New Game: Cross Purposes

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Justiciar in Complete Warrior too, I forget if you could qualify for it yet at 7th level. It has a lot of features that would be useful to a Son of Mercy: a focus on dealing (extra!) nonlethal damage and binding struggling enemies alive. You also get bennies for tracking people down.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zim - any chance I could get Knowledge (Planes) and/or Speak Language as class skills for Virash, given his history of traveling and the nature of Planescape in general? If you want more details of what specific planes he's seen I could probably write 2-3 sentences each on his experience in half a dozen or so places besides Sigil as well.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Friends and Contacts

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Sevissi: While Virash was initially attracted to the water genasi, their relationship never turned romantic. They have a deep and close friendship, and trust each other quite a bit, but that's as far as anything has gone. Or if anything else has happened, neither one of them admits it while sober. Virash would go well out of his way for Sevissi, and she would do the same for him, including serious risk of bodily injury.

Delmar Blask: This Bleaker mage is a common volunteer at the soup kitchens, and that's how he and Virash know each other. They go out for drinks occasionally, and would call each other friends, but are not especially close. Delmar and Virash exchange small favors here and there, but Delmar wouldn't risk his life for Virash by any means.

Contacts: Virash would have a handful of informants or at least regular contacts in the Hive and Lower Ward. If it's okay with the GM, it's probably easier to leave the details of this vague until they come up in gameplay? (If they come up, I suppose.)

Somewhere in between

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Jerard of the Hand, Virash's former paladin mentor, is still alive. In his 40s or slightly older, he rarely crusades himself, preferring to mentor younger knights. Were Virash and Jerard to meet again, whether they would work with or against each other is unclear, even to the two of them.


Spoiler: Highlight to view

Erald: A Harmonium police officer (most likely LN?) with whom Virash has butted heads in the past. Erald would like to see the “loose cannon” brought down a peg or two, while Virash feels that Erald focuses on procedure instead of actually helping the people. Neither would especially like it to come to violence, but they'd also be perfectly happy to never see each other ever again.

Malion Palaikios: Malion is a former Mercykiller and a worshiper of Tyr, and when Virash first came to Sigil, they got along quite well. However, she viewed his conversion to the Athar as a betrayal of the foulest kind, and despises him for it. The opposition is not dissimilar to the opposition between Virash and Erald, though Malion may be more disposed to attacking the ranger directly, especially depending upon her mood and the circumstances.

Grag: A half-fiendish Ogre and leader of a minor-to-moderate gang in the Hive, Grag has lost a few of his grunts and one lieutenant to Virash. While to Virash he is but one piece of scum among many, Grag views Virash as his personal nemesis and actively seeks his destruction.

Mirirarl: An elven mage and member of the Doomguard (most sympathetic with the Salties), Mirirarl delights in spreading destruction and chaos, though she has the wisdom to engage in subtler schemes than some of her fellows. She lost an eye to Virash after he managed to trace one of her plans to the top, and seeks revenge.

Hope these meet GM approval, let me know if anything needs to be changed/scratched out.

EDIT: Sorry, had to do a bunch of edits for post-faction war stuff. It may still not quite fit, I'm not entirely clear on if there's any Harmonium police force left in Sigil, so if you could let me know that'd be great.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
Zim - any chance I could get Knowledge (Planes) and/or Speak Language as class skills for Virash, given his history of traveling and the nature of Planescape in general?

Yes and yes.


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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
EDIT: Sorry, had to do a bunch of edits for post-faction war stuff. It may still not quite fit, I'm not entirely clear on if there's any Harmonium police force left in Sigil, so if you could let me know that'd be great.

While there are certainly Harmonium members still in Sigil, policing functions are currently handled by the Minder's Guild, the Sons of Mercy, and to some extent the City Guard. The former two are mostly former Mercykillers, but I can easily see some Harmonium joining the Minder's Guild after the Faction War and resuming their former role. Of the three, the City Guard is probably the best bet currently for a Lawful Neutral individual, but I'll let you pick. (See PSCS chapter 7 for the City Guard.)

Your list of NPCs is good. Smiling


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Awesome on both counts, thanks. I'll look at the PSCS and let you know about Erald, though honestly whatever's easiest for you is probably fine.

Just noticed we have a Wilderness Rogue and an Urban Ranger. Nice symmetry there.

Any strong feelings for or against Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting? From Complete Adventurer, prereqs TWF and Str 13, let you use a one-handed weapon like a longsword or battleaxe in your off hand with the same penalties as a light weapon. It's not essential for Virash, but it was just a thought.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

right, am back on the net at home now.. will try to think about concept etc..

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Tim4488 wrote:
Zim - any chance I could get Knowledge (Planes) and/or Speak Language as class skills for Virash, given his history of traveling and the nature of Planescape in general?

Yes and yes.

Isn't that a logic for all the players then, except for the odd clueless...?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

How does this racial ability mesh with the following class ability?:

All skills are treated as cross-class regardless of actual class except for the following: Climb (Str), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

The human paragon can choose any ten skills as class skills. (Knowledge skills must be selected individually.)

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

You can choose your ten from among those fourteen?

Although to be honest, it's a bit of a conundrum -- the Neanderthal restriction is intended to represent someone inherently struggling with other types of knowledge, while the human paragon ability represents someone with an extremely broad and flexible mind. Perhaps they simply cancel out and you ignore both: and extremely broad-minded Neanderthal being as adaptable as a regular human.

Zim's call, of course. Zim, how close are we to getting this thing off the ground?

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Hey Zimmy got room for one more?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Shot to pieces.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Bladedancer wrote:
Hey Zimmy got room for one more?

Should you not make a better attempt first to be more active in our other games? Sticking out tongue Eye-wink

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Bladedancer wrote:
Hey Zimmy got room for one more?

Yep. Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
Zim's call, of course. Zim, how close are we to getting this thing off the ground?

Good question.

I would still like more details and especially a charsheet from Eldersphinx. (Please check in soon. If you've decided not to join, please let me know that too.)

Munin: Initially I was tempted to recommend against an extremely fanatical 'paladin of Law' type, but from your description, it sounds as though your PC has more than enough internal conflict going on that that isn't really a problem. I would like to see a charsheet from you as well.

Veltharis, if you're interested, please post something, but please do so soon.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'll have a concept up for ya by monday zimmy and a post up in Bogr just for you Burning Smiling. My schedule has just been really busy for the last few months but it has just cleared up.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

How would you feel about a kalshatar or Chosen psychic warrior from Eberron?
If your not too keen on Eberron. I was thinking about a Star Elf bard worshipping Milil.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Virash is up and running. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Still mulling over how he got to Curst, will let you know.

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Here's Percy, I haven't added gear yet but it will be standard adventuring gear (backpack, rations, bedroll, masterwork manacles etc.). As for magic items, I'd like are a +2 shield, +2 longsword, a ring of protection +1 and a few cure moderate wound potions.

Enemies will be added soon, but here's why he's in Curst:
He makes his money as a bounty hunter, another reason why he isn’t popular with the Sodkillers, which is what brought him to Curst. He was on the trail of a particular nasty tiefling named Hrakon Thava, wanted for a double murder in Tradegate. After following the trail half way around the Great Ring, Percy finally caught up with him in Curst.

And here's a couple of allies:
One of the few people Percy calls a friend is Eggert Silvermane of the Sons of Mercy. The two have worked together on several occasions and the old Aasimar cleric has helped Percy deal with his temper in a constructive manner. Percy often turns to him when he has doubts whether he’s following the right course of action. He’s not a father figure, but something along the lines of a wiser older brother.

Dirk and Prod are two old Mercykiller acquaintances, probably the only two Sodkillers Percys still on speaking terms with. They’re part of the crew Percy used to work with and while their methods are a bit rough, they’ve helped him out of more than one tough situation. This goes both ways, so once in a while they ask for a favour and that might include some dark deeds.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Bladedancer wrote:
How would you feel about a kalshatar or Chosen psychic warrior from Eberron? If your not too keen on Eberron. I was thinking about a Star Elf bard worshipping Milil.

I'm leaning more toward the bard concept, simply because the only Eberron product I have is the core book. A psychic warrior would be OK, but I'd prefer one of a less exotic race if possible.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'm interested, though it looks like you've probably got enough players. Please let me know if a spot becomes available.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

She keeps on shooting down ideas so I would not be to sure about that, Karsus..

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

She accepted a paragon neanderthaler from Ravenloft... I'd say thats pretty large Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

No she didn't

She'd rather not I use the Witch class, (she has access only to it by the info I wrote for her, she doesn't have any such books), she doesn't want a Neanderthaler to be able to manage wielding a pistol, which any character in reasonable fashion can learn to handle, I thought a witch would be down to earth enough to go as a tribal shaman.. but she seems to think Neanderthalers should not be allowed to be able to cast anything (I raised the counter: why then are Orcs allowed to be spellcasters, or Goblins or such..), and the Druid ends up being a far better shapeshifter by any measures, yet she thinks I will have an unbalanced character later in the game if...

Quote "Burning, I'm sorry, but... I really, -really- don't want this character in my game.

A gun-toting Neanderthal with plate armour, firearms proficiency, considerable spellcasting ability, of a class that I don't have the books for, special feats from the Ravenloft setting, and at higher levels, shapeshifting ability.

I can't see this character -not- becoming a huge headache later.

I don't hate you or anything like that. I just don't want to approve this character."/Quote.

+ my own quotes:
Quote "And I think your blinding yourself on what a Neanderthaler should be like in a FANTASY setting, which allows far more then it would have had in a context like real earth during the dinosaurs... obviously the Neanderthaler in a fantasy setting is going to be able to do more then the real life one."/Quote


Quote"How can any race not wield pistols? its a feat anybody can learn?!?!?!
Spellcasting is not limited just because you think it doesnt fit a neanderthaler,
then by the same logic, orcs should not have any priests, because they are dumb as a post racial wise."/Quote

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Burning, the GM "shot down" a character she didn't have books for, employing powerful feats and equipment she foresaw becoming unbalancing. Your comment to Karsus -- "She keeps on shooting down ideas" -- is intended to imply that she doesn't want overly creative characters. Yet I'm basically playing a race I made up by adding tiefer traits to a gnome.

It doesn't sound to me like it's the Neanderthal race that's the problem, as your responses suggest. It sounds like it's the combination of powers that threatens to make the character a fully capable ECL 21 fighter/mage/druid, with paragon levels that help you ignore the restrictions put on the race for balance in the first place. Also, I think that firearms may not be part of Zim's setting vision.

Zim has given reasons for her decision, and done so very politely. That response deserves more respect than you've shown. You're asking to play a game with someone, and the GM puts a greater amount of work in to a game than most players. Take the decision gracefully, please.

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'm sorry Burning, I really didnt mean anything by it, I just have a tendency to tease people a bit and I'm afraid it doesnt work too well in writing.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
Burning, the GM "shot down" a character she didn't have books for, employing powerful feats and equipment she foresaw becoming unbalancing. Your comment to Karsus -- "She keeps on shooting down ideas" -- is intended to imply that she doesn't want overly creative characters. Yet I'm basically playing a race I made up by adding tiefer traits to a gnome.
Goof for you, however that does nothing for my cause. You getting away with some fancy mix-match is pure lucky imo as she doesnt see the unbalance in your innocent creation. Smiling

Jem wrote:
It doesn't sound to me like it's the Neanderthal race that's the problem, as your responses suggest. It sounds like it's the combination of powers that threatens to make the character a fully capable ECL 21 fighter/mage/druid, with paragon levels that help you ignore the restrictions put on the race for balance in the first place. Also, I think that firearms may not be part of Zim's setting vision.
Nice how you word the things overly heavy towards one side. The build I had in mind would never be a "fully capable ECL 21 fighter/mage/druid, with paragon levels that help you ignore the restrictions put on the race for balance in the first place",

A) the Bab would not reach as high as a full fighter,
B) A witch does not have as broad a spell list nor as effective a list as a mage? where the heck do you get that daft notion form?
C) The 1 shape-shifting ability it gets is a tuned down druids ability, which doesn't come close to druids ability in effectiveness.

Jem wrote:
Zim has given reasons for her decision, and done so very politely. That response deserves more respect than you've shown. You're asking to play a game with someone, and the GM puts a greater amount of work in to a game than most players. Take the decision gracefully, please.
Please butt out about respect and all that, I have been playing in a game hosted by Azure with Zimmy for a few good years now, and although the game has slowed down a bit, Zimmy and I are on good footing, and I hold her in more respect than you know, besides, so keep such presumptions to yourself please..

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Munin wrote:
I'm sorry Burning, I really didnt mean anything by it, I just have a tendency to tease people a bit and I'm afraid it doesnt work too well in writing.

Yea Munin, I am almost 100% positive, a lot of nuances get lost on the web, lacking facial expressions/ body language an all that.
No worries, but I did feel some explaining had to be done.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

ECL 21 fighter/mage/druid, with paragon levels

This what you imply here is utter "crap". and I will demonstrate why:

I would have started with Fighter 2, Witch 2, Paragon 3
(Factotum would be far easier, all skills in class, no ifs and buts, what about balance there?)
Thats why I am annoyed I cannot find the other version I know there is of the Neanderthaler.
Fighter 2 is done, Paragon 3 is done, which would leave the Witch progression to fill the rest of the levels with.
the Witch has weak bab, just like a wizard.
So eventually he would have bab of +11/ +6/ +1

Instead of the Wizards broad and effective spelllist, it has more in common with the style of the Adept/ Bard..
I would be eventually able to cast bonus lvl 9 spells x0 (so only if my cha or wis was high enough to give me bonus spells per day)

The bonus feats a Witch gets are craft feats, so a restricted choice, but not a bad one imo.
The poly-morph ability is severely more downgraded than that of the druid, because as per use, you can only ever take one particular from per daily usage of that ability, plus it can only be morphed into small and medium sized animals.

to me this looks more like a all-round fighter/ mage with bard style spells character

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I am ok about the Eberron stuff not being kosher and the star-elf not being your cup of tea but seeing as that kind of screwed the two backgrounds I had started I was thinking. Maybe a gold elf duskblade kind of a failed bladesinger from a noble family from Evermeet. He would have chosen the way of the duskblade to combine magic and steel. Considering he was too aggressive to find the "music" in the becoming a Bladesinger.

Will that concept work for you? If not let me know. I am sure I can come up with something.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Bladedancer: Apologies if I was unclear in my earlier post. A star elf would be OK; I was referring to kalshatar and Chosen when I made the comment about 'exotic races.'


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
It sounds like it's the combination of powers that threatens to make the character a fully capable ECL 21 fighter/mage/druid, with paragon levels that help you ignore the restrictions put on the race for balance in the first place. Also, I think that firearms may not be part of Zim's setting vision.

Yeah, this pretty much describes my opinion.

(DM says: I might allow firearms in exceptional circumstances, but only with reservations, and any firearms that make it into the game would be very primitive ones, i.e. blunderbusses and similar period firearms, complete with agonizingly slow rate of fire and lack of reliability. DM might also be a bastard about things like 'good luck getting that thing to fire in very wet weather.' There are also locations on both the Prime and the Planes where the laws of physics are different enough from Earth-standard that smoke powder literally doesn't work.)

Burning Spear wrote:
Please butt out about respect and all that

You decide to post this in the OOC thread, then tell another player to 'butt out' when they respond? I don't quite get that...

With that said, I'm hoping that this thread won't degenerate further. I'm hoping that everyone will enjoy the game.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

In general:
I told him to keep the comment about respect to himself because he had no clue about how long we have been on this forum together, not about discussing the character.

@ Zimmy, If you did not want firearms or wanted to gimp it so severely as that, you could have just but told me so and I would not have bothered with this particular bit of the character, it is not a mandatory part of the concept anyway, it was simply a nice weapon with a bit of flair. I am so happy Azure at least doesn't gimp it like that.

You still haven't answered on the rest of the comments I made, Neanderthal spellcaster compared to Orc Clerics and such.

Smiling I am all good, just a tad frustrated by your consistent shots at my ideas.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Name:Josidiah Nularreth Sex:Male Race:Gold Elf Height 5'4" Weight:125 lbs Alignment:Lawful Neutral (leaning towards evil) Class:Duskblade 7

Named after the great eleven hero Josidiah Starym this gold elf has done his best to emulate his namesake. Josidiah's father was a gold elf bladesinger of great skill and valor. While his mother was a half-star elf mage (and also a Harper) from the Yuirwood in Algarond.

His parents met while adventuring in the ruins of Myth Drannor. Dhomal (his father)led a small band of kinsman to recover the Nularreth Family blade. Which was lost in the desperate flight from Myth Drannor during the Fall. After battling devils,orcs and other beasts for weeks in the ruin they finally found the blade in a beholder's lair. After a horrific battle in which half the band was killed they finally reclaimed their heritage. After burying their dead kinsman the depleted party set out to return home to Evermeet.

Nearly halfway through the ruins Dhomal and his comapanions were attacked by a green dragon. The wyrm quickly tore into the party killing two of the remaining 4 elves within the first few minutes of the attack. Dhomal and his cousin the bard known as Katha were the only two left.

They succeeded in fighting the dragon to a standstill. with the bard's songs bolstering the young bladesinger to new heights of fighting prowess. As he danced and weaved keepingt he dragon from getting in any direct hits on either of them. But Dhomal was quickly tiring as the small wounds from previous encounters and of course the struggle with dragon was taking it's toll. The dragon tiring of the weaving and sword dancing the elf was performing decided it was tinme to end this battle. He took a deep breath meaning to end the fight with a blast of chlorine gas.

Before he could exhale he was struck by a bolt of arcane force which knocked him to the ground. When the green turned to see what had just knocked him sensless he saw a small elven lass in green robes chanting again. Instead of another attack a wall of force was raised between the elves and the dragon. The wyrm frustrated threw himself against the wall both physically and magically to no avail. The young woman called out to Dhomal "My spell won't hold him for long so I am getting us out of here" She quickly chanted the words to a teleport spell. The Ruins of Myth Drannor soon faded from their sight and they were transported to a small cottage in the middle of the Yuirwood.

After this fateful meeting the young half-elf mage known as Morrighan Andraste and the gold elf bladesinger Dhomal Nularreth became steadfast friends and adventuring companions. Soon after they became lovers and eventually married. After about a decade of adventuring across Faerun. Dhomal wanted to return with his bride to Evermeet and settle down and start a family. Morrighan had already experienced the cold way his clan had treated her and wanted no part of them. Eventually this disagreemnet led to the couple parting ways but not before the couple had begotten a child.

After Josidiah was born it was agreed upon that the elfling was to be fostered in Evermeet for half his years and in the Yuirwood with his mother the other. Showing promise at a young age with both blades and magic the boy was seen by the elders of Clan Nularreth as another in a long line of powerful bladesingers thet represented the clan.

Dhomal and Morrighan could both see though the boy was talented with blades his true love was The Art. Dhomal not wishing to see his son forced to abandon his true calling sent him to his mother full time. Morrighan tried her best to teach her son magic but while an accomplished battle mage she was lacking as a teacher. She arranged to have the boy train with Star elf relative who wa a noted bladesinger. The boy was however was too aggresive for the ways of bladesinger hecouldn't find the "music." The star elf instead taught him the ancient lore of the duskblades which trace their origins to the Crown Wars.

Upon nearing his majority Dhomal and Morrighan encourged Josidiah to see the rest of what the world had to offer. The young elf soon hooked up with a group of young Algarondians and formed an adventuring group known as the Bladestorm Company. After a few years of trekking across the Unapproachable East in which among the exploits of the youngsters included stopping a plot by a a mid level Red Wizard of Thay and renegade Shadowlord of Teleflamm that would start a war between Algorand and Thesk, the slaying of Prirmianth the Forest Dragon (a young adult green dragon) and the sundering of the Nine Tails slaving ring.

Taking a break from adventuring the son of Dhomal began to study magic with his mother's kinsman in the otherworldly land of Sildeyuir. After a few short months disaster struck. His mother gave him the terrible tidings of rebellion in Evermeet. She went onto tell him of Kymil Nymesin and other traitors were responsible for the rebellion and attack on Evermeet in which his father was killed defending his homeland.

Soon after the invasion was turned back Josidiah returned to Evermeet to bury his father and reconnect with his father's clan. He was welcomed with open arms by his kinsman and was given the family's blade which was recovered and wielded by his father. He quickly established himself as a powerful young scion of the house.

A few short years later the call from Evereska for help against the phaerrim onslaught was given. With his clan's blessing the young mage/warrior was with one the first groups sent to help the beleagured colony. Josidiah proved to be a capable leader in the fight against the abominations his squad succeded in killing a beholder, a mindflayer, countless goblins and a young phaerrim.

After the danger to Evereska was over he again returned to Evermeet. After a few short months in his father's homeland he was contacted by his mother's star elf kin asking for his aid in turning back the nilshai that had invaded Sildeyuir. He quickly contacted some of his more capable fellows from the Bladestorm Company and some the other young elves he had served with in the defence od Evereska and formed a new company.

For 3 long months the star elves and Josidiah's company fought against the Nilshai eventually cornering them off to isolated pockets of Sildeyuir. Much to his sorrow his mother was killed in one of the last battles against the Nilshai.

Josidiah is now obsessed with destroying all abberations that have threatened his people. He has begun seeking old magical lore and power that will help him in this cause. Traveling the planes to gain this knowlege has brought him to Curst

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Here is the timeline of the House and a few more details on the blade known as Nightfall
-3500 DR House Nularreth is founded in Cormanthyr
-3200 DR Kirson the fist bladesinger begins the long line of heroes within the clan
-3000 Dr Kirson dies defending a trade expedition of dwarves on their way to Cormanthyr from a marauding green wyrm
-2999 DR To honor Kirson's sacrifice the dwarf clan creates "Nightfall" which after this becomes the family blade
-2700 DR Shatterstar is the next bladesinger to claim the sword
-2439 DR Shatterstar is killed by drow raiding in the Kystall Woods the blade is taken back to the Twisted Tower as loot
-2200 DR Moonfire daughter of Shatterstar a Battle Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow leads a daring raid on the Twisted Tower to recover the blade.
-1950 DR Moonfire dies on an attack on the drow dwelling of Uvaren. The blade is then claimed by the bladesingerQualost
-1700 DR Qualost is killed in a duel with with a rival noble. The blade is then claimed by his brother Quellan a battle mage.
-1675 DR Quellan is killed in spellbattle with a Netherese Arcanist
-1650 DR the blade is recovered from the arcanist in exchange for lessons in elven battle magic by the House Elders
-1600 DR The blade is claimed by the half-elf Khalan progeny of the arcanist and young elf maid of the clan
-1548 DR Khalan finishes his training as a bladesinger
-1543 DR Khalan leads a series of daring and effective raids against the drow of the Twisted Tower earning much fame with younger elves of Cormanthyr
-1530 DR Khalan is assasinated by a cabal of his cousins but the blame is put on the drow
-1500 DR The blade falls to the leader of the cabal that murdered Khalan Jal a mage of no small skill
-1300 DR Jal goes farther down his dark path and begins expermenting with dark and fell magic
-1250 DR Jal is rejected in his pursuit of becoming a High Mage
-1225 DR Jal starts to hear the whispers of Shar promising great power
-1200 DR Jal embraces Shar's faith and begins using the Shadow Weave
-1100 DR Jal becomes head of the clan after the mysterious death of his aunt
-900 DR Jal's dominance of the House is absolute leading the House to great glory in battles against the drow and politically against rival houses
-750 DR Wildstorm a young and promising bladesinger is born
-500 DR Wildstorm quietly starts to gather support within and outside the clan against the dark Jal
-330 DR Wildstorm makes his move against Jal in an epic battle the Bladesinger is killed and Jal is mortally wounded calling upon Shar to save him his soul is transferred to the sword
-329 DR The clan is devastated by the loss of it's two most powerful scions and starts on a steady decline
-300-260 DR The blade is passed from bladesinger to bladesinger who all seem to live short but brilliant lives.
261 DR Myth Drannor is founded
262-710 DR the clan slowly rebuilds it's strength through the able leadership of the High Mage Talon and his Bladesinger son Briar
711 DR The Weeping War begins
712 DR Talon dies in a battle against a horde of yugoloths
714 DR Briar dies in the last days of Myth Drannor guarding a portal that lets the rest of the clan escape. The blade is lost in the battle.
720 DR The House retreats to Evermeet
975 DR Dhomal is born
1125 DR Dhomal leads a group of kinsman to Myth Drannor to recover "Nightfall"
1140 DR Dhomal marries the half star-elf mage Morrighan Andraste
1155 DR Josidiah is born
1200 DR Josidiah begins training as a warrior/mage
1371 DR Evermeet is assaulted Dhomal is killed in defence of his homeland Josidiah claims "Nightfall"
1372 DR Evereska is attacked by the Phaerimm Josidiah is among those to anwer the call of the Crusade
1374 DR Josidiah comes to aid of his mother's people the star elves of Sildeyuir against the nilshai incursion
Morrighan is killed one of the battles

Nightfall is the ancestral blade of House Nularreth it is over 4000 years old. Unknowingly to the clan the blade holds the soul of the vile Arch-Mage Jal a former leader of the house. A worshipper of Shar who hates bladesingers with a passion after his death by one (a clansman named Wildstorm)

Since then Jal subtlely steers the blade to be claimed by young and promising bladesingers while he slowly corrupts them by whispering of the greatness of the Dark Lady Shar. With the powers of the blade they rise quickly in power. Only to fall at the worst time when Jal causes the blade to fail them at the most critical moments.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I take it you're no longer interested in the star elf bard, then? Sticking out tongue Did you read my post?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I just switched his class and race which wasn't hard to do to fit the background does it work for you?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Burning Spear wrote:
You still haven't answered on the rest of the comments I made, Neanderthal spellcaster compared to Orc Clerics and such.

Please? some reply would be nice.. Smiling

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Would a Cager still refer to Josidiah as a 'Clueless,' or has he been planewalking for a while?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

A couple years at most so Clueless would pretty much still apply Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes


Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes


Any word on this?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke wrote:

Any word on this?

I would like a character sheet from Bladedancer. Haven't heard anything from Veltharis or Eldersphinx lately, so, yeah. Bladedancer, if you could come up with a charsheet within, say... a week, that'd be great. Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Am I or my question bring ignored? Sad

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Nah. I'm actually pretty busy at the moment, though. Give me a good-sized block of spare time and...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

ok, no worries, I know I am being a pain in the Smiling... but I still want to discuss it Sticking out tongue

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'm looking over my character sheet and I'm thinking I'd like to make two changes. The first is a new spell, and the second is a magic item. Both are out there enough that I'd want to get Zim's approval first:

First (out of the Spell Compendium):

Create Magic Tattoo

This spell creates a single magic tattoo. You determine the exact type of tattoo, though the selection is limited by your caster level, as indicated below. You must possess a modicum of artistic talent to sketch the desired tattoo—at least 1 rank of Craft (drawing), Craft (painting), Craft (calligraphy), or a similar Craft skill. Inscribing a magic
tattoo requires a successful Craft check. The DC varies with the kind of tattoo, as noted below.

If you are a 3rd- to 6th-level caster, you can inscribe a tattoo that generates any one of the following effects (Craft DC 10).
• +2 resistance bonus on one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Refl ex, or Will).
• +1 luck bonus on attack rolls.
• +1 defl ection bonus to AC.

At 7th to 12th caster level, you can add the following tattoos to the list that you
can inscribe (Craft DC 15).
• +2 resistance bonus on saving throws.
• +2 competence bonus on attack rolls.

When your caster level reaches 13th, you can add the following to the list of tattoos you can inscribe (Craft DC 20).
• Spell resistance equal to 10 + 1 per three caster levels.
• +2 enhancement bonus to any one ability score.
• +1 spellcaster level. This effect increases the subject’s effective level, but not the total number of spells. For example, an 11th-level caster who receives this tattoo functions as a 12th-level caster for the purpose of determining level-based spell variables (such as range, area, effect, and so on), but he does not receive any extra spells.

A single creature can have only three magic tattoos at a time. Any attempt to apply more than that automatically fails. A successful erase spell removes a single magic tattoo. A successful dispel magic spell can remove multiple magic tattoos if targeted on the creature bearing them.

Material Components: Tattoo inks in appropriate colors costing at least 100 gp.
Focus: Tattoo needles.

In essence, each casting of the spell would cost at least 100 gp, might not always be successful and it's effects would only last 1 day. The benefits

The magic item:

Alchemist's Glass -

An alchemist's glass is a beaker usually constructed of green or blue glass with several small spouts near the bottom. Arcane writing frequently covers the sides of the glass and sometimes includes the command words required to use the glass to its full potential. Whenever the glass is filled with fluids, powders, or leaves, it mixes them together evenly. This occurs even if the materials in question normally don't mix, such as oil and water (although in this case the fluids separate normally as soon as they leave the glass). Infusions and teas can be made in a single round if placed within the glass.

Additionally, each alchemist's glass has two command words associated with it. The first command word causes the glass to break down any liquid or potion it contains into its component parts. This effect immediately destroys a potion but also reveals what ingredients were used in the potion's creation. This command also removes the salt from seawater, separates poisons from any liquids they're mixed with, and is sometimes used to check the purity of fresh water.

The second command word causes separated materials to pour from the bottom of the glass, each from a different spout. This can be helpful when identifying unusual ingredients or when trying to purify a potable liquid. If there are more components than
spouts, as many components as possible drain out. When the second command
word is spoken again, another round of components pours from the spouts. The second command word can be used repeatedly until all of the components have been separated.

Price 1,800 gp; Weight 2 lb.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

(Note if Zim cares: I've always thought that that Create Magic Tattoo spell was really cool, and Devon would probably be a customer for one or two -- especially if new tats could be researched.)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

What spell level slot does Create Magic Tattoo take up?

I'm slightly leery of the spell resistance tattoo (though for level 13 that's not a huge amount of SR, really...), but if the campaign makes it all the way to level 13 (in a PBP game, mind you), we can deal with that when we get there. Alchemist's Glass is OK. Approved!


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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