New Substitution Levels, now with 33% more Modron Ninja

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Joined: 2004-08-30
New Substitution Levels, now with 33% more Modron Ninja

Racial substitution levels are optional rules originally introduced in the Races of ... product line, which allow you to flavor your class levels based on your character's race.

A substitution level is a level of a given class that you take instead of the level described for the standard class. Essentially, a substitution level grants you an alternative class feature in place of the standard class feature normally gained at that level. Some substitution levels only modify the standard class feature instead of replacing it completely. The only prerequisite for taking a substitution level being of the proper race and class level.

When a substitution level modifies Hit Dice size, this modification applies only to that level, not all levels of the class. Conversely, when a substitution level modifies the list of class skills, this change applies to all levels of the class.



Some bariaur tribes have long-standing bardic traditions, though their bards are rarely charming tricksters that enchant and deceive their enemies. Most are either shamanic storytellers or skald war-chanters, or both.

- Class Skills: Add Intimidate and Survival. Remove Gather Information.

- Spellcasting: Add the following to the spell list - longstrider, magic fang, magic weapon; avoid planar effects, pass without trace; greater magic fang, greater magic weapon; attune form; seal portal; commune with nature, plane shift.
Remove the following from the spell list - charm person, lesser confusion, detect secret doors; hold person; phantom steed; mass suggestion; mass charm monster.

- 1st Level - Bardic Music (Inspire Courage): In addition to the standard bonuses, you also grant a +10 enhancement bonus to base speed, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
This class feature replaces the standard bardic music (countersong) and bardic music (fascinate) abilities. You must have 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill to use it.

- 6th Level - Bardic Music (Inspire Recklessness): When you inspire courage, you have the option of also sparking a dangerous ferocity in your allies. All affected creatures can, on their turn, choose to subtract a number from their Armor Class and add the same number to all melee attack rolls. The modification applies until the beginning of the creature's next turn.
This class feature replaces the standard bardic music (suggestion) ability. You must have 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill to use it.

- 18th Level - Bardic Music (Inspire Unity): When you inspire courage, you can unite your allies in battle and make them fight as one. All affected creatures can use your bard level in place of their base attack bonus, and your base Will save in place of their own.
This class feature replaces the standard bardic music (mass suggestion) ability. You must have 21 or more ranks in a Perform skill to use it.


A bariaur wanderer is the quintessential ranger - restless, always on the move, nature-aware, and motivated by pride when battling a sworn enemy. For males, plated curved horns are usually the weapons of choice. Rangers of both genders often focus on combating fiends and other aggressive outsiders, and choose the ubiquitous kaiu dogs as their animal companions.

- 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th Level - Favored Enemy (Ex): If you select outsiders of an alignment subtype opposed to your own alignment, you can also apply the favored enemy bonus to your spell resistance score when subject to spells and spell-like abilities of such creatures.
This class feature is a modification of the standard favored enemy ability. If your alignment strays, this ability may be temporarily suspended (until your alignment resets).

- 2nd, 6th, and 11th Level - Combat Style (Ex): You have the option of selecting "charging" as the combat style to pursue. If you do so, your gore attack deals triple damage on a critical hit if you charge at least 20 ft.
At 6th level, your gore attack deals 2d8 +1.5 times your Strength modifier points of bludgeoning damage if you charge at least 20 ft.
At 11th level, the critical threat range of your gore attack doubles if you charge at least 20 ft. This does not stack with any other effect that improves critical range, such as Improved Critical or keen edge.
This class feature is a modification of the standard combat style ability.

- 4th Level - Animal Companion (Kaiu): If you choose a kaiu dog as your animal companion, your empathic bond causes the creature's intelligence to improve gradually, as if it were an arcane spellcaster's familiar (Player's Handbook, pg. 53), except your effective wizard level is 1/2 your ranger level. The dog otherwise advances normally as any ranger's animal companion would.
A kaiu dog is a tall, long-legged hound, often seen in bariaur tribes. It is equivalent to a wolf in game statistics.
This class feature is a modification of the standard animal companion ability. This substitution level can also be taken by a 1st-level bariaur druid.


The mobile combat style of a scout is well suited for a bariaur warrior, whether charging in to crash his horns against an enemy's chest, or moving about the battlefield while loosing arrows and slinging stones.

Class Skills: Add Handle Animal and Knowledge (the planes). Remove Knowledge (dungeoneering).

2nd Level - Battle Fortitude (Ex): In addition to initiative rolls and Fortitude saves, your battle fortitude bonus is also applied to Will saves against fear effects.
This class feature is a modification of the standard battle fortitude ability.

3rd, 11th, or 19th Level - Skirmish (Ex): Whenever your skirmish ability improves so that it grants you an additional +1 to AC, you can choose to replace this benefit for an additional +1d6 increase to your skirmish damage. Once made, this choice cannot be reversed.
This class feature is a modification of the standard skirmish ability.

8th Level: Scent (Ex): You gain the scent ability, as described in the Monster Manual.
This class feature replaces the standard blindsense ability.


Though sages claim that the artificer's trade is an invention of certain Prime races, many modrons are known to practice it. It is assumed that tinkering with the boundary between magic and technology, between life and mechanics, comes as naturally to a modron as sorcery comes to those of dragon blood.

1st Level - Construct Nature (Ex): You can imbue modrons (including yourself) with your infusions as if they were constructs, and not outsiders.
This class feature replaces the standard artisan bonus ability and Scribe Scroll bonus feat.

5th Level - Retain Essence (Su): You can salvage XP for item creation not only from magic items (see Eberron Campaign Setting, pg. 32), but also from constructs and modrons. It takes one day to reduce the subject's character level (or HD) by one step, adding 1/10th of the XP it would take to achieve that level to your craft reserve. Unwilling subjects must be restrained during the process.
This class feature is a modification of the standard retain essence ability.

8th Level - Grafting (Ex): You can create any graft that you know of, and apply it to yourself or another creature. You need not meet requirements such as caster level, graft variety, and creature type. Spellcasting requirements are still in effect, though you can circumvent these through Use Magic Device checks, as detailed in the description of your Item Creation class feature (see Eberron Campaign Setting, pg. 32).
This class feature replaces the standard 8th-level bonus feat.


"Nobody expects the Modron Ninjas! Our chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear... fear and surprise... Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency... Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Primus... Our four... no... Amongst our weapons.... our weaponry... are such elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Primus. And nice black uniforms."

6th Level - Ki Fortitude (Su): When subject to a critical hit or a sneak attack, you can spend one daily use of your ki power to additionally gird your metal frame against the attack. When you activate this ability, your percentile chance to avoid extra damage from thus critical hit or sneak attack is increased by 50% (from 25% to 75%). The benefit applies for 1 round, potentially affecting multiple critical hits or sneak attacks.
This class feature replaces the standard ki dodge ability.

10th Level - Ghost Step (Incorporeal): You can become incorporeal when using ghost step in addition to becoming invisible.
This class feature is a modification of the standard ghost step ability.

18th Level - Greater Ki Fortitude (Su): When subject to a critical hit or a sneak attack, you can spend one daily use of your ki power to negate the effect; the attacker rolls for damage normally. The benefit applies for 1 round, potentially affecting multiple critical hits or sneak attacks.
This class feature replaces the standard greater ki dodge ability.


There are certain advantages inherent in the formulaic approach to magic that seem obvious only to those of structured, machine-like minds. Even when a modron is driven to the peculiar form of maddness that is the rogue state, he can benefit from the basic design.

1st Level - Arcane Compartmentalization (Ex): You have the ability to commit spells directly to your mind, without the use of a classical spellbook. In effect, your spellbook is part of your mind, and cannot be separated from you. This "internal spellbook" can store up to 100 total spell levels, just like a standard 100-page spellbook.
This class feature replaces the standard Scribe Scroll bonus feat.

5th Level - Analytic Arcana Anullment (Ex): Once per round, you can counterspell even if you have not readied an action to do so. This counterspell action takes the place of your next turn. You cannot use thie ability when flat-footed.
This class feature replaces the standard 5th-level bonus feat.

10th Level - Greater Arcane Compartmentalization (Ex): You gain the ability to store an increased amount of spells in your "internal spellbook". You can store up to 400 total spell levels this way, as if scribing them into four standard 100-page spellbooks.
This class feature replaces the standard 10th-level bonus feat. The 1st-level substitution Arcane Compartmentalization ability is a requirement.

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