New planar races (and their art) in Pathfinder / Golarion / The Paizoverse

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Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
New planar races (and their art) in Pathfinder / Golarion / The Paizoverse

Posted up on the blog for March 13th are some details and the artwork for the Axiomites and Astradaemons. The axiomites are in many ways the LN analogs for the modrons within Golarion's cosmology (modrons being non-OGL), while the Astradaemons are soul collecting servitors of Golarion's archdaemons (who are largely based on the astraloth from my own campaign / Storyhour).

I'd be curious if folks have any ideas or comments on them. Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Pretty! The axiomites seem

Pretty! The axiomites seem interesting, though they're not as interestingly alien-looking as modrons. Astraloths/daemons are scary.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
These Astraloths certainly

These Astraloths certainly give Shadow fiends some competition in the whole soul-collecting game.  Of course now I'm curious on who are some of the Archdaemons are, and what their end goals are.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
ripvanwormer wrote:Pretty!

ripvanwormer wrote:
Pretty! The axiomites seem interesting, though they're not as interestingly alien-looking as modrons. Astraloths/daemons are scary.

I'm seriously, seriously happy with how the picture of the astradaemon came out. I've also had far too much fun with them (or at least a CR 20+ precursor to them) in my home game.

The picture of the axiomite is very nice, but doesn't play up their nature as (effectively) beings of physically manifest mathematics or nanite clouds assuming humanoid forms as much as possible. We'll be seeing them again, so maybe we'll see some more artwork. Smiling

Five monsters total in the book, so three more whose artwork (and identity) hasn't been mentioned yet.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
They're described in brief

They're described in brief in the PF campaign setting book. But in brief:

Apollyon - The Archdaemon of Plague

Charon - The Archdaemon of Death

Szuriel - The Archdaemon of War

Trelmarixian - The Archdaemon of Wasting

And then there's also the Oinodaemon, who as far as the multiverse is concerned, may or may not actually exist. Except there's a region of Abaddon bound by the domains of the four Archdaemons that doesn't show up on any map, and seems impossible to enter since the terrain warps of its own accord to reroute any nearing its borders. He/She/It may exist as a hidden ruler of daemon-kind. Or he might be dead. Or they might have tried, repeatedly, and failed, and he might be imprisoned, bound and perpetually regenerating, ritually consumed by its children like a perverse sacrament. More on that in the cosmology book. Eye-wink

And demodands. Let's not forget them. Oh no. Laughing out loud

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