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Biomage's picture
Joined: 2007-10-18
New to Planewalker

Since WOTC has decided to forge onward toward another edition and the Great Wheel cosmology is being left behind, I have been looking for a new board for discussion. While I don’t use much of the stuff released by (my campaign is and always will be pre-Faction War), I figured that this was the best place to find continued support for 3.5 edition Planescape. I am happy to see many familiar names that I recognize from the WOTCs “Other Worlds” PS boards. I am preparing to start a new PS campaign. So, I may be asking a lot of questions over the coming weeks.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
New to Planewalker

You're welcome!
But what's a Biomage? Sounds like some spell-slinger throwing plutonium at his underlings to make them more interesting.

Biomage's picture
Joined: 2007-10-18
What is a Biomage?

Biomage is an alias I donned in collage. It was a permutation of Biology Major. I have thought about developing a PrC to go along with the name. But, I haven't come up with anything yet. I do like the plutonium idea.

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