NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Hey Everyone, I'm looking DM an online game; Here are the basics;

5-6 Players

Level 4 to start:

2 things I need from you
1) character sheet - you may have any items that you'd like within the level 4 gp limit.
2) history of your character

I'm looking to keep this game fluid and going, so plz post once at least once every couple of days

PM me or simply post your character on this thread

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

By the way, I'm leaning towards post- Faction War - unless most of you really want pre-FW.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"


Besides being starting at 4th level and being post-FW, is there anything else you can tell us about the campaign? (Plot hook, relevant topic/theme/style of adventure, etc)

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Will it be forum based or email based? Not a fan of the former, but if its email im in.

Gimme an email addy and ill get you a character. Any kind of limits here? As in your resources? (e.g No psionics, no weird races). Shall we use the PSCS on this site as the basis of the game?

Lots of questions Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Some answers to the above questions:

First - this campaign will be centered in Sigil, the Outlands, leading eventually to Baator and the Abyss - A Blood War theme is what I'm aiming for.

Also- I was originally planning on holding it on these forums at, but if most people really want - I can play by email. I personally have no preference, however I have not had experience with Email games (not that it's a big deal) - just to give you guys a heads up.

No restrictions on class (including uncommon prestige classes that you can PM/email me if you're interested) and any race ECL 2 or below.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Oh, also, no restriction on alignment either, however you will not last if you play the type of maniacal character who attacks anything that moves.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Definitely interested; however, I have a question regarding a character option.

I am interested in playing a Maug from the Fiend Folio -a mercenary (i.e. Fighter, but maybe leveling in Knight), with an alignment typical for Maugs -LN(E), just like Archeron.

They have an ECL of 5 -I would play with no class levels until leveling up.

Is it possible for you to let me do this? (I have read your posts and realize that you are wanting to start at 4th and LA 2 or lower, but...)

Let me know -feel free to pm me if you want.

Xboryn's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I am interested to try it out. I have never played a forum, or e-mail, or anything other than real-time so I will be probably the biggest "newb" you've ever seen.

If Dialexis is in then I'm in.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I'd be well up for playing, whether it's forum-based or e-mail, although I'd prefer forum.

My basic thoughts at the moment are for a prime, probably of some form of martial class, new to Sigil and the Planes. At the moment I'm thinking either LE or LN for alignment.

Can I playyy wiv youuuuu? Sticking out tongue

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I'd like in on this as well, have a new concept I'd love to try out... 4th ECL chaotic neutral druid. Considering a woodling-style character. Think somewhere between Swamp Thing and a grave elemental. Let me know if there's still room.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Great to hear everyone's interest!
Go ahead and PM me your character sheets

2 things to note about this game.

1) Although there will be dice-rolling and the such, I would like to focus this game on the story and character-development. That said, there will still be plenty of combat and Hide checks, etc.

2) I would like us to stay involved with the campaign, so I request that everyone who joins posts at least once every two days (and I will try to do the same). If someone has not posted for a while, their character will either become an NPC or be killed off, or be taken by another PC.

So far I have

Dialexis, Xboryn, Cernunnos, and Jasper DM. I can take one more

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I have a query before I create my character. I was thinking of a fighter/rogue heading for the assassin PrC, but there's one sticking point in my plan...

One of the requirements of the assassin is to "kill someone for no reason but to join the assassins." However, I would prefer it if my character was not part of an official assassination organisation, but rather was self-taught and independent... A sort of freelancer, as it were, and perhaps not even an assassin as such despite having the skills and abilities of one.
Is there any chance you could waive this requirement? If not I'll just stick to a straight-up fighter/rogue or maybe just plain ol' fighter.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

go right ahead - you certainly dont need to be part of any assasin guild, however i would like it in your background that you put a few stories of people you have killed, and perhaps the motives involved.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Okay, I'll PM you with my character when he's ready, should be sometime tomorrow, hopefully.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Alright, this is exciting! Trias thank you for the excellent reponse -and to let evryone else know -I have switched my character concept and am going to play an assassin-style ninja (actual class of ninja, but no shinobi black outfit and such -and not assassin PrC, just M.O.).

Anyways, I'll be playing a Planar -tielfing (diabolical) LE -and will have character tonight for Trias.

I've talked to X'boryn and he is thinking of doing a human (probably) with a fiendish bloodline, that is a Conjurer (summoner/binder of fiends and whatnot). He says he'd like to link up "family trees" with my character -and that's fine with me (it'll be distant due to our natures) and as long as its ok with Trias. He didn't say about an alignment, but said that he wasn't going to be CE (and assuming he is summoning fiends, then he'd be LE or NE).

If JasperDM is going to be a druid (swamp thing/woodling), that would give us a divine caster too.

And with Cerunnos, its looking like a LN/LE fighter/rogue.


Just looking at what we have (of course, things could change):

We have one arcane, one divine, one martial (roguish) and another roguish.

That seems like we have most of the basic covered -though another healer or straight-up martial character would be nice (i'm looking at you lurking reader, whoever you are...)

As for alignments, we have LE, one LE/NE, and another LN/LE, and one CN.

Hmm, that looks like a LE (with deviations) party with one CN. That looks problematic.

JasperDM, any chance of having your druid-thing be N or NE?

(I'm not trying to step on Trias' toes, just trying to help party continuity, of flag potential roadblocks).


I asked before hand, but never got a response (might have been in the lost pm):

How do you want us to create our characters? Roll or spend points -and if rolling, what method, and if spending points, how many?

If you can get back to me on that, I wil have my character ready by morning (eastern-time).

Lastly, Cerunnos, if you and I are both going to be rogue-like, we should try to look at our mutual skills and see what areas we can specialize in and harmonize -verus being redundant. This may sound horriblely meta-gaming, but I'm just not trying to have a wasteful war of who can do what better.
(pm me or post here).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Hahah, sorry about that, here is how to do abilities:

33 pt buy (not like in the Player's Handbook - 1 pt for one ability score increase no matter how high).

Restriction: No (base score without racial modifiers) above 18

Btw: don't overly worry about in-party conflicts due to alignment. I think there will be enough conflicts to keep you busy such as you don't get into arguments that are too serious. So in other words - go ahead with the CN alignment.

Finally, just to stress this, because I don't think I can enough - Please post frequently - at least once every couple of days. I can understand if people are too busy to post, in which case, instead of not posting at all, just let everyone else know through OCC, and I will make the most appropriate-seeming move(s) for your characters in your absence.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Ah, I see...

Thanks for the most excellent reply.

And for the lurkers and fellow Players -check out Trias first post of the Game -awesome!

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Okay Dialexis, I have PMed you about rogue-skill coordination. Also, to help party balance, I think my character (a hobgoblin, if that is alright with everyone) will be more fighter than rogue, to begin with at least.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Hmm, I never got the pm; would you mind resending it?

Also, Hobgoblin sounds awesome.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Ah, I'll just post it here.

Basically I was saying that my roguish abilities were originally going to be confined to stealth, with move silently and hide both maxed out, but little by way of social skills.
If however you'd prefer to have the stealthy character, I can switch roles to become the "face" - boost my charisma and take some sense motive and suchlike.

Xboryn's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Indeed, Indeed.

The conjurer summoner is my approach. Not sure the method though.

As for alignments I was as well going to go the Lawful route. Lawful Evil was where I was headed but I can be able to alter it a little for the good of the group.

I am a full time farmer with relatively little free time (That isn't already accounted for with fun activities). I can definitely commit to a post a day and things may happen where I can do plenty more than that or it may come to I can only do one in two days. Crazy things happen in Golt-ville *winks at Dialexis*.

I'll talk with Dialexis about characters and see if he can't help me out as all of the books I buy go right to his bookshelf.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"


Well, it might be far better if you keep to your original design -Phaed'yiin Whitewhisper (my character) is charismatic -high Cha and maxed ranks in Diplomacy and high skill mod in Bluff.

(as the "bruiser" of the group -don't know about "Swamp Thing" consider getting ranks in Intimidate)

Often, social "faces" are redundant. On the other hand, Stealth is not -it harmonizes very well (i.e. two rogues sneaking up on a group -together their skills are greater and they cooperate, versus compete).

Thus, even though I've maxed out MS and Hide, I'd suggest making the Hobgoblin stealthy as well -we'd make a "killer" combo.

I also have maxed out Spot, Search, and Listen (so I quess I can finction as the spy/scout too).

I don't have anything in Disable Device or Open Lock (though I'll do so in the coming levels). Same thing with Sleight of Hand.

I have a good Survival, but no Track feat.

I really like Hobgoblins -very cool, and always underestimated in my opinion. (Have you considered being a Worghest -a specific tiefling that is a descendent of a Barghest and a Hobgoblin?)

And lastly, have you considered Ranger (instead of, or in addition to Rogue/Fighter) -they get good skill points, best BAB, favored enemy and have stealth and fighting options. Just a thought.

'Xboryn' wrote:
all of the books I buy go right to his bookshelf.

Yes, that reminds me I need to recast that dominate person spell on those suceptible farmers...

But seriously, X'boryn is really competent with the rules (he is new to forum D&D, but a veteran of the game).

And for all those interested, Goltsville is a nonlocation found in the Far Realm where the laws of civilization do not exist (I stay away from the madness of the place, and so far X'boryn has fended off the call of the Old Ones -for now...)

Trias, I will pm you my character sheet -actually the link to my character sheet. I had writted up a long bio, but had a little computer problem, so I'll have to redo it.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

How many players you guys got so far? If you need one more I might join. My character idea would be a Nezumi Tatooed Monk (from Oriental Adventures).

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Dialexis... Bless you... When I very first came across D&D I was skimming a book, and the word Ranger jumped out at me. And I thought "Yes. Yes that is great."
The ranger is my personal favourite class, and you mentioning it has made me realise it would actually suit my character far better than a fighter/rogue combo.
So, Aras the Hobgoblin Ranger will be created latetr thisevening, whereupon I will be ready to commence play! Laughing out loud

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Oh, erm, excuse me if I'm being a bit stupid, but... I've never used a point-buy system for stats before. How does it work? I thought at first one point per point in stat (ie STR of 15 would cost 15 points) but then realised this would leave us very low if we have only 33 points.
I then thought that perhaps these were added on to a basic starting point of having 10 in each stat, as that's the human "average," but this seems to have created quite a powerful spread.


JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Don't forget that an 8 is free in point buy, and the count starts at 9 on stats.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Okay, Dolmen. He is a half-orc by birth, a wandering druid that was executed as a murderer in a crime for which he was innocent, and thrown into a swamp that served as the city's mass grave. Rather than rise as a true undead, the swamp brought him back as a near-undead thing... an elemental avenger of sorts, a half-orc woodling by stats, but basically a walking mound of swamp roots, spanish moss, gravestones and rotted body parts. He is huge, and terrifying, and bent on vengeance and destruction, especially that of corrupt organizations that hide behind a veneer of authority and law. He is bent on justice on the end of a fist, and has only recently achieved destroying the corrupt authority that framed him, and now, has turned his attention outwards to the planes.

Ballparking the stats, I'm looking at Str 20, Dex 8, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 6... woodling half-orc druid 1. With a 1d6+5 slam, +7 natural armor, DR 5/slashing, and plant immunities he'll be capable of assisting on the front line as his magic catches up to his reincarnated power. Yes, it's a twink build...but I've been microgaming for a while, and I want to flex a little. Survival 4, Knowledge (nature) 4, and Intimidate 2 and Track are going to be it for skills and feat. Still hammering out details, but that's the core.

Crocodile follower too.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Very, very nice JasperDM. (still a little concerned about the whole CN and "quest to rid corrupt organizations of those who hid behind veneer of law -i.e. LE" when we the other three PCs are LE, but Trias says it will be ok...

Anyways, looking forward to how it will come together.

I'm done Phaed'yiin Whitewhisper -Trias, you have the link in your pm -and I've now retyped the history and appearance -please let me know of any problems.

Cernunnos, glad to be of help -Rangers are cool and Hobgoblin rangers are even better -but if you are playing a Ranger, you should really take a look at the Worghest (last Dragon issue for stats, or I can pm them to you -or post here if that is ok).

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Well, I've been thinking about that, and when you play a monster, you need a handler. I'm wanting to attach Dolmen to another PC, so that his urges to tear people apart are restrained as necessary. He's not so much a man as a force of nature... kind of like walking around with Jason Voorhees. Any ideas on who could be his keeper?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

that is a very interesting concept Jasper, I hope you can work something out with the 'Keeper' status. In one of my eariler campaigns, I played as a Flesh Golem that wore a diamond-cage amulet around it's neck. Inside of the diamond-cage resided a cricket that was not so much cricket as it was a permanently polymorphed Balor noble that "pulled the strings" so to speak of the Flesh golem puppet. The Balor was tricked by another and subsequently entrapped within the amulet. Needless to say, the sheer irony provided a lot of comic releif to an otherwise moody campaign (as most planescape campaigns are). I'm sure you can come up with something creative.

Also, thanks for clearing up the point-buy for Cernunnos - 33 pts. starting at 8 - no base attribut over 18 (excluding racial modifiers).

Finally, I have made an email for this campaign at which you all can send me your PMs and character sheets, and indivdual (secret) character actions:

Simply put your character's name in the subject.[i]

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Well, it just so happens that we now are going to be having a Ranger in the party (and that to me sounds like a "handler") -Cernunnos' Hobgoblin Ranger Aras!

Perhaps the two of your characters' background could be related. Also, my character Phaed'yiin has some personal history that would definitely cause her to relate to Dolmen's unlawful execution, and the desire to get "even" and get on "top".

And if it matters, Phaed'yiin has a +11 in her Survival -so she might have an understanding of ways of the wild (not really knowledge-nature- but being savvy). She doesn't have the track feat -but Aras will.

And Azure,

As far as I am aware, Trias was definitely saying that he needed one more -and a monk sounds like a good fit (helping fill the martial slot along with the stealth slot too). Nezumi are cool too (I couldn't speak for the DM if oriental is ok, but I can at least vouch that its perfectly fine balance-wise).

I also really like Tatoo'd monks (i.e. check out Linji, my Chaond-Githzerai, Bori-bori artist/chaos monk on the Spire's Shadow Campaign here at PW).

With Phaed'yiin being all done, I'll focus on helping X'boryn get done his Conjurer, and so we could get this thing on the road.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Well, I've just finished laboriously wiritng up Aras' history, which has no mention of Dolmen. I'm loath to re-write it now, so maybe if Aras is to be the "handler," perhaps they could have met in Sigil, after the events detailed in my write-up?

Also, I was unable to find the wealth-by-level table, and I could only come up with the vague figure of "five thousand and something gold" for a 4th level character. This easily covers the equipment I have given Aras, but if someone could give me the exact figure so I know how much he has left over?

Anyway, here is Aras. I will also PM him to Trias.


Name: Aras
Race: Hobgoblin
Alignment: LN
Age: 18
Class: Ranger
Level: 3rd

STR: 18 +4

DEX: 16 +3

CON: 18 +4

INT: 12 +1

WIS: 12 +1

CHA: 10 +0

Will: +2
Reflex: +6
Fortitude: +7

HP: 24
AC: 13 (Unarmoured) 17 (masterwork chain shirt)
BAB: +3

Race & Class abilities:

Medium size
30 ft. move
60 ft. darkvision
+4 racial Move Silently bonus
Favoured enemy: humanoid (aquatic)
Wild Empathy
Combat style: two-weapon fighting
Track feat
Endurance feat


Quick Draw
Nimble Fingers


Climb 4
Handle Animal 4
Hide 6
Knowledge (nature) 4
Listen 4
Move Silently 6 (10 with racial modifier)
Search 4
Spot 4
Survival 4
Swim 6
Disable Device 0 (2 with Nimble Fingers)
Open Lock 0 (2 with Nimble Finger)


Two Frost Longswords 1d8 19-20/×2 — 4 lb. Slashing +1d6 cold damage masterwork
Dagger 1d4 19-20/×2 10 ft. 1 lb. Piercing or slashing
Punching dagger 1d4 ×3 — 1 lb. Piercing


Masterwork chain shirt 4 4 -1 20% 30 ft. 25 lb.
Flint & steel
Silk rope (10 feet)
Cold weather outfit
Traveller's outfit


Aras is not an evil being by nature, but having lived most of his life among hobgoblins he
has witnessed and participated in many atrocities and slaughters. This has made him somewhat
callous in many regards, for example he values life cheaply, and sees death and killing as
simply an unpleasant neccessity.
He is essentially an honest person, with his own sense of honour, albeit quite a savage one.
He is loyal to those he calls allies, and ferociously so to those few he would consider true
friends. He would not hesitate to make sacrifices for them, even of his own life, but he
does expect the same treatment from them. Friendships and alliegances are two-way deals,
after all, and he may become quite irritated if he feels a member of a group he is with is
not pulling his or her weight.
Aras is quite gullible, a fact that was exploited maliciously by the other hobgoblin youths
during his development, this taunting being one of the things which led to him prefering the
more solitary role of a scout to working in close contact with his peers. While he may often
appear suspicious at first, it will in fact take very little more than a well-phrased
reassurance or two to win his trust.
However should this easily-gained trust be broken, Aras will be deeply hurt and angered,
often flying into a rage over the betrayal.


Aras was born on a prime material plane, in a mountainous coastal region, as part of a
hobgoblin tribe who warred with the aquatic elves in the shallows off shore and raided the
human settlements of the plains inland of them.
As he matured he was taught the ways of the warrior, hunter and scout by a hobgoblin woman
named Kales. Kales held a prominant position in the tribe, due to a long and illustrious
career of battles with the aquatic elves.
As one of her protegés, Aras often followed her into battle against the sea-dwellers, and
made a slight name for himself as a hunter of the elven-scum.
During the course of his training with Kales, and later his campaigning under her command,
Aras realised he was falling in love with his commander. Feeling awkward about this, and
unsure how to react, he kept his feelings to himself, secretly adoring her.
Kales, however, must have picked up on this, and decided to use it to her advantage. For
some time, she had been planning to take control of the tribe, and now she had finally
decided to make her move. She would assassinate Thedrax, the current chief, and those other
prominent tribesfolk whose loyalty she could not ensure. Aras, however, provided a perfect
opportunity. His skills at stealth were easily enough that he might infiltrate the dwellings
of her targets and eliminate them in their sleep, and his obvious adoration for her ensured
his unswerving loyalty.
Once Aras recieved his orders from Kales, he set about the task, relishing the thought of
how pleased his mistress would be with him. He crept into the quarters of Thedrax and the
other tribal sub-chiefs, and slit their throats as they slept.
However, as he left the scene of the final kill, blood still on his hands and knife still
drawn, he was confronted by Kales, and a party of other hobgoblins from the tribe.
Kales denounced him as the murderer, and ordered his execution. This way she would seem
innocent, and have the full support of the clan in her bid for chiefdom.
Aras, mortified and shaken by her betrayal, barely recovered in time to escape from the
executioners. In his efforts to flee he was confronted by Thedrax's son, bearing the two
enchanted blades his father had famously wielded in battle. In a short skirmish, Aras killed
the other hobgoblin, but not without sustaining serious injuries.
Taking the magic longswords with him, Aras fled, his tribesfolk hot on his heels. Hours of
frantic pursuit later, exhausted and faint from bloodloss, he fell unconscious in the
When he awoke, his wounds were mysteriously healed, and all his gear was still on him. He
was lying in an alleyway in Sigil, a place he had never before thought might exist, let
alone heard of. With no idea how he had arrived, he began to explore this strange place.
He was able to acquire a job as a guard and doorman at a small free house, and in his spare
time he continued to wander the streets, trying to learn more of his new residence, and also
in the vague hopes of finding better-payed employment.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I think Aras would make a perfect tempering resonance with Dolmen. Discipline, honor, and a connection, however tenuous, to nature, not to mention his goblinoid heritage. The meeting could definately happen in Sigil, as someone would have to impress on him quickly so that he doesn't just go wading through the city killing semi-indescriminately. Also, both being framed for murder would probably seal the deal. Even if it doesn't become formal, I can definately see Dolmen attaching his decision-making process (such as it is) on Aras' veto. In fact, the alley where he awoke is a fine meeting point, though Aras might not have realized that the heap of corpses, plant matter and busted headstones was in fact not only sentient, but following him... thoughts, Cernunnos?

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Name: Dolmen
Race: Unique woodling monster, previously half-orc
Alignment: N
Age: 2, previously, 28
Class: Druid
Level: 1st

STR: 20 +5
DEX: 8 -1
CON: 18 +4
INT: 9 -1
WIS: 18 +4
CHA: 6 -2

Will: +6
Reflex: -1
Fortitude: +6

HP: 12
AC: 16 (Unarmored)
BAB: +0

Race & Class abilities:

Medium size
30 ft. move
60 ft. darkvision and low-light vision
+4 racial Move Silently and Hide bonus in natural surface environs
+7 natural armor
DR 5/slashing
Vulnarability to fire
Plant traits
Entangle 1/day
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy +1
Animal Companion: crocodile


Knowledge (nature) 4(+5 total)
Survival 4(+10 total)
Intimidate 2(+0 total)
Sense Motive 0(+4)

Common, Druidic, Orc.

1d6+5 slam

Gear: None of note, though there is a spot in the swamp where there is alot of gold and jewels buried, along with the corpses of those who caused Dolmen's original death. More treasure from his kills in Sigil are hidden in an alley in the Hive.

Description: Dolmen appears as if created out of the ground of a graveyard built on the edge of a swamp. He is composed of wet earth, vines, roots, spanish moss, and the remnants of several graves, including bits of coffin, bodies, and headstones. Often confused for a necromental, or grave dirt golem, he is in fact alive, though he is functionally a more natural version of a revenant. When attentive on a creature, one can sometimes make out the remains of his face, a vine-eaten rotted half-orc head, apparently badly burnt. Despite his difficulty of speech, and hazy memories, he is sentient, and very perceptive of his environment.

History: Dolmen is not as he was. He -was- a half-orc druid, Jorath by name, from the world of Crucible, a prime world far from the stellar spaceways, and long cut off from the planes. On his first wandering, he came to a village on the south coast of the Hundred Kingdoms, and became quickly embroiled in a murder investigation of a local woman, found raped and killed, where the local border lord named him chief suspect. As a stranger, and a follower of the old ways, he was quickly convicted in a rush trial, and executed for the crime by burning at the stake, and tossed unceremoniously into the bog behind the cemetary.

One month after his execution, the planar locks keeping Crucible from the planes, and the direct influence of the gods, were undone, and Jorath was taken into the hands of the gods, who grew angry at how this young acolyte had been treated. Returning his soul to his corpse, now a part of the swamp itself, he was given life again to take his revenge. Soon the local castle was ablaze, and his watery grave was filled with the corpse of the local lord, the true murderer, and the treasures he had killed for.

Spent of the divine power of vengeance running through his form, Jorath did not die once more, but rather remained in this new form of vengeance from the rotting, growing earth, the avatar of the unjust grave, Dolmen. Wandering from the Hundred Kingdoms, he found himself in the vicinity of an old portal nexus, from long before the planar seals had risen, and then, found himself in the alleys of the Hive. He became something of an urban hero, killing thugs and Mercykiller and Doomguard patrols that harassed the weak and defenseless, though he reacted more to instinct and hazy memory triggers than duty. It was he, unbeknownst to the warrior Aras, who watched over him in his unconsciousness, and has been watching him since, from the alleys. Those in the Hive have come to know him as the Alley Monster, and have taken to luring corrupt guards and thugs into the alley to see them meet their end in an avalanche of rocky and woody fists.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Bravo, both of you -I applaud your speedy and evocative work -look very much in being able to start.

As for money -hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Aras is way over spent -a +1 frost longsword would be 8,315 gp -EACH.
As an ECL 4 character, you only have 5,400 gp total.

Oh, and Trias said he would prefer emails than pms.

fool888's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I'd love to join the game,
here's my idea for a character.
half-fey warlock, Xhoo Soulsinger
Male half-fey Warlock 1
Chaotic Good

Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 20 (+5)
Constitution 11 (+0)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 20 (+5)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 175 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Red-Straight; Beardless

Speed: 30 feet, fly 60 feet

Armor Class: 18 = 10 +3 [studded] +5 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 15
Flat-footed: 13

Initiative modifier: +5 = +5 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +0 = 0 [base]
Reflex save: +5 = 0 [base] +5 [dexterity]
Will save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [wisdom]

Attack (handheld): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5 = 0 [base] +5 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [strength]

Languages: Common Sylvan

Eldritch blast [1d6, crit 20/x2, range inc 30 ft.]
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Long Spear [1d8, crit x3, 9 lb., two-handed, piercing]

Studded armor [light; +3 AC; max dex +5; check penalty -1; 20 lb.]

Feats:Point Blank Shot

Appraise 1 = +1(Int)
Balance * 5 = +5(Dex)
Bluff 7 = +5(Cha) +2
Climb * 1 = +1 (Str)
Concentration 0 = +0 (Con)
Diplomacy 5 = +5(Cha)
Disguise +5= +5(Cha)
Escape Artist * 5 = +5 (Dex)
Forgery 1 = +1 (Int)
Gather Information 5 = +5 (Cha)
Heal 2 = +2 (Wis)
Hide * 5 = +5 (Dex)
Intimidate 7 = +5 (Cha) +2
Jump * 3 = +1 (Str) +2
Knowledge (arcana) 3 = +1 (Int)+2
Knowledge (planes) 3 = +1 (Int) +2

Listen 2 = +2 (Wis)
Move Silently * 4 = +4
Perform 5 = +5 (Cha)
Ride Dex 5 = +5 (Dex)
Search 1 = +1 (Int)
Sense Motive 2 = +2 (Wis)
Spot 2 = +2 (Wis)
Survival 2 = +2 (Wis)
Swim ** 1 = +1 (Str)
Use Magic Device 7 = +5 (Cha) +2
Use Rope 5 = +5 (Dex)

* = check penalty for wearing armor

+0 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 constitution, +0 intelligence, +2 wisdom, +4 charisma
Gains Butterfly Wings if the base creature did not already have wings. Flying speed is 2x fastest normal movement with Good maneuverability.
Gains Low-Light Vision.
Immune to Enchantment spells & effects.
Charm Person, at will.

If Cha or Wis is 8+, can use the following abilities at least 1/day.
HD Ability
1-2 Hypnotism, 1/day; Faerie Fire –or– Glitterdust,1/day
3-4 Detect Law, 3/day, Sleep –or– Enthrall, 1/day
5-6 Protection from Law, 3/day; Tasha’s Hideous Laughter or Suggestion, 1/day
7-8 Confusion –or– Emotion, 1/day
9-10 Eyebite –or– Lesser Geas, 1/day
11-12 Dominate Person –or– Hold Monster, 1/day
13-14 Mass Invisibility, 1/day
15-16 Geas/Quest –or– Mass Suggestion, 1/day
17-18 Insanity –or– Mass Charm, 1/day
19+ Otto’s Irresistible Dance, 1/day

Save vs. a warlock's magic is 10 + equivalent spell level + charisma modifier=16+
Know 1 invocation of least level-
Earthen Grasp(CArc p133) – Use Earthen Grasp asthe spell.

Weapons / Armor (from above) 30 lb 32gp
backpack 2lbs 2gp
Bedroll 5 lb 1sp
Flask 1 2lbs 3cp
Flint and steel 1gp
Hammer 2lbs 5sp
Mirror 1lb 10gp
Signet ring 5gp
Whetstone 1lb 2cp
Magnifying glass 100gp
gloves of dexterity +2 4,000 gp

Total-43 lb
total spent:4,150 gp 1 sp 5 cp
total money's left: 249 gp 9sp 5cp

Light load:43 lb. or less
Medium load:44-86 lb.
Heavy load:87-130 lb.
Lift over head:130 lb.
Lift off ground:260 lb.
Push or drag:650 lb.

Xhoo Soulsinger grew up in a tavern in sigil, waiting tables as his mother sang for their supper. His mother, a human named Evelyn, once travelled the planes. Every night before bed she told him another of her many adventures wandering the multiverse...these were the same stories she sang of... of heavens and hells, of glories and damnations. and of lord Gaynor Soulsinger, an exiled prince of the Seelie Courts. She told of their meeting, of their travelling together, of their love and of their marriage. She told of his death some months later fighting in the outlands, defending a settlement of retired Travelers from an Githyanki raiding party.

Evelyn gave up the life a few days later, discovered she was with child and returned to her home in Sigil. Xhoo was raised on his parents exploits, and as he grew his heritage became evident. The magic in his blood, the jewel-like scales on his skin and of course his wings.

When Xhoo was old enough he decided to take off, find a fey and learn of his father's people 1st hand. That didn't go very well and Xhoo has just recently returned home to Sigil.

Appearance: Xhoo Soulsinger stands jjust at 6 feet, his red hair is worn long and loose, his pure violet eyes seem to glow just a bit, with power and passion. Xhoo's wings are usually folded back against his shoulders and flutter when he's nervous. When visible, blue and violet jeweled scales are seen to cover the skin over his joints; knees, elbows, fingers and shoulders...with the skin need his wingjoints and onward totally jeweled. Dressed for travel in a studded leather armor and carrying big backpack carelessly it is obvious that Xhoo has more dreams than plans.

Motivations: Xhoo longs for travel, he longs to live up to his parents examples, and to earn a place in song...

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

More the merrier, I say! (but its Trias' vote that really counts).

I like the character very much (even if a CG with a bunch of LE/LN's will be... interesting). Very nice description and background.

X'boryn is basically done his character (just needs to spend his money I believe and then post).

Anyone know how close Azure is to being done?

Xboryn's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I have the mechanics squared away but that is only half the character at best. I am hurrying but not trying to rush... ...yea that does sound odd but it does makes sense

Looking forward to sharing him with you all.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Sorry, I must have missed Trias' e-mail request. I'll e-mail him Aras in a minute.

Also, I didn't think a weapon had to have a modifier that wasn't converted into an ability. Those longswords aren't +1 longswords with Frost, just masterwork longswords enchanted to deal frost damage.

If it does require at least one bonus that isn't exchanged for an ability then they're just straight +1 longswords. That should be within price range.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Yes, unfortunately, a weapon has to have at least a +1 enhancement bonus in order to recieve any other kind of magical enhancement.

So, a matching pair of longswords would cost you (total) 4,630 gp -which would leave you 770 gp left of your original 5,400 gp. (I haven't tallied up your items so you may well fall in this range or not).

And just in case you missed it:

Trias' email address is [REDACTED]

Also, I know you are done with Aras, but I just wanted to throw out the suggestion again of being a Worghest -your entire history could remain the same (if anything, it fits even more).

Worghests (as detailed in Dragon#350), are the spawn of Barghests and Hobgoblins.

They possess the following traits:

Usually LE Medium outsider (native, shapechanger)

+2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Cha
Medium size
Base land speed 30'. In wolf form, base land speed is 50'. (higher speed!)
Darkvision 60'
Low-light vision (useful)
Scent (extremely useful and great with tracking)
+4 Racial bonus on Move Silently

Change Shape (Su): A worghest can assume the shape of a wolf as a standard action. In wolf form, a worghest gains a bite attack (1d6). A worghest may also take feats requiring the druid's wild shape ability as a prerequisite.

Feed (Su): When a worghest slays a humanoid opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring both flesh and life-force, as a full round action. Feeding destroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. There is a 50% chance that a wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life. Check once for each destroyed creature. If the check fails, the creature cannot be brought back to life by mortal magic. A worghest gains the effect of a death knell when it feeds in this manner, using the creature's HD as the caster level.

-Trip (in wolf form only): A worghest in wolf form that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

Automatic languages: Common, Infernal, Worg. Bonus Languages: Giant, Goblin, Ogre, Orc.

Favore Class: Ranger

Level Adjustment: +2

Just wanted to throw that out there -and they look cool to boot.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I dunno... It does look quite nice, but he's done now. Also that negative CHA modifier puts me off. While CHA's not exactly Aras's strong stat, I wouldn't like to have it below average, it just doesn't suit the way I view him.

Thanks for the monetary help, I'll make a couple of little changes to the character sheet and then e-mail it to Trias.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Just realised I hadn't said anything about Jasper's proposed connection between Aras and Dolmen... I like it!

Considering that Aras is actiually unaware of Dolmen's existence, I look forward to him finding out. He will probably feel he owes Dolmen a debt of gratitude for looking after him, which will further bring them together.

All in all this game should be great fun! Smiling

Xboryn's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I am done my character. His name is Kezinon.

I posted him privately to Trias. I don't know if it is required of me to post it here, if it is I will without hesitation.

I am ready to start when ever.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"


(creature that has ‘evolved’ to become part plant)
(MM3 p198 )
The creature’s hair looks like leaves and its skin looks like bark. The specific color changes from season to season.

Inherited Template may be applies to a corporeal Animal, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, or Monstrous Humanoid.
Creature type remains the same, but gains some Plant Creature traits.
Gains Low-Light vision.
+7 improvement to Natural Armor
+4 bonus to Hide & Move Silent check in natural environments above ground.
Gains Damage Reduction 5 / slashing
Vulnerability to Fire – +50% Fire damage.
Gains a 1d6 Slam attack.
Level +3
CR +2
Plant Traits – Immunity to Poison, Magical Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, & Mind-Affecting spells & spell-like abilities. Do not take extra damage from Critical Hits.
If Wisdom is 8+, can use the following spell-like abilities. DC’s are Charisma based and the creature’s HD is its Caster level:
HD Ability
1-2 Entangle, 1/day
3-5 Summon Nature’s Ally II, 1/day
6-7 Speak with Plants, 3/day
8-10 Summon Nature’s Ally IV, 1/day
11-12 Command Plant, 1/day
13-15 Summon Nature’s Ally VI, 1/day
16-18 Animate Plants, 1/day
19-20 Summon Nature’s Ally VIII, 1/day
21+ Control Plants, 1/day –and–
Summon Nature’s Ally IX, 1/day

Did I need anything more than what's in this for the woodling template? My MM3's four counties away.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

I think that covers it -though I'm away from my MM3 until the morning. I'll check then and get back to you if they is anything missing, but I think you've got it covered.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Snatched a copy offline. Yeah, I'm set. Consider my sheet final. Can't wait to get started.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Good to hear, Jasper.

That said, has anyone heard from Trias lately? His last post was on the 14th, and here it is the 19th. I got an email from him two days ago and so he might be busy reviewing your characters now.

I might just be needing some more patience, but wanted check.

(also, concerned that fool8888 and Azure get some kind of confirmation of gameplay).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Hey Everyone!

I've been reviewing the character sheets, and we will start tommorrow night.
Azure, if you want to join, come right in - if you don't have your sheet done by tommorrow (Friday) night, we will just add you in whenever you are finished.

So far I have Character sheets from:

Cernunnos - Aras - Ranger
Xboryn- Kezinon - Conjurer
Dialexis -Phaed'yiin Whitewhisper - Rogue
Jasper - Dolmen - Druid
fool8888 - Xhoo Soulsinger - Warlock

If Azure decides to join, he indicated that he would be interested in a monk.

So far, the only problem I have had is with Aras's frost longswords (Kudos to Dialexis for calculating the costs), but that has been taken care of.

I'm really excited for us to start!!!

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Oh yeah! (watches animated pitcher of fruit juice burst through wall...)

But seriously, I am very excited. I'll try pming Azure (I know he is currently in joyblood's campaign here at PW).

Trias, do you want me to post Phaed'yiin's appearance here as the others have done? (I don't mind at all).

Also, this may sound strange, but I need to know what time (relative to what time zone) you are planning on starting Friday.

Believe it or not, I am Dming a session this Friday night (starting 8:30 pm Eastern Time) -and one of the Players in the campaign is X'boryn (amazing he makes the distant journey from Goltsville and all).

Soooo, I don't know if that causes a problem or not. Normally, it wouldn't be too much of an issue with forum play, but since its the grand debute and all...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Haha, if you want to, go ahead, or you can simply delineate in the game - it's up to you.

Also, I'm in the Eastern Time Zone - and by 'night' I mean between 10-11pm is when I'll post the first 'actual' game thread.

I don't anticipate all 5 players replying the very same night (although that'd be awesome!) so you'll have more than enough time to post your first thread.

Ps. 2 simultaneous campaigns with X'boryn?!

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
NEW GAME! Level 4 "Awakening"

Thanks for the speedy reply.

Taking your answer in account, I doubt that either I or X'boryn will post Firday (but am sure we'll both post the next day). Who knows, I could be crazy and post after the players leave my house (early am -like 2-3 am).

And to answer your other comment -yes, I'm either in 2 or 3 campaigns with X'boryn now.

Besides this one, I am running a campaign set in FR (Erlkazar if anyone knows where that is) that has been going on for nearly 3 years.

I'm doing something a little different with it though.

I have two groups playing in the campaign -one are playing a group of Banites (evil) and the other are playing a group of "normal" PC's (i.e. a hodgepodge of classes/religions/ethics/backgrounds/and goals).

Anyways, the two groups of PCs have never met (at least with them knowing it). Suffice it too say that the leader of the Banites (among many other goals) plans to eventually conquer the area where the other PCs are.

So, in the end, a climax of sorts will be reached where the two groups will meet (or those who survive till then) and well, you know...

And while nearly all of the Players and PCs have no clue of this, X'boryn happens to play in both campaigns (I needed some other players in the Banite campaign, and he is excellent at not metagaming and keeping "secrets" from the other group).

So, besides a weekly session with the "good" guys on Wednesday -I do a (generally) bi-weekly Weekend session with the "bad" guys.

Of course, the campaign is far more complex than that -but I don't want to side-track too much, nor reveal anything else since X'boryn is going to read this (non-metagamer or not, there are some things you shouldn't know... not yet at least).

Anyways, back to this game: what about me posting Phae'dyiin's appearance?

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