want it to be (maybe even being as bad as cloudkill at higher levels or in REALLY bad areas). I usually do that and sometimes add either an appropriate poison or disease as an additional effect.

My two

P.S: Happy New Year for in a few hours time everyone!!!

EDIT: Just checked, Yup its on page 146 of the Planar Handbook.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Official Stats for Razorvine, Ooze Puddles, and Smog?

Planar Handbook pg. 146


Minor contact with razorvine deals 1d6 points of damage, while more serious contact -- such as a push into a patch of falling headlong into it -- can deal up to 3d6 points of damage. Armor and thick hide help reduce the damage; subtract your natural armor bonus if any plus half your armor bonus from damage delt by razorvine.

As far as its hardness and hitpoints, I would treat it like a normal creeper vine. Its apparently very easy to trim, it just grows more than a foot a day.

As for the foul air of places like the Lower Ward, it's just described as a sulferous stench. The air isn't immediatly harmful though it will stain skin and clothes and leave one with a hacking cough after prolonged exposure. I use the NPCs from Planescape: Torment as an example of what effect prolonged exposer to the Lower Ward "smog" has.

Just think of the Lower Ward air like a seedy nightclub in Vegas. The smoke may stain your skin and shorten your life by a couple years but it's not an immediate danger.


Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Official Stats for Razorvine, Ooze Puddles, and Smog?

Ooze puddles don't have "stats," per se...they just have sizes and the chances that some ooze mephit will be reaching his arm out to grab anybody at any certain time. They also have a min. STR to pull out of the "grasp" of an ooze puddle, although I can't pull it out of my brain box right now...basically your friends grab and hope the 3-4 of you can keep your feet out of the ooze in the first place Smiling.

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