New PrC: The Martyrs

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Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
New PrC: The Martyrs

This is the stripped-down version of the PrC; in particular, it has only minimal cool names or flavor text or anything that would make this interesting. I'd like to see what people think about the systemic challenges of the class before I noodle any further.

ETA (7/18/05): This is the latest revision of the Martyr. A little more shape, a little more care, a few revisions and a few new abilities. I think the roster of powers is pretty much complete at this point; all that remains is to more carefully describe the existing ones and ultimately given them all cool names Eye-wink As noted elsewhere, feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem
- Mass for the dead

We have grown used to beauty without horror.
- Andrew Hudgins


Stat block
Base Fort Ref Will
Lvl Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Foreswear Healing, Self Healing, Cleansing Trance, Diehard, Immunity to fear, Selfless Laying Hands
2 +0 +3 +0 +3 HP +1, Raise Level I, Immunity to fatigue and exhaustion, Energy Resistance, Bonus Feat
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 HP +1, Damage Resistance 1, Immunity to non-lethal damage, Redirect I
4 +1 +4 +1 +4 HP +2, Raise Level II, Immunity to pain and stun, Reduce ability drain, Energy Resistance, Bonus Feat
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 HP +2, Cleansing Trance x2, Indestructible, Immunity to massive damage, Transferrance Amplifier
6 +2 +5 +2 +5 HP +3, Damage Resistance 3, Immunity to poisons and diseases, Bonus Feat
7 +3 +5 +2 +5 HP +3, Raise Level III, Immunity to death effects, SR 8 + character level, Glorious Ending
8 +4 +6 +2 +6 HP +4, Redirect II, Prevent ability damage, Bonus Feat
9 +4 +6 +3 +6 HP +4, Damage Resistance 5, Reciprocity
10 +5 +7 +3 +7 HP +5, Raise Level IV, Efficient Transferrance Amplifier, Bonus Feat


Bearers of the Broken Flesh, better known as Martyrs, are those who have devoted themselves to taking the pain and suffering of others. Many are outright pacifists; some are crusaders of the faith; all are tougher than almost any blood a basher has ever met.
Hit Die: d12.

Note: Clerics and Paladins may freely cross-class with Martyrs.


To qualify to become a Martyr, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Alignment: Any good.
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Healing 8 ranks.
Feats: Endurance, Iron Will
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells.

Class Skills

Dex: Escape Artist
Con: Concentration
Wis: Heal, Profession (apothecary, doctor/chirurgeon/sawbones), Sense Motive
Int: Craft (alchemist), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (planes), Spellcraft
Chr: Bluff, Diplomacy

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Restrictions

Foreswear Healing: A Martyr may never be magically healed by any being of less than deific might: not cure, not heal, not wish, nothing. Neither potions nor alchemy nor psionics may get around this restriction. He receives no temporary hit points and may never get fast healing. He may also not be raised or regenerated, though he may be resurrected.

If the Martyr has any levels of Cleric, he permanently loses one of his domains and gains the Martyr domain (see below) instead. The Martyr gains spontaneous casting of all spells in the Martyr domain but loses the ability to spontaneously cast any other divine spells from the designated class if it had such an ability. A Martyr may only cast his half class level in levels of healing spells -- i.e. spells in the Healing domain -- per day. A 7th level Martyr could, for example, cast cure light wounds three times or cure serious wounds once.

Transferring Damage: [Not a restriction as much as a definition.] The Martyr has many ways of taking other's damage upon himself; damage taken in this way is known as transferred damage. The most basic version of this is Selfless Laying of the Hands (see below) and there are also spells like Shield Others. As a general rule, resistances and protection applies only to damage as it is being delivered; if the damage has already been taken by the subject, only Damage Resistance (see below) will intervene.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor proficiency: Martyrs gain no proficiency with weapons or armor.

Spells and Caster Level: The levels of Martyr stack with the base divine caster class (pick one if there is a choice; this is known as the designated base class) for purposes of both spells per day and caster level. They do not confer any benefits upon the base class beyond this, however.

Self Healing (Ex): A Martyr may heal himself with a DC 15 Healing check, as per the skill. This counts as rest instead of light activity provided the Martyr is only tending himself, but requires bandages, salves and the like.

Cleansing Trance (Su): Once per week, the Martyr may enter a trance that purges and heals his body of most of the damage that has been accrued to it. Provided he remains uninterrupted for an entire day, he may do one of the following:

  • Heal a number of hit points equal to half his total.
  • Cleanse his body of all poisons and natural diseases.
  • Cleanse his body of all magical diseases.
  • Remove all ability damage.
  • Heal all ability damage from one ability.
  • Attempt to break any hostile spells that have been laid on him: the Martyr gets another saving throw against every effect still acting on him by the end of the day.

At 5th level, the Martyr may choose two of these effects with repetitions allowed; thus he might pick full healing (heal half the hit point twice), or heal half and purge magical diseases, or whatever.

Selfless Laying of the Hands (Su): As per the Paladin skill of the same name, but instead of healing the wounds the damage is transferred to the Martyr. This damage cannot be reduced by Damage Resistance (see below).

The Martyr cannot use this ability to damage undead. He may, however, forego 10 points of healing to transfer to himself any natural poison or disease, or forego 20 points to transfer any magical poison or disease; at 6th level, this is functionally the same as curing the illness.

Immunity to fear (Ex): By experiencing the necessity of pain, a Martyr gains immunity to all sources of fear, both magical and natural.

HP +n: At each level beyond the first, the Martyr gains a certain number of hit points per level. [Half the class level, rounded down.] This is in addition to his Constitution bonuses, if applicable.

Immunity to non-lethal damage (Ex): By 2nd level the Martyr's body has toughened considerably and non-lethal damage simply has no effect. This does not apply to damage transferred from other sources.

Bonus fear: At every even-numbered level the Martyr may choose a bonus feat from the following list provided he meets the prerequisites: Combat Casting, Strong Mind (+3 on saving throws v. Psionics and mental attacks), Seriously Improved Toughness (+3 hp immediately, +1 hp/level for every level thereafter), Faster Healing (see Complete Warrior; basically adds 50% to natural rate of healing), Great Fortitude, Greater Fortitude (+2 to Fortitude saves, stacks with Great Fortitude), Adamantine Will (+2 to Will saves, stacks with Iron Will), Improved Grapple.

Energy Resistance (Su): At 2nd level the Martyr gains resistance 5 + class level against any one type of energy. At 4th level he make pick a different one.

Raise Level I (Ex): At 2nd level, a Martyr who has been seriously injured becomes stronger and more secure in his faith, gaining bonuses to his caster level when casting spells and additional Wisdom bonuses to both his Will saves and his caster DCs. Neither bonus confers additional benefits beyond the stated. The effects are summarized on the table below, with level bonuses first and Wisdom bonuses second:

Class level 100% 75% 50% 25% 0 to -10 hps

1st +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0 +0/+0
2nd - 3rd +0/+0 +0/+0 +1/+0 +1/+0 +1/+1
4th - 6th +0/+0 +0/+0 +1/+0 +2/+1 +2/+1
7th - 9th +0/+0 +1/+0 +2/+1 +3/+1 +4/+2
10th +0/+0 +1/+1 +2/+2 +4/+3 +6/+4

For example, an 8th level Martyr who has been reduced to less than a quarter of his total hit points has +3 to his effective caster level (so functionally has a +11 bonus to his base caster level) and +1 to his Wisdom bonuses on both Will saving throws and his caster DCs.

Damage Resistance n (Ex): At 3rd level the Martyr may, if he chooses, reduce all damage he receives by 1 point every time he is damaged. This applies to any source including transferred damage except that of Selfless Laying of the Hands, unlike regular DR or reduction. At 6th level this rises to 3 points of damage and at 9th level this rises to 5 points of damage per injury.

Immunity to massive damage (Ex): At 3rd level the Martyr's body has toughened still further and he is now immune to the effects of massive damage.

Redirect I (Su): At 3rd level the Martyr may redirect any ranged, targeted spell or spell-like effect to hit himself provided he is otherwise a legitimate target of the spell. This effect may be used three times per day and must be declared before saving throws or damage are rolled; the Martyr must also be aware of the spell for it to be redirected. If the spell has multiple targets, the Martyr may redirect all of the spell's effects at a single target towards himself. If the target is unwilling to have the effect redirected, the Martyr must make a Will save against DC 10 + (1/2 spell level) + target's Will modifier to accomplish the redirection.

For example, if an enemy mage casts magic missile with two bolts striking Fred and three bolts striking Ethel, Mary the Martyr may redirect the two bolts striking Fred or the three bolts striking Ethel, but no other combination. Likewise, if Bob is struck by two different effects at the same time -- say by a beholder's gaze -- Mary may only redirect one of the two. Finally, if the evil cleric casts bull's strength on his minion

Note: If you are playing with psionics, this may also be used to redirect manifestations or psi-like effects.

At 8th level the ability improves: the Martyr may now redirect any spell or spell-life effect to hit himself, irrespective of range or targeting. The only requirement is that Martyr must have line of sight on either the caster or the target. This effect may now be used 3 times per day + his Wisdom bonus (minimum 4) and need be declared only after saving throws have been made. If the spell is an area of effect, the Martyr becomes the center of the new spell; if the spell has multiple targets, the Martyr may redirect any number of them to strike himself as a single use of this power.

Immunity to pain and stun (Ex): At 4th level the Martyr has toughened still further and is now immune to all damage or effects due to pain and is likewise immune to stunning effects.

Reduce ability drain (Ex): As another sign of their inner steel, at 4th level a Martyr gain reduce the effects of ability drain. Every time a Martyr suffers ability drain he may make one saving throw per ability drained, using Fortitude for Strength, Constitution and Dexterity, and Will for Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. The DC of the save is 10 + spell level + (1/2 class level or monstrous HD of caster of effect). If the save is made, that point of ability drain is instead taken as a point of ability damage.

Indestructible (Ex): At 5th level the Martyr becomes immune to the effects of negative hit points. This means that he neither becomes disabled nor dying until he keels over dead at -10 hit points.

Transferrance Amplifier (Su): At 5th level the Martyr can now transfer twice as much damage as usual in any spell or spell-like effect.

Immunity to poisons and diseases (Ex): At 6th level the Martyr is now immune to all poisons and diseases, normal and otherwise.

Immunity to death effects (Ex): At 7th level the Martyr is now immune to any and all death effects.

Spell Resistance (Su): At 7th level the Martyr gains SR 8 + character level.

Glorious Ending (Sp): At 7th level, upon dying the Martyr's earthly remains detonate in a wave of spiritual energy. All subjects within 100' suffer the effects of a holy smite spell cast at the Martyr's character level with two key differences: the DC for the saves against damage is increased by the Martyr's class level and the DC for the save against blindness is increased by the Martyr's character level.

Prevent ability damage (Ex): At 8th level the Martyr has now attained levels of resistance that are unmatched. Every time he suffers ability damage he may make one saving throw per ability drained, as per reduce ability drain above, with DC 20 + spell level + (1/2 class level or monstrous HD of caster of effect). If the save is made, no ability damage is suffered. This does not stack with the effects of reduce ability drain: ability damage cannot be prevented in this way.

Reciprocity (Su): At 9th level the Martyr gains the ability to let others share the wonders of his pain. Once per day he may pick up to half his character level in targets provided they are within 50' of him; line of sight is not necessary provided he knows where the targets are. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma bonus, any damage taken by the Martyr is also taken by the targets. This applies to all sources of damage, even self-inflicted or transferred damage, before Damage Resistance is applied.

Efficient Transferrance Amplifier (Su): At 10th level the Martyr can now twice as much damage as usual in any spell or spell-like effect while taking only the original amount of damage. This replaces (i.e. does not stack with) Transferrance Amplifier.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
New PrC: The Martyrs

Interesting. Where is the Martyr Domain? Also, you probably need to specify what type of special ability each class ability is (Sp, Su or Ex). The Damage Resistance is somewhat funky. Does it apply to ALL types of damage (weapon, spell, energy, etc)? Normally damage resistance applies to one type of damage and the total number applies for the whole round. For example, once a creature with fire resistance 10 takes a total amount of fire damage in a round, any further attacks that hit it doing fire damage have their full effects. The martyr's damage resistance class ability might need some renaming.
Can a martyr gain healing from psionic or alchemical sources?

I like the class concept; I'm not sure what role it would take mechanically, something like a damage spunge. The biggest weakness a martyr would be suceptible to would be ablity damage and drain, which would be difficult and impossible to heal, respectively, without magic.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
New PrC: The Martyrs

Here's my first stab at the Martyr domain. Took longer than expected because there were fewer (actually, almost no) existing spells with the martyr motif than I'd realized. It's not complete -- I'm still looking for a 7th level and 9th level spell to fill in the blanks, although I have ideas for both. Any and all advice or comment would be greatly appreciated.

The Martyr Domain

You get +1 to both Fortitude and Will saving throws. You can, in addition, substitute your Fortitude or Will saving throws for someone else within 10' per class level. If the saving throw is failed, the recipient suffers the effects as normal. This is a supernatural ability and may be performed a total of your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) times per day.

Spell list:

  1. Benediction -- (see below) Transfer up to twice your class level in damage from another character to yourself.
  2. Shield Other -- Target gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and +1 Resistance bonus to their saves. Half of all hit-point damage that the target takes is actually taken by the caster.
  3. Martyr's Mantle -- (see below) Take damage per round to give bonuses to targeted characters.
  4. Blood of the Martyr -- (BOED p92) The caster transfers his/her hit points (minimum 20) to a willing or unconscious creature.
  5. Stalwart Pact -- (CDiv p181) When the touched, willing living creature is reduced to half his/her hit points, the target receives the following benefits for 1 rnd/level: 5 Temporary hp / caster level; DR 5/magic; +4 Luck bonus on all saving throws.
  6. Needs of the Many -- (see below) take damage upon yourself to heal it in others.
  7. Excruciation? TBD
  8. Sacrament of Flesh -- (see below) prevent all damage to others at the expense of damage to yourself
  9. Aegis of the Spirit?? TBD (something like: prevent everything from hitting anybody in range, provided you take the requisite damage)

Level: Martyr 1
Components: V,S
Time: 1 standard action
Target: Any creature
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Duration: Instantaneous; 1 round / level
Save: No

You may transfer up to three times your caster level in damage from another character to yourself. This damage can only be reduced by Damage Resistance; no other form of resistance or protection applies. If you transfer more than the target's character level in hit points, they gain either a +1 morale bonus to all attacks or a +1 deflection bonus to AC at the caster's choice for one round per caster level.

Martyr's Mantle
Level: Martyr 3
Components: V,S
Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 character / level, excluding the caster
Range: Medium (100' + 10' / level)
Area: 60' radius center at caster
Duration: 1 round/level (D) (see below)
Save: No

Pick one of the following bonuses below. All creatures targeted by the spell gain the bonus while within 60' of the caster. At 10th level this increases to at most two bonus; at 15th level this increases to at most three bonuses; at 20th level this increases to at most four bonuses. All bonuses chosen must be distinct. Martyr's mantledeals you 1 damage per effect per character targeted by the spell per round the spell is maintained, taken at the beginning of your turn; thus if two effects are chosen and five people are targeted, you take 10 damage per round. This damage can only be reduced by Damage Resistance. You may cancel martyr's mantle as a free action at any time during your turn after you have taken the damage.

The effects are: fast healing 2, energy resistance 10 (any one resistance), DR 5/magic, SR 15, +1 resistance bonus to all saves, +2 deflection bonus to AC.

Needs of the Many
Level: Martyr 6
Components: V,S
Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 character / level, excluding the caster
Range: Close (25' + 5' / level)
Duration: Instantaneous; 1 round / level

Take damage up to your class level; this cannot be reduced, even by Damage Resistance. Heal twice that amount in all targeted creatures. All targeted creatures gain a +1 morale bonus to their attacks and to their damage for one round per caster level.

Sacrament of Flesh
Level: Martyr 8
Components: V,S
Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 character per two levels, excluding the caster
Range: Close (25' + 5' / level)
Area: 60' centered at caster
Duration: 1 round/level (D) (see below)
Save: No

Target a number of characters equal to half your character level, excluding yourself. As long as they remain in the area of effect, they take no damage from any source of less than deific strength. Effects that do not cause damage (including death effects like Finger of Death and Power Word Kill) are not affected in any way. Continuous effects like cloudkill act as usual, however -- it's just that the subjects take no damage -- and if sacrament of flesh is dismissed the subjects will suffer the continuous effects as normal.

Each round sacrament of flesh is in effect, you lose half your current hit points or 10 hit points, whichever is greater. This damage is taken at the beginning of your turn and can only be reduced by Damage Resistance. You must then make a Concentration check at DC 20 (with applicable bonuses for any feats like Combat Casting that aid Concentration under duress). If it succeeds, you may opt to continue the spell for another round. Should you be reduced to negative hit points at any time, sacrament of flesh ceases effect as soon as that source of damage is resolved; thus, for example, you may prevent your friends from being damaged by a fireball, but you won't be able to drink a healing potion before you are disabled. You may dismiss sacrament of flesh at any time during your turn as a free action after having taken the damage.

As long as sacrament of flesh is being maintained you cannot be healed in any way, as per the Martyr class, and the damage accrued by the spell cannot be healed for a full day after the casting of the spell.

[Edited to fix some pretty egregious typos.]

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
New PrC: The Martyrs

'Surreal Personae' wrote:
Interesting. Where is the Martyr Domain?

Here! Laughing out loud Well, sorta.

Also, you probably need to specify what type of special ability each class ability is (Sp, Su or Ex).

Yeah, thanks. I always forget that.

The Damage Resistance is somewhat funky. Does it apply to ALL types of damage (weapon, spell, energy, etc)? Normally damage resistance applies to one type of damage and the total number applies for the whole round. For example, once a creature with fire resistance 10 takes a total amount of fire damage in a round, any further attacks that hit it doing fire damage have their full effects. The martyr's damage resistance class ability might need some renaming.

That's exactly right: the Damage Resistance applies each and every time the Martyr is damaged, unlike convential Damage Reduction. Multiple effects from the same spell (e.g. magic missile) are considered to be the same source; multiple attacks, however, as from a +6/+1 BAB are not. It's entirely possible for the Martyr's Damage Resistance to prevent upwards of 40 or 50 damage in a turn.

Of course, if that's happening, he's probably getting his head handed to him anyway...

[And don't worry about the naming. Right now, I've got the vocabulary stripped down to its most mechanical so everyone can figure out wtf is going on with these wacky guys. When the class is rolled up proper, everything will have ginchy new terminology.]

Can a martyr gain healing from psionic or alchemical sources?

No. Nothing. Nyet. Nada. No way, no how. The only healing he can receive is from natural healing, possibly accelerated by the Faster Healing feat. That, and resurrection.

I like the class concept; I'm not sure what role it would take mechanically, something like a damage spunge. The biggest weakness a martyr would be suceptible to would be ablity damage and drain, which would be difficult and impossible to heal, respectively, without magic.

Yeah, they're incredibly vulnerable in certain ways by design. Although, now that I think about it, I thought I had something in there about ability damage and level/ability drain but apparently not. Hey, it's something for the higher levels! Eye-wink

ETA: In addition to letting the Cleansing Trance heal ability damage/drain (which I thought it already had), I've also given them the ability to make additional saves against damage/drain to mitigate the effects somewhat. That might be a little powerful... then again, it might not. Hard to say.

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