Of Deities and Demigods

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Joined: 2004-05-12
Of Deities and Demigods

“Balance above alignment, knowledge above all”

The Uncaring, Lord of All Magics, The Archmage of the Deities
Greater Oerthian Deity
An eye balanced on a pedestal inside a pentagon
Home Plane: The Outlands
Alignment: Neutral
Aliases: Al’Zarad (Bakluni)
Superior: None
Allies: Cyndor, Delleb, Istus, Lendor, Wee Jas; distant
Foes: Tharizdun
Servants: Mordenkainen, the Circle of Eight, Zagyg the Mad
Servitor Creatures: Jann genies, invisible stalkers, Huge elementals (any kind)
Manifestations: None
Signs of Favor: Sudden insight involving magical research or arcane theories
Portfolio: Magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, balance, neutrality
Worshippers: Arcane spellcasters, astrologers, philosophers, loremasters, oracles, sages, seers, diviners
Cleric Alignments: Any; primarily CN, LN, NE, N, NG
Specialty Priests: Arcanists/Arcanologists
Holy Days: Celestial conjunctions, Great Discovery, Last Rite of the Prophet
Domains: Balance, Knowledge, Magic, Oracle, Spell
Favored Weapon: The Staff of the Archmagus (quarterstaff)

Arcane Oracle 10/Archmage 5/Loremaster 20/Wizard 25
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Divine Rank:
Hit Dice: 10d6 + 5d4 + 20d4 + 25d4 + 660 + 3 (923 hp)
Initiative: +16 (+12 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 86 (+13 deflection, +12 Dex, +17 divine, +1 dodge, +32 natural), touch 53, flatfooted 86
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+52
Attack: The Staff of the Archmagus +59 melee (1d8+29/x3); or spell +73 melee touch or +79 ranged touch
Full Attack: The Staff of the Archmagus +59/+54/+49/+44 melee (1d8+29/x3); or spell +73 melee touch or +79 ranged touch
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Arcane fire, domain powers, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spell power +3, spells
Special Qualities: Alter reality, alter size, arcane reach, avatar, divination enhancement, damage reduction 40/epic and mithral, divine aura (17 miles, Will DC 50), divine immunities, familiar (owls), godly realm, greater lore, greater teleport at will, immunity to acid and cold, immunity to surprise, improved uncanny dodge, lore, planeshift at will, prescient sense, remote communication, scry bonus +1, secrets (instant mastery, secret health, secrets of inner strength, secrets of true stamina, secret knowledge of avoidance, weapon trick, dodge trick, applicable knowledge, newfound arcana, more newfound arcana), spell resistance 119, resistance to sonic 37, trap sense +3, true lore, uncanny dodge, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 17 miles
Saves: Fort +76, Ref +77, Will +94 *Always receives a 20 on saves
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 34, Con 33, Int 58, Wis 54, Cha 36
Skills: Appraise +110 (+120 alchemical items, +120 books, +120 calligraphy, +120 paintings, +120 forged items), Balance +36, Bluff +96, Concentration +126, Craft (alchemy) +126, Craft (bookbinding) +126, Craft (calligraphy) +114, Craft (painting) +110, Decipher Script +136, Diplomacy +107, Disguise +82 (+88 when acting character), Escape Artist +47, Forgery +126, Gather Information +119, Heal +100, Hide +71, Intimidate +91, Knowledge (arcana) +152, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +100, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +126, Knowledge (geography) +106, Knowledge (history) +136, Knowledge (local) +100, Knowledge (nature) +126, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +100, Knowledge (the Planes) +136, Knowledge (religion) +136, Listen +103, Perform (oratory) +30, Search +115 (+121 to find secret doors), Sense Motive +136, Sleight of Hand +36, Spellcraft +152 (+162 for scrolls), Spot +103, Survival +40, Use Magic Device +124 (+134 for scrolls) *Always receives a 20 on checks
Feats: Brew Potion, Chain Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Explosive Spell, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Fortify Spell, Greater Spell Focus (all) B, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persistent Spell, Reach Spell, Repeat Spell, Sacred Spell, Scribe Scroll B, Spellcasting Prodigy, Spell Focus (all) B, Spell Mastery (all) B, Twin Spell, Transdimensional Spell
Epic Feats: Enhance Spell, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Spell Focus (all) B, Ignore Material Components, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Multispell x6
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, mind-effecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment
Salient Divine Abilities: Arcane Mastery, Archmage of the Deities*, Automagic Metamagic (quicken wizard spells), Automatic Metamagic (silent wizard spells), Automatic Metamagic (still wizard spells), Control Creatures (any creature that can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, 17 creatures/day), Craft Artifact, Create Greater Object, Create Object, Divine Blast (16/day, 17 miles, 30d12 damage), Divine Creation, Divine Recall (magic), Divine Shield (15/day, absorbs 170 points of damage), Divine Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Divine Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Divine Spellcasting, Increased Spell Resistance (x2), Instant Counterspell, Lord of All Magic*, See Magic, Spontaneous Wizard Spells, True Knowledge; Boccob has permanently sacrificed access to one domain for an additional salient divine ability.
*Unique Salient Divine Abilities; see below for details.
Environment: The Library of Lore, The Outlands
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 64
Treasure: Quintuple standard plus the Staff of the Archmagus
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: ––
Level Adjustment: ––


Boccob neither seeks nor avoids confrontations, though he does not hesitate to disabuse others of the illogicality and foolishness of fighting him; he desires balance above morality, knowledge above all. As Lord of All Magic and the Archmage of the Deities, Boccob has virtually limitless options in dealing with those foolish enough to challenge him, or assuming he feels threatened or amused by the other party.
Boccob always has foresight and true seeing cast upon his person and so is never deceived, surprised or flat-footed. He will wrap himself in various magical protections to stymie attempts at harming him. Immediately after, he will increase his armor class (+22) with single uses of his Balance domain power and activate his Divine Shield. He will always be Seeing Magic as the salient divine ability.
He will then initiate combat by calling on his Divine Aura, setting it to daze, and calming emotions to force peace upon the battlefield. Against obvious extraplanar foes, he will imprison, or dismiss or banish them back to their own planes. Usually this will end the combat, freeing Boccob to attend to important matters and leaving the dignity of his opponents intact. If violence persists, Boccob will neither give nor ask for quarter.
He will saturate the area with antimagic fields and launch disjunctions, greater dispel magics and reaving dispels at enemy spellcasters, melee specialists and rogues in that order. He will resolve this round by speaking words of balance, killing, paralyzing, weakening or nauseating nonneutral creatures and detonating an enhanced and intensified sacred fire storm on the party, dealing half divine and sonic damage.
If foes are still standing, Boccob will cast a veritable battery of combat spells, dispelling magic all the while. His incredible intelligence allows Boccob to select the most appropriate attack form for opponents, through use of Spontaneous Wizard Spells, and determine when to convert spells to the appropriate element or energy accordingly. He will follow up his previous spell barrage by unleashing fireballs, greater shouts, incendiary clouds, polar rays, meteor swarms, spheres of ultimate destruction with modified elements or energies as appropriate and repeating throughout combat as necessary.
Against foes that seem to be particularly persistent, Boccob will first launch arcane fire on his adversaries dealing raw magical energy and is then quick to cast epic spells, preferring those that strip away magical protections and known spells, and the disc of concordant opposition.
For exceedingly heavily protected and tenacious foes, Boccob will unleash salvos of his Divine Blast.
Boccob will never allow fighting to descend into physical fisticuffs, finding it barbaric and superfluous.

Alter Reality (Su): Boccob exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his very presence can command the very essence of the world around him.
Boccob can use the wish spell and duplicate practically any spell effect as long as the effect promotes magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, balance or neutrality. This ability costs him no XP and requires a standard action to implement.
He may cast any cure spell at will as a standard action. Applying metamagic feats to the spells requires him to forego using alter reality for 1 round for each level the feat would normally add to the equivalent spell.
As a swift action, Boccob can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. This ability allows Boccob to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up to as much as 1,600 feet tall. Finally, Boccob may create up to twenty avatars.

Archmage of the Deities (unique salient divine ability): Boccob is without question among the greatest practitioners of arcana in the multiverse. His untold millennia of arcane mastery is virtually unmatched by any save the greatest deities or cosmic entities of magic. This mastery manifests itself in a variety of ways. First, Boccob has mastered all applicable high arcana. In addition, Boccob need never sacrifice or expend spell slots for his arcana as they are intrinsically tied to his very essence.
Arcane Fire (Su): Boccob can channel arcane spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting it as a bolt of raw magical energy. The bolt is a ranged touch attack with long range (700 ft.) that always deals 170 points of damage.
Arcane Reach (Su): Boccob can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 170 feet away. Boccob must still make a ranged touch attack.
Mastery of Counterspelling: When Boccob counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. This reflection of spell energy affects even area-affecting spells which are typically not subject to spell turning; for example, if an enemy wizard casts a fireball in an area of effect that could affect Boccob, the fireball would be redirected to an area of effect centered on the enemy caster.
Mastery of Elements: Boccob can alter an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a different element or energy from the one it normally uses. This ability can alter spells with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, sonic, or positive or negative energy descriptors. The spell’s casting time is unaffected and Boccob may apply the appropriate element or energy to the spell as a swift action; for example, Boccob may fully transform an ice storm spell so that it deals positive energy damage before casting a delayed blast fireball that deals electricity damage. All spells modified this way always deal maximum damage.
Mastery of Shaping: Boccob can alter area and effect spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, or spread and may do so as an immediate action.

Domain Powers: Boccob casts divination spells at +3 caster level; Boccob uses scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a 77th level wizard; 17/day as a free action, Boccob adds his Wisdom modifier (+22) to his Armor Class for 60 rounds; Boccob gains a +2 bonus on Concentration and Spellcraft checks

Epic Spells: 10 per day. Epic spells known: animus blast, animus blizzard, disc of concordant opposition, contingent resurrection, crown of vermin, demise unseen, dire winter, dreamscape, eclipse, eidolon, enslave, epic counterspell, epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, greater epic mage armor, greater ruin, hellball, kinetic control, let go of me, living lightning, lord of nightmares, mass frog, momento mori, mummy dust, nailed to the sky, peripety, rain of fire, raise island, ruin, safe time, spell worm, soul dominion, soul scry, summon behemoth, superb dispelling, verdigris. Boccob has access to additional epic spells beyond this list; the actual extent of his knowledge of epic magic is unknown.

Lord of All Magic (unique salient divine ability): Boccob is virtually unrivalled in his knowledge and application of spells and effects. Firstly, his mastery and knowledge of spells is such that he automatically casts arcane spells without need for spellbooks – in game terms, he gains a virtual Spell Mastery feat for all schools of magic. Additionally, Boccob may select spells from any spell list, whether arcane or divine (cleric and noncleric spell lists) and cast those spells as wizard spells.
In addition, his spells are extremely difficult to resist and obliterate spell resistance with ease – he gains Greater Spell Focus and Epic Spell Focus as virtual feats for all schools of magic and all spells cast by him receive a further +17 divine bonus to caster level.
Finally, for the purposes of his Lore ability, he uses the totality of his caster level to determine the bonus (typically +139).

Spell-Like Abilities: At will –– antimagic field, anyspell, augury, banishment, break enchantment, calm motions, clairaudience/clairvoyance, clarity of mind, commune, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, dismissal, divination, find the path, foresight, greater anyspell, greater dispel magic, greater scrying, imbue with spell ability, legend lore, identify, limited wish, make whole, mage armor, mass sanctuary, mordenkainen’s disjunction, nystul’s magic aura, protection from spells, rary’s mnemonic enhancer, scrying, silence, spell resistance, spell turning, true seeing, weighed in the balance, word of balance. Caster level 77th, caster level 80th for divination spells. Save DCs = 50 + spell level.

Wizard Spells per Day (Levels 0 – 25): Boccob casts spells as a 117th level wizard and as a 120th level caster for divination spells. 4/10/10/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/4/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2. Save DC = 66 + spell level.

Other Divine Powers
As a greater deity, Boccob automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including checks, saves, and wizard caster level); as a deity of magic, Boccob does not receive the best possible die roll to attack rolls or damage as martial deities may receive. He is immortal.

Automatic Actions: Boccob can use any Intelligence-based skill, any skill that deals with arcane knowledge, or any Knowledge skill, even those he has no ranks in, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower; he can use Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft as a swift action if the DC for the task is 47 or less. Boccob can also cast any arcane spell or spell-like ability as a swift action; though he can only cast seven swift action spells per round. He can use legend lore and analyze dweomer as swift actions at will. Boccob can perform up to twenty swift actions each round.

Create Magic Items: As the deity of magic, Boccob can create any kind of magic item, and need only expend half the time and resources in doing so.

Portfolio Sense: Boccob senses all magic use (spellcasting, item use, spell-like ability use, magic item effect or magic item creation) seventeen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for seventeen weeks after the event occurs. He has a similar ability to sense the discovery, recording, or sharing of any spell or bit of arcane knowledge. He likewise senses any prophecy or prediction of the future (whether accurate or not) and any event that alters the balance of good, evil, law and chaos in the cosmology.

Senses: Boccob can see, hear, touch, and smell at distance of seventeen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within seventeen miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of divine rank 17 or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours.

The Staff of the Archmagus: This beautiful oaken staff is shod in adamantine and inscribed with shimmering golden runes that seemingly move across the oak. The staff is capped with platinum sigils and topped with a massive purple diamond bearing the symbol of Boccob. The Staff of the Archmagus, otherwise known as the Staff of Boccob, is a +6 defending quarterstaff save that it deals 1d8 damage and has a x3 critical multiplier.
On a critical hit, one must succeed in a Fortitude save DC 50 or permanently lose spells or spell-like abilities of an amount equal to one-half of one’s hit dice. Only a wish or miracle can restore a level’s worth of spells or spell-like abilities. A deity or cosmic entity using divine or cosmic abilities to heal may automatically restore lost spells or spell-like abilities, so long as they succeed on an opposed rank check.
Arcana lost in this manner are absorbed by the staff as charges and provide 10 charges per HD of spells lost.
Boccob can draw out the arcana within his staff. For every 10 levels worth of spells within the weapon, Boccob receives a +1 divine bonus to his Knowledge, Spellcraft, caster level checks and spell DC. By expending charges in this way, he may negate XP costs or backlash damage when casting spells or epic spells.
Spells or spell-like abilities that fail to penetrate Boccob’s spell resistance are automatically absorbed by the staff to likewise provide charges.
Boccob may cast any spell he knows through the staff without losing the spell slot for the day and may freely apply metamagic feats to the expended spell.
Boccob may, as a standard action, alter the staff to emanate properties of known magical and epic staves, for example, Boccob may modify the staff so that it otherwise functions as a staff of the cosmos, or as a staff of passage; the spells cast by the staff in this way use the spell charges stored in the weapon.
Boccob typically has 600 charges stored within his staff, these charges reset daily if expenditure does not take place.

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Joined: 2004-05-12
Corellon Larethian Creator

Corellon Larethian
Creator of the Elves, The Protector, First of the Seldarine, Protector and Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves, Coronal of Arvandor
Greater Elven Deity
A silver crescent moon
Home Plane: Arvandor, 1st layer of Arborea
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Aliases: None
Superior: None; Ao in Abeir-Toril
Allies: The Seldarine, Anhur, Chauntea, Ehlonna, Eilistraee, Garl Glittergold, Horus-Re, Kord, Lathander, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Moradin, Mystra, Obad-Hai, Olidammara, Pelor, Selune, the Seelie Court, Shiallia, Silvanus, Sune, Tyr, Ubtao, Yondalla
Foes: Cyric, Erythnul, Hextor, Set, Talos, Malar, Moander, Nerull, the Dark Seldarine (except Eilistraee), the Lords of the Nine, the Queen of Air and Darkness, the orc and goblinkin pantheons
Servitor Creatures: Aasimar, ancient treants, astral devas, asuras, baelnorn, centaurs, dryads, elven cats, hollyphants, hybsils, ki-rin, lillendi, lythari, metallic dragons, moon dogs, nymphs, oreads, phoenixes, planetars, solars, seelie fey, sharn, sylphs, tuen rin, unicorns
Portfolio: Elves, magic, elven High Magic, music, arts, crafts, war, poets, poetry, bards, warriors
Worshippers: Elves, half-elves, bards, warriors, wizards, high mages
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, LG, NG, LN, N
Specialty Priests: Feywardens
Holy Days: The Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, War
Favored Weapon: Sahandrian (longsword) or Amaith’hana (longbow)

Corellon Larethian
Archmage 5/Bard 24/Duelist 10/Eldritch Knight 20/Wizard 10
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Elf, Extraplanar, Good)
Divine Rank:
Hit Dice: 5d4 + 24d6 + 10d10 + 20d6 + 10d4 + 690 (1114 hp)
Initiative: +28, always first (+20 Dex, +4 Improved Reaction, +4 Improved Initiative, Supreme Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 112 (+19 deflection, +20 Dex, +19 divine, +10 insight, +34 natural), touch 78, flat-footed 112
Base Attack/Grapple: +42/+73
Attack: Sahandrian +115/+115 melee (3d6+65 + 3d6 chaotic + 1 negative + 3d6 holy + 1 negative + 2d6 + 2 Dex/15–20/x2 + 6d6 chaotic + 2 negative + 6d6 holy + 2 negative + 2d6 + 2 Dex) or Amaith’hana +115/+115 melee (2d10+65 + 2d6 holy + 3d6 sonic/x3 + 2d6 holy + 9d6 sonic) or spell +93 melee touch or +101 ranged touch *Always deals full damage
Full Attack: Sahandrian +115/+115/+115/+115/+110/+105/+100 melee (3d6+65 + 3d6 chaotic + 1 negative + 3d6 holy + 1 negative + 2d6 + 2 Dex/15–20/x2 + 6d6 chaotic + 2 negative + 6d6 holy + 2 negative + 2d6 + 2 Dex) or Amaith’hana +115/+115/+115/+115/+110/+105/+100 melee (2d10+65 + 2d6 holy + 3d6 sonic/x3 + 2d6 holy + 9d6 sonic) or spell +93 melee touch or +101 ranged touch *Always deals full damage
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Acrobatic charge, domain powers, precise strike +2d6, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Alter form, alter reality, alter size, ambidexterity, avatar, bardic knowledge, bardic music 24/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, inspire courage +4, inspire greatness, inspire heroics, mass suggestion, song of freedom, suggestion), canny defense, damage reduction 40/epic and cold iron, divine aura (19 miles, Will DC 58), divine immunities, elaborate parry, elf traits, enhanced mobility, familiar (cats), godly realm, grace, greater teleport at will, high arcana (arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping), improved reaction +4, planeshift at will, remote communication, spell resistance 86, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 19 miles
Saves: Fort +82, Ref +98, Will +88 *Always receives a +20 on saves
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 50, Con 30, Int 46, Wis 39, Cha 48
Skills: Appraise +74 (+74 for alchemical items, +84 for bowmaking, +84 for weapons, +84 for worked wood), Balance +104, Bluff +86, Climb +77 (+87 with ropes), Concentration +97, Craft (alchemy) +77, Craft (bowmaking) +104, Craft (painting) +58, Craft (sculpting) +58, Craft (weaponsmithing) +104, Craft (woodworking) +104, Decipher Script +49, Diplomacy +115, Disguise +45 (+55 when acting in character), Escape Artist +102 (+108 with ropes), Gather Information +75, Handle Animal +79, Hide +97, Intimidate +91, Jump +98, Knowledge (arcana) +104, Knowledge (history) +62, Knowledge (nature) +102, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +54, Knowledge (the Planes) +104, Knowledge (religion) +104, Listen +98, Move Silently +102, Perform (dance) +98, Perform (sing) +98, Search +101, Sense Motive +80, Spellcraft +125, Spot +104, Survival +99 (+103 when following tracks, +107 in aboveground environments and on other planes), Tumble +108, Use Rope +71 (+77 with bindings) *Always receives a 20 on checks
Feats: Arcane Strike, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Deflect Arrows B, Dodge, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Far Shot, Forge Ring, Greater Weapon Focus (martial) B, Heighten Spell, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (martial) B, Improved Critical (simple) B, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank Shot B, Power Attack, Ranged Disarm, Sacred Spell, Scribe Scroll B, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (all) B, Spell Mastery (all) B, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Track, Twin Spell, Weapon Focus (martial) B, Weapon Focus (simple) B, Weapon Specialization (martial) B, Weapon Specialization (simple) B, Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus (martial) B, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Spell Capacity (7th), Improved Spell Capacity (8th), Improved Spell Capacity (9th), Intensify Spell, Multispell x3
Salient Divine Abilities: Annihilating Strike (Fort DC 50, or destroy up to 19,000 cubic feet of nonliving matter), Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic (quicken wizard spells), Battlesense, Control Creatures (elves), Coronal of Magic*, Coronal of War*, Craft Artifact, Create Greater Object, Create Object, Divine Archery, Divine Blast (22/day, 19 miles, 38d12 damage), Divine Creation, Divine Dodge (69%), Divine Shield (13/day, absorbs 190 points of damage), Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (longsword), Divine Weapon Mastery, Divine Weapon Specialization (longsword), Gift of Life, Govern the Children (elves)*, Overlord (elves)*, Spontaneous Wizard Spells, Supreme Initiative
*Unique Salient Divine Abilities; see below for details
Environment: Arvandor, Arborea
Organization: Unique (solitary)
Challenge Rating: 68
Treasure: Quintuple standard plus Sahandrian and Amaith’hana
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Advancement: ––
Level Adjustment: ––


Though a deity of warriors and martial endeavor, Corellon does not find war as his primary concern. Rather, it is the proliferation of peace and freedom that drives him. It is through honor and mercy that one may find true courage and prowess in even greater degree than in war. It is for this reason that Corellon is primarily a defensive combatant and will usually accept any offers of surrender or reconciliation on part of enemies.
Corellon usually begins combat wrapped in his Divine Aura and protective ward. Thereafter, he usually casts spells or uses bardic abilities designed to enfeeble opponents or induce slumber, rather than to cripple or harm. These enemies he then shunts to other planes or returns to their own plane via his magic. This usually ends the combat.
To those who would spit upon diplomacy, who would rend peace, Corellon is a terrifying opponent of virtually unsurpassed skill.
In this event, Corellon will unleash the terrible might of the Coronal of Arvandor and First of the Seldarine.
Corellon’s Supreme Initiative always allows him to act first within a combat round. He usually opens with a Dire Charge, wielding Sahandrian with consummate skill, the dizzying array of cuts and slashes too fast for the eye to follow. This full attack usually causes the targeted opponent to evaporate in a mist of blood, evoking terror in any remaining combatants and causing them to flee. This display of supreme swordsmanship also usually ends the combat.
For particularly resistant or tenacious enemies, Corellon will cast spells selected for area of affect and damage dealt, peppering the combat with disjunctions and greater dispel magics and mixing his arcana with attacks from Sahandrian. Corellon will also usually cast spells to complement or enhance his martial might, a particularly terrifying prospect for would-be enemies; for example antimagic field, blade barrier or cat’s grace and the like and liberally making use of Arcane Strike.  
If Corellon wishes to engage the opponent at range, he will usually surround himself in his Divine Shield and open combat with his artifact longbow or unleash Divine Blasts at his foes. He will follow this up by surrounding himself in greater epic mage armor and casting epic spells.

Bard Spells per Day: Corellon casts spells as an 88th level caster and as an 89th level caster for chaotic and good spells. 4/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7. Save DC = 58 + spell level.

Coronal of Magic (unique salient divine ability): Corellon is the Coronal of Magic; few approach his arcane puissance or his command over elven high magic.
Corellon is naturally attuned to spells and epic spells that are of elven origin. He instantly understands the intricacies of elven magic and is able to channel the power of the spells for himself; this mastery extends even to epic spells, especially mythals, of which he is intimately familiar. This ability functions similarly to the Spell Stowaway epic feat, save the spell in question need not be one that Corellon himself can cast.
Corellon may, as an immediate action, co-opt a protective mythal, harness any powers of existing mythals, whether intact or flayed, or repair corrupt mythals.
Furthermore, Corellon may apply the totality of his hit dice when calculating his arcane spellcasting level. Finally, for the purposes of his bardic lore ability, he utilizes the totality of his hit dice to calculate the bonus (typically +106).

Coronal of War (unique salient divine ability): Corellon is the embodiment of the graceful elven fighter, harmoniously combining elegance and skill into virtually unsurpassed prowess. This is expressed in several ways.
Firstly, Corellon can apply his Dexterity bonus to attacks he makes with any longsword that he can wield in one hand. Further, all damage made by his weapons apply his Dexterity bonus rather than his Strength bonus. Finally, Corellon receives Greater Weapon Focus and Epic Weapon Focus for all martial weapons as bonus feats. Corellon always draws weapons as free actions.

Domain Powers: Corellon casts chaotic and good spells at +1 caster level; Corellon uses scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as an 88th level wizard; 19/day as an immediate action, Corellon can generate a protective ward that confers a +69 resistance bonus to his next saving throw for 69 rounds; Corellon gains Point Blank Shot as a bonus a feat; Corellon gains Weapon Focus (composite longbow) and Weapon Focus (longsword) as bonus feats.

Epic Spells: 8 per day. Epic spells known: contingent resurrection, demise unseen, dreamscape, eclipse, epic counterspell, epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, eternal freedom, greater epic mage armor, greater ruin, hellball, kinetic control, let go of me, nailed to the sky, origin of species: elves, peripety, rain of fire, spell worm, summon behemoth, superb dispelling, verdigris.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will –– aid, animate objects, antimagic field, antipathy, blade barrier, cat’s grace, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, commune with nature, dispel evil, dispel law, divine power, find the path, flame strike, greater dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, imbue with spell ability, identify, liveoak, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, magic weapon, magic vestment, mind blank, mordenkainen’s disjunction, nystul’s magic aura, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic sphere, protection from energy, protection from evil, protection from law, protection from spells, repulsion, sanctuary, shatter, shield other, snare, spell immunity, spell resistance, spell turning, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (as chaos or good spell only), sunburst, tree stride, true strike, word of chaos. Caster level 88th, caster level 89th for chaotic and good spells. Save DCs = 58 + spell level.

Wizard Spells per Day (Levels 0 – 18): Corellon casts spells as an 88th level caster and as an 89th level caster for chaotic and good spells. 4/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/4/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2. Save DC = 57 + spell level.

Other Divine Powers
As a greater deity, Corellon automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attacks rolls, damage, checks and saves). He is immortal.

Automatic Actions: Corellon can use any Intelligence-based skill or any Dexterity-based skill, even those he has no ranks in, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. Corellon can also cast any arcane spell as swift action; though he can only cast four swift action spells per round. Corellon can perform up to twenty swift actions each round.

Create Magic Items: Corellon can create any item dedicated to martial or arcane pursuits or any item related to woodcraft or stealth. He need only expend half the time and resources in doing so.

Portfolio Sense: Corellon senses anything that affects elven welfare nineteen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for nineteen weeks after the event occurs. He is similarly aware whenever elves engage in arts or crafts, engage in magic use or make war.

Senses: Corellon can see (using normal vision or low-light vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of nineteen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within nineteen miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of divine rank 19 or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 19 hours.

Sahandrian: This perfectly balanced longsword appears as a simple shaft of blue gray metal with a plain unadorned cross-guard and hilt, a fitting weapon for the unpretentious Creator of the Elves. Forged from the heart of a star, this powerful artifact deals 10d10 points of divine damage per round to anyone with no save – aside from the Seldarine – that dares hold or wield it; this damage is doubled with respect to goblinoids or orcs.  
Sahandrian is a +6 speed chaotic power holy power longsword save that it deals damage as a huge longsword with an initial critical multipler of 18–20, and strikes with such overwhelming speed that whomsoever wields it may make an additional two attacks within the same full round at the full attack bonus.
Sahandrian also strikes with such precision that it deals an additional 2 points of Dexterity damage per hit.

Amaith’hana: This plain but otherwise beautifully crafted longbow always has a pull equal to Corellon’s strength or dexterity bonus. Rumored to be forged from the same metal as Sahandrian, Amaith’hana is a +6 speed holy sonic blast mighty composite longbow whose arrows always deal double damage and ignore armor or natural bonuses to armor class; it may either ignore armor or natural bonuses to AC, it cannot ignore both. Amaith’hana always fires arrows from an extradimensional source of infinite supply. Amaith’hana launches arrows with such devastating speed that it may launch an additional two arrows within the same full round at the full attack bonus.

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Joined: 2004-05-12
Tempus Lord of Battles, The

Lord of Battles, The Foehammer
Greater Faerunian Deity
: A blazing silver sword on a blood red field
Home Plane: Limbo
Alignment: Neutral (strong chaotic tendencies)
Aliases: Tempos (among the Icewind Dale barbarians)
Superior: None; Ao
Allies: The Red Knight, Uthgar, Valkur, Nobanion, Gond
Foes: Garagos, Talos, the Gods of Fury
Servants: Veiros, Deiros, the Red Knight, Uthgar, Valkur
Servitor Creatures: Neutral creatures of all types; aasimar, neutral solars, neutral demons, neutral devils, neutral centaurs, neutral chromatic dragons, neutral metallic dragons, neutral hippogriffs, tieflings, neutral unicorns
Portfolio: War, battle, conflict, honor in war, valor, warriors
Worshippers: Barbarians, fighters, mercenaries, rangers, soldiers, strategists, warriors
Cleric Alignments: Any; primarily CE, CG, CN, N, NE, NG
Speciality Priests: Battleguards
Holy Days: The Feast of the Moon, the Song of the Sword, the Feast of Heroes, the Song for the Fallen
Domains: Courage, Destruction, Protection, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Battle Prowess (any weapon)

Fighter 30/Legendary Dreadnought 20/Warpriest 10
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Divine Rank:
Hit Dice: 30d10 + 20d12 + 10d10 + 1140 + 48 (1828 hp)
Initiative: +20, always first (+12 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative, Supreme Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 98 (+14 armor, +13 deflection, +12 Dex, +17 divine, +32 natural), touch 66, flat-footed 98
Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+87
Attack: Battle Prowess +132/+132 melee touch (3d10+62 + 1 Con/15–20/x3 + 1 Con); or spell +107 melee touch or +99 ranged touch *Always deals maximum damage
Full Attack: Battle Prowess +132/+132/+127/+122/+117 melee touch (3d10+61 + 1 Con/15–20/x3 + 1 Con); or spell +107 melee touch or +99 ranged touch *Always deals maximum damage
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Domain powers, fear aura, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, turn undead
Special Qualities: Alter reality, alter size, avatar, damage reduction 70/–, divine aura (Will DC 50), divine immunities, godly realm, greater teleport at will, haste, heroes’ feast, immunity to acid and sonic, implacable foe, inflame +8, mass cure light wounds, mass heal, planeshift at will, remote communication, shrug off punishment, spell resistance 99, rally, resistance to cold, thick skinned, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 17 miles, unmovable 4/day, unstoppable 4/day
Saves: Fort +90, Ref +76, Will +77 *Always receives a 20 on saves
Abilities: Str 50, Dex 34, Con 49, Int 34, Wis 34, Cha 36
Skills: Appraise +20 (+30 with armor, +30 with weapons), Balance +20, Bluff +50, Climb +105, Concentration +90, Craft (armorsmithing) +100, Craft (weaponsmithing) +100, Diplomacy +74, Handle Animal +70, Heal +60, Intimidate +122, Jump +105, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Knowledge (nature) +50, Knowledge (the Planes) +66, Knowledge (religion) +66, Listen +65, Ride +77, Search +67, Sense Motive +75, Spellcraft +57, Spot +65, Survival +85, Tumble +60 *Always receives a 20 on checks
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Brute, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (all) B, Greater Weapon Specialization (all) B, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (all) B, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Spring Attack, Sunder, Trample, Weapon Focus (all) B, Weapon Specialization (all) B, Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Armed Deflection, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Devastating Critical (all), Dire Charge, Epic Prowess, Epic Sunder, Epic Weapon Focus (all) B, Epic Weapon Specialization (all) B, Infinite Deflection, Legendary Rider, Legendary Wrestler, Mighty Sunder, Overwhelming Critical (all), Reflect Arrows, Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, mind-effecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment
Salient Divine Abilities: Annihilating Strike (Fort DC 57, or destroy up to 17,000 cubic feet of nonliving matter), Area Divine Shield (up to 17 10-foot squares, or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 17 feet), Battlesense, Clearsight 17 ft., Divine Battle Mastery, Divine Blast (16/day, 17 miles, 30d12 damage), Divine Shield (22/day, absorbs 170 points of damage), Divine Storm (170 ft. radius, Fort DC 50), Divine Weapon Focus (all), Divine Weapon Mastery, Divine Weapon Specialization (all), Impervious*, Increased Damage Reduction, Increased Spell Resistance, Indomitable Strength, Irresistible Blows (Fort DC 56), Lord of Battle*, Know Death, Mass Divine Blast (1,7000 ft. long cone, or burst or spread with a radius of up to 850 ft., and a height of up to 170 ft.), Supreme Initiative, Sunder and Disjoin (DC 40), The Foehammer*, Unconquerable*; Tempus has permanently sacrificed access to one domain for an additional salient divine ability
*Unique Salient Divine Abilities; see below for details
Environment: Warrior’s Rest, Limbo
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 65
Treasure: Quintuple standard plus Battle Prowess, +6 full plate of moderate fortification
Alignment: Neutral (strong chaotic tendencies)
Advancement: ––
Level Adjustment: ––


Tempus is a deity of contrasts, on the one hand, his chaotic aspect, his representation of conflict and the true nature of war ensures that he favors all armies equally and without bias. His powerful exuberance and strong vitality ensures his veneration by all warriors, regardless of alignment. Yet Tempus has never been known to speak, even his telepathic messages convey a deep, hollow sonorous quality.
Although Tempus is virtually the absolute personification of war, he is profoundly honorable and punishes those who conduct themselves dishonorably, those who show the cowards spine by slinking away quietly in the midst of battle with tails tucked firmly between their legs, or those who abuse the innocent or noncombatants as valor blazes in all regardless of gender, age or race. He also severely punishes those who abuse the deity of peace’s priests, temples or shrines, ultimately aware that war has little meaning without peace to define and highlight it.
Tempus intrinsically understands that war is not a purely destructive or malicious force but one that is necessary, one that is vital for the continuation of the world and the cosmology. As such, Tempus will always fight to the best of his ability and with utmost honor and valor. Although powerful, he is neither stupid nor naïve and will spend at least three rounds observing enemies to pinpoint weaknesses or highlight tactical deficits.
Against reasonably weak enemies, Tempus does not usually bother with his spell-like abilities, finding their use in such a scenario to be dishonorable and discourteous. He wades into battle wrapped in his protective ward and Divine Aura set to resolve.
Tempus will begin his offensive by disarming or sundering the weapons of his opponents, and those whose weapons he has sundered and shattered who show exceptional bravery and courage or honor, he will usually allow to go. Foolish are those who refuse this rare kindness.
Against opponents whom he deems antagonists or enemies, Tempus is truly a terrible foe.
Against these opponents, he will warp reality to change his size to at least Huge, benefiting from an increased Strength bonus of +16. He will further enhance this bonus through his Strength domain power, adding an additional +60 to his Strength. Further, he will then become Unstoppable and smite foes. Finally, he will activate his Annihilating Strike salient divine ability. Although he still rarely bothers with his spell-like abilities, as he believes (accurately) that few can withstand his physical power in melee combat.
Against such an infinitely unstoppable attack, opponents usually become a red smear upon the bedrock, their original forms unrecognizable if they are particularly lucky as most are obliterated by his sheer power.
Against persistent or extremely resistant and well warded foes, Tempus launches the same offensive preceded by a Dire Charge. More often than not, this offensive usually ends the combat rather quickly, freeing Tempus to attend to more important matters.
If opponents, through a twist of fate remain standing, Tempus fires salvos of his Divine Blast.
Tempus is not purely an offensive combatant. As the embodiment of war, Tempus, while valorous and courageous, enjoys war for the sake of war. He also fights defensively, especially where deities or cosmic entities of similar rank or footing are concerned. Tempus makes extensive use of his combat feats within melee, shifting through options presented by Improved Combat Expertise and Power Attack. He then becomes Unmovable and makes extensive use of the Improved Trip feat, and when surrounded by more than three opponents will usually become Large to deliver Awesome Blows upon them.
For foes that are neither falling to his Awesome Blow or conventional melee attacks, Tempus will usually surround himself in a blade barrier, cast divine power, and deliver Annihilating Strikes. He will then wrap himself in his Divine Shield, and Mass Divine Blast.

Alter Reality (Su): Tempus exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his very presence can command the very essence of the world around him.
Tempus can use the wish spell and duplicate practically any spell effect as long as the effect promotes battle, conflict, valor or war. This ability costs him no XP and requires a standard action to implement.
He may cast any cure spell at will as a standard action. Applying metamagic feats to the spells requires him to forego using alter reality for 1 round for each level the feat would normally add to the equivalent spell.
As a swift action, Tempus can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. This ability allows Tempus to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up to as much as 1,600 feet tall. Finally, Tempus may create up to twenty avatars.

Domain Powers: Tempus radiates an aura of courage that grants all allies within 170 feet (including himself) a +17 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while Tempus is conscious; Tempus may smite as the supernatural ability 17/day, Tempus benefits from a +17 bonus to attacks and increases his damage output by 60 points; 17/day as an immediate action, Tempus can generate a protective ward that confers a +60 resistance bonus to his next saving throw for 60 rounds; 17/day as a free action, Tempus can perform a feat of strength that adds a +60 enhancement bonus to his Strength for 60 rounds; Tempus gains Weapon Focus (all) as bonus feats

Impervious (unique salient divine ability): An intangible and unyielding aura wraps around Tempus of such potency that most weapons cannot harm him at all. Indeed, many have wondered how Tempus’ armor came to be pitted and scarred or how his bare arms came to be crisscrossed with bleeding wounds, as few have managed to strike even a glancing blow against him.  
Tempus benefits from an enhanced damage reduction variable of 25, resulting in a modified damage reduction of 70/epic and mithral.
Even against weapons capable of penetrating his increased damage reduction, Tempus retains considerable defensive measures. For weapons that manage to overcome this salient divine ability, Tempus still benefits from a damage reduction of 29/–.    

Lord of Battle (unique salient divine ability): Tempus is the absolute master of all forms of combat. His innate familiarity with every and all weapons is to a degree of such potent exclusivity that he receives the Epic Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus and Weapon Focus feats for all weapon groups and weapon types as virtual feats.
Any in combat with Tempus who manage to wound the god suffer the effects of his smoking, burning blood. When wounded by a piercing or slashing attack, Tempus’ blood sprays outward in a 17 foot radius, dealing 10d6 points of damage; half of which is acid damage and half resulting directly from divine power and therefore unable to be resisted, there is no saving throw to avoid the effect. Any who manage to ingest even a drop of the blood benefits from a +4 Strength bonus for 2d10 rounds.
Tempus has 98 chromosomes and they're all poisonous.

The Foehammer (unique salient divine ability): Tempus represents the unforgiving and indiscriminative nature of war. War oppresses and aids all equally, such that an exceptional mortal warrior may be slain in conflict or a lowly peasant becoming a great leader among his or her companions. Tempus is the Foehammer, the great leveler of rank and station. War does not care whether the soldier is a peasant or a member of royalty and so Tempus does not discriminate. All weapons wielded by Tempus function with the bane special weapon enchantment. Unlike conventional bane enhancements, this property works against all beings and has been factored into the mechanics above.    

Unconquerable (unique salient divine ability): Tempus stands as a bastion of the invincibility and inviolability of war and is untouchable in his perfection. He is the unstoppable force and he is the immovable object. Tempus’ damage reduction has been further modified such that weapons shatter when striking him or fail to harm him at all.
His damage reduction changes to 70/– and any weapon that successfully overcomes his armor class must also make a Fort save DC 57 or be shattered into pieces; artifacts and the personal weapons of cosmic entities and deities are immune to the shattering effect. In effect, no weapon can ever overcome Tempus’ damage reduction whatsoever.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will –– aid, antimagic field, blade barrier, bull’s strength, clenched fist, cloak of bravery, crushing hand, disintegrate, earthquake, enlarge person, divine power, flame strike, greater cloak of bravery, grasping hand, greater heroism, harm, heroes’ feast, heroism, implosion, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, lion’s roar, magic vestment, magic weapon, mass inflict light wounds, mind blank, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, protection from energy, prismatic sphere, remove fear, repulsion, righteous might, sanctuary, shatter, shield other, spell immunity, spell resistance, spiritual weapon, stoneskin, valiant fury. Caster level 80th. Save DCs = 50 + spell level.

Other Divine Powers
As a greater deity, Tempus automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks and saves). He is immortal.

Automatic Actions: Tempus can use any Strength-based skill, any Constitution-based skill, any skill that deals with war, valor or the conflict of battle, even those he has no ranks in, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower; he can use Craft (armorsmithing), Craft (weaponsmithing), or Intimidate as a swift action if the DC for the task is DC 47 or less. Tempus can perform up to twenty swift actions each round.

Create Magic Items: Tempus can create any kind of magic item that deals damage or provides protection, incites conflict in pursuit of war, or promotes battles.

Portfolio Sense: Tempus senses any battle and war seventeen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for seventeen weeks after the event occurs. He has a similar ability to become aware of any act of violence in pursuit of war and the death of any warrior, whether such passings occur in combat or not. He likewise senses any valor in war or any act of bravery in battle.

Senses: Tempus can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of seventeen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within seventeen miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of divine rank 17 or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours.

Battle Prowess: Rumored to be forged from all weapons taken from all battlefields out of adamantine, darkwood, mithral, silver and cold iron, Battle Prowess penetrates damage reduction as if it were any of those types of material. Battle Prowess is a +6 weapon with an initial critical multiplier of 18–20/x3 and the ability to morph into any desired weapon as a swift action, although it usually takes the form of a greatsword. Battle Prowess always appears blackened and battle worn in Tempus’ hands and strikes as a colossal variant of the chosen weapon, always dealing triple base damage. It is able to be wielded one-handed and still deal 1-1/2 Strength damage. It also possesses the ability to strike spectral and incorporeal beings as if they were solid and possesses the speed, returning and wounding special abilities.
When not in use, Battle Prowess automatically shifts to an invisible, extradimensional storage space and is always quick drawn in combat as a free action.

Tempus also wears +6 full plate of moderate fortification that imposes no maximum Dex bonus, no arcane spell failure chance and no armor check penalty.

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