New God Write-up: Olinem the Luck Lord

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Joined: 2007-11-14
New God Write-up: Olinem the Luck Lord

Olinem, The Lord of Luck
The Blind Fool, The Coin Giver, The Fortune Master
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A two-headed Gold Piece
Home Plane: Arborea
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Adventure, Fools, Fortune, Luck, Travel, Trust
Worshipers: Adventurers, Dwarves, Fools, Halflings, Rogues, Merchants
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, GN
Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck Travel
Favored Weapon: “Fickleness of Fate”, (rapier)

Olinem is a god that the Harmonium has painted as a terrifying bringer of terrible misfortune and nightmarish ill tidings.


Olinem is a cheerful luck lord that has a tendency to dress in outrageous foppish dress that is frequently covered in expensive jewelry. Olinem prefers the form of a halfling but he's also been known to assume the appearance of a short human or Dwarf as well.

Olinem's faith used to be revered throughout Ortho as the patron of merchants and the wealth before so much of that was stolen by Alzrius' brethren. The Harmonium couldn't tolerate the view that money came and went through chance rather than was the result of hard work being rewarded.

Frankly, Olinem's worship hasn't really died out as most individuals in business have been known to throw a few secret prayers his way before any risky venture. Olinem pays enough attention to Ortho still that these have a surprising chance of actually winning some miracle from him (1% for a simple prayer and 10% if accompanied by a manner of sacrifice---will only occur once per supplicant). This has only guaranteed that his faith has survived on Ortho.

Olinem's few remaining priests on Ortho are almost all merchants and travelers. The Dwarves tend to have the most worshipers of Olinem amongst their ranks, though he is viewed as an undignified god and one of wastrels. Nevertheless, the Luck Lord tends to show these individuals with success in all of their endeavors.

Festivals to Olinem tend to take the form of elaborate feasts that outsiders are invited to and rarely informed of the holy significance of. The priests of Olinem tend to stuff themselves silly with their favorite pleasures and then sponsor some scheme of an associate for free. Thus, do the Luck Lord's followers spread his cheer.

The god is not a totally benevolent force and his priests are required to keep an eye out for those whom deserve to be punished with misfortune. Many Harmonium soldiers and bureaucrats have found their lives ruined by terrible curses that transform success into failure. Olinem's followers do their best to make sure that they are never found out as the instigators of such 'sport.'

The priests of Olinem tend to dress in red and bedeck themselves in elaborate displays of their wealth. The Luck Lord's servants are nothing if not ostentatious and have no problem dealing with the trouble that may rise from robbery. Fortune is fickle, after all.

History and Relationships: Olinem remains one of the few Lords of Chaos not to be broken by the Harmonium's Purge. The Fortune Master made sure to evacuate many of his people from the world of Ortho into the planes of Arborea where they continue to worship him. Thus, Olinem avoided the insanity that inflicted his brother Lanimin.

Olinem has a distaste for the Harmonium and their rigid ways but has mostly moved his attention to other worlds where he's revered. Mostly, the god ignores Ortho and would only be interested in developments on that world if one of his priests chose to make a great display that attracted his attention back to it. Whereas some of his brethren hate the OCA or think it doomed, Olinem simply views the government with disgust.

Olinem is second-in-command of the Lords of Chaos after The Fox. This means very little amongst the Chaos Gods but he's able to bully even Namaneil into going along with half of his commands. The Fox views Olinem as a close friend and would do anything to protect him. Olinem pities Chal and Lanimen for what has happened to them. The Luck Lord is actively looking for a solution to the insanity of both in hopes that they might return to their previous selves. Olinem despises Ina and actively works to destroy any effort of the Lords of Order to expand beyond the Harmonium's sphere. It is in no small part because of Olinem's efforts that The Lords of Order are worshiped almost nowhere but the places that the OCA bring their faith.

Olinem is a frequent lover of Yondalla and a friend to the Halfling pantheon. He also is a drinking buddy of the Goddess Tymora. Reox Fireforge has been known to give his creations to Olinem's faithful as well. All of them would come to his aid were he in trouble.

The Harmonium's Take

Countless stories have Olinem trick mortals into contracts with him, only to have him then spirit them away to fill out nightmarish service in his realm. He is believed to be an alien and fae creature with no conscience.

The Harmonium hasn't been afraid of stealing from the myths of gods like Cyric and Loki to expand upon the vile nature of Olinem. Some have gone on so far to say that he might be the bringer of a terrible destruction in the future.

The Dark

The persistant popularity of Olinem has finally begun to die down but the Harmonium has managed to cost itself a great deal of credibility by its endless persecution of a relatively harmless faith. Many figures know the legends of Olinem that are not related to the later horrifying stories about him. This has meant that the Harmonium has caused it's own credibility to be hurt in describing any deity as evil.

Most citizens believe that Olinem is a forgotten and impotent god, even if those seeking wealth still throw him the occasional bit of reverence. Indeed, Olinem's own lack of attention to Ortho has been hurting his chances of making a recovery. His remaining faithful are on the verge of doing something desperate to attract their god's notice.

Dogma: The world gives and the world takes away. Opportunity comes and goes with no real way to control over how it will manifest. We all have to be ready to roll with the punches when bad fortune strikes and take advantage of when chance gives us a way to improve our lot. Those who are content with what they have are fine but everyone should know that there's more to life than what's before you.

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