New NPC- Maegoshel

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New NPC- Maegoshel

I've written up a new NPC for Cutters, Maegoshel the glabrezu shopkeeper. I wasn't aiming at making a unique, ingenious NPC to blow everyone away with my creativity, but rather just write up one very specific, fully detailed character. Hopefully, DMs will find that method more useful in everyday campaigning.

I'm asking what people think of him here in this post, since he made his grand debut during the Tempest of Codes.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
New NPC- Maegoshel

We should really have a site section for non-metaplot, everyday NPCs like this. The Common Gallery, or something like that. They're usually more useful than a 5-page document on Esteban and all the PTC machinations...

The thing about NPCs like Maegoshel is all the details are usually wasted. Before the PCs tumble to the chant, you can't mention them; when they do find out who he really is, they don't want to know them.

I think that a disguized glabrezu salesman would fit better into a Prime city. In the Cage, there's little drama involved when he is unveiled - "Oh... a glabrezu? How quaint...".
Even the disguise itself makes less sense, since he should find enough shoppers (if not more) even if he dropped it; they're devious mortal-corrupters, so what? In the Cage, that spells "he's got the goods" rather than "pitchforks and holy flames".

Nice touch on the night hag contact and dream-invade revenge option.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
New NPC- Maegoshel

Oh, and I love the "Tempest of Codes" thing. BTW, did it kill yor post count, or something? (what I see is: Clueless, Posts: 1, Entries: 0 :shock: )

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New NPC- Maegoshel

Yeah, something screwed up my post count and all that.

The "Tempest of Codes" was originally coined by Mephit James.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
New NPC- Maegoshel

'Nemui' wrote:
I think that a disguized glabrezu salesman would fit better into a Prime city. In the Cage, there's little drama involved when he is unveiled - "Oh... a glabrezu? How quaint...".
That's a point. Still, not everything in the Cage has to have a shock value for the PCs. Just because it might be something they've encountered before... doesn't mean it can't be dangerous. Sometimes, even the most familiar aspect can prove deadly when applied in new and interesting ways.

Though I like the whole "recurring-villain-for-a-campaign" feel I got when I read through this.

Good stuff Cool.

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