New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Sadly our layout person was ill for awhile and that slowed things down. Barring anything unforeseen I believe we should have Issue 1 in our hands soon.

In the interest of pushing forward, I decided to shore up Issue 2 with stuff from the Editor's Queue and some stuff from Rip who gave blanket permission.

The one thing that might go into either 2 or 3 is the Dicefreaks stuff MythMage mentioned. Otherwise, Issue 2 is as follows:

Killing Lady of Pain II (art done)
Celestial Societies (art done)
Story: Angel Mouse (public domain)
Githzerai stuff from Rip (likely have art, just need to double check permission)
Log X: Aluna from Rip (art done)

Should be 12-14 pages.

This allows people time to think about Issue 3, and not stress out about rushing for Issue 2.

Things I'd like to see:

Something on Modrons, along with some new pieces of Modron Art (really, feel free to draw/suggest any modrons that aren't the quadrone unless it's a cool looking rogue)

If at all possible, some stats this time around. I'm not dedicated to having stats beyond conversions because I recognize if you come up with something cool you'll likely try to get into a magazine or some other professional venue.

Beyond that, I'm up for anything and everything people want to put in. I can always stick in stuff from the queue, so artists who want to draw something can look in the Editor's Queue and take their pick.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

I started working on Kylie art at work today, but that is slow going. I'm having a difficult time getting her face right.

If you want to do Modrons in issue 3, I'll do some actual CONVERTED TO PATHFINDER READY FOR USE Modron conversions of the 3e material, and we can whip up a quickie God entry on The Primus, assign him domains from core and subdomains from APG, etc etc... The existing LN subdomain for Pathfinder is "Inevitable," since there are no Modrons in PF, so we can either suggest using that for anyone getting domains from Primus, or we can conjure up a Modron domain -- I think the idea of a Modron domain is cool.

I'll also do some Modron art. Those will be a lot easier than Kylie.

If we want to super-Mechanus this issue, we should flesh out 1 or 3 interesting gears, towns or just neat sights or something, for Mechanus. Plus 1 plot hook (2 if we want to cover both low- and mid-levels).

Pathfinder doesn't have Formians in any of the Bestiaries, either, but including them too would definitely be entering the territory of TOO MANY CREATURES. Honestly, having all of the modrons is ... a lot. I mean, the 5 base modrons are cool, but the 9 hierarch modrons start getting a little E_E especially because most of them have spells and 8000 spell-like abilities dragging out their information.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Unrelated to Modrons and Mechanus, something I really enjoyed reading was a thread on Wizards that was endeavouring to detail a bunch of sections of the Far Realm. If we have blanket permission to use Rip's material, does this include material he's posted on sites other than Planewalker? :>

I don't know if we could get into contact with the other authors, as most of them are not displaying correctly, due to whatever makes old posts on the Wizards boards display half of people as "ZOMBIEGLEEMAX." Still, featuring the Far Realm in the future would be super cool to me. We could see about converting Complete Arcane's Alienist prestige class, to make it not quite so :/ for use in Pathfinder, and create a Far cleric domain(s). Maybe a couple feats or weird items.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Thanks Anerta! Ideally Issue 3 will come out early fall and Issue 4 at the end of the year.

I think Jenx was up for some Modron art as well.

Also, we have Kobold Avenger's Kamarel stats but we need some art for them.

I like the idea of a Mechanus Issue - If nothing else I have my old Math & Mechanus articles but they'd need art.

I'd love to do stuff on the Far Realms, even a themed Issue.

If people are down we can think of Issue 3 as a Mechanus-heavy Issue and Issue 4 as the Aberrations-heavy Issue? I don't want to necessarily have a locked theme, just in case something like MythMage's DiceFreaks stuff comes up. For example, I was thinking of trying to snag an interview from Dan Voyce once the Dark Roads project comes out.

Still, having even "pseudo-themes" means interested parties can start suggesting stuff for both ahead of time, and we can include some of the prior work on the illithid-Gith conflict.


I'd love a link to the Far Realm stuff you were reading BTW.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Here it is:

I've been on a kick trying to amass Far Realm resources lately, as one of the PCs in the game I'm running is a Summoner whose Eidolon originates from Outside.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

We were thinking about doing a feature on Planar Metropolises, right? What all did we have for those? I'm certain there's some stuff floating around Planewalker arleady on planar cities, and if we do go ahead with developing additional qualities/government types/etc for planar settlements, I think they would be good to be in an issue together -- we could dedicate that issue to urban adventuring on the planes.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Sounds good to me. How about we make that the goal for Issue 5?


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

If possible we may want to do this before the Mechanus stuff, so the new properties can get use in the Mechanus issue -- unless we just "preview" the ones that are relevant to Mechanus in that issue, as a little sidebar.

... Either would work, actually.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Well, we could add in a Planar metropolis and the properties to Issue 3, which doesn't necessarily need to be 100% Mechanus, but rather 50% Mechanus and 50% Planar metropolises?

So 6-10 pages for each? If we use some the metropolises in the editor's queue, well they are rather long actually (one is 7 pages, the other 13).


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Hmm. It would probably behoove us to prune them a bit, then, as I don't think 13 pages dedicated to one city is good practice for a fanzine. That's the sort of situation where you publish a summary and then say "Check out our full entry on TOPIC on" at the bottom of the article.

Which metropolises are in the editor's queue? I'll check them out.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: New Updates - Issue 1, 2, even 3

Coolio. The ones I saw at first glance:

Void's Edge: /content/voids-edge

Ilkkool Rrem: /content/ilkkool-rrem

El Ziafar: /content/el-ziafar

Abattoir, City of Corruption and Hunger: /content/abattoir-city-corruption-and-hunger

We could probably do summaries. It'd be nice to have some that aren't written by Rip, whose work is beyond excellent but it'd be good to have a diversity of authors.


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