New to planescape

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Manachild's picture
Joined: 2006-12-10
New to planescape

Hey everyone.

Well the title says it all, i'm new to planescape and am looking to get into it for D&D 3.5.

So i was wondering, what materials do i need, as far as published material and other resources are concerned, and on top of that what is recomended?
Either PS specific or 3.5 rulebooks that have monsters etc that are useful/core to the setting.

I see alot of PSCS box sets on ebay floating about and i will purchase one shortly as i guess it will still be useful for lore.

I am too one of these people who thought PS was pretty cool but was even more blown away after playing torment.

yeah i know its a pc game but it impressed me Sticking out tongue

Thanks alot guys, i greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,


MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
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As far as published material all you really need are the basics for D&D 3.5 (player's handbook, monster manual, dungeonmaster's guide) and the manual of the planes. If you really want to spend money on published material, also get the Planar's Handbook and the Fiend Folio (neither are necessary). Download the material from this site and I'd strongly recommend the boxed sets. There is no need to buy them on ebay; you can download them for considerably cheaper on and similar places.

Manachild's picture
Joined: 2006-12-10
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what are the names of the boxed sets (if any) after the PS CS boxed set?

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
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Planes of Law, Planes of Chaos, Planes of Conflict.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Here's a link to the complete list of all things Planescape. If you want to use the Encyclopedia I recommend a beginning in Sigil, where all portals lead. Just let the links guide you through the wonder of Planescape.

Benevolent DM's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18
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'Manachild' wrote:
Well the title says it all, i'm new to planescape and am looking to get into it for D&D 3.5.
I too am looking to take a shot at running a Planescape game. My players have no experience or knowledge of the setting and mine is very limited. So I thank all those who replied with basic source material.

I hope the OP does not mind if I piggyback along here. What I would like to ask is where people would suggest I set a first time game session? I think the obvious place would be in Sigil. But I am also drawn to the Outlands.

Any suggestions on location for a DM about to take the plunge with some very green cutters?

I would also like to ask if there is any resources regarding conversions of Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved into Planescape?

ChronoHooligan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-16
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While folks are hijacking threads, any advice on where to sign up/apply for board-run games for similarly green cutters? Most of the games I see running on the RPG board look like they require actual Sigil residency to participate . Haven't found a quick answer in a day of poking around. Any help welcome. Smiling

Andygal's picture
Joined: 2006-12-16
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I second the motion, there is no way in hell I'll find anybody that lives near me that wants to play Planescape, I can't even find anybody to play generic D&D with. *sigh*

So I need to find some good resources for playing online games.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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For all those new to Planescape and wishing to join an online Campaign suited just for you...

Actually, you may be in luck.

Flame Drake will be playtesting an adventure module in the works by PW. Try to PM him -I believe he will be hosting the game over on the WotC boards though -and should be doing so in a week or two (he could give you a better time though).

The one thing is that if you do so -be aware the there are two threads that you need to stay away from as they are the threads here at PW that deal with this module that he will be running.

Essentially, anything that says Planescape Introductory Adventure, you'll need to stay away from (honor system and all -please).
Mentions of Desire and the the Dead are no-no's too.

Go to the memberlist -look for Flame Drake, and give him a PM -he could help you from there.

Andygal's picture
Joined: 2006-12-16
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unfortunataly I am going on holiday to London in a week and will not have much, if any internet time while I'm away, which will be 2 weeks.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Benevolent DM wrote:
What I would like to ask is where people would suggest I set a first time game session? I think the obvious place would be in Sigil. But I am also drawn to the Outlands.

Any suggestions on location for a DM about to take the plunge with some very green cutters?

Sigil is, of course, the obvious choice. When I ran my first PS game, I sent the players (rather unwittingly) to Plague-Mort for the first real adventure. The reasons; (1) Sets the idea (and unmistakably so) of a whole town influenced alignment-wise by its gate (2) Plot of certain people in town trying to keep the burg where it is by opposing chaotic evil mindsets (3) Plenty of dastardly villan-types for future antagonists.

I too have been drawn to the outlands. I especially like the idea of gate-towns perpetually on the slide. It gives a good feel to the game as being very different from 'classic fantasy' D&D. Plus, populating places like Plague-Mort, Xaos, and especially Bedlam was oh so very FUN!

If you want adventure ideas, read some of the Kytos' Hooks here on planewalker, there are some great ones.

Manachild's picture
Joined: 2006-12-10
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Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
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'Dialexis' wrote:
For all those new to Planescape and wishing to join an online Campaign suited just for you...

Actually, you may be in luck.

Flame Drake will be playtesting an adventure module in the works by PW. Try to PM him -I believe he will be hosting the game over on the WotC boards though -and should be doing so in a week or two (he could give you a better time though).

The one thing is that if you do so -be aware the there are two threads that you need to stay away from as they are the threads here at PW that deal with this module that he will be running.

Essentially, anything that says Planescape Introductory Adventure, you'll need to stay away from (honor system and all -please).
Mentions of Desire and the the Dead are no-no's too.

Go to the memberlist -look for Flame Drake, and give him a PM -he could help you from there.

By one or two weeks, we mean whenever the mods say I can I'll start the pre-game thread. Hopefully that will be soon, but sometimes it's tough to tell.

Anyhow the boards where this will (eventually) be hosted are here:

I'll post again here when the thread goes up.


Manachild's picture
Joined: 2006-12-10
New to planescape

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
Planes of Law, Planes of Chaos, Planes of Conflict.

Ok, i got those boxed sets and i can see all the useful information.

However does the PSCS on this site completely replace the original PS boxed set from 1994? making it unneeded even fluff wise? or doesnt it go that far?

sorry for asking so many questions i'm just trying to ultimately clarify.

So far i have:

3.5 core
Manual of the planes
Planar Handbook
Planes of Chaos
Planes of Law
Planes of Conflict
The Stuff on this website.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Manachild' wrote:
However does the PSCS on this site completely replace the original PS boxed set from 1994? making it unneeded even fluff wise? or doesnt it go that far?

Not yet, it doesn't. You'll have missed the Sigil and Beyond book and the descriptions of the quasielemental and paraelemental planes. However, if you get A Player's Primer to the Outlands you'll have most of the important stuff.

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
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Just for the record, I still haven't heard back from the mods (but neither has anyone else so don't worry) over at the WotC boards, and seeing as I'm hearding into the mountains until 2007, we'll be starting the pregame sometime in the New Year, unless I hear from LS tonight.


Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
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'Flame_Drake' wrote:
Just for the record, I still haven't heard back from the mods (but neither has anyone else so don't worry) over at the WotC boards, and seeing as I'm hearding into the mountains until 2007, we'll be starting the pregame sometime in the New Year, unless I hear from LS tonight.


Who did you contact over at, Drake? I might be able to help... Laughing out loud

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
New to planescape

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
'Flame_Drake' wrote:
Just for the record, I still haven't heard back from the mods (but neither has anyone else so don't worry) over at the WotC boards, and seeing as I'm heading into the mountains until 2007, we'll be starting the pregame sometime in the New Year, unless I hear from LS tonight.


Who did you contact over at, Drake? I might be able to help... Laughing out loud

LeapingShark, who is both one of the three moderators and one of two GMs for the Real Adventures part of the boards. Right now I'm just assuming that he's been on vacation, and there isn't really a lot I can do to speed things up. When he gets to it, he gets to, being a pain in his ass will just make him get to it later, if for no other reason then to spite said pain in his ass Laughing out loud So unless your a WizO (which I realize is possible) I don't think that there's very much that can be done to speed LS up. Thanks though.

By the way, for those of you that are interested in playing in my game when I eventually get it going, please PM me your usernames on the WotC boards. I can't take everyone, but I do want to take some people that came looking for help here, so knowing who you are helps when the time comes!


Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
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LS is finally back, so hopefully I'll be able to get stuff running in the next few days, so keep your eyes on this thread and your fingers crossed.


Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New to planescape

Welcome ManaChild, Benevolent_DM, Flame Drake and anyone else starting a new game in the Planescape setting!

I can't presume to know what kind of roleplaying you may enjoy the most, but it's been my experience that Planescape thrives on storytelling more than it does on rules, so my book recommendations would be the following:

The original Planescape Campaign Setting (PSCS) boxed set which outlines the basics of the world and has a good introductory adventure (two, actually) that may be useful if you only have one evening to show this world to your players.

The three detailed alignment boxed sets, namely Planes of Law, Planes of Conflict and Planes of Chaos, the last being my favorite. These sets detail many fantastic locations on the planes, have small monster manual booklets that are full of flavour, and allow you to explore the planes without fear of your PCs going somewhere that you're completely unfamiliar with.

Those three sets are great if you're planning a picaresque, plane-hopping campaign. If you're planning on mainly staying in Sigil - which is almost a campaign world in itself - you should get Uncaged: Faces of Sigil, which details the various NPCs of the City and the plots that they're engaged in; In the Cage: the Guide to Sigil, a complete guidebook to the locations in the City of Portals; and The Factol's Manifesto, which not only explains the intricacies of the Factions but also reveals the secrets of the Factols and their influence on other planes. These are the cream of the crop of the Planescape canon, and come highly recommended.

Planescape has endless potential for making your own adventures, but if you're looking for something both good and long then I'd recommend either The Great Modron March or the Dead Gods mega-adventures. Both take your players through some amazing locations and events on the planes, though you should be ready to devote a lot of time to finishing them.

Hope that helps.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'Krypter' wrote:
If you're planning on mainly staying in Sigil - which is almost a campaign world in itself - you should get Uncaged: Faces of Sigil, which details the various NPCs of the City and the plots that they're engaged in; In the Cage: the Guide to Sigil, a complete guidebook to the locations in the City of Portals; and The Factol's Manifesto, which not only explains the intricacies of the Factions but also reveals the secrets of the Factols and their influence on other planes. These are the cream of the crop of the Planescape canon, and come highly recommended.

Also, even if you don't want to use the adventure, almost the first entire half of Faction War contains general information about Sigil. It was material that had been in the works for a Sigil boxed set, but the authors apparently realised that said product would never be made, so they stuffed what they had into the beginning of FW.


Pants of the North!

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
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It's herrrre:

I finally prodded LS into giveing me permission to get the pre-game up and running. Drop me a PM over here to let me know what your username on the WotC boards so that I know who you folks are. Catch you all in Sigil!


Andygal's picture
Joined: 2006-12-16
New to planescape

I just posted on that thread, as DaydreamingAndygal.

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