New Game: Cross Purposes

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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Awesomeness on the Alchemist's Glass.

Create Tattoo is 2nd level. It's 100 gp a casting, so it's not a spell she's likely to cast very often. Also if you want, given that Nim is a Xaositect, you can have free reign to assign any sort of quirky side-effect to any tattoos she manages to draw on folks. It's only fair. ^_^

Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Hey, are you still taking players for this?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

It's been a month here -- I hope we're starting soon...

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Here is my character sheet

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

In the process of making a Githyanki or Githzerai Criminal Eye-wink

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Criminal as an outcast from their race or in the I just murdered you/stole your stuff/beat you up kinda criminal?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

heh, prolly both... outcast because he is hiding from his race as such, plus he isn't a nice guy anyway, thug wise he could still be charming... lol. Smiling

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

So did he steal the Witch-Kings crown or Valkaath's Staff?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Lol, that would be uber-cool, but not within the scope of his abilities, heh Sticking out tongue

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Would Navigation in the astral fall under Knowledge Planes or Geo or Local?

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Hmm I would say a combination of knowledge planes/geography but I would allow a some type of synergy bonus for the use you are wanting to do with it. So what are you thinking of rolling up a rogue type or more of a bruiser? OOO even better a githyanki conman selling Dead Gods on the astral!!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Well, he will be involved with a dead goddess.. of tricks and subterfuge as such, so something like that would not be to far off.

I love (links with) dead gods and all such, but I would need a feat with all knowledge inclass in order to have the best know and such to motivate that, so bear with me whilst I put the finishing touches to the story and buildup.

So far I have (Beguiler was the name) 2/ Mil. Rogue 2/ Cleric 1 (Leira) Githyanki Male

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Don't be afraid to make up your own Knowledge skills. Just make clear what they do and don't cover. Very specific ones will only be useful in specific situations.

Burning: The character concept sounds neat; just bear in mind that one of the other PCs is a bounty hunter who hunts criminals for a living!

I may decide that you can't advance very high in cleric levels in the case of a dead god. They're floating in the Astral Plane, probably with bunches of githyanki living on them; they're not in any position to grant high-level spells. I might allow up to 2nd divine spell level in that case -- similar to what clerics are limited to in the old Spelljammer rules when in spheres where their Power is not worshipped. I'm open to negotiation on this point; I just don't really see the cleric of a dead Power casting Earthquake and the like.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Its a cool concept Burning, I'm sure your character can fool Percy Smiling
But if not, you'd better put some ranks into Escape Artist Eye-wink

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

After a few levels (if he even wants to advance that far in cleric), we could easily say that he's simply devoted to his idea of what the dead goddess stood for, just like any other cleric devoted to a principle. Another plot idea would be to have the power coming from a source that starts out incognito. In either case, he's in a sense worshipping the illusion of a goddess of illusion.

What's a Mil. Rogue? Military? Sounds like three sneakies in the party -- we're either bad at it or all got unlucky at the same time. ;^)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Very clever take on "cleric of a principle" there. I like that. Eye-wink

OK, so far we have:

We may also have a character for Burning Spear.

Eldersphinx is welcome to send in a character sheet, if he's still interested. Githyankee, Karsus, if you would like to send in a character concept, please do, though I can't absolutely guarantee you'd get in -- not sure I'd want to try more than 8 players at one time.

I will try to start the game by the end of the first week of August. It might get postponed if real life circumstances are extremely busy, but I'll try to start the game around then. Please get any charsheet/PC background stuff done by that time.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'm going to be at GenCon for that first week, so I'll get in just as soon as I get back on Sunday (maybe Monday, if I'm particularly pooped).

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Can't believe I forgot about GenCon. Eye-wink I could tentatively go for August 8th or thereabouts to avoid scheduling conflicts.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
I may decide that you can't advance very high in cleric levels in the case of a dead god. They're floating in the Astral Plane, probably with bunches of githyanki living on them; they're not in any position to grant high-level spells. I might allow up to 2nd divine spell level in that case -- similar to what clerics are limited to in the old Spelljammer rules when in spheres where their Power is not worshipped. I'm open to negotiation on this point; I just don't really see the cleric of a dead Power casting Earthquake and the like.

There are feats just to allow normal spell-casting/ resurrecting, because of worshipping a weakening or dying or dead god.

Servant of the Fallen:
cleric 1+, dead or forgotten god.
chose such a god as patron diety, and still receive spells as normal.
additionally 1x day +1 to any 1 save, you can be raised or resurrected normally

From: Lost Empires of Faeruhn.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
After a few levels (if he even wants to advance that far in cleric), we could easily say that he's simply devoted to his idea of what the dead goddess stood for, just like any other cleric devoted to a principle. Another plot idea would be to have the power coming from a source that starts out incognito. In either case, he's in a sense worshipping the illusion of a goddess of illusion.
This is another option, in 3.5 ed. it seems so easy to worship a concept, but when it concerns a dead god its suddenly costing a feat to worship as normal, crap system imo Smiling

What's a Mil. Rogue? Military? Sounds like three sneakies in the party -- we're either bad at it or all got unlucky at the same time. ;^)
Unearthed Arcana, page 58, Rogue variant class. doesn't say militant rogue, actually just rogue, but if I am swapping sneak attack for feats as a fighters, 1, 2, 4, 6 etc, then it sounds better imo to call it a militant rogue, dont you agree? Laughing out loud

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Yeah, seems like a decent name for it. I think "Skirmisher" is already taken -- "Guerrilla," maybe? Strike from the shadows and fade away. Illusions to mess with their heads.

All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I can tell our group is gonna get in so much trouble. Heheheh...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
Yeah, seems like a decent name for it. I think "Skirmisher" is already taken -- "Guerrilla," maybe?

Or "feat rogue." Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Would you allow more miscellaneous types of feats to be taken in addition to the fighter feats, or would that feel to unbalancing? Smiling

And would I have to buy the Servant of the Fallen feat? or could you be more lenient?Sad

Traits/ Flaws?

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Just in case - I think all you need from me is some final form of how Virash got to Curst (and any consequences of that), correct? I should have that done well in time for the game, just still pinpointing some ideas, got distracted by a project of my own, blah blah blah. Just making sure I don't owe you anything else before we begin.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Munin wrote:
Its a cool concept Burning, I'm sure your character can fool Percy Smiling But if not, you'd better put some ranks into Escape Artist Eye-wink

Harf, I'll just cast charm on you, besides, your in jail to, explain that one, o mighty hunter Sticking out tongue

Zimrazim wrote:
I may decide that you can't advance very high in cleric levels in the case of a dead god. They're floating in the Astral Plane, probably with bunches of githyanki living on them; they're not in any position to grant high-level spells. I might allow up to 2nd divine spell level in that case -- similar to what clerics are limited to in the old Spelljammer rules when in spheres where their Power is not worshipped. I'm open to negotiation on this point; I just don't really see the cleric of a dead Power casting Earthquake and the like.

As a concession, you could always rule that I can advance up till 2nd lvl spells without any feat use (this will give me some space to grow in the future) and if I want to continue after that I have to take that feat I described,
This would be fine by me, as it at least initially gives me a little more freedom in what feats I start with, then when I need to gain more levels in priest, I take the feat.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I give you "Black Beard"
(not original, but still fitting, besides, we are not in the real world, so the original black-beard isnt there to complaint about plagiarism, lol.)

Long black hair draped down his back by multiple beads and metal
Tubes woven into his braids. His face is mostly as a normal Githyanki’s,
Grey green olive skin with pinkish inner ears and lips, except for a beard
the length and bread of his face also festooned with adorning trinkets like
in his hair. Most of his body though, is covered in burn-marks, blackened
and tough, how this came to be, is not certain, but a large fiery accident is
surely involved. He wears masterwork Beaded Armour, as is customary of
his race, many dark red and black semi precious stones adown his armour.
On his chest, just where his heart is, the blackened skin is pierced by an
intricate form of a silver tattoo looks to have been placed, it looks similar
to the silver fluidity of Gith Great-swords, yes it is obviously not a weapon.
Although one can never be sure with any Githyanki.
The rest of his attire is finished by supple darkened leathers of brown hues.
Initially at a first glance there are no overtly visible weapons, and this is
very peculiar for a Githyanki indeed, until you actually glimpse a elaborate
hilt of a fine blade peek from underneath all his layers of clothing..

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

It sounded like Zim would be on board with worshiping your character's idea of the dead god. Personally, I wouldn't worry about dropping a feat on it, unless you want the save bonus (or the slightly more intangible bonus of being able to be raised or ressurected). Plus, this is Planescape. It could be that the sheer strength of your character's belief is enough to fuel his spellcasting (or, as Jem suggested, you may be getting your power from an alternative Power while masquerading as the god you're worshiping). Plus, the feat in question is tied to a prime not to the Planes, so the rules for worshiping a dead god may be a bit different (tapping into residual energies is easier because of your character's proximity or something).

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Eldersphinx is welcome to send in a character sheet, if he's still interested. Githyankee, Karsus, if you would like to send in a character concept, please do, though I can't absolutely guarantee you'd get in -- not sure I'd want to try more than 8 players at one time.
Yeah, too many players at once can be a pain. I'll understand if I don't get in from the get go. Just don't forget me if you get an opening. Eye-wink

I was thinking on a tiefling warblade from Gehenna. She was a soldier in the Infernal Front, fighting both as a mercenary in the Blood War, and to push back incursions of Melif the Lich Fiend. But since a prominent figure in her life -another soldier she looked up to- fell in battle, she's taken a hiatus from the Front. In emulation of the barghest, she traveled to a Prime world for a time, taking on challenges that would hone her skills before her eventual return home, in an attempt to extend her career for as long as possible.
Would that be acceptable thus far?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke wrote:
Plus, the feat in question is tied to a prime not to the Planes, so the rules for worshiping a dead god may be a bit different (tapping into residual energies is easier because of your character's proximity or something).

I find that any source with a feat in it should be usable, simply because a feat is made in one book should not and doesn't really restrict its use in other games.
(this is a general statement Eye-wink )

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

As I recall it was never proven that Leira was actually killed in the Time Troubles. Cyric is supposedly granting spells in her stead but he's madder than a bag of rabid squirrels. So maybe he just thinks he is granting the spells but Leira really is.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Bladedancer wrote:
As I recall it was never proven that Leira was actually killed in the Time Troubles. Cyric is supposedly granting spells in her stead but he's madder than a bag of rabid squirrels. So maybe he just thinks he is granting the spells but Leira really is.

lol... that's another possibility Eye-wink
Though in the background fluff for dm's and such it states Leira did really die in the commotion, betrayed by mask to the killing hand of Cyric.

But we can spin the story any way we want to suit this particular game, as long as the DM is comfortable with what I spin, it should be an easy transition.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimmy, I did PM you my back ground Smiling

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Karsus wrote:
I was thinking on a tiefling warblade from Gehenna. She was a soldier in the Infernal Front, fighting both as a mercenary in the Blood War, and to push back incursions of Melif the Lich Fiend. But since a prominent figure in her life -another soldier she looked up to- fell in battle, she's taken a hiatus from the Front. In emulation of the barghest, she traveled to a Prime world for a time, taking on challenges that would hone her skills before her eventual return home, in an attempt to extend her career for as long as possible. Would that be acceptable thus far?

Yep. I'd like to read more.

(I'm around; I'm just very busy at the moment.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Burning Spear wrote:
Grey green olive skin with pinkish inner ears and lips, except for a beard the length and bread of his face also festooned with adorning trinkets like in his hair.

Cool. Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Yep. I'd like to read more.

(I'm around; I'm just very busy at the moment.)

Alright. I'm nearing the halfway mark with her writeup at the moment, and should have it posted within a day or two.
I think I'll hold off on her stats until I hear whether or not I'll be making the cut, so please do let me know as soon as you've decided. I have a couple questions that'll need your ruling before I can do much there, anyway.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimmy needs to answer a final question before I can finish my app. Smiling

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes



Spoiler: Highlight to view

Icanthas is a rather attractive young woman, especially so for a tiefling. She is thin, with bronze-tanned skin and a lean, well-toned musculature. She stands with a straight posture and her shoulders squared, often with a slight tilt of her head, either forward or canted to one side or the other.
She has high-ish cheekbones and full, pouting lips. Her hair, bronze-brown with steely gray creeping an inch up the tips of the longer strands, hangs just down to her nose, and is normally fairly messy. She often runs her fingers through it, pushing her bangs out of her face, and rarely gives a thought to how she might be mussing it up, nor caring, so long as it doesn't hang in her eyes. Her eyes, often partially lidded, are a warm yellow-orange shade. Her low, arching eyebrows and dark lashes give her a piercing, almost predatory gaze.

As for the traits that mark her fiendish descent... A pair of backward-curving, ridged horns, three to four inches in length, grow from just behind her temples. Her ears come to a dull point, and a smaller, secondary point projects roughly an inch down the helix from the tip. Her canines are more pronounced, and all of her teeth are somewhat sharper than those of the usual human. Her legs more closely resemble the hindlegs of a wolf (with shortened crua, raised heels that resemble a secondary, inverted knee, and elongated feet [cannons] that appear like a human's shins). Her legs terminate in large, furry, wolf-like paws. The fur, matching her hair in color, covers only her paws, and climbs the back of her pasterns to the bottom of her cannons, leaving her legs largely hairless. A slender, four-foot-long tail extends from the base of her spine, appearing much like that of a nycaloth in shape, but slimmer, and of the same color as the rest of her skin. A small frill lines the last few inches by the tip. Her skin is always unusually warm to the touch, and she smells faintly of brimstone, though she usually wears perfume to mask the scent.

Her usual clothing includes a sling-like top, and a low-cut bottom that could be considered either a loincloth or a slim skirt (with a slit up both sides to the top of her leg), which descends to just below her knee. The back of her skirt is pulled up just beneath her tail, with a gap between the cloth and her belt to accommodate the appendage. Both garments are a light brown or beige color. Such an outfit reveals more skin than it covers, but Icanthas doesn't care much for modesty. Her hometown was cut through with several lava flows, thus scant clothing such as she wears proved more practical. A single belt pouch rests against her right hip, and a Gehennan lancet hangs in its sheath behind that same hip, resting at a forty-degree angle, hilt outward, for easier draw.
She wears a black iron ring inscribed with a sword emblem (the symbol of Typhus / the Infernal Front) on the second finger of her left hand, and three simple earrings in each ear, each of the same black iron. In addition, her neck is ringed with an ornate morghuth-iron torc with a very dark crimson garnet studding one of the ends.
When traveling, or expecting a dangerous fight, she wears a suit of ruddy, fire-resistant leather armor that protects her chest, flanks, and thighs. She also wears a pair of sturdy leather bracers on her forearms, and long strips of leather wrapped around her cannons, both matching her armor.

Icanthas wields a fairly large, two-handed falchion in combat. The weapon's overall length is nearly equal to her height; were she to stand it up with the point touching the ground, its pommel would be level to her nose. The blade itself is within a few inches (give or take) of three feet in length; its width begins at about four inches near the hilt, and progressively widens to approximately eight inches near the end, before abruptly narrowing to a point. The flats of the blade are rough and rust-red in color. It has a long, leather-wrapped hilt for better leverage, to compensate for the weight of the blade. As one would expect of a weapon of this size, Icanthas carries it strapped to her back. Its scabbard has built-in sheaths to accommodate four daggers, which she keeps filled.

She is 20 years old, stands 5'8" tall, and weighs 134 lbs.


For anyone curious as to her bloodline, both parents were tieflings; her mother was descended from a nycaloth, and her father from a barghest. Given that many barghests would as soon eat a human as look at him, she suspects a hint of goblin-blood in herself, though it doesn't present itself in her features.

Regarding her attractiveness, the DM of the game in which she originated liked using the Appearance ability score (presented in the Book of Erotic Fantasy), to determine how NPCs would initially perceive the PCs. Icanthas' was 15 (rolled 17, -2 racial modifier for tieflings). So, if it becomes relevant, use that until I get a picture of her up. Then you can judge for yourselves.
I should have her picture posted pretty soon.

Background: (be warned, it's kinda long. More so than I had expected...)

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Icanthas was born and raised in the city of Void's Edge, on the opposite side of Torch's portal to Gehenna. Her mother, a 'loth-blooded tiefling named Kashalyie, had been a minor officer of the Infernal Front, prior to her pregnancy. Too soon she found herself unfit for battle, so she left the Front, traveling to the nearest settlement where she would carve out a place for herself and the child she bore. With what meager coin she had, she managed to procure a rather shabby dwelling in Edge's Boiler district, and made her living waiting tables at any of several inns and restaurants or working in the textile mills as she came to term, and joining the city's militia after giving birth.

Kashalyie was not a pleasant woman. She had been rather fond of her position in the Front, and found herself resenting her daughter for forcing her to leave that life behind. That's not to say she didn't love her child, but she was quick to discipline, while words of encouragement and comfort were rare.

When Icanthas was old enough to perform simple labor, she was sent off to the mills to lighten her mother's burden of keeping them afloat. She despised the work, but soon learned it was preferable to her mother's punishment if she refused. There she met other children of about her age, a half-elf girl named Kellaryn, and a tiefling boy called Daedarenn, with whom she struck up a friendship with. Chattering the day away with them, she found the work less grueling, and was almost eager to leave each morning to meet them. What few days the three didn’t work at the mills, Kashalyie sent them to the Flaming Flagon tavern to keep them out of trouble, with the expectation that they wait tables and do other chores for her friend, the proprietor Qingzhao Xia. But Xia was a kind-hearted woman, for a Gehennan, and would have none of it. “Bah, they’re but children,” she would say, “let them be children for a time. They’ll grow up all too soon anyhow.” She’d give them a table or sit them at the bar and let them while away the day, giving them a small discount on food and drink ordered, and only setting them to work within an hour of when Kashalyie would come to collect them.

As the three neared their tenth year, work at the mills slowed down for them, as the overseers favored younger children who would expect less pay. They kept their employment, but often found days in which they weren’t expected to work, and so had to find other ways to bring coin home. Icanthas, whenever not running errands for her mother, found her way as a drug runner, sneaking screaming lotus and other illegal substances for whichever smugglers would pay a stinger or two per run. When small-time gangs took issue with her ‘cutting into their business’, she wasted no time in beating them into a retreat, whether alone or with her friends at her side. When more dangerous competition made its offense known, she quickly made herself scarce.

When Kashalyie saw her daughter’s strength, quickness, and resourcefulness, hope was born that she might soon be able to leave this hellhole. She would return to the Front with her daughter at her side. Work was deemed less important, Icanthas was allowed to keep only her better paying jobs, just enough to keep food on the table, and to only work while her mother did the same. All of her spare time was then devoted to weapons training. Kashalyie fashioned all manner of sparring weapons from refuse on the streets, or would sometimes manage to sneak something from the militia armory for a night, in order to give Icanthas the widest range of training she could.

They sparred relentlessly through the evenings, stopping only with a few short hours left to sleep before the next day began. Nights when Icanthas did not retire exhausted, beaten, and newly bruised or bloodied were rare. She was never seriously injured during their sparring sessions, but neither did her mother hold herself in check in the least. “It will toughen you up,” she would claim, or “your enemies won’t go easy on you, you should be used to that from the beginning.”

As her daughter’s abilities progressed, Kashalyie sought to test her against other opponents. She began to cut their sparring sessions a couple hours short, but this was no reprieve. She led Icanthas to some of the worst areas of the Boiler district, or the Slopes of Agony, to various dark alleys, oftentimes nearby alehouses, always after midnight. She would arm Icanthas with a small dagger and leave her there alone, with orders not to leave under any circumstances, until her return (whenever Icanthas initially disobeyed, she was severely punished for her insolence). She would then appear to leave, but remain close by enough to keep an eye on her daughter, but far enough not to be spotted. She would never have long to wait before someone came along and started trouble, whether a drunk stumbling out of the tavern, or a passing thug or lesser fiend. Sometimes her daughter won the ensuing scuffle. Sometimes she did not. Upon a defeat, Kashalyie ensured that Icanthas was never direly injured or dragged off to the slave-pens, but otherwise allowed the victors to do as they pleased. The hours following such times, Icanthas remembers as some of the few times her mother proved genuinely sympathetic, even if she wouldn’t discontinue such contests. She would only say, “This is but a taste of defeat. Know it. Revile it. Fear it. Do not let it take you again.”

After only a few years of training, Kashalyie felt her daughter was ready. She sold their hovel, along with any possessions they wouldn’t need, and used the coin to purchase a good weapon and some armor for Icanthas, and they returned to the Infernal Front. To Icanthas’ delight, she found that her friends neared the completion of training of their own, and had decided to skip out on the remainder to follow her. Kashalyie quickly reclaimed the position she had left some fifteen years before, and ensured that her daughter and her friends fell under her command. For years they followed the usual battles of the Front, hiring out to either side of the Blood War, or holding back the occasional invasion of the Lich-Lord’s undead minions.
Icanthas fought her battles well, better even than her mother had expected. She was clever enough to gauge her opponents’ abilities before engaging them, and knew when to leave a more powerful foe to be handled by a more competent warrior. Most often she found herself teaming up with her friends, fighting side-by-side with Daedarenn while keeping the enemy from reaching Kellaryn as the half-elf cast her spells.

And such was life, until Icanthas’ nineteenth year. The trio retired from a particularly challenging battle against an undead horde to an unusual occurrence: Kashalyie was nowhere to be found. They thought little of it at the time, assuming she’d either been called away to tend to some matter by her superiors, and they went off to celebrate another battle survived. But the following day, as well as the next, the woman still hadn’t shown herself. Icanthas inquired as to her whereabouts to anyone who might have known, but nobody else had seen her either. Dreading what she might find, she and her friends returned to the battlefield, taking care to avoid the scavengers that walked amongst the deadl. Several hours into the search, they found the missing woman, bearing a deep wound that had pierced her heart.
Icanthas was overcome with grief. Her mother had been cruel and harsh, and she had spent her life hating the woman. But now that she was gone, Icanthas keenly felt her loss, as if a gaping wound had been torn in her own heart. She couldn’t imagine how life could continue without her mother watching over her. Daedarenn scavenged a spade from a nearby corpse and dug a shallow grave as Icanthas mourned, and Kellaryn attempted to comfort her. They buried Kashalyie where she had fallen, but Icanthas kept her mother’s sword. From then on, she would carry it into battle as her mother had before her.

Before much time had passed, Icanthas began to question her place in the world. Her mother had always been the greatest warrior she’d known. If she could fall in any random fray like the previous one, how long would Icanthas last? Luck, thinking on her feet, and a competent commander had kept her alive thus far, but there was only so long that would suffice. Especially with the troop’s new officer, Melthozz “Razorhand.” As any would expect, the churlish half-fiend sought to build up his own reputation above all else. Following but the first few skirmishes under his command, it was clear that he would expend his charges however he felt best served him, rather than command in a practical manner, as his predecessor had. Icanthas frequently butted heads with her maimed superior, and defied his orders whenever she felt they didn’t serve the troop, encouraging others to do the same.

Before long, she decided to leave the Front, at least for a time. Like the barghest, she would travel to a less deadly place, perhaps a Prime world, to continue building upon her abilities before returning to Gehenna. She packed up her few belongings, said farewell to her friends –who had decided not to accompany her- and followed the River Styx back to Void’s Edge. From there, she bought passage on a tso flying ship through the portal to Torch, found her way to Sigil, and marveled at the sight of the metropolis. She remained there for a week as she took in some of the sights, then purchased a gate key to a Prime world and continued on before she had spent all of her money on her stay in the Cage.

On the other side of the portal, she found herself amid a vast, mountainous wilderness, which she soon learned to be filled with savage beings, such as large warring tribes of orcs, gnolls, and human barbarians. She didn’t shy from them –she had come here to fight, after all. She took them on whenever they engaged her. In small numbers, she defeated them readily enough, though warbands of the brutes proved difficult. When she found such numbers arrayed against her, she kept on the move, picking single warriors off whenever she could separate them from their fellows.
One day, such a flight brought her upon a lone hobgoblin warrior surrounded by another band of barbarians. On a whim she joined that fray, crashing into and bowling over a big orc heading the ring, to the surprise of all combatants. The hobgoblin took advantage of the newcomer’s distraction and carved into the orcs in a way Icanthas had never seen anybody fight before. It was almost like magic, the way his blade shimmered and fairly glowed as he struck, with a thrust slipping his blade through armor as if it was a mere cloth shirt, or launching a vicious backhand to splinter a shield and send the warrior who’d held it flying back into the trees. She hadn’t much time to watch the goblinkin as her newest opponents regained their senses, but before they could resume the attack in earnest, the group that had been chasing Icanthas caught up. As luck would have it, the orcs from the two warring tribes turned on each other, and Icanthas and the unusual warrior took the opportunity to slip away.
The hobgoblin led her to a cave he inhabited high in the mountains, well away from the savage villages. He introduced himself as Shagryk and, upon her inquiry into the way he fought, explained that he, as well as several of the other warriors of his clan, were known as warblades, skilled warriors who followed the Sublime Way. He revealed himself to be a hermit, having imposed exile upon himself for having shamed himself in the eyes of his clan. What had happened to lead to such a fate, he would not say, but he welcomed the young woman’s company, having encountered little but the hostile barbarians for many years. She stayed with him for nearly a year, and at her continued insistence, he agreed to teach her his form of combat.
She was a determined student, and though it took some time to muster the necessary discipline, afterward, she rapidly picked up the maneuvers he taught. She quickly mastered them, and employed them to devastating effect against the savage creatures of the mountains. But soon, she found little challenge in facing these opponents, and she realized the time had come to move on. She parted ways with Shagryk, and continued along her path.

Following the advice of her hobgoblin mentor, she left the mountains and followed a wide river south, after several days coming to a port town its inhabitants had named Belfennen. Here she gained some insight into the world upon which she found herself. She was informed of an immense crater to the west, with the rival city-states of Tisus and Mourinor on each side jockeying for rights to claim the relics of a lost age, which could be found within. Armed with the rumors that Mourinor employed dangerous creatures, monsters, and endless mercenary bands to slow the progress of her sister-city, Icanthas traveled to Tisus, that she could stand in the face of such opponents.
To her chagrin, Icanthas’ employers in Tisus placed her within the crater, to guard the mining crews as they worked, rather than the city walls as she had expected. The diggers sometimes uncovered caves containing beasts of the underdark, but for the most part the work was slow and incredibly boring. Although, she was often set to work alongside a half-gnome cavern delver named Kievet. The small man proved friendly enough, if somewhat quiet, and they oftentimes took their meals together or sought one another out when off duty.
A couple of quiet, uneventful months into her stay, a human by the name Victor Stormbreaker was employed as a second guard to the crew. From that day, things began to pick up. Initially, he didn’t speak much, but she often noticed him glancing her way as they worked. She came to learn that his family had, somewhat recently, been slaughtered by fiends. He had noticed her horns and otherwise unusual appearance, and found himself wondering what she was. She informed him with a grin that he was free to guess, and she would tell him if he ever got it right.
On the second day of their shared assignment, the diggers uncovered an undead guarded tomb. She and Victor made short work of the skeletons, and the workers carried a magnificently crafted sarcophagus to the city above. That night, the mages who ruled the city triggered an incantation they found inscribed in the stone, awakening a slumbering lich that lay within. The creature enacted devastating magic that shook the city to daze the mages who’d awoken it, and escaped, taking the sarcophagus with it. Victor, having been part of the crew that discovered the sarcophagus, felt he was in part responsible for the undead’s awakening, and decided to leave the city, both to follow his quest of vengeance against his family’s murderer, and to do what he could to meddle in the lich’s affairs, whatever they might be. Icanthas and Kievet both thought him a lunatic, and the gnomish man walked away. Icanthas, however, saw the gains to be made in following this fool, that there would be challenges to face wherever he blundered off to.

The two took mercenary work to cover travel expenses as they looked for leads in Victor’s quests, and joined with a handful of other adventurers, and even found themselves working alongside Kievet again, to the smaller man’s dismay. The group’s first endeavor lead them to the coast, where they dismantled an alliance of pirates that had been plaguing merchant ships for months. At the heart of the pirates’ hideout, the group discovered a drow wizard, naming himself Malech, manipulating the scoundrels. As one would expect of a megalomaniacal wizard, he flaunted his perceived superiority over them before making his escape, though not before dropping a hint that would lead them to him again.
Feeling that this drow would offer a suitable challenge, as his defenses had been beyond her ability to penetrate, Icanthas set to mastering new techniques that would allow her to defeat the wizard, and pushed the party to pursue him. They tracked him to a ruin less than a day’s ride from the nearest city. They nearly met with disaster fighting down the constructs and traps Malech left in the tunnels beneath, but they managed to catch up with him again as he finished clearing out his safehouse. In the ensuing skirmish, Icanthas succeeded in gravely wounding the mage, but he retaliated by ensorcelling her mother’s sword to disintegrate into useless flakes of rust. She managed to defeat his wards again to stab him with her lancet, receiving a lightning bolt to the chest for her effort, and the mage again made his escape.
Despondent at her failed attempt to bring low the drow, and losing her only momento of her mother, she gathered up the rusted scrap, tied a cloth bundle around it, and returned to the city to find a mage who might repair it for her. Unfortunately, such was beyond the abilities of any there. The best that could be done was forging a new blade to her specifications, and she had flakes of the old blade added to the new, that the would weapon remain, in some small part, her mother’s.
Thereafter, the group traveled the realm’s western roads, destroying undead and constructs wherever they popped up, and chasing the drow wizard and his half-brother, a necromancer who forced one of the party members to watch as he wiped out and reanimated the inhabitants of the monastery the man called home. They tracked rumors of fiendish activity to a city called Callowindyr, whereupon a trip to the library brought them upon an albino elven sage named Dantrag. Dantrag proved a helpful ally, giving them access to his personal research into fiendish lore, using the library’s resources to aid in whatever ways it could, and pointing them in the direction of local figures who led them to the meeting place of a demonic cult.
Dantrag was also able to discern, from a colleague in another city across the continent, that an elven wizard calling himself Malech -and matching the description of the party’s nemesis, aside from the lack of black skin- had been inquiring into journeying to a place unfortunate enough to have been named “Curst,” though it was not a known settlement anywhere in the world’s three continents, which seemed rather befuddling to the albino sage. But Icanthas had heard of it, and she was certain that this Malech was the same as the one she pursued, merely utilizing a careless disguise. But her companions were preoccupied with stopping some plot they’d uncovered to assassinate some local noble, and seemed intent on following it. So, not willing to waste the opportunity that lay before her, she set out for the mountains north of Belfennen and located the portal that would return her to Sigil. She hired a tout to lead her to a portal to the gate-town of Curst and procure a portal key for her.

And now she stalks the streets of Curst, seeking any hint of that damnable drow’s whereabouts.

Friends, Contacts, and Allies:

Spoiler: Highlight to view

  • Kellaryn and Daedarenn: a half-elf sorceress and male tiefling warrior, respectively, this pair are childhood fiends (or rather, as close to friends as one can find on the Lower Planes) of Icanthas’. They followed her into the Front, and the trio has fought side-by-side for many battles. Throughout the twists and turns of their relationship, the three have always shared a fairly friendly rivalry, always looking for ways to outdo each other, whether by bettering themselves or sabotaging another’s efforts, though none have ever intentionally caused actual harm to one another.

  • Qingzhao Xia: An old friend of Icanthas’ mother, this middle-aged human woman is the proprietor of the Flaming Flagon tavern in Edge’s Boiler district. Unusually pleasant for a Lower Planar inhabitant, she seems always willing to give advice when she feels it’s needed, and is often willing to knock a few greens off the tab for Icanthas and her friends, provided she doesn’t feel her hospitality is being taken advantage of.

  • Shagryk: A Prime-dwelling hobgoblin warblade who lost standing among his clan. Self-exiled to hide his shame, he taught the otherworldly Icanthas of the Sublime Way hoping that, through her, he might restore his honor and reputation among his people.

Former Adventuring Companions:

  • Victor Stormbreaker: A clueless human warrior Icanthas met while on the Prime. An idealistic and very foolish young man, in Icanthas’ opinion. He traveled in search of demonic lore, in the hope that it would bring him closer to his goal of revenge against the tanar’ri that slaughtered his parents. She followed him for a time, correctly guessing that his irrationality would provide her with a steady stream of challenges.

  • Kievet: A half-gnomish human dungeon delver she met working at Tisus, who suffered the misfortune (as he viewed it) to be continuously stuck working alongside Victor. The only member of the party who Icanthas deemed to have any sense, and the only friend she considers to have made on the Prime.

  • Tarnus: A human monk who greatly enjoyed his drink. He had been thrown out of his sect’s monastery for excessive intoxication and rowdiness, and traveled in search of a drunken master, to teach him the style.

  • Asmarias: An elven sorceress who traveled to see the world that existed beyond elven civilization. She and Tarnus became lovers soon after the party gathered, and came to be with child following their first tryst, though this fact had yet to become known when Icanthas took her leave of the group. It seemed to her that the elf was simply losing her mind (as a result of the hormones overwhelming her*).

    *Note: The elf’s player evidently seems to think that pregnancy causes women to completely lose their mind, and played his character as such...

  • Leilia: A human archer, seeming to be a farmer’s daughter who acquired a bow, joined the party at the same time as the monk and elf. A timid waif of a girl, she spoke little, and left no lasting impression on Icanthas.


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  • Malech Bhelvi’ett: A fiend-touched drow wizard who served as puppetmaster to the pirate force the party scattered. He proved himself a challenge worth overcoming, and later earned Icanthas’ enmity when he destroyed her sword. He has a love of constructs, and seeks the means of creating an army of such creatures with which he plans to conquer a kingdom to be ruled by his brothers and himself. Icanthas would travel to the deepest depths of the Abyss, or the loftiest heights of the upper planes for the chance to cut him down.

  • Szinmyr: A drow theurge worshiping the concept of Death, subject to whimsy. He is Malech’s half-brother, and contributes to the goal of conquest by spreading disease and raising as many corpses to undeath as are within his means. He finds great pleasure in showing the living the slow and agonizing path to their death, and helps them in that direction whenever he can do so without facing too much opposition.

Somewhere In Between:

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  • Melthozz “Razorhand”: A surly, many-scarred half-fiend nearing his middle years. He is a minor officer in the Infernal Front, and replaced Kashalyie as Icanthas’ immediate superior, until she left. Never fond of Icanthas for her headstrong attitude and lack of deference shown him, in addition to her rejection to his occasional advances. Properly garnished, he could make for a passable ally, should his aid be required. He earned the moniker “Razorhand” after losing his right hand in battle, and subsequently lashing his sword to the stump.

  • Dantrag: An albino elven sage the party met in a Prime city called Callowindyr. Employed within the city’s largest library, he showed himself to be greatly helpful, from sharing his expertise concerning Abyssal lore, to offering advise, aiding the group in finding employment within the city, and tips on which inns, taverns, and shops to visit. Well-spoken, handsome, and charming –or maybe ‘enchanting’ would be more apt—Dantrag aims to leave all those he interacts with believing him a dear friend, and meets with success more often than not.

    Unknown to Icanthas, Dantrag Bhelvi’ett is Malech’s twin brother. An inherent shapechanging ability allows him to alter his appearance, which he often employs to appear in the guise of a szarkai (an albino drow, indistinguishable from an albino high- or gray- elf). Dantrag has an obsession with Abyssal knowledge, and seeks the means to conjure and bind hordes of tanar’ri to his will, to supplement (or oppose, should the necessity arise) his brothers’ forces. But his goals are much farther-reaching than those of his brothers. He has committed innumerable unlawful and vile acts in pursuit of his goals, from magically uncovering embarrassing secrets of petty noblemen and well-off merchants and subsequent blackmail to keep his discoveries quiet, to employing thieves to collect valuables on his behalf, to establishing fiend-worshiping cults and leading them in ritual sacrifice, or outright murder. Overall, a pleasant man if he thinks he can find some use for you, but not one to cross.


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Kashalyie, though only a tiefling, identified herself as a yugoloth. As such, the lessons Icanthas received concerning religion largely reflect the views of the 'loth. The powers may hold great influence on the Prime, but their grip is tenuous and ultimately temporary. At most, they are regional authority figures not to be trifled with. As children of the Outer Planes, those realms belong to the exemplars, and they shall always rule there. She was taught to revile the powers, and has often fought against deific influence, as one of the purposes central to the Infernal Front is to push back incursions of Mellifleur’s servants. As such, she refuses to set foot in any temple or accept aid from deity-worshiping divine casters. She will, however, accept aid from clerics of abstract concepts or exemplar powers, such as fiend- or even celestial-worshipers, should such be offered. Nor is she opposed to aid in the form of bardic magic, alchemical substances, or healing potions, though should none of those present themselves, she will resort to traditional first-aid and bedrest before she will allow a 'godpuppet' anywhere near her.
She claims no patron of her own, but she serves the altraloth Typhus, as he leads the Front.

In matters of law and chaos, Icanthas remains fairly neutral. She sees the benefit of order and discipline, and realizes that rules are set in place for a reason, though following them isn't always the practical decision. Individuality she holds in high regard, knowing that standing out from her peers is the way to advance her rank among the Front. And since beginning her travels, she has come to value her freedom, relishing in the knowledge that she can go and do as she pleases, unconstrained by the orders of her superiors.
She would care nothing for the concepts of good and evil, if only goodly folk didn't insist on pursuing acts of lunacy. She continuously find them idealistic and foolhardy, whereas those labeled immoral or evil tend to go about their business more sensibly, with more thought toward their actions, though she realizes such tendencies are by no means absolute.
That said, she herself is not evil. She merely finds herself sense in their logic more often than

Icanthas lives for a good fight. She prefers a fair one whenever possible, finding that such duels provide a greater challenge and thus serve to better hone her skills. To that end, she will oftentimes make her presence known before engaging an opponent, though not out of any sense of honor or personal code, merely so to provide her with a good match. However, should she pursue combat with previous injury, or against a foe she acknowledges as greater than herself, she has no problem launching a surprise attack to even things out. While facing weaker foes than herself, she generally tries to put them down as soon as possible, so she can move on to more interesting fights.

Character Sheet:

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Karsus wrote:

Her description has been added, and the questions PMed. Just waiting on you now, Zimmy.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes


That background is definitely approved. Let's see the charsheet.


Your PC doesn't have to take the Servant of the Fallen feat, IF you are okay with Leira potentially making more demands of your PC than usual. Having little power to work with in Her current state, giving full clerical powers to your PC represents an unusual degree of investment on Leira's part. (EvilDM likes this idea and strongly recommends it, heh heh.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Since we may have a PC in the party with some yugoloth ancestry... The yugoloth language is its own language in my game, much as in 2e. If anyone really wants to buy the language, they can. It's mostly as presented in Faces of Evil, with the main exception that there are probably a few things in the multiverse that can actually understand what an arcanaloth/ultroloth is saying -- powerful deities associated with the spheres of knowledge and language come to mind.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:

Your PC doesn't have to take the Servant of the Fallen feat, IF you are okay with Leira potentially making more demands of your PC than usual. Having little power to work with in Her current state, giving full clerical powers to your PC represents an unusual degree of investment on Leira's part. (EvilDM likes this idea and strongly recommends it, heh heh.)

Sounds cool...

Zimrazim wrote:
Since we may have a PC in the party with some yugoloth ancestry... The yugoloth language is its own language in my game, much as in 2e. If anyone really wants to buy the language, they can. It's mostly as presented in Faces of Evil, with the main exception that there are probably a few things in the multiverse that can actually understand what an arcanaloth/ultroloth is saying -- powerful deities associated with the spheres of knowledge and language come to mind.

Dibs!, I'll have that language... lol. Smiling

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:

That background is definitely approved. Let's see the charsheet.

Any word on those questions I PMed you? Your answers determine the specs on my class features, and my number of feats and class levels, so I can't get much done until you get back to me...
You can ignore the question concerning Knowledge (local), though. I hadn't noticed that it's already on the warblade's class list.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

We should be able to start the game soon. Once I have all charsheets in, I'll look at each of them once more before we start. If you have any last-minute adjustments to make to your charsheet/background, please do so.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I might change a spell or two. OOO also a quick question how open would you be to adding cloud of knives to the duskblade spell list

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

bleh double post

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Icanthas' character sheet is done (except for the 'personality' section, which will be edited in within the next couple days). It can be found here. I've also added a link to it in my post with the rest of her information.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

nice one Karsus..unfortunately , I am not done yet Smiling

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I thought only swordsages had access to Desert Wind unless I am mistaken.

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I've got few adjustments, I need languages and I might move a skill point or two around. I'm also a bit short on the enemies/allies list, I'll have it done by the weekend.

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