No bugs, but lightbulbs

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taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
No bugs, but lightbulbs

First: I love this website and its interactivity and this is in no way more then a simple thought on improving something I like alot.

Secondly: I think the way the entries into PW is a bit confusing. There is just to many to orient. I believe this is a remnant of how it was organized in ancient times and I think it confuses newcomers. Wouldn't it be better to keep it simple like it is on the boards? One category for entries called The Chant, one called The Hall of Records etc.

Don't even know if its possible to re-organize every entry into something like this, but whatever you do Clueless, keep on doing on. You're good at this! Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
No bugs, but lightbulbs

Originally the idea was that each sub section of the site was actually a site from the previous almagemation that was planewalker that got rolled up into our collection. Sort of like a giant sticky ball called 'Planewalker' that rolled all over the planescape web-realm sticking everything we could fit in on...

Each subsection was supposed to have a manager who watched over it recruited for it and generally screamed for more attention to their subsection than anyone elses... unfortunately it looks like our old audience, who was a little more familar with the amalgamation has sort of fallen by the wayside leaving us a little more lost on how to go about keeping the place tidy.

I've been taking suggestions for some time trying to get things a little better organized. Thankfully the fact that it's all in a database now, should make it easier to rearrange in the long run once we pin something down.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
More bulbs

Maybe making the "new articles" section on the frontpage a little more prominent, as it get updated as frequent as it does. It could help to have a link to "older articles" in the bottom of it as well.

It doesn't seem that the main page gets many updates, but its the face of PW and doesn't need to. Taking away much of the text could help clean it up and making it more newbie friendly. BTW, better link to forums would be good.

I still think the subsections of planewalker ruins the ease of linking. Broader, more generalized categories with top-ranking articles the first on the list and going down with lesser score. Tagging the articles with relevant description would be a nice way of organizing by plane and so on (probably to much work though).

Calculating the average rank of the most popular authors could be useful. "The Planewalker Top Ten/Five Authors" would be interesting if maybe a bit competetive for some tastes.

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