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Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Offensive Posts

The following threads contain offensive and/or pornographic material, posted by GregMitch:

/forums/viewtopic.php?t=616 /forums/viewtopic.php?t=617

While we're on the subject, is it possible to get a link to report bad posts directly to the Moderators?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Offensive Posts


Interesting how he took the time to choose a planescape avatar before getting banned. A spaming Hardhead, what has the multiverse come down to? Kali Yuga indeed...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Offensive Posts

He's been banned. He also managed to send me an offensive PM in addition to these threads. Let me know if he pops up again, I have his IP on record so I can send a complaint to his ISP if it becomes a problem again.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Offensive Posts

Any chance of a Report Post button?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Offensive Posts

Not any time soon right now. phpbb ain't easy to deal with and we've done just enough customization that getting a mod put in takes some effort. Combine that with schoolwork and it's going to take time. It'll be done - just not immediately.

paddypaddypadpads's picture
Joined: 2005-04-12
Offensive Posts

Hey, it's me, the member formerly known as "gregmitch." I'm a pretty avid D&D player, with a great interest in the planes. I found this site, and found it pretty amusing and useful. However, when I joined the forums, it became apparent that the majority of you are much more, how should I say it, "hardcore?" than me. So, my friend and DM both told me I shouldn't be here because I might spoil things (even though I was writing a story and needed the resource) and that it's pointless for me to be here because I'm pretty dumb when it comes to D&D lore. So, he sugguested that I be a big idiot, and go out with style. Anyways, that's why I posted what I did, sorry if it offended you. However, I don't see how anything I did could be reported to my ISP. Trust me, all I feel it warrants is a ban. I was not commiting a crime, or seriously harassing anybody. If this is what you feel deserves an ISP complaint, do yourself a favour and watch out for the more mainstream forums. I've seen people get ripped to shreds from flaming, post hardcore porn, and all the sorts, and get nothing but a temporary ban. I was tempted to use this account to further my "abuse" of your forum, but that's not really my style. Sorry if my behaviour disturbed any of you, I admit the image was in poor taste. And keep up this community, it's definately a good one, though slightly over my head. Oh, and lighten up a little bit, there are far bigger jerks than me out there, and I doubt their ISP's are going to care. Just a thought.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Offensive Posts

Thank you for the thoughts - and the explination - but I'd strongly suggest in the future to use a little bit of common sense when it comes to your friend's suggestions. They don't sound much like they have your best interest at heart.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Offensive Posts

"paddypaddypadpads" wrote:
However, when I joined the forums, it became apparent that the majority of you are much more, how should I say it, "hardcore?" than me.

There's nothing wrong with being a noob, or um, soft core - there are lots of people who use these forums to ask questions, and there are a number of us who are happy to answer them. If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask in any thread and I'm sure someone will clarify.

There's plenty of silliness here, too.

Different forums have different levels of tolerance, and the people who run them are in their rights to enforce the levels that the individual communites feel comfortable with. Just because something is to be expected in the Something Awful forums or some message board dedicated to furry porn doesn't mean every other place on the internet has to accomodate itself to that standard. If there's one thing the Internet is especially good for, it's having a wide range of sites for a wide range of tastes.

I didn't see your original posts, so I don't know how "stylish" they were, but just in general.

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