New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

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Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'kwint' wrote:
1) Planewalker's Guild: They're a sect?...I thought they were based on the Infinite Staircase, but the entry for them says they're based in the Lower Ward?...Is this correct/something new?

Originally they were based on the Infinite Staircase. PW has moved them back into Sigil in the material that we've written (but I'll need to check where exactly they've constructed a guildhall).

4) Sects in general: Is the info on concerning the "official" sects (that is those from PS products and not fan created) fairly reliable?...


The material on sects on the mimir is a great idea mine, but don't assume anything is canon. It (and most everything on the mimir) is full of great ideas to use, but it's planescape apocrypha more or less that might marginally or majorly deviate from material in canon sourcebooks, etc.

For instance there're two seperate and wildly different entries on the Mimir for the Illuminated sect, both of which run off on tangents from what little is presented in 'The Eternal Boundary' and the material on Plague-Mort in whichever book describes it most fully (with a paragraph or two on them).

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'princessbunny99' wrote:
*gets overwhelemed by entries*

HOw many people are working on this? I have like...20 entries to do! Laughing out loud


*grins* I did like 7 of them yesterday, and I've got about the same sitting in my 'to do' pile in my inbox. You're not the only one Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'kwint' wrote:
1) Planewalker's Guild: They're a sect?

They're a guild.

them says they're based in the Lower Ward?...Is this correct/something new?

They move back into Sigil after the Faction War. I would have thought the Guildhall Ward, but maybe not.

aren't some of them still around as a sect based in Bytopia or is that just screed?

I included that in some of the Bytopia stuff I wrote for Planewalker, but I don't think it's canonical.

3) Anarchs and Anarchs' Guild: I remember that they were put forth as a sect in Planes of Chaos, is this for the A's or the AG?...As I recall, the AG is solely a githzerai concern, but the sect is not- is this correct?...

No, "anarchs" are anyone who can shape chaos subconsciously, whether or not they belong to the Guild at all. The Anarch's Guild is the Anarch's sect, and yes - it's solely a githzerai concern, though some of its techniques have leaked to other communities in Limbo.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'kwint' wrote:
1) Planewalker's Guild: They're a sect?
They're a guild.

them says they're based in the Lower Ward?...Is this correct/something new?
They move back into Sigil after the Faction War. I would have thought the Guildhall Ward, but maybe not.
Okay, so I read the PS3e Ch 7 write-up and it says nothing about them being either a sect or faction and they're HQ'ed in the Market Ward...I'll make the changes in the encyclopedia...

So, I notice with Wikipedia, there's an overall editorial group that checks articles and reverts incorrect edits...Is there something similar we can do to protect the integrity of the encyclopedia o' the planes?...I know we assume that the info people put up is correct, but what's to be done if it's not and what's to be done if edits are incorrect?...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'kwint' wrote:
I know we assume that the info people put up is correct

I don't assume that. When I spot mistakes, I fix them. If there's a dispute, we can discuss it on the boards like we did with the Great Capitalization Debate of 2006.

Although there's a lot of Planescape words, this cyclopedia isn't nearly as vast and unwieldy as Wikipedia, and doesn't require a special layer of bureaucracy for error-fixing.

Clueless's picture
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Putting in that extra layer is going to require some code work. Then we'd have to tackle the problems that come with selecting people to check the entries. And then, even harder to do, we have to make sure that they keep up with the work load.

Mostly I'm going to keep an eye on things and cross that bridge when we need to. This thing is managing to grow at a much faster rate than I originally expected but I don't think we're at the stage yet where we need that.

The way I was planning (hoping) that we'd resolve errors in entries is actually that if someone knows the way it's supposed to be - they go in and simply fix it. Debated facts, as Rip mentioned can get resolved in the forums easily enough, or get put into the entry as an ongoing discussion as folks work on the entries. That's one of the reasons I encourage folks to cite their sources for their entries.

Considering some of the other coding/management requests I've got beyond the encylopedia, I want to get to those first.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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Not a prob...And just to add, I'm not trying to be a Net Nazi (a Netzi if you will Eye-wink ), I'd just like to make sure the info is accurate...I'd just like it when I use the EoP, I'm going to get correct info...I played PS all through its 2nd ed incarnation and have a pretty good memory, but I never owned any of the "Planes of" box sets, just got the info through playin' and so was dependent on our GM (My own PS game took place in the Outlands, so I didn't necessarily need those books)...

Clueless's picture
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That need for a place to accurately look up basic material is pretty tops in my mind too. When PS was coming out I was still in high school and had nothing resembling a budget. Then I went to college, and still don't have a budget. And now I'm out of college... and you can see where this is going. Eye-wink

I've got a good memory, but being able to look things up is a wonderful thing.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:

*grins* I did like 7 of them yesterday, and I've got about the same sitting in my 'to do' pile in my inbox. You're not the only one Smiling

Did you do the one on Shemeska? I saw it in my list and I was like "I'm not even going to try" Laughing out loud :D I'm not a Shemmie expert like some ;D


taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'Clueless' wrote:
The way I was planning (hoping) that we'd resolve errors in entries is actually that if someone knows the way it's supposed to be - they go in and simply fix it. Debated facts, as Rip mentioned can get resolved in the forums easily enough, or get put into the entry as an ongoing discussion as folks work on the entries. That's one of the reasons I encourage folks to cite their sources for their entries.
Create a button called: Dispute this topic. Then include a link for the editors that says: "This topic is in dispute. Please visit link before editing post", or something like that. Just to let people know that people are debating it.

It would require the code to create a default forum thread for the topic alone, and would be a nice supplement for people to see the different views on the matter.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'taotad' wrote:
Create a button called: Dispute this topic. Then include a link for the editors that says: "This topic is in dispute. Please visit link before editing post", or something like that. Just to let people know that people are debating it.

Eh, it's not like we're debating global warming or the origins of monotheism. The facts are in the books themselves and we ought to be able to find a reasonable interpretation of them, especially in short entries like these. Or non-interpretation, as the case might be: some things in Planescape are just mysterious, and it's okay to say so.

If not, we can cross that bridge as we stumble on to it. I'm trying not to introduce any controversial interpretations of my own.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

What the...?

Global warming? Where did that come from?

Creating a link that let people discuss the post promotes community. If I want the the book interpretation I go to the books. I go to planewalker to get fans' interpretation of the books and some nice ideas on the way. The encyclopedia should be where those two nice things meet.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'taotad' wrote:
Creating a link that let people discuss the post promotes community. If I want the the book interpretation I go to the books. I go to planewalker to get fans' interpretation of the books and some nice ideas on the way. The encyclopedia should be where those two nice things meet.
Just to clarify things, as I understand them, the encyclopedia is s'posed to be a centralized place where the book interpretation is to be found and the forums are where fans can debate their own interpretations...Not everybody has all the books and newbies may have none...The encyclopedia is a place to come to find out what is PS canon...Players can go from there for there own home campaigns, accepting or ignoring what they will... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

*nod* As kwint said, the encyclopedia was founded with the understanding that sometimes it's just too hard for newbies to get any of the old material. It's usefulness is based solidly on how useful it is to have a place where you can quickly lookup basic reference material.

The idea is to be able to answer questions such as "What are the Baatazu subspecies?" or "I've never heard of Bytopia, what's that?" quickly, and *accurately*. That way our poor clueless berk using the encyclopedia doesn't stuck referencing fan created work that isn't going to match what his DM is using.

What rip means is: since the only thing going into the encyclopedia is basic material canon to Planescape, debates on the accurancy of an entry in the encyclopedia should boil down very quickly to a list of citations from original source, so the overall need for such a button should be fairly low.

If it turns out it isn't (and so far aside from capitalization issues, it hasn't) I'll put one in. But I've got a number of other coding needs that the site is demanding with more urgency so that upgrade to the system will have to wait for the nonce.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

I'm wondering why there is an entry for 'Heiner de Wendt'...Nothing against Mr. de Wendt, but are we (people who contribute to PW) all going to put up our RW names and avatars as if they were as significant as PS canon?...I know that doesn't sound very amiable, but is the EotP really the place for such things?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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As far as I know the entry got created because someone looked for it. Then one of our editors went back in and filled it out. So apparently it was useful to at least one person out there trying to use the system.

You could apply the same arguement on relevancy to information from PS: Torment too. It's not canon either, but people look for it all the time.

Personally, I think it's relevant because it does apply to the setting by addressing the Planescape community. It also stands to be useful if someone is trying to locate where they can read his stuff. It's easy to contact the people who are still around, and ask them questions. It's a little harder to do so for those who've not gotten back into the comunity.

(And it's not like the entry takes up a lot of server space or anything - we've got plenty of space for extra bits... Eye-wink)

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

So, I noticed that the new code creates a new entry for searches that result in no entry...For instance I typed in 'Afandenberg' and came up with 'no entry,' checked under 'A' and, voila!, there's an entry for 'Afandenberg'...Is there some way to fix this or is it intended?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Intended. It's been that way the whole time - the new code just bothers to tell the searcher what's going on.
(I think I mentioned this a while ago, might not have.)

Someone who's volunteered to work on the team also just got that sent to them in an email with a request to fill it in too. It's a way of making sure we fill in what people need asap - gives the editors a little bit of guidance on what folks are looking for.

As more and more entries get filled the demand should drop off swiftly as less searches come up blank.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'Clueless' wrote:
This thing is managing to grow at a much faster rate than I originally expected but I don't think we're at the stage yet where we need that.
I guess you didn't expect Rip van Wordsmith and his OCD (which I will apologize for making light of in advance if Rip does, in fact, suffer from OCD)... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Wasn't expecting it at all. Eye-wink

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

I think I understand your points, but I must admit I seem to have misunderstood the encyclopedia. I saw it as a project to unite every facet of Planescape information on the net, canon or fan into a lexicon of our belowed setting. I'll have to do some editing to minimize my damage.

To retain some little pride I have left though I won't capitulate entirely: Maybe making a link that automatically creates a post in a sub-forum where people can ask questions about the entry is an idea? It won't stop global warming, but maybe it will create warm, fuzzy feelings for newbies to Planescape? Smiling

Btw Clueless: Thanks for keeping the site alive with new ideas. I hope the work doesn't prove unrewarding.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

Is the City of Glass different in "The Inner Planes" from how it is presented in "Vortex of Madness"?...In VoM it's built on an iceberg with a dome of glass covering an air-filled enclosure?...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'kwint' wrote:
Is the City of Glass different in "The Inner Planes" from how it is presented in "Vortex of Madness"?...In VoM it's built on an iceberg with a dome of glass covering an air-filled enclosure?... Kwint

Nah, it's basically the same. I forgot about the ice.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

What I think I will probably do is include a link in the display to this thread.
(Like say: Here) And I'll just update the set of links if conversation wanders off to another thread.

Hey kwint - as many of these as you are working on and editting, have you considereed hitting that "join the team" button on the front of the sncyclopedia? That way you'll get the notices about new stuff that needs tending to too. Smiling

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'Clueless' wrote:
Hey kwint - as many of these as you are working on and editting, have you considereed hitting that "join the team" button on the front of the sncyclopedia? That way you'll get the notices about new stuff that needs tending to too. Smiling
Although I've written a few of the articles, my main contributions have been: to edit for grammar/syntax; add information not yet included (like adding the names of the layers to those planes which didn't name them); pushing buttons to add new, yet undefined entries; Committing Capitalization and de-Capitalization crimes Eye-wink (i.e. being a hobgoblin) and putting +and+ around words that now have an entry for them...I see that as my role...

There are those out there who have far better writing skills than I and, more importantly, have access to PS books and boxes that I don't (everything PS I own is in storage 300 miles away except for my Planewalker's Handbook and Vortex of Madness)...For the most part, all I have is my memory (which I wouldn't use as a source Eye-wink ), access to the net and to the PSCS releases downloads...

That said, I think the project is going along fabulously...

ps-I'd be interested to know how many entries Rip has done; he's being rather tight-lipped on the subject w/ me...However many he's done, he deserves a big thank you from the community for his sagacious scribblings...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

I added a bunch of pictures to their appropriate entries...Mostly diTerlizzi, a Baatezu recruitment poster for the Blood War and the BoVD pic for Graz'zt...I thought about using all the appropriate pics from Wizards Art Gallery Archives, but I'm not sure whether I should...I like the dt's, but the others (???)...Whatta y'all think?...

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

Where did the "Give to Someone Else" button go? I haven't heard of any but one of my assignments Laughing out loud

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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I was wonderin' how the assignments are passed out?...That is, how is it decided who gets what when?...Oh, and I'm with PB on the "Pass it on" button Eye-wink ...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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They go to the person with the current shortest assignment list actually. Eye-wink I'm working to revise the 'pass it on' button to work a little better hence why it's been temporarily turned off.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'Clueless' wrote:
They go to the person with the current shortest assignment list actually. Eye-wink I'm working to revise the 'pass it on' button to work a little better hence why it's been temporarily turned off.
Well, I hope you get it up* quickly 'cause as I made note of in the following quote from a previous post...

There are those out there who have far better writing skills than I and, more importantly, have access to PS books and boxes that I don't (everything PS I own is in storage 300 miles away except for my Planewalker's Handbook and Vortex of Madness)...For the most part, all I have is my memory (which I wouldn't use as a source ), access to the net and to the PSCS releases downloads...
There's no way I can give a write-up of things like canoloths and dergoloths that I know no more of than that they are 'loths or of imps and quasits other than they are LE and CE aligned creatures, respectively, that you used to get as special familiars and maybe a bit more... Kwint

* He said "get it up" Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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.... *bug eyed for a moment*

Sonava... I'll have you know I almost lost my keyboard on that! I had *just* taken a sip of apple cider!! Eye-wink

Like I said, I need to figure out a better way of letting people pass along things that they don't want or can't work on. And probably a better way for the team to manage themselves. Things like "Don't send me anything I'm going on Vacation!" sort of buttons. A lot of these sort of ideas are need driven so as the team says they need em, they get on my to do list Eye-wink

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

So I was taking a gander at the Encyclopedia of the Planes and note that we have 584 entries (Woo-Hoo!)...Of these 584, 510 of them have some form of entry while a mere 74 have no description what-so-ever...I've put together a list of those 74 and encourage well-lanned folk out there to put fingers to keyboard to fill the empty space for as sure as magic fades as you approach the Spire, more entries will appear...

The 74, [the # Left to be done] and (Those done since original post):

Children of the Vine (x)
Converts (x)
Daughters of Light (x)
Desderain (x)
Expansionists (x)
Minder's Guild (x)
Order of the Planes Militant (x)
Prolongers (x)
Verdant Guild
Vile Hunt

Arwyl Swan's Son (x)
Duprak Jarneesh (x)
Glasya (x)
Jaya Forlorn
Kylie the Tout (x)
Nijul P'iuy
Oridi Malefin (x)
Ravel Puzzlewell (x)
Shekelor (x)
Siva (x)

Broken Reach (x)
City Prison (x)
Civic Festhall
Court of Ice and Steel (x)
Crawling City (x)
Death of Innocence (x)
Dwarven Mountain (x)
Field of Nettles (x)
Ghetto (x)
Gilded Hall (x)
Great Dismal Delve (x)
Great Foundry (x)
Great Gymnasium (x)
Sevenfold Mazework (x)
Spawning Stone (x)
Tantlin (x)
Tower of the Wyrm
Yeoman (x)

Asrai (x)
Canoloth (x)
Dergholoth (x)
Great Ghul (x)
Imp (x)
Jann (x)
Jarilith (x)
Jovoc (x)
Kelvezu (x)
Kocrachon (x)
Markeen (x)
Mercane (x)
Palrethee (x)
Quasit (x)
Rust Dragon (x)
Rutterkin (x)
Sollux (x)
Songshark (x)
Sorrowsworn Demon (x)
Soul Shells (x)
Tasked Genie (x)
Warden Archon (x)
Yikaria (x)

Cubic Gate (x)
Labyrinthine Portal

DONE: 56 Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

Ok - "Pass it along" button has been added. Editors now have a page to look at abandoned entries.

(And before you ask "how do we make these entries disappear from the queues?" Once they've been editted - like baby birds, they've been touched and don't go back in the nest.)

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

I'm not seeing it...The only buttons I see are edit and delete...I was just assigned 'lights' and, as I don't know of any particular PS thing called 'lights,' I pushed delete thinking it might be the 'pass it along' button, but nothing showed up on the abandoned entries page...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Hm. It should be on the actual edit page when you go to edit it. I'll double check the code to make sure you should be able to see it.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

It's there now, thanks...
Laughing out loud Kwint

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

Thank you Clueless! I know someone can do those way better than me ;D

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

The "Crawling City" has no [edit] button, which is sad 'cause it has no information under the title...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'kwint' wrote:
The "Crawling City" has no [edit] button, which is sad 'cause it has no information under the title... Kwint

The 'loths are very determined to keep some things dark...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

I listed all the cant terms alphabetically under the entry for Cant...If anyone adds a cant term to the EotP, could you please add it to this list...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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I guess so, though all the cant terms appear automatically when you type "cant" into the search window. A link to that keyword would have worked just as well.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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Ya, but it also comes up with any entry which has c-a-n-t in its keywords, which includes "Incantifers" and as the EotP grows, I'm sure others...I just thought it would be a nice list...

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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I started going through and putting in the pronunciation guide that I got from Rip a few months ago Smiling

My internet is kinda slow, so it might take me a while to get them all in there ;D

If anyone has any other sources of pronunciation, feel free to add those in there (such as bay-AT-eh-zoo or get the idea) if they've been officially published Smiling


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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The .wav files of Sue and Monte Cook (I think) pronouncing all the Planescape words were uploaded to here.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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Oooo goody Laughing out loud I also think we should have it in the Encyclopedia if possible...unless anyone else thinks no?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Site Feature: Encyclopedia!

'princessbunny99' wrote:
Oooo goody Laughing out loud I also think we should have it in the Encyclopedia if possible...unless anyone else thinks no?

We can easily link to the appropriate sound file in each entry, assuming it won't eat up too much bandwidth.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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I think there may be a problem with the EotP's search function as I have received assignments for both A'kin and Arwyl Swan's Son, both of which already have entries with keywords that match the new assignment titles...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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It's probably problems with the apostrohe character - I've noticed a few entries where it looks like someone is using part of the extended ASCII code for their comma so it's not matching quite right. I'll check to see if that's it.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
It's probably problems with the comma character - I've noticed a few entries where it looks like someone is using part of the extended ASCII code for their comma so it's not matching quite right. I'll check to see if that's it.
I take it you mean apostrophe as in A'kin?... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Sorry - hadn't had my wake up cup of coffee yet when I posted earlier. At least the meaning came across.

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