NWN2 Planescape

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

Well, Neverwinter Nights 2 is coming out within a month or two and I'm sure anybody who's played the first one will be thinking about a Planescape Mod like the one CODI was working on for the first game, albeit more complete. It seems the the cry has been heard. Check this out!:


420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

Damn, I can't believe you posted about this before me!

Check out the trailer here: www.roguedao.com


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

Was that Sigil exploding after "What if you had nobody to trust?"? Why is Sigil exploding? I don't want it to explode. I like it to stay whole, and the spire straight. I hope my eyes deceived me.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

'Iavas' wrote:
Was that Sigil exploding after "What if you had nobody to trust?"? Why is Sigil exploding? I don't want it to explode. I like it to stay whole, and the spire straight. I hope my eyes deceived me.
It looks to me more like Sigil turned into a giant portal that seems to be sucking the spire into it. As if the sexual connotations of the spire and ring weren't obvious enough.


Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
NWN2 Planescape

I think that that was some place in Baator, considering the context.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
I think that that was some place in Baator, considering the context.
Well, at least not Sigil. This was just posted by one of the devs:

'Montgomery Markland' wrote:
As for a great representation of Sigil - the PC is in Sigil during a portion of the first Act of the first Chapter, but circumstances keep the PC confined to a small region of a single ward.

In the third chapter, Eschatologia, the PC will explore the whole breadth and depth of Sigil.

We organized the story in this manner, in part, because of custom content considerations. We are confident that we can address custom content needs for Sigil in time for the planned Summer 2007 release of the Eschatologia chapter of PT.

When we do deliver a large conceptualization of Sigil to the community, we want it to be as accurate a rendition as possible.



Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

By the gods, it seems they're actually doing this 'right'! Let's see what they do about the plot, now... is it going to be the typical NWN hack-and-slash or will it be more like Planescape Torment, where you have to read a novel just to gain a level, no fighting required? Preferably, it will be a nice mix of the two. Judging by what you just said, it won't be situated primarily in Sigil. That was, in my opinion, one of Torment's downsides - more than half the story occurred in the pleasant old burg.

madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

i'm a bit confused, is this official o fan project?

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
NWN2 Planescape

I hadn't read anything about NWN2 before, but it looks like I'm going to have to get it now, not only because of this Planescape Trilogy, but because of who's developing the main game and what features they're putting in it. It's Obsidian, and for those of you who don't know Obsidian has several people that were behind Torment in their ranks.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
NWN2 Planescape

Proving, yet again, that nothing interesting seems to happen in the upper planes.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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We don't know yet what the entire plot is. There might be a good amount of Upper Planar travel in the last part.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
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Most of Obsidian comes from Black Isle including Feargus Urquhart and Josh Sawyer (looking at their credits in the Torment manual right now).

'madhatterYU' wrote:
i'm a bit confused, is this official o fan project?
Rogue Dao Studios is made up of community members that ran the most popular Persistant Worlds in NWN. So it's a fan project but if it's anything like Ossian Studios, I'm confident that it will be a high-quality adventure.

Also, for anyone that's interested, Rogue Dao is looking for people to convert their Planescape PCs into NPCs that will be used in the Trilogy. Depending on the bio and options you choose (can they have a love interest, can they die) your NPC may be featured as the subject or giver of a side quest or even a henchman.

Submit your Planescape PCs here: PC-NPC Conversion


madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

aha, nice then, i thought maybe to contribute with few dozens of 3dmodels, but their's deadline is short and is matching with mine.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
NWN2 Planescape

This reminds me of CODI in more than one way, heh.

When handling such a project they should focus on the first chapter, and when/if that's finished they should start on the second. By putting up such a roadmap they're setting a lot of people up for a disappointment.

Everything is always roses and sunshine beforehand… we’ll see what comes out, I suppose.

Of course, this is entirely my opinion. *Cough*

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

As far as I understand, and I might be wrong, there is a great difference between CODI and this. The greatest, of course, is incentive. Whereas CODI was based on volunteer work and hoped to release a free but highly extensive mod with a sample adventure for NWN, this team seems to be announcing, for eventual sale, an adventure with a mod to support it. Also, with no disrespect to the CODI team, the guys were never very organized. Anybody was welcome to come in and contribute according to some vague guidelines. If their submission was considered fitting in quality and style, then it would be accepted and incorporated into the mod/adventure. However, as far as I was aware (and I tried helping out at one point), each individual contributer was responsible for deciding what to contribute based on forum discussion. This was, for the most part, inevitable, as there was no way the head of the CODI team could assign nearly-anonymous volunteers a specific assignment and hope to receive it on time. Volunteers, especially online, are only as dedicated as their real lives allow. If the berks working on the NWN2:PS project have gathered all their little working gnomes in one big room and promised them a nice slice of pie after the day is done... well, there's a much higher chance that they'll get what they want.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

'Iavas' wrote:
The greatest, of course, is incentive. Whereas CODI was based on volunteer work and hoped to release a free but highly extensive mod with a sample adventure for NWN, this team seems to be announcing, for eventual sale, an adventure with a mod to support it.
Rogue Dao consists of NWN Persistent World community members who got together to design an adventure purely for NWN2. As such, it would be against the EULA for them to attempt to charge money for it. Which means they still have a chance of meeting the same fate as CODI, though I have to amit they seem much more organized.

Regarding the project plan, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the entire storyline, dialogue, basic area layout and scripts done in NWN long ago (Adam Miller style). Also, judging by the new screenshots posted today it looks like they've had their hands on a beta version of the NWN2 toolset for awhile:


Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
NWN2 Planescape

Ah yes, the mountainous pictures of the Hive!

I'm not sure what to think of those, but unofficially I'll go with "big heaps of dirt on which shoddy buildings are built". Smiling

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

Is it wrong that I just giggled like a little girl? Probably. But daaamn!

madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

jesus, presale toolset is 2.16gb, what a hell did they include in it?? Looks nice, aldo i don't like ground tilese.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

'madhatterYU' wrote:
jesus, presale toolset is 2.16gb, what a hell did they include in it?? Looks nice, aldo i don't like ground tilese.
I just downloaded it yesterday, it includes a large number of creatures, sounds, placeables, tree generator and terrain tools. The full game takes 4.6 Gigs so I'm guessing most of that is taken up by the graphics and sounds.

The outdoor areas don't use tiles, they use height-mapped terrain that can be painted any color from the 3 million color palette.


madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

i donno but if u look at ground you'll se that it looks like it's tiled, but i'll eventualy browse it. Btw since you have "exclusive" oportunity to use tools, plug in's and bones are asociated with 3d program....(add name)?

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03


My name is Montgomery Markland, I'm from Rogue Dao Studios, and I'd be glad to answer any questions you bloods have.

I want to address a couple of things from this thread as well:

1) We are not going to be charging for the Planescape Trilogy campaign modules. We are developing the PT on a community-level.

2) We are not doing all three chapters at once. The storyline is planned out in broad strokes for all three chapters, but 100% of our current effort and energy is going into the PT: Purgatorio campaign module. With a team of over 25 people as of today, and some very experienced world designers, we are confident that a 15-hour initial chapter is a very realistic project for 4th quarter '06 (1st quarter '07 at the latest).

3) Any screens that may be posted right now are very much works-in-progress are bear only some resembalance to what the final product will look like. {As for mountains in the Hive, those "hills" are actually a representation of millenia of construction on top of construction, where buildings have been built on top of old buildings, creating a whole underworld of abandoned structures beneath the visual surface of the ward - much like ancient European and Middle Eastern cities such as Rome or Jerusalem. The texturing and detailing of these concepts is obviously still at an initial stage}

I'd be glad to offer any information I can, just let me know what you guys would like to hear. Additionally, if anyone is interested in working on the project, we are always looking for passionate people.

Montgomery Markland
Executive Producer, Rogue Dao Studios

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
NWN2 Planescape

Could you tell us what options you are planning for PC options? I've heard that you are woking on Bauriaurs; can you mention other PC races that are being worked on? What Factions are you including? I'm not too familiar with what the Toolset allows you to do, but will you be making new Base Classes (Psionics?) and Prestige Classes?

Also, regarding the PC-NPC conversion project, will you only accept characters that were PCs on NWN PWs, or can we just submit characters that were never played in electronic form?

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
NWN2 Planescape

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Could you tell us what options you are planning for PC options? I've heard that you are woking on Bauriaurs; can you mention other PC races that are being worked on? What Factions are you including? I'm not too familiar with what the Toolset allows you to do, but will you be making new Base Classes (Psionics?) and Prestige Classes?

1) Bauriaurs -- There are some limitations right now as to what our modellers/animators can do in terms of new models and animations for NWN2. My understanding is, that they can work off of pre-existing skeletons, but not add new skeletons. This is hopefully a short term barrier to new content, and a wider array of possibilities may open up for the second and third chapters of the campaign. The bottom line is that if we -can- do it, and do it well, then we -will- do it as regards adding the archetypal Planescape creatures.

2) PC Races -- We are not going to undertake massive modifications to the game engine, because we are primarily focused on creating an immersive, interactive story in the form of a Planescape campaign. However, we will most likely attempt to add all appropriate playable PC races that do not require additional animations in the game.

3) Again, our primary mission is to deliver an outstanding single-player campaign, as opposed to dramatically overhaul or expand the game engine, but if we discover that we really need this prestige class or that one, we will: a) first look to other community developers and see if anyone has produced first-rate custom content that fills our needs, and b) only then undertake the effort ourselves & do so only if it does not harm our primary mission.

Montgomery Markland
Executive Producer, Rogue Dao Studios

madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

My understanding is, that they can work off of pre-existing skeletons, but not add new skeletons.

That realy sucks dude, can you reveal me is it problem script or 3d program, biger problem would be if nwn2 is using (3dsmax) character studio and weird scripts, but i had a chance to bypass that on other game..

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

'MLMarkland' wrote:
1) Bauriaurs -- There are some limitations right now as to what our modellers/animators can do in terms of new models and animations for NWN2. My understanding is, that they can work off of pre-existing skeletons, but not add new skeletons. This is hopefully a short term barrier to new content, and a wider array of possibilities may open up for the second and third chapters of the campaign. The bottom line is that if we -can- do it, and do it well, then we -will- do it as regards adding the archetypal Planescape creatures.

I'm not much of a modder, but having some experience in 3D modeling and animation, I'm just going to throw this idea at you - build a bariaur model around a human skeleton, and then bind the back part of the bariaur to the front legs, so they will be moving the same. Granted, it might not be completely realistic, but it seems like a quick an dirty solution to the problem.

Also... why is Sigil exploding? Will it make a glorious comeback? Please.. :cry:

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
NWN2 Planescape

On the animations issue, Obsidian used granny, and apparently that makes it more of a challenge to get custom animations into the game. It's not a death knell, I don't think, but not being an expert on the issue I can't say anything for certain.

If you are interested in getting involved though, and this goes for anyone, I encourage you to go private message me on the rds forums or email me at [REDACTED].

As for the issue of the artwork for PT: Inferno, we're going to keep everything under wraps. The artwork doesn't necessarily depict what it looks like it does, but it doesn't necessarily -not- depict what it looks like it does. (Is that obtuse enough for everyone?)

Montgomery Markland
Executive Producer, Rogue Dao Studios

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
NWN2 Planescape

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Also, regarding the PC-NPC conversion project, will you only accept characters that were PCs on NWN PWs, or can we just submit characters that were never played in electronic form?

We will accept submissions of characters from any source. So if you have a Planescape-based character from PnP you would like to submit bring it on over to www.roguedao.com

Montgomery Markland
Executive Producer, Rogue Dao Studios

madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

from what i read about granny it allows exporting-importing from larger programs (3dsmax, maya etc) meshes, animations, textures coordinations; this is good from what i figured it uses bones and even biped from 3dsmax, only thing animator would need is to figure scripting for bones and animations, what gets to conclusion that multilhand-leg creatures can be animated with it's own bones, only NWN2 is needed to test it on. I think that if guys (or girls) whoa are workin on animations will figure out metodology, i ll try in next few weeks to get that toolpack and try out what can i do if you are still having problems.

I would gladly work with you guys on this project, but unfortunately i won't be free untill end of december/half a january, uni obligations, but after that i'm mostly free if you need modeler/animator; btw if base modrons are needed or some slaad (something i'll post screenshots some time in the future, counted in months, on this forums), feel free to ask.

edit: sweet jesus, i hope they'll have mercy on bringing some plug ins suporting anyting at least ten times cheaper

Granny SDK One Product Windows or Mac or Linux $12,500.00
Granny SDK One Product Console or Handheld (Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube, PlayStation(R) 2, PLAYSTATION(R) 3, or Sony PlayStation(R) Portable PSP) $15,000.00
Granny SDK One Site License For One Platform Call

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
Could you tell us what options you are planning for PC options? I've heard that you are woking on Bauriaurs; can you mention other PC races that are being worked on?

Post anything you'd like to see added here: What would you like to see in a Planescape module for NWN2?


Darvon's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
NWN2 Planescape

I'm so hanging out for this.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NWN2 Planescape

Here's an interview with the devs. Interesting stuff.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN2 Planescape

Rogue Dao posted the first pics of custom content over on their forum.

The Mortuary


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
NWN2 Planescape

Wow. That looks almost exactly like the picture in the Factol's Manifesto (the one by TSR, not A'kin). I'm pleasantly surprised. Any idea on how many polygons? It could use more vaults, but that's just me being the ever meticulous me. I apologize. It looks fantastic.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
NWN2 Planescape

Oh, sweet Lady of Blades that looks promising. This bears more looking into. . .

madhatterYU's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
NWN2 Planescape

'Iavas' wrote:
Wow. That looks almost exactly like the picture in the Factol's Manifesto (the one by TSR, not A'kin). I'm pleasantly surprised. Any idea on how many polygons? It could use more vaults, but that's just me being the ever meticulous me. I apologize. It looks fantastic.

That was the reference, i'm reducing poligons as much as i can, by looking at nwn2 buildings the biggest and most detailed are around 9-10k, this one with whole separate parts is around that number (sphere, 6 dragons, 4 pillars); it will be improved i haven't used all the posibilities of engine (read:good normal map), and there are some fixes of textures and stuff.

Btw, this is only the begining, there will be more and better stuff soon..

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
NWN2 Planescape

'420' wrote:
Rogue Dao posted the first pics of custom content over on their forum.

The Mortuary
Click here!


Is this the same as CODI's Mortuary?

Edit: Never mind that, the striking resemblance put me on the wrong track. Smiling

MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
NWN2 Planescape

Howdy folks,

We've put up a new trailer on the website: http://www.roguedao.com

You can also find it at: http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=NWN2Movies.Detail&id=82

There are a couple of screens on the Vault page for the trailer that aren't on the website, so it's worth checking out regardless of where you get the trailer from.

The trailer is around 65 megs in size, so it will take several minutes to download and view, regardless of how you go about doing so. On the Rogue Dao website, instead of viewing the trailer in the embedded media player, you can right click and save as, for later viewing from your HD, etc.

I'm happy to field any questions anyone might have about the Purgatorio Campaign module here, or on our forums.


MLMarkland's picture
Joined: 2006-10-03
NWN2 Planescape

We've posted up 34 new screenshots in the gallery on our site (www.roguedao.com).


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NWN2 Planescape

w00p!! Smiling

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