Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I was a Xorn once... I ate most of my treasure haul!!!

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

My most unusual creature was a lightly-house-ruled gnoll fighter. Very enjoyable character, one of my favorites.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

An human evoker who always acted like a gnome. (Despite this, he was otherwise reasonably sane) He was short too. Now if we count NPCs I've used then my list is a lot longer.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I once played a Ghost who was more of a poltergeist attached to a campaign improtant relic that the rest of the party was transporting. It's actually pretty interesting to interact with the party and NPCs when your only tools are Telekinesis and posession. Conversation was usually difficult since one of the PCs has to give up their speaking rights for a while so I could take their vocal cords for a spin. . .

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Hat. I was once a hat.

Technically he was a wizard who lost a duel against a transmuter and ended up as an inanimate object. He could use the senses of people who wore him, so we always made the ranger wear him so he could give him all sorts of stat boosts. And you could only hear him if he was on your head, so that was awsome. I spoke using a notepad I shared with the ranger.
Eventually, he learned enough necromancy to get a zombie host.

Thats right, Hat-zombie.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Fridrikon, consider that idea oficialy stolen Smiling .

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Weirdest ones I *almost* played (as in worked on stats and everything but never got a chance) were:

- a cranium rat swarm psion
- a spellbook using the Malhavoc leveled intelligent magic item rules

In actual play, my wife is playing a red dragon in an epic campaign.

As for me, I'm not sure. Nearly every character a play is a little odd, but as for oddest race it might be General Otik the formian myrmarch I played in a 2e Planescape campaign.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I'd have to say my weirdest-race character was a gnoll masquerading as an arcanaloth. Although for about half an adventure a dwarf I was playing became a slug. I had a lot of fun roleplaying a slug.


Pants of the North!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Lets see:

Half elf artifisher raised by gnomes, who was later polimorphed into wolf (he could talk and belive me playing the wolf was the best part of that FR campain)

Hyperactive smoke mephit (yes, xsaostitet) who produced sentient green slime from his nose. (my wery first PS PC)

And here are my faworites: Gnoll (Flind) ranger, Lovecraftian Ghoul Sorcerer with dual aligment, and finaly the CE (Cuddly Evil) quasit.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Let's see...
my first character was a pretty classical elven wizard, until he was possessed by a demon possessing his intelligent sword. Got pretty cool from then on.

Then... oh yes. In Eberron, a kobold archivist from the university of Sharn. (What was the name again? The Graverobber institute, as it is also called.) He was an expert on aberrations and magical beasts and the party hired him to fight the cult of the dragon below.

Probably my favourite character was a half-celestial pixie. Yes, that's LA+8 (Actually 7 because the DM said because I get wings twice he would lower it by one). But it was a nearly epic campaign and fun to play. In game he was a knight of the court of stars and half eladrin.

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I was an embodiment of the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum once. Not sure what happened to him, for I think the campaign or myself or something got all weird. I also played an awakened baboon monk once. That's probably the weirdest I can think of, at the moment.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I'm not actually playing the character, but I'm responsible in part for the idea. In the Planscape campaign I am now running on paper (We started today) one of my PCs is playing a British oficer from the American Revolution who walked out of his tent and into Sigil. It's beyond hysterical--especialy seeing as he got beaten half senseless picking a fight with a tiefling NPC in the first hour of the first session--"Devil!" The entire group now says "most peculiar" all the time too. Smiling

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

'bRA1N-b0X' wrote:
I was an embodiment of the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum once.

That sounds like the antithesis of fun. What's wrong with you people?



Pants of the North!

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Shrieker mushroom.

And during one of those drunken gaming conversations that occur late at night, I almost got to be a swashbuckling spelljamming mindflayer pirate - he had a song and everything:

Captain Squidbeard is my name,
piracy's my chosen game
Across three spheres I earned great fame,
so run in fear boy, run in shame!

Captain Squidbeard still waits eagerly for the call to action...

Sarig's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

The first character I got to play a lot was a human named Mareth, sorcerer with 4 in wisdom and a backstory involving efreets, though she remembered none of it. She was roleplayed as completely crazy, with occational brilliant remarks (she did have good knowledge skills), but was usually ignored at such times.

I think she spent a whole BBEG encounter dancing, and I think she also attacked an innocent wall for bumping into her. While having a peculiar habit of mentioning fish at random intervals, and putting stuff on fire.

But it got boring after 7 or 8 levels, and the scar on her head was healed, she regained her memories of her past, and got +12 wisdom to help it along. Sadly the campaign ended soon after :/

Trifone's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Frank the Halfling fighter/thief, level 12 second edition, I was the thorn in the side of all DM's, Franks charater sheet was literally burned because of all the inane and insane things he would do, that was many years ago and even the very mention of his name makes people cry who played in that campaign, I miss him dearly,

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I played an Awakened Monkey Rogue named Jojo once.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Weirdest race I've ever played is Aasimar. Sticking out tongue

The weirdest character I ever played was a human fighter that refused to kill anyone, and got very upset when other people did. He was pretty bad ass though with a sap and whip. I disarmed so many baddies.

Heh, cool, I know necromancy!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Cranium rat hive in a one-shot. There were a lot of "... wait - a *what*?!" at that game. Eye-wink

gnome's picture
Joined: 2007-10-22
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

My brother was turned into a jackalwere "half-lich" (I'm still not exactlysure what that is...) with a dragon mount once. It actually wasn't that fun a campaign. The DM played an NPC with a 25 STR and initiative bonuses (this was 2nd edition). He killed everything before we even swung a sword or cast a spell.

On a not-so related topic I have the distinction of every single one of my characters dying. Each in a different way and each quite quickly. That's part of the reason I DM now.

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

In D&D? I guess that'd be my gold-dragon wyrmling using the monster-class progression presented in Dragon Magazine 320.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Oh, yeah. How could I forget the time I played a half-ice elemental feytouched pirate? That was awesome.


Pants of the North!

Akenaton's picture
Joined: 2007-04-24
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I once knew a man who wanted to play as a jelly cube, but the DM didn't allow him...

Personally, strangest thing's i've played are quite usual, like a stone-age man (a one shot a DM asked to me when his players found themselves in a out of time place) and a Fey'ri (a quarter of demon and three quarters of elf) druid raised by a cervidal using three false names (he had a fake name, a name and a "true name", a secret name given by his adopted father) and a false identity.

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I once played some sort of intelligent living statue, back in 1st Edition. First thing I did was take a shortcut by walking on the bottom of a lake.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Human cleric of Lathander.... jk..

Probably the Joker - Su'ore Drum!! An insane Aasimar Fighter/Rogue/Assasin

Tenth most-wanted blood in the Cage...

Synonymous to the Joker from batman. He's currently hanging out with a bunch of fiends in Carceri.

Hahahah! Laughing out loud What wei said below. Yes, he is currently addicted to applesauce and raw meat...preferably Bariaur or Baatezu.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Applesauce, Trias, don't forget the applesauce.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

'weishan' wrote:
Applesauce, Trias, don't forget the applesauce.


(also: brains > applesauce)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

'Armoury99' wrote:
And during one of those drunken gaming conversations that occur late at night, I almost got to be a swashbuckling spelljamming mindflayer pirate - he had a song and everything:

Captain Squidbeard is my name,
piracy's my chosen game
Across three spheres I earned great fame,
so run in fear boy, run in shame!

Captain Squidbeard still waits eagerly for the call to action...

Dude... I totally want to use that guy as an Astral Pirate or something in my comic. I'm not sure when, exactly, but would you mind if I did?


Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Nooooo problem. Anything to get him out of my mind! Laughing out loud

Just PM me when he gets published.... and of course, I demand a share in any royalties related to Sountrack albums which feature The Ballad of Captain Squidbeard. Laughing out loud

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I'm trying to think of what an illithid pirate would have in place of a parrot. A miniature intellect devourer crouched on its bony shoulder, maybe?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

I would say an arcanoloth, but that game never got off the ground unfortunately (though that doesn't stop me using him as an NPC in a different game).

Possibly the thrall of Malcanthet posing as a priestess of Artemis.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I'd have to say, you guys have me beat. I have played some oddball characters, but nothing so bizarre as a shrieker mushroom or a Xorn.

I had a player who began as a Pixie, then got transformed into a Wight, then picked up a cursed pair of gloves which made his hands detatch and run around on their own - so he attatched them to bracers with a retractable chord - which he could wind back in and eventually modified to allow him to pick pockets with his wandering hands ... thief fishing. Ultimately he misused a wish which allowed him to transform back and forth from a living pixie to his undead state ....

so I guess you'd call him a Sudo-Undead Pixie-Wight with Detatchable, Leashed semi-sentient hands.

But then, in his last adventure he became a devil ....

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Oddest PC race youv'e ever played as?

Um, so how does that not beat a Xorn or a Shrieker Mushroom? Sticking out tongue

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Well, that all happened to a PC in one of my games - so, while I can claim the honor of having done most of that to him, I didn't play that character myself.

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