New geezer on the block

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dawnrazor's picture
Joined: 2012-03-24
New geezer on the block

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to introduce myself, as I'm new to this place and new to Planescape.

I've been away from RPG:ing since 1994 or something, but started collecting and reading again after a divorce 4 years ago. Last year, I managed to gather my old gaming group and right now we're playing an old school D&D in Mystara. When searching for AD&D2e materials, I so happened to become the owner of the Planescape Box, and Pandora's Box was opened...

Next project will be a campaign starting in Greyhawk using a hybrid of AD&D2e/1e as rules (I really like the "old way" of playing D&D). The PC:s won't know from the beginning, but they will be from Sigil, wiped of all memories and sent to Oerth to be part of a much grander scheme involving powerful forces from the Outer Planes. This will make the introduction to GH and PS quite cool I think. Back in the day, we always played D&D/AD&D in a home-brew world, so the official settings are totally new to us all... We'll probably play the lower levels in GH, then PS will be more and more involved as the story unfolds.

Some basic stats about me:
I'm a Swedish 40-something academic, doing research and teaching in the medical field. Re-married with 2 kids, trying to make the Great Puzzle Of Life work, and still have some time for RPG:ing. Fortunately, my wife is very supportive (being a sci-fi/fantasy/horror fan), and probably she'll try to jump in and try some role-playing also Smiling

Game-wise, I also like Call of Cthulhu, KULT, RuneQuest/Glorantha and 2300AD. All gaming worlds with a rich background and history attached to them.

Be seeing you on the forums...

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: New geezer on the block

Whoah, a KULT fan? Awesome!

Curious if you've ever tried Nobilis?

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VikingLegion's picture
Joined: 2009-09-08
Re: New geezer on the block

Welcome aboard Dawnrazor. I'm almost envious that you've so recently discovered Planescape. There is so much good stuff for you to read and discover. My gaming group was just starting to break apart when PS came out, but I just kept buying every product as they were released. I couldn't help myself, the quality was so high I was reading them for my own entertainment, even if I would never end up using it to run an actual game.

But lo and behold, the old group did get back together after college, marriage, etc and I DM'd a recently finished campaign that had a very satisfying 6 year run. Like you, I started the game in one of the more familiar terrestrial settings (all my players know Forgotten Realms very well from the novels and Baldurs Gate video games back in the day), and then slowly transitioned in PS material by having them jump around to various locations to complete new objectives. I think starting them off in PS right out of the gate would've overwhelmed them a bit, so I like your Greyhawk to PS approach very much.

Good luck and keep us updated, both on your wondrous PS discoveries, as well as how your group goes.

dawnrazor's picture
Joined: 2012-03-24
Re: New geezer on the block

Thanks Sciborg Smiling

I've been a KULT fan since it first came out in 1990. It's originally a Swedish RPG, and the first Swedish version were much more explicit and gritty than the 2nd ed. The Swedish 2nd ed was then translated to English by Metropolis Games in the US. Sadly, the Swedish publisher (Target Games) folded shortly after that, but the US version kept cranking out supplements, so I have both Swedish and US stuff for the game. If you're interested you should check out the KULT forums at "The Last Cycle" forums Smiling

I haven't tried Nobilis. Is it a RPG? Have to check it out then!

Having just discovered PS makes me very excited, since it has the same "feel" as Kult, but in a pseudo-medieval universe.


dawnrazor's picture
Joined: 2012-03-24
Re: New geezer on the block

Thanks Viking Smiling

Seems we have similar experiences on how life impacts RPG:ing at a certain point. I'll sure keep you posted along the way!


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