Next Project: RSS Feed?

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Next Project: RSS Feed?

I've been looking at what the next big upgrade to the site should be now that the forums are solidly under control. It's been kicked around that we could set up an RSS feed of our new releases.

I'm not familay with RSS myself though - so I'd like to get a feel for how many of you would use one of these if we did it. Would it be nice? Not nice? Make you more lazy and less prone to drop by the site? Eye-wink

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Next Project: RSS Feed?

:: runs off to find out what the hell an RSS feed is ::
:: returns scratching head ::

Well, I don't think I would ever make use of it - I'd need a reader, right? If so, then no thanks. I'm a bit of a Luddite - I like my interweb nice and simple. If I want to see if anything new is up at PW, I browse the site and forums. To find new stuff, I just check out the 'New Articles' box.

That said, I do like getting emails about what's new or what's in progress because it feels personal. Once PWI is over, I imagine that those emails will be composed in the PWI contest winner's voice and will be even more enjoyable to receive.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Next Project: RSS Feed?

I know I'd probably use it pretty often for what it's worth.

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