Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by Chris Avellone

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by Chris Avellone

“In Torment: Tides of Numenera, players will have to decide for themselves the eternal question: what does one life matter? Numenera’s Ninth World is a vision of a world in which massive civilizations continue to rise and fall with only cities, monuments, and artifacts left behind to serve as reminders of their past existence. These reminders have become part of the accumulated detritus of eons and now this assortment of ancient power is there for the taking. The humans of the Ninth World call the ancient power left behind the numenera. One of these humans has discovered a way to harness the numenera to grow strong, to cheat death, to skip across the face of centuries in a succession of bodies.

But he discovers an unexpected side effect: You.”


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Looks very interesting, like Dying Earth-Torment

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Two page IGN article:

Snippet from Colin McComb on the game:

"...We are going to be going into the darkness again on this game. We’re going to get really dark. But we’re not going to be there the whole time. Any life worth living has joy and laughter and love and hope and, inevitably, death. We want to hit all of those...."

Also Cromlich, looks like the Bloom will be the setting's Nexus. Smiling


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Cool That's a real planar city - a bit like Corpus. I'll include it someday in a campaign for sure.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

And now the Kickstarter is launched!

Awesome artwork, good pitch.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Was funded in about 6 hours. Will probably hit the 1.5 million mark by tomorrow.

The ideas for the game are interesting, seeming to veer back into the fantastic-

* The Tides, which are apparently fields that encompass morality and emotion.

* Entering dimensions where consciousness is light, returning with a physical item composed of thought. The Forest of Thought would be an interesting place to accomplish this - I've thought before that Excalibur is the Platonic Form of a sword brought down to the material world.

* Items that work depending on your interests and personality. I could see factions making great use of this, and philosophies held in your mind would make great gate keys.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Stretch goals are here as they don't have room on the main page:

Pic of the female player (gender option was the 1.2 million stretch goal):


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New stretch goals - voting and suggestions:

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Thanks Cromlich, cool to see the stuff they're considering or already have planned.

Now that the 2 million mark has been reached, they put in some cool location descriptions that come with the stretch goals:

Crystal Dimension

In strange and distant worlds, life flickers toward awareness even amid the most brutal landscapes. For instance: massive mountains of crystal heave from the land and pierce the sky under pale suns, their light refracting and bending around cunning spires never touched by human hands. The infants of this land are giants, vaguely humanoid crystalline monsters torn from the land itself and given shape and purpose by the elders, who share the light and heat from their ever-diminishing bodies, chipped and worn by age.

Ruins of Ossiphagan

The erupting volcanoes and surging lava fill the air with acrid smoke and choking fumes. The bones of an enormous beast lie sprawled across the obsidian fields, its ribs splayed open as if it had been torn open by some unimaginable predator. The ossified bones have been hollowed out as homes by some intrepid or foolish citizens, and the wind howls through the openings in a mournful whistle like a giant flute. In the wastes beyond, creatures of flame and focused minds trawl the lava and skim its valuable nutrients.

Castoff’s Labyrinth

"Death is the end. That's what they say. But that's not entirely true, is it? When Death crashes over you like a looming wave, you don't die. Your body knits up fast and your eyes stare off. You move and twitch. So what is it you're seeing? Where do you go when you die?"

When you open your eyes, you're in a chamber with four... no, six... make it five walls. Call it five. It's almost definitely five walls. Each of them has a door of different material, each of them wavers before you, but they become more distinct the closer you approach. The chamber is dark and dripping, a faint tremor like a slow pulse shaking the floor on a long timeline. You put your hand to the door and it opens for you, and before you lies a crumbling stone walkway over fathomless mists. You can see no roof above you, nor stars nor moon. The mists curl and lap at your feet, broken occasionally by stray eddies of wind.

There is a feeling of recognition deep inside you. You know this place. And ahead, across the span, you see a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" you ask

"You're dead," she says. "What I mean is that you're not dead. You're coming back to life. And now you've got fragments of us in your head. Every time you take our suffering, we get stronger. In here, I mean. But if you want to come back to the world, you need to find your way out of here."


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Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

I really can't express how much I'm looking forward to this, given the time constraints I'm under. Kickstarter has done wonderful things for gaming.

Double Fine Adventure, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity, Numenera, Numenera: Torment (yeah, yeah, Tides of Numenera, sure, branding, alright), Dreamfall: Chapters, Fate Core, Thirteenth Age, Sui Generis-- just to name a few.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...


Upon reaching $2.5m, we will send out a special video from Colin. Those of you familiar with Colin’s very early work may recall that he wrote the Complete Book of Elves for 2nd Edition AD&D. You AD&D players may remember how dreadful this work was, making elves so incredibly powerful and unbalanced that all of our AD&D games were henceforth ruined until 3rd Edition D&D came to save us. (This is a slight overstatement. We could just pretend the book never existed, after all. That’s what I did…) Fortunately, Colin wrote that over 20 years ago and he’s learned much since then. =) Plus he’s the creative guy on Torment and Adam and I aren’t going to let him get too close to the gameplay systems. Just kidding. (Mostly. Eye-wink )

But we’ve always felt that he owes us for polluting our campaigns with his bizarre passion for elves. Thankfully, Colin seems to have gotten through his elf-fetish years. But his penance isn’t yet complete. He has apologized before, but somehow I find it lacking. I don't know about you, but I want to see him say it. So as part of our update celebrating this Stretch Goal, Colin will apologize publicly for this sin of his youth through a special video.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New update with music track and wallpaper, 3 million dollar stretch goal includes cults.

"Should any of these cults discover who you really are, they'll seek you in accordance with their own principles. But perhaps if you are clever enough, you can discover how to manipulate them to your advantage... and you might need to, if they all descend upon you at once. They will use you as a pawn against the others, and your goals may occasionally align with theirs, with quests and opportunities potentially opening as you interact with them. Make no mistake: they are inexorably opposed to you and your ilk. But if you are persistent, sly, and creative, you might find a way to turn their strengths into yours.

We’ll begin with the following two Cults:

The Children of the Endless Gate: Death worshippers, some call them. They prefer to think of themselves as spirits trapped in flesh, and the horror of their cage pushes them to atrocity. They call themselves liberators and agents of freedom, and when they hunt the slums of the cities they leave no evidence of their passing but a tracery in blood, an ever-wet gate to a realm of pure spirit... and horror.

The Order of Flagellants and Austerities: Once a hermetic and monkish offshoot of the Order of Truth, the so-called Scourges became a mendicant order and set out into the world with the appointment of a new leader a century ago. They are a missionary sect, devoted to cleansing the world of its many sins... among which are a reliance on the numenera, of using powers not rightfully granted with birth, and of pollution of the flesh with extravagances and constructs. A single Scourge alone is no threat, for they act only in communion with their brethren. But a group of them? They feed on the rage of their kin, borrowing strength of will and thew, and run berserk if they are not stopped, laying bare the bones of those who oppose them."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Information, articles, Q&As, etc on the new tumblr:


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

The Children of the Endless Gate are interesting, another gnostic group

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New Update discussing Numenera as a setting, the rules, and clarifying the idea behind stretch goals and what increased funding means:


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

It's slow now, the stretch goals for Numenera RPG were more attractive. What do you think about suggesting that they hire Zeb Cook, is he still around?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Apparently it's moving at a faster clip than projects that hit the 4 mil mark, though I don't know how fast the rate of increase is falling.

I'm actually hoping they stop hiring more writers unless there's more clarity on what this buys players. More writers presumably means more content, but I wish they'd be a bit more specific on this.

I'd like to see them add some programmers for a more reactive world -> If I steal from the baker the town should know. If I save the farmer's kids it should make me more popular with the village.

However, I do like the explanation of transferring the consciousness via the Meres + expansion of the Castoff Labyrinth in Update 6:


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Colin McComb answers questions on formspring:

They're also taking new game ideas here:


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Update 7: Info on Tides and a peek at the Crystaline World:

At $39 bucks you get digital goods + novellas in the Numenera setting.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New interview with Colin McComb and Kevin Saunders:

edit: Another interview at Penny Arcade:


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Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New music for the Bloom:

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Good stuff. There's an Ask Me Anything on Reddit at 9am PST...not sure what the link will be...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Link to AMA:


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

New update, more info on the planar metropolis The Bloom and Patrick Rothfuss as a stretch goal:


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

He's not a fast writer like Sanderson, but very skillful.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Well if they reach the 3.5 stretch goal, Chris Avellone comes aboard so Rothfuss will have some help. Smiling

They also have other new stuff in the latest update:

"Not everyone in the Labyrinth has a living counterpart. Lacunae are figments of your mind that represent parts of yourself (or do they?). Through conversing with a Lacuna, you'll discover puzzles and quests, and might even enhance your own abilities. As we delve to deeper fathoms, you’ll be able to find more Lacunae with whom to interact. (The Fourth Fathom is less than 2000 backers away!)"

Here's what the Labyrinth looks like so far:


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Game Banshee, Torment: Tides of Numenera Interview:

"We’re planning to have a variety of inputs and options based around the Tides and Legacies, but we don’t want to give away too much just yet. They’re not widely known, though certain groups have indeed risen that believe that they comprehend (whether dimly or more insightfully) the forces of the Tides, and some of them are consciously or not pursuing aims that accord well with the Tides. The Tides might just be a belief system for others, and unknown to far more. As for what impact they’ll have in gameplay... you’ll have to wait and see. We’re integrating them into both plot and character, and we’re looking to move well beyond 2nd Edition D&D’s alignment system for the effects the Tides have on gameplay. The more funding we receive for the game, the deeper we’ll be able to make this system, and we’re hoping for some incredible reactivity when the game is complete."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Update #10

"New physical add-on options! Mur Lafferty talks about companions (video). Fourth Fathom achieved and Cult Dendra O’hur added! digital download option. Party with us next Friday!"

Mur Lafferty on comapnions:


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Quick favor guys. Even if you don't plan on playing Torment, mind liking the Facebook Page:

10,000 likes gets us another level on an in game labyrinth.



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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Update 12, Graphics:

It's kind of huge so I'm not going to embed it, but there's a screenshot of what the game will look like. (Of course things like lighting and shadows aren't in yet.)

eta: Apparently the shot will be animated later this week.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Update 13:

Torment Sourcebook for Numenera Tabletop game, Pat Rothfuss Digital Comic and Companion, New Stretch Goals, Technology Test (video).

Also, from Update 11, Nathan Long on stories:

"Hall of Lingering Reflections

This gathering place will offer unique opportunities and tools to help you defeat your foes. It is a living museum, a history, a prison. This subterranean vault is a place of memories, a vault of pain and laughter, built by a forgotten power for forgotten reasons. The memories of its denizens are frozen in time, and so they have no knowledge of the passage of the centuries beyond these walls. Its doors open into smaller worlds, pocket dimensions that house these shells in a simulation of their memories. But who lies hidden here? What secrets might you unlock? And is it possible to spirit one of this company away as you seek your creator?"


"A gigantic dome of water shimmers in the middle of a vast desert, seemingly impervious to the cruel rays of the sun's heat. Curved obelisks from another age rise from the sands to cup and surround the bubble like gentle fingers.

This impossible oasis is home to numerous kinds of water-breathing abhumans. Some sport fins for legs like merpeople, some wear flippers for hands, while others appear almost human, being marked with only a dorsal fin from their head to their waist. No two are quite the same. Indeed, some are immigrants from far away, come to this aquatic utopia through strange pathways in reality.

But humans live here too, mostly for trade or work. They use various numenera to breath underwater – implantable gills, breathing apparatuses, portable air bubbles, and so forth. A town of air-breather buildings has grown up around the outside of the dome. These air-breathers are reliant on the dome, as most of their food (and all of their water) comes from within, but they make a good trade in the unique foods, animals, and textiles grown under the water. And of course visitors can find multiple shops in the air-breather town that will provide the varied numenera they need to enter the dome themselves."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

edit: whoops, image is bigger than I intended. Oh well...

Updated our Journal (14): 2 Days Left! A Second Screenshot.

Chris Avellone, New Add-ons, Sagus Cliffs Screenshot, Tony Evans describes our vision for combat (video), our Vision Document.

Colin McComb's reaction to Chris Avellone joining:

Video on Combat:

Visions Document:

Sagus Cliffs:


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

Comprehensive post on vision, concept art, links to design videos:

Final update has screenshot of male version of PC:


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Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

cromlich wrote:
Cool That's a real planar city - a bit like Corpus. I'll include it someday in a campaign for sure.
Will there be actual planewalking? I thought it's about to revive the spirit of PS:T. Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Numenera Torment to launch Kickstarter, support video by ...

There will be, they mentioned other planar places, like the crystal plane and some plane of light.

Right now I'm trying not to think about the game, the wait is killing me.

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