NWN II Planescape Mods?

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AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
NWN II Planescape Mods?

Is anyone planning on getting NWN II when it comes out and doing a Planescape mod?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN II Planescape Mods?

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
Is anyone planning on getting NWN II when it comes out and doing a Planescape mod?

Yes and yes.

If I can locate it I'll post a link to a thread on Bioware's NWN2 forums where one of the Bioware devs told Papermonk (from the City of Door Initiative) that the scaling/tinting of buildings and landscape will allow for a Sigil-like look without the need for custom content. I believe Papermonk is now interested in doing a Planescape mod in NWN2.

Also, Adam Miller (Shadowlords/Dream Catcher/Demon) is converting all the recently released CODI placeables into high-res in preparation for NWN2. He is also extracting all the buildings (and finishing up the texture on the Mortuary) from the CODI Sigil tileset and converting them to high-res for NWN2.

Check out the "Saving Sigil" thread here: Link


Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I would be fantastic if people could try and remember to mention these Mods as they are made available.

I love the fan mod material for NWN and will be glad to see more in the second version. (though I'll still likely wait a year before purchasing such, so there will be a decent stock of mods waiting when I start playing)

Saddly I only ever found about 6 planescape mods for NWN. I had really been looking forward to CODI.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
NWN II Planescape Mods?

'Jack of tears' wrote:
Saddly I only ever found about 6 planescape mods for NWN. I had really been looking forward to CODI.

Last weekend I hosted an NWN mod showcasing the recently released CODI placeables and creatures set in the CODI Sigil and Stem tilesets accompanied by the music from Planescape: Torment. Not a serious RPG mod but it was kind of fun to visit the Hive for a few days.

My normal NWN mod is set in Faerûn (that's the prime world of Toril for you canny cutters out there) but there is a portal to a tavern in Sigil. Unfortunately the tavern itself has been cut off from the rest of Sigil, buried by the construction of the Dabus. Just one of the many mysteries that need looking in to.

My DM team is still kicking around ideas for a NWN2 server but we're defenitely leaning toward a mod that invloves a lot of planar travel. Whether it will be "Planescape" hasn't been decided yet.

More info on my NWN server here: Smith Hold


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