Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

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AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

It says in the D&D FAQ that going ethereal is only attached to the Prime Material Plane. So what happens to characters like Ninja who go Ethereal when in a place like Sigil or some other place? Can they even do it? It's kinda lame they wouldnt be able to use a class feature like that.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

The Inner Planes also have an etheral border. So they should be perfectly fine there. Ditto in Sigil which may (at GM's discression) have it's own psuedo-Ethereal. They're rather SOL on the Outer Planes or the Astral because there's no ethereal overlap.

XMan's picture
Joined: 2006-08-27
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

I could be wrong, but I do believe that Sigil can only be entered or left with a portal and/or portal key (meaning no ethereal contact unless through a portal), which is why demons haven't gated a bunch of their buddies in to take over the place.

I could be wrong, though, as I said.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

No - you're right on that. But one of the proposed solutions for GM's in this regard is to give Sigil it's own Astral and Ethereal overlaps, or at least overlaps that act very simular to the real thing - *also* locked like the way Sigil's physical space is locked from outside interference. That would allow the use of some of the spells folks want - just only within the microcosim that is Sigil.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'Clueless' wrote:
No - you're right on that. But one of the proposed solutions for GM's in this regard is to give Sigil it's own Astral and Ethereal overlaps

*cough*Plane of Shadow*cough*

Wouldn't want the Shadowdancers and whatnot to be left out!

Also, according the the Manual of the Planes (pg. 46) you can travel from the Astral Plane to the Ethereal Plane via a spell in regions where the two planes are coexistent or coterminous. So I'd guess the ethereal-related special abilities would also work in those regions.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

Argh, Manual of the Planes!!!

Astral and Ethereal do not overlap. They are mutually exclusive, except on the Material Plane, which is their one and only point of contact. Sigil, being exceptional in many ways, also has portals leading to both of them, but otherwise... Astral for Outer Planes and Ethereal for Inner Planes. Plane of Shadow used to be considered just a demiplane, but I think the current consensus is that it's a state of being or somesuch. Not sure with that one.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
It says in the D&D FAQ that going ethereal is only attached to the Prime Material Plane. So what happens to characters like Ninja who go Ethereal when in a place like Sigil or some other place? Can they even do it?

The ethereal plane only touches the Prime and the Inner Planes. And maybe Sigil has its own personal ethereal. If you have an ability or spell that requires the ethereal for it to function, you can only do it if you have access to the ethereal - thus, not on the Outer Planes.

It's kinda lame they wouldnt be able to use a class feature like that.

Yeah, the planes can be like that sometimes. The management (of the whole multiverse, mind you) apologises for any inconvenience the rules of the multiverse might cause you, but assures you that such rules are necessary to maintain structure and order.


Pants of the North!

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

I bet Sigil does from what I've heard of it so far.

And well the management for D&D is sometimes pretty stupid, hypocritical and nonsensical. I seem to remeber them at one point saying Drow and Dragons should never be PCs and now they have rules for both as PCs. Laughing out loud

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'Iavas' wrote:
Argh, Manual of the Planes!!!

Astral and Ethereal do not overlap. They are mutually exclusive, except on the Material Plane, which is their one and only point of contact. Sigil, being exceptional in many ways, also has portals leading to both of them, but otherwise... Astral for Outer Planes and Ethereal for Inner Planes. Plane of Shadow used to be considered just a demiplane, but I think the current consensus is that it's a state of being or somesuch. Not sure with that one.

Well, we can't just ignore the Manual of the Planes, it is the official 3E conversion of the "Great Wheel" cosmology.

According to that, the Astral Plane is actually the space inbetween all the other planes and contains portals ("color pools") to the Ethereal. So while you couldn't use Ethereal spells and special abilities in most areas of the Astral there is an exception when in the vicinity of a color pool to the Ethereal.

The Plane of Shadow was originally a demiplane created by a powerful being (or beings) using the Shining Citadel to cast a "shadow" of all the Material Plane worlds. The original intention was to create a demiplane that could be used to travel from one Prime to another. However, the process of spreading out and connecting to all the Prime's turned the Plane of Shadow into a full fledged plane!

I'm sure it made its creator(s) very proud.


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

Anyone else consider Sigil to be one immense and ancient Demiplane? Or is it just me? Explanation for my rambling blasphemy on request.


420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'Barking_Wilder' wrote:
Anyone else consider Sigil to be one immense and ancient Demiplane? Or is it just me? Explanation for my rambling blasphemy on request.
If it was a demiplane originally it certainly achieved full Plane status or merged with the Outlands at some point. If it was the former it would be separate from the Outlands, and indeed separate from any planar categorizations. It wouldn't be a demiplane or an inner, outer, or transitive plane, it would be something wholly different.

But, such is the contradicting nature of Sigil. It's not like anything else in the multiverse while at the same time resembling every aspect of the multiverse at once.

It could be that Sigil is the female counterpart of Neth the Plane that Lives because...
*Suddenly disappears*


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

Nah, I just thought controlled methods of entry/exit, finite borders, ruled by one 'person' who defines planar traits. All features of a demiplane. Lady of Pain is powerful...maybe she shifted it to the center while everyone else was busy sorting the other planes, or maybe the other powers put it there because it went nowhere else.

If it was unwanted or not meant to be there, that would explain the idea I read somewhere that the Spire is the result of Sigil being pushed off the Wheel. Kinda like a planar disease being cured by a planar immune system.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

I'll probably just have Sigil act like the Prime Material Plane for purposes of going Etheral and such. But if I find something that specifically says how things work in Sigil then I'll change it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

That';s essentially what we're suggesting too. Eye-wink Just don't let someone pull the "I go astral then go... someplace *else*" routine.

... what happens in the Cage... *stays* in the Cage... Eye-wink

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

Looks like a Planescape game will call for a lot of research. Sticking out tongue

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'420' wrote:
'Iavas' wrote:
Argh, Manual of the Planes!!!

Astral and Ethereal do not overlap. They are mutually exclusive, except on the Material Plane, which is their one and only point of contact. Sigil, being exceptional in many ways, also has portals leading to both of them, but otherwise... Astral for Outer Planes and Ethereal for Inner Planes. Plane of Shadow used to be considered just a demiplane, but I think the current consensus is that it's a state of being or somesuch. Not sure with that one.

Well, we can't just ignore the Manual of the Planes, it is the official 3E conversion of the "Great Wheel" cosmology.

According to that, the Astral Plane is actually the space inbetween all the other planes and contains portals ("color pools") to the Ethereal. So while you couldn't use Ethereal spells and special abilities in most areas of the Astral there is an exception when in the vicinity of a color pool to the Ethereal.

The Plane of Shadow was originally a demiplane created by a powerful being (or beings) using the Shining Citadel to cast a "shadow" of all the Material Plane worlds. The original intention was to create a demiplane that could be used to travel from one Prime to another. However, the process of spreading out and connecting to all the Prime's turned the Plane of Shadow into a full fledged plane!

I'm sure it made its creator(s) very proud.


I'm not saying we ignore the MotP, I say we filter it. It wasn't designed to convert all of Planescape to 3e, it simply took a lot of ideas from it and added them to 3e. However, some things obviously don't match. One of those things is the ubiquity of the Astral. It wasn't so before, and quite frankly, despite Sigil spell and all, there should be no reason for it to be so now. The Plane of Shadow is a lesser point... there is the possibility that a demiplane evolved into a Transitive, but again, there has to be a reason. Why is there suddenly enough belief in it for it to evolve? All that I'm saying is that just because WotC is the official publisher of D&D3e (and now 3.5e), we should not treat their books as the ultimate authority on Planescape (unless they wish to truly resurrect the franchise, and give in game reasons for changes). The new rules for how much damage you take on the plane of fire? Sure... it makes sense, and its balanced with the d20 rules. The new idea that modrons are replaced by formians (which are now from Mechanus instead of Arcadia)? Not without a reason.

Okay, I'll step off my podium now.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

BTW should I pick up Manual of the Planes or do I need that since I'm doing 3.5?

Also do I need the boxed Planescape set if I have the free download?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
BTW should I pick up Manual of the Planes or do I need that since I'm doing 3.5?

Depends. If you have the 3.5 DMG, that covers basic planar descriptions of the Great Wheel. I'd suspect MotP has more detail in it on said planes, and includes all kinds of other useful information.

Also do I need the boxed Planescape set if I have the free download?

Just the original PSCS box? Probably not. Although many other PS materials would be of great use, I'm sure.


Pants of the North!

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

'Iavas' wrote:
The new idea that modrons are replaced by formians (which are now from Mechanus instead of Arcadia)? Not without a reason.
Formians didn't replace the modrons, they just moved in next door er... cog.

So what exactly is the Astral Plane in the Planescape setting?


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ninja and other classes who can go ethereal

The plane of thought - the backdoor of the realms. Imagine a space - now half that space, half it again, and again, and again till there is nothing left... well - That's where the Astral is. It is a plane of pure concept, no time, no physical form, just thought and the mind's power. It is not a place that mortals, primes, were ever truly meant to be.

As a transitive plane it overlaps the Prime and the Outer Planes. It is through the astral that thought travels, to create the Outer Planes. It is through astral conduits that spells and souls migrate to the Outer. It is where discarded memories of the dead consolidate before winking out like ever so many crystalline stars, and where the grand concepts - the gods - die when they are abandoned.

Evander's picture
Joined: 2007-09-21
In conversation with

In conversation with friends, we hypothisised that perhaps Sigil is the third transitive plane. That is if you believe in such a mythical idea.  We thought that everything else more or less folows the rule of three, except the transitive planes...less you look at Sigil, which in a way could be concieved as such.  Although I'm not sure if that would fix the Ninja issue.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
AkumaDaimyo wrote:It says

AkumaDaimyo wrote:
It says in the D&D FAQ that going ethereal is only attached to the Prime Material Plane. So what happens to characters like Ninja who go Ethereal when in a place like Sigil or some other place? Can they even do it? It's kinda lame they wouldnt be able to use a class feature like that.

Here's the best way to handle it...

Does your game gain or lose anything because characters can go Ethereal in Sigil or the Outer Planes?

If you think it's lame that they lose a class feature, then simply have it something that they can do.  Perhaps it's a loophole, or something unexplained, or perhaps there is an Ethereal Reflection (or 'layer') of Sigil, which I already wrote about in an article on this site.

NichG's picture
Joined: 2006-07-08
The way I've run it is that

The way I've run it is that Sigil has its own fenced off part of the Ethereal. This is the part that is turned into Mazes (which can be entered, but not exited, via the Ethereal). I ended up doing that sort of by accident because I included ghosts in a game in Sigil, and then basically it was grandfathered in after that point. I suppose the implication is that Sigillian ghosts could get accidentally trapped in the Mazes, which could be amusing in various ways.

I also made it so that mirrors in Sigil could still act as portals into the Plane of Mirrors, which, depending on what source you use for it, is sort of a plane inside the mirror, rather than a place you could get to in any other way. That is, a given mirror has its own Plane of Mirrors. I allowed these to be connected if any pair of mirrors reflected an overlapping area of space. The implication being that any pair of mirrors that you can draw a curve through non-opaque materials to connect (including through open portals, etc), is connected via an infinity of specular reflections off of various surfaces. The problem of course is that this connection is so distorting that actual travel through the indirectly reflected spaces would be impossible to target barring clever magics, good luck, or a native to the mirror realm. 

The Plane of Shadows hasn't come up yet; I guess I'll probably do the same thing for it as the Plane of Mirrors (except now each shadow has its own little plane-let).

I don't give Sigil its own Astral though. So teleportation between locales within Sigil is nixed. 

charl's picture
Joined: 2009-04-09
Well, if you go by

Well, if you go by Planescape Torment then Sigil really should have its own plane of shadow. You can meet Shadows (the monster kind) in Sigil, and if I'm not mistaken they need a link to the plane of shadow just like ghosts need the ethereal.

 I think I read somewhere also that while you can go to Sigil in the astral, you can't enter it. There's some form of barrier that stops you from entering the city, even if you can float around just outside it in the astral, if you want to. Similarly nothing can leave Sigil through the astral, being behind the impenetrable barrier.

 Though, Sigil being Sigil there's really no reason why you couldn't find a Portal inside the Sigil Astral that go somewhere else, just like you can find everywhere. The reverse could also be true, which could lead to a frustrating situation if a hapless planewalker somewhere enter a Portal expecting to enter Sigil and ending up in the astral version of the city instead.

Personally I would also give Sigil its own ethereal demiplane, if nothing else for ease of play. The plane would be cut of from everything but Sigil itself, but it would allow people to use ethereal powers and such, plus the above-mentioned ghosts. (Torment once again shows us ghosts in Sigil so it should be possible, but on the other hand one of those ghosts is somehow able to go to another plane which makes me wonder if the spirits of the dead are somehow exempt to the normal rules of the cage, or maybe there's a portal on the Sigil Ethereal that allows exit in a manner similar to the one I theorized about the Sigil Astral above).

NichG's picture
Joined: 2006-07-08
Well, I'd avoid making the

Well, I'd avoid making the spirits of the dead exempt from the normal rules. After all, what is a petitioner but a 'spirit of the dead' given form? I'd instead say that if Sigil has its own border Ethereal, any material portal that opens up also opens up a corresponding ethereal portal, with perhaps a few exceptions for weird cases (you could have portals that are only material, portals that are only Ethereal, but unless the campaign or episode focuses strongly on ghosts I doubt you'd ever notice). That way, ghosts could get in and out of Sigil using the same portals anyone else would.

 In any event, Torment doesn't quite follow the 'Sigil is barred to planar travel except via portals' rule. The modron cube and the tower with the entropy golem both break that rule in one way or another.  

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Clueless wrote:The Inner

Clueless wrote:
The Inner Planes also have an etheral border. So they should be perfectly fine there. Ditto in Sigil which may (at GM's discression) have it's own psuedo-Ethereal. They're rather SOL on the Outer Planes or the Astral because there's no ethereal overlap.

I had to check what SOL means... Hehe. Laughing out loud :D


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