New God Write-up: Ghanalim The Lord of Crime

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Joined: 2007-11-14
New God Write-up: Ghanalim The Lord of Crime

A big change from the first write-up but one that I think works.

Ghanalim, Lord of Crime
The Assassin, The Gang Lord of the Gods, The High Plunderer, The Vice King
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A bloody spiked club
Home Plane: Abyss
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Addiction, Assassination, Corruption, Organized Crime, Theft, Vice
Worshipers: Assassins, Addicts, Bandits, Crooks, Gang Lords, Petty Bureaucrats, Pirates, Mass Murderers
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Community, Evil
Favored Weapon: “Smasher”, (Spiked Club)

Ghanalim is a god that the Harmonium is happy to say has been completely eradicated from Ortho. The God of Banditry, Mauraders, and Rapine was one of the chief instigators of chaos throughout the Pax Harmonium. All of his once vast armies were shattered under the heels of the Knights of Harmony while the remaining bands of roving thugs were rounded up over the course of the next two hundred years.

Ghanalim is a god that's good at evolving, however.

Ghanalim's old avatar was a six armed bald monster that belched flame. His new avatar is something that's a bit more subtle. Instead, he appears as a huge member of a local species in fine clothes and smoking cigars with a diamond tipped walking stick that has nails sticking out of the sides.

Ghanalim's new faithful are drawn from those who are eager to make money and enjoy life in the shadows of the Harmonium's gaze. Ghanalim has learned to offer his gifts to corrupt individuals who are ambitious and intelligent but not too much of either (those tend to prefer Alzrius, anyway). Ghanalim is interested in quantity rather than quality and most of his priests are content with the minor mystical gains that allow them to become 'big men' in their immediate neighborhoods.

Ghanalim thrives in the shadows of the Pax Harmonium. He encourages laziness and graft in the lowest levels of the Harmonium government while simultaneously encouraging individuals to plunder their own communities out of the belief that its necessary to get ahead. Ghanalim makes bad situations worse and this only encourages people to turn to his church in greater numbers in order to escape.

The Harmonium has still not fully registered that the 'dead' faith of Ghanalim is responsible for the dramatic upswing in violence amongst the lower classes. They prefer to point to outside influences and foreign deities or just the fact that the young have no respect for tradition. Ghanalim has spent a great deal of time familiarizing himself with the disenchanted of Ortho and has decidedly hit them where their apathy lies.

Ghanalim's church is best described as a series of gangs, Thieves' Guilds, and crime families that just happen to share a religion. Very few of them have any particular love for one another but their competition helps encourage them to spread the misery that makes him so well. Ghanalim is still a violent and ruthless god, so his faithful tends to foster the most despicable crimes in order to get the results they desire.

Ghanalim's holy metal is gold and his priests tend to be draped in it. Due to the corpulent excess that's expected from members, high ranking members tend to be fat and in fairly poor health. They also tend to surround themselves in bodyguards rather than defend themselves.

History and Relationships: Ghanalim and his twin were outcasts from birth in the Lords of Chaos with their very existence in constant jeopardy from the hands of the Lords of Order. While their father believed they could be turned to the ways of good, both of them proved to be beyond redemption.

The early years of Ghanalim's church are filled with countless acts of pointless violence. His faithful wandered across the land and sacked whatever they could. There was little rhyme or reason to the carnage that Ghanalim indulged in with none of the groups able to cope with the Harmonium's united front against them. Finally, the Lords of Chaos' disgust with their actions grew to the point that they were banished from their sight as well.

In the Abyss, Ghanalim and his sister met Alzrius the Lord of Brands. While Ghanalim was initially skeptical of what the Demigod could do for them, he accepted the offer of an alliance for his sister's sake. Thus was Ghanalim shown the secrets of corrupting mortals. Unlike his sister, Ghanalim took these lessons to heart and became obsessed with learning how to bend the pettiness of mortals to his will.

Ghanalim has become more powerful than he ever was before the rise of the Harmonium and is secretly debating the merits of taking over Alzrius' layer of the Abyss. Ghanalim is likely to forego this, since he's still aware that he's an amateur at corruption compared to the Demon Lord. Nevertheless, he's already starting to debate expanding his portfolio to encompass higher ranking members of society. Ghanalim thinks that the Harmonium is much more likely to collapse from within than without, it just needs the right proding.

Ghanalim is allied with his sister, despite her utter insanity. Ghanalim has also made overtures of peace back to the rest of the Lords of Chaos in hopes of making a false reconciliation. Ultimately, he knows that he must keep his alliance with Alzrius and this is likely to prevent any true reunion.

Ghanalim has associations with the god Mask and Hiddukel.

The Harmonium's Take

The Bandit God is a ruthless murderer, bent only on slaking his own bloodlust. He lives on betrayal and death. He is a resentful god, which uses shadows and secrecy
to conceal his actions. His servants rampage their way across the land and leave nothing in their wake.

It is his hand that is behind the most horrific of betrayals, and the deaths of great leaders. Sarin’s death, may he rest in peace, was a triumph for Ghanalim. The temple of Saeduenical will kill clerics of Ghanalim on sight, their souls are long damned and irretrievable.

Thankfully, it is the Harmonium's belief that his pestilance of a faith has been totally wiped out.

The Dark

He really didn’t have much to do with the Sarin incident, but if he could have he probably would. Ghanalim is a thug, and is just as nasty as the Harmonium believes. But he has a goal in mind. He resents the training and treatment he received at the hands of his mother, Saeduenical, and has spent the majority of his time since he joined the Lords of Chaos building up to an ultimate betrayal within her temple. He would like nothing more than to take her down. A small number of her clerics in truth belong to him, and he has infiltrated at least one of the highest order of the Sinhunter sect.

Ghanalim's faith is thriving in the increasingly non-functional areas of the Harmonium bureaucracy and those places that feel overlooked by the OCA. The Harmonium would win back a lot of support from him were the conditions to improve but Ghanalim has a vested interest that they don't.

Dogma: No one in this world got anywhere except by looking out for number one. There ain't no law but the law of the Jungle. You kill anybody who gets in your way and you keep down the guy underneath you so that he doesn't take away your stuff. Everything, including sex and violence, are commodities that are to be marketed for your benefit. Don't be afraid to get dirty to get rich and you'll go far.

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