New Group to the Planes

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MadMacabre's picture
Joined: 2004-06-03
New Group to the Planes

Hi guys!

For the last many years, my roleplaying turned mostly around World of Darkness and the Mage: The Ascension setting. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and my group want to try something else (more work for me!!!).

As I went through my RPG stuff, I came across my old D&D (1st) and AD&D (2nd) books and nostalgia kicked in. As I removed the dust on those precious books, I recalled the amazing night of RPG I had with my friends at the time. I also recalled how much fun we had walking the planes in the Planescape setting. Laughing out loud

All this to say that I would like to prepare a Planescape Campaign (using D&D 3.5, new stuff should be better...I figure) for my RPG group. Unfortunately, my players haven't played in the setting so I would like to start with something of an introduction to the setting.

For some reasons, I don't think the whole 'primers sent to the plane' intro would appeal my players, so I would have them play planar ignorant (aka clueless-berks) forced to wander around the planes.

Is there anyone with a suggestion on what type of scenario (story seeds) I could present to my players to: 1) Show them a few planes so they get the feel of the setting; 2) does not involve high power characters as my players will already be confused with 3.5 rules; 3) Avoid Sigil for a while as I have a special idea for the City of Doors.

Thanks guys for your shared wisdom!!!

PS: Carceri is a wonderful place to adventure. Maybe I should start with something relating the Red Prison!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Group to the Planes

You may want to consider starting them in Curst - never a better hotbed of people hating everythign around them, and trapping themselves with their own intrigues trying to get at each others throughts. It'll fit well with their experiences in the world of darkness. Eye-wink
As to how to get them there? Any number of ways - enemies arrange for them to get dumped there, they get sold to someone there, they get hired as mercenaries there, or they escape to there (talk about out of the pan into the fire...) from someplace else.

As for story ideas? You could always go with the old fashioned slaves nailed with Styx water approach. RP them through a few things local to home of them, then skip ahead as they wake up someplace Compeletely different and away from where they last went to bed. (Aka, what you RP'd them through before was simply the last memory before the styx water kicked in.) I had a GM do this to me once - it was really really well done. Smiling
Let the players try to figure out how they got there and that'll be a good start on things...

MadMacabre's picture
Joined: 2004-06-03
New Group to the Planes

I like it... A LOT!

Thanks for your suggestion. It is really appreciated!

Every GMs gotta love the Styx! Sticking out tongue

PS: Would you happen to have exemple of stories you ran in the planes? I am a bit rusted in D&D-type storytelling. If we are to play a different game, I better change the mood and pace from WoD!

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
New Group to the Planes

They could also just be hard-assed planar bloods who had the misfortune to be born somewhere like Curst or Ribcage and had to struggle to stay alive. Living there they'd know things like the rule of threes and what the factions were about, but not have much detailed information since they'd be too busy not getting put in the dead book to worry about such things...


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