New player wanted for "Great minds think alike"

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
New player wanted for "Great minds think alike"


two of our players in the campaign "Great minds think alike" here in the Boards have mysteriously disappeared. We already have one new player, but I'd be glad to welcome one other new arrival.

If you're interested, check the original invitation here:


For any questions, post here or send me a PM!

Have fun Smiling


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Great minds think alike

Hi there! I'm interested in joining your play-by-post. If you'll have me, that is. I'd warn you that i'm pretty busy, and would probably post like once or twice a week, but seeing as I'm often on planewalker, it may be a little more often.

A little about myself: I've been a fan of d&d for a long time, and planescape setting, well, its the best setting ever done in my opinion. I've played only 2nd ed, though i've looked over 3e so I know (some of) the mechanics. I've never been a big game mechanics person tho, and when i've DM'd its usually been much heavier on the roleplay (there have been times we haven't rolled a die for half a dozen sessions)

So, if you want me to join up, I've got one of 3 characters ready to go (by the way, I've used the basic character gen program from the 3e players' handbook, and I care not for prestige classes and such complicated foolishness). In order of first choice to play on down (tell me which would fit in best, as I have not followed your game other than the first few posts about a mysterious orb in the Smouldering Corpse)

1) Azure Twilight - Dark elf (but not drow, woe to the clueless who assumes he's a drow) scout (read:rogue) from Svartalfheim in Ysgaard.

2) Dirk Keen - Planar Human Doomguard, fighter & mercenary from Sigil.

3) Stitch - Xaositect Bard & Tailor from the Hive.

My first chioce would be Azure Twilight, not only because he shares my screen name, but because I like the idea of a Ysgaardian Svartalfen being mistaken for a drow by clueless berks, and having to set 'em staight (or lay 'em prone).

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
New player wanted for "Great minds think alike"


Your PCs all sound very interesting. Please send a PM with the exact character levels and alignments, and then I'll decide which character fits best.

I'll be glad to welcome you to the game Smiling

Have fun,


2kdav's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26
New player wanted for "Great minds think alike"

Hey, I'd love to join.

I have a lot of experience in RPing and different systems, but I have never played in the Planescape multiverse. So in this case, could you please help me build a new character (if you have room for a Planescape newbie in your game :X)?

Oh, and I have played PS:T through, if that helps me in any way.


joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
New player wanted for "Great minds think alike"

Hi there,

sorry to say, but we already have two new players - for now, that's exactly what I wanted. But if there's a free slot in the game someday in the future, I'll post it here! Smiling

Have fun,


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