New Game: Cross Purposes

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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

basic answer to your previous post is: no they aren't, not even in the remotest sense.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Aren't simultaneous posts fun?

I guess, sometimes Eye-wink

ps: PM send.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
On real world Neanderthals... is there any evidence that Neanderthals and humans created fertile offspring, or that Neanderthal DNA is present in modern human genetics? (I believe a lot of older work claimed that Neanderthals were a truly separate species, with significant biological differences, that went entirely extinct.)

Not rock-solid evidence of interbreeding, but plausible. You wouldn't get looked at funny at an anthropology convention for talking about it. Wikipedia saith:

"In May 2010, the Neanderthal Genome Project presented preliminary genetic evidence that interbreeding did likely take place and that a small but significant portion of Neanderthal admixture is present in modern non-African populations."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

So far I have:

Jem - Gnome/tiefer rogue
eldersphinx - Human cleric of Chronepsis
Burning Spear - Neanderthal fighter/paragon/witch?

Veltharis, Tim, still interested?

Incidentally, I'm seeing a heck of a lot of imagination in the character concepts all of you have brought up. I like that. Smiling


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Here's the character work-up for Nim:

I'm basing her on the changelings from Eberron, so I hope you don't mind me choosing the changeling-specific feats from Races of Eberron. The Self-Reliant feat I took from the Planescape fan campaign book. Like the description says, all it really does is give me an extra skill point every level.

I also went ahead and made the skill changes that I asked about earlier. If there's a problem with that, I'll go and make adjustments as necessary.

I reserve the right to adjust my spell choices up until the game actually begins.

If anybody else wants to give me some interesting suggestions for how to deal with Nim's unspent money, rather than just lugging around a lump of gold, I'm all ears.

I hope this all works out for you!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke: May I suggest some armor? AC 13 is a little low -- of course, we'll be separated from our stuff at start anyway, but hopefully you'll be able to get it back!

If Zim approves of the twilight feature from the Magic Item Compendium, a twilight mithral chain shirt +1 has no spell failure chance. Normal chain shirt has 20%, mithral reduces the chance by 10%, and twilight is an armor feature worth a +1 bonus which reduces spell failure chance by another 10%. The total cost for this item -- which my wizard in another game swears by -- is 5100gp. You could replace the ring of protection and the elixirs of fire breath.

As for the remaining gold, I always like to keep it in a few gems. 50 coins to the pound can get heavy. :^)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes


Most of this is all right, but I really want to turn down the Improved Minor Shapechange feat. Being able to convincingly imitate a human/tiefling/elf/whatever is one thing... but a PC who would be able to fly 120' per round, for example (and be able to do so all day), or burrow/swim at a high rate, creates dilemmas for your DM.

For example, being able to impersonate a specific NPC for purposes of convincing someone to ferry the party across the Styx, that's fine. Being able to fly the party across the River Styx herself, not so much.

With that said, I like this "ultimate infiltrator/imitator" character concept; we just need to work out what the limits are on what unusual physical abilities she's able to imitate.

As a sorceress, if she has a form lying around that's flight-capable, she would be able to simply fly 24 hours a day and rain spells down on her enemies.

As she's a spellcaster, she could just buy the necessary spells, if an ability like flight is something you really want to have. (This also prevents her from using that trick 24 hours a day.)

(Edit: Polymorph is incredibly easy to abuse -- in combat, I mean, not in the "imitate various NPCs" sense. The same is true of alter self, though to a lesser degree - especially if it's an "at will" ability.)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I'm definitely still interested. Debating between doing the Athar idea from above as a Fighter (or Ranger, maybe) who began training as a pally in his backstory and just never "graduated," so to speak, (no paladin levels, probably NG, but otherwise much the same) or doing something entirely different altogether. I'll let you know as soon as I decide. And yes, I promise to play a flexible good. May even end up churning out something TN with a good intentions, less-than-good methods feel to it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
And yes, I promise to play a flexible good.

[EvilDM rubs her hands together] Excellent!

A note on Athar: Don't expect a lot of healing/benign spells from clerics of specific deities. (I suppose this goes without saying.) Even in the event the cleric is willing, a cleric in this game is a conduit of divine power, and a cleric's deity might essentially react as follows: "You want Me to heal this godless heathen, why?" Of course, this varies to some extent from one deity to another (though most don't care for Athar), and does not extend to things like potions and scrolls. There are also unusual situations (the Athar in question is considered a possible candidate for conversion, or the Defier is on a quest that the deity would consider important for some reason) where it wouldn't apply.

Of course, in 3e, there are a lot of alternatives for healing that don't require a cleric (potions, scrolls, UMD skill, bards, rangers, psions...). There are also Athar clerics in the multiverse who worship the Great Unknown and don't mind healing other members of their faction.

I also hope that eldersphinx's character and Tim's character will be able to tolerate each other on at least a minimal level (though bickering and disagreement are fine, and may in fact amuse the DM).


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I figure a Human Cleric of Chronepsis will probably be... less than aggressive? At least that's my guess. And Varish's atheism would be less a matter of trying to convert others and more a matter of personal bitterness.

Actually, will we be spending a reasonable amount of time in the cities of the planes? I'd tempted to say that after his disillusionment, Varish decided to go for a more subtle form of combating evil and trained as an Urban Ranger, maybe with some kind of alternate feature to replace the Animal Companion if I can find one and that's okay by you.

EDIT: Varish, Virash, To-may-to, to-mah-to. I'll pin down a proper name after I've pinned down a character concept.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
Actually, will we be spending a reasonable amount of time in the cities of the planes?

Yep, though not necessarily to the point of exclusion.

Urban Ranger is OK. I don't have the stats on a trapfinding ranger offhand -- it's a fairly simple variant, isn't it?

Tim4488 wrote:
I figure a Human Cleric of Chronepsis will probably be... less than aggressive? At least that's my guess.

Seems likely, but I felt I had to provide the obligatory "cleric and Defier in the same party" speech. Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim: since we're rules-light, if Zim approves, perhaps the Pathfinder "allies" version of the bond? Or their spirit ranger variant "spirit bond" ability? These are in the PF SRD at , but here's the text for the two possible options:

At 4th level, a ranger forms a bond with his hunting companions. This bond can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

(The other option is the animal companion.)

Spirit Bond (Ex): At 4th level, instead of forming a bond with his hunting companions or an animal companion, the spirit Ranger forms a bond with the spirits of nature themselves. Each day, as long as he is within one of his favored terrains, the Ranger can cast augury as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his Ranger level. In addition, he can call upon these spirits to cast any one Ranger spell that he is capable of casting, without having to prepare the spell. At 8th level, and every four levels thereafter, he can cast an additional spell in this way. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

There would normally be an upgrade of this at 12th level, but it replaces the camouflage ability, which the urban ranger doesn't get (assuming you're using the Unearthed Arcana version; the Pathfinder Urban Ranger also replaces camouflage at 12th level, so if you'd probably have to pick which ability to get).

Neither version of the Urban Ranger has a lot of trapfinding ability -- but I'm pouring skill points into that for Devon who has the rogue features, so hopefully we'll be good for that! :^)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
Wicke: May I suggest some armor? AC 13 is a little low -- of course, we'll be separated from our stuff at start anyway, but hopefully you'll be able to get it back!

If Zim approves of the twilight feature from the Magic Item Compendium, a twilight mithral chain shirt +1 has no spell failure chance. Normal chain shirt has 20%, mithral reduces the chance by 10%, and twilight is an armor feature worth a +1 bonus which reduces spell failure chance by another 10%. The total cost for this item -- which my wizard in another game swears by -- is 5100gp. You could replace the ring of protection and the elixirs of fire breath.

As for the remaining gold, I always like to keep it in a few gems. 50 coins to the pound can get heavy. :^)

I think I forgot to add in the ring to the AC, but yeah, even 14 is pretty low on its own. I figure I'd be casting Mage Armor, then supplementing everything with a Shield spell if things got really dicey. All that together would put me at about AC 22 total: +3 Dex, +1 deflection from ring, +4 armor bonus, +4 shield bonus. She's really not going to be of much use in a fight, outside of hampering the enemies so everybody else can take them down.

Sadly, I don't have ready access to a copy of the Magic Item Compendium, so I'll have to take your word on the armor. It does sound like a better match up than the potion and the ring though.

Zimrazim wrote:
Most of this is all right, but I really want to turn down the Improved Minor Shapechange feat. Being able to convincingly imitate a human/tiefling/elf/whatever is one thing... but a PC who would be able to fly 120' per round, for example (and be able to do so all day), or burrow/swim at a high rate, creates dilemmas for your DM.

For example, being able to impersonate a specific NPC for purposes of convincing someone to ferry the party across the Styx, that's fine. Being able to fly the party across the River Styx herself, not so much.

With that said, I like this "ultimate infiltrator/imitator" character concept; we just need to work out what the limits are on what unusual physical abilities she's able to imitate.

I understand completely, and that really was about the only part that I was uncertain of. I'm not really envisioning Nim as the sort of mage that'll fly around raining down destruction from on high. The magic is really there to supplement her ability to infiltrate and get back out safe.

Just a few things to keep in mind as far as the ability goes though: 1) I'd only be able to imitate something that has up to 5 HD, which means I wouldn't have access to anything particularly powerful; and 2) I'd really only be able to draw from something with the humanoid-type, and there aren't too many humanoids that have exotic means of movement (certainly none that move at 120').

If your still concerned, you could limit my ability to use exotic movement to my base speed (or less) and/or limit it to a number of rounds per day equal to my Con score or something. Either of those changes would limit how much it could be abused. Worst case, I suppose could have the superficial appearance of wings or burrowing claws or whatever, but none of the functionality.

Hmm...looking at all that now and how the ability works, I'm wondering: Nim's ability to imitate things only extends to humanoid-types. So I'm left wondering if she would be able to imitate things which just looked humanoid, but were, in fact, outsiders of some type? Different celestials or fiends, specifically. I mean, it's not too far of a leap to go from looking like a gnoll to a lupinal or bulezau, but both are outside the HD range and violate the humanoid-type restriction.

Honestly, I'd be willing to give up the ability to adopt the physical abilities of what I was imitating (like flight or burrowing, natural armor or weapons and such) to be able to imitate things which were outside range stipulated by the spell. I'm not really looking for a mechanical advantage in all this, just one that gives me the most flexibility in social situations.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I wouldn't expect point of exclusion, of course - just wanted to make sure it was a reasonable choice. Scratch the trapfinding variant, forgot about the rogue.

And yeah, fair enough on the cleric thing. We'll see how it plays out, eh?

Thanks, Jem, but I've always been "meh" on the Hunter's Bond option there. Spirit Bond is nifty but of course 3.5 doesn't have a "favored terrain" (though I guess we could count Urban for this guy... or... something.)

Facing the same issue as Spirit Bond, but again if Zim's okay with allowing "urban" as the terrain, from a 3pp:

Guide’s Bond (Ex): At 4th level, a ranger may choose guide’s bond instead of hunter’s bond. All allies within 30 feet of a ranger gain a bonus to initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks equal to half the ranger’s favored terrain bonus (change this to Wis bonus or half Wis bonus, or just use half of what the favored terrain bonus WOULD be?) when he and his allies are in that terrain. The ranger and his allies must be able to see or hear each other for this ability to work.

And if that's an issue, maybe I'll just stick with the animal companion.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I would like a Brixashulty as a familiar, its from Races of the Wild, a Medium animal, kinda Goat. seeing as it is a medium animal, to have it as a familiar, I would need to take the Improved Familiar feat?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

The only decent piccy I could find in a short search..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Wicke wrote:
Honestly, I'd be willing to give up the ability to adopt the physical abilities of what I was imitating (like flight or burrowing, natural armor or weapons and such) to be able to imitate things which were outside range stipulated by the spell. I'm not really looking for a mechanical advantage in all this, just one that gives me the most flexibility in social situations.

DM finds the idea of impersonating exemplars to be hilarious. How about this: Nim is able to assume the appearance of creatures that are basically humanoid in form (not bigger than say 7', basic two arms/two legs/spine/one head design), but does not receive any special abilities (such as flight or extra damage from claws or increased movement rate). So, technically, she could assume the appearance of an erinyes (though she'd be flightless), but not a molydeus (way too big, 2 heads). Also gelatinous cubes are out, due to not being of the basic humanoid size/shape. As far as smaller size goes, a gnome or halfling would be OK but an imp would not be (too tiny).

I noticed that Nim's spell list includes a lot of spells that are opposed by Will saves (though Magic Missile works against a wider variety of things). Just pointing out that things with high Will saves would be more difficult for her.

Re: Guide's Bond: We'd have to fiddle with it a bit for 3.0/3.5, since I think Perception breaks down to something like Listen + Spot and Stealth breaks down to Move Silently + Hide. Is this an always-on thing or something that works for a certain duration per day?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Right - sorry, I've been playing PF so much I forgot about the skill break-downs for a second there. I believe it reads as always-on, if you want it to be a certain duration/day that makes sense too, and if I'm asking for too many fiddly bits I'll just play a straight up UA Urban Ranger.

By the way, any Faction-based abilities other than taking Faction feats from the PSCS document? Just wanted to check.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
DM finds the idea of impersonating exemplars to be hilarious. How about this: Nim is able to assume the appearance of creatures that are basically humanoid in form (not bigger than say 7', basic two arms/two legs/spine/one head design), but does not receive any special abilities (such as flight or extra damage from claws or increased movement rate). So, technically, she could assume the appearance of an erinyes (though she'd be flightless), but not a molydeus (way too big, 2 heads). Also gelatinous cubes are out, due to not being of the basic humanoid size/shape. As far as smaller size goes, a gnome or halfling would be OK but an imp would not be (too tiny).

I have no problem with those stipulations and it's right in line with what I was thinking. I suspect that Nim has gone wandering around in the Market more than once under the guise of a fiend that was handing out free food, offering life advice to people and generally being pleasant to everybody she came across. It's a game she calls Mr. Demon Has A Good Day. ^_^ Nim has a lot of games like that: the aforementioned A Prime Goes to the Market, but also Pissy Mr. Deva and Ms. Firre Can't Carry A Tune.

Zimrazim wrote:
I noticed that Nim's spell list includes a lot of spells that are opposed by Will saves (though Magic Missile works against a wider variety of things). Just pointing out that things with high Will saves would be more difficult for her.

Yeah, I was noticing that too after I finished up my spell list, but a number of those are Will negates (harmless) or they're low level and nothing I'd expect to work against bigger foes. I did swap out Hideous Laughter for Resist Energy, and I'm debating on whether to exchange Dispel Magic for Greater Magic Weapon (which could give the melee types temporary access to +2 weaponry). It's a tough call.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Updated character sheet:

Tracked down a copy of both the Magic Item and Spell Compendiums and I adjusted my gear and spell lists respectively. I ended dropping the ring of protection and fire breath potions to buy the twilight armor that Jem suggested. Feel free to look over my revised gear and spell list and let me know if you have any problems with any of the adjustments I made.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Double post

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Room for one more?

I've got an idea for a slightly disillusioned Sodkiller, longing for the good old Mercykiller days, just how long after the Faction War is the game set?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Ugh, Sodkillers. Man I dunno if I want to play with someone whose idea of a philosophy is that lots of folks just need killing. Zim mentioned grimdark, but hopefully it won't be too very. Devon is in this for the Big Damn Heroing[tm].

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

We're not talking hack and slash Sodkiller here, more a veteran Mercykiller who's been around a long time and is starting to think that the Sodkillers are getting out of hand.

So its a "practical philosopher" with limited intellectual scope and a penchant for violence. Sort of a tragic character that got caught up in the faction because of his strong beliefs, but is feeling let down by high ups.
I figure he's very interested in justice, maybe even deeply religious if I can find the proper diety.

But if that sounds too far out, I could make him a hardliner among the Sons of Mercy instead, although that doesnt sound very grimdark.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Hardliner Son of Mercy would be considerably more livable, yeah.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

A Sodkiller certainly wouldn't have many problems working with evil characters though, so that might be a plus. Not sure how Nim would fare against somebody whose philosophy was centered around upholding the law though. Hehehe...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

So, any comments about the 2 variants of Witch?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I would like for my Neanderthal to come from Ravenloft actually..

I like the thematics of that setting, and it meshes with the fact that the
Neanderthal doesn't know much of Planescape, but not for being dumb,
but simply because he just crossed the borders of mist and instead of
ending up in the bordering Domain, he ended up near Curst. As a
youngster he was nearly killed, but because of the tenacity of the
race he is, he was able to cling to life and shrug off the near death

Edit: more on this when I have more Light-bulb times Eye-wink

I rolled:
4D6-lowest resulting in:
18, 15, 15, 14, 13, 12
with racial mods of +2 str, +2 con, -2 int, -2cha it amounts to:
15 Str; 17
14 Dex; 14
13 Con;16 (incl the +1 from 4th lvl)
18 Int; 16
15 Wis; 17 (incl +2 from Human Paragon lvl 3)
12 Cha; 10

-Able Learner
-Exotic Weapon prof. Firearms
-Practised Spell-caster
-Close Quarter Fighting
-Dead man Walking
-Back to the Wall

=Possible Familiar, after I gain +7 bab, as I already have 7th caster lvl. (though only 2nd lvl spells really) Smiling

Male Neanderthal Paragon3/ Witch2/Fighter2, Level 7, Init +2, HP / , Speed 30
AC 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9, Base Attack Bonus 5
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 10
Condition None

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Just for ease of reference:
Submitted by ripvanwormer on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 13:53

"We say exactly what we think," Trias announced proudly. Can you say as much? How about 'trapped' - can you say that? Trapped in the cell, trapped in the town, can't go up, can't go down. You see, if you can't demonstrate a clear destination and purpose, the wall watch won't let you out of Curst. Curst won't let you out of Curst. The city sinks its hooks into your head, and you just can't leave."
- Plugin <em></em> Not Found novelization

Curst is the Gate-town in the Outlands built around the portal to Carceri.

Curst is a circular walled city. The portal to Carceri is right in the center of town. The inhabitants of Carceri are all exiles and the descendents of exiles; they put a tremendous effort into locking out the rest of the Multiverse, but really they're only locking themselves in. The lawmen of Curst are brutal and often unfair. They're tools of the local strongman, Tovus Giljaf, in keeping the people of Curst miserable and plotting.


Planescape Campaign Setting
A Player's Primer to the Outlands

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Copied from Kaelyn

A city, as a melancholy Prime once put it, where wonder went out of the minds of men; a grey city rearing to smoky skies, with tall towers grim and ugly, in whose shadow none might dream of the sun or Spring's beauty. A city of high walls where sterile twilight reigned.

“I don't remember what the sun looks like, or spring.”

“This place has gone to shit, and so have we.”

The population of 20,000 here has an easy time of finding their way around, at least. The city is one huge spiral with but one entrance. The spiral ends in a deep pit in the center of a courtyard filled with a thick, black, tar-like ooze which is the gate to the Gray Waste. It’s patrolled constantly by seven beholders (some say observers or spectators) absolutely loyal to the town’s High Cardinal, Thingol the Mocking. On the gate's other side is the barren Wasteland, close enough to the Blood War front to feel uneasy but not close enough to feel excited.

Some find the entrance to the city itself more disturbing: A screaming face carved in red stone, its eyes blank and blind, red tears cut by erosion running down its cheeks. The red of the face's blood is the last color a body will see as she descends into the gloom.

The people of Hopeless are walking sorrow. Most drifted into town having nothing else to do and nowhere else to go. The poor sods have barely the energy to be nasty. There's no chance of anything getting any better, not here, not anywhere else, so why bother? The nearness of the Waste steals their passions away.

The waste wears on the locals in other ways, too. They acquire a greyish pallor after but a few weeks, and their eyes are hurt by bright colours. In fact, the closer to the center of the town you go, the more bright colours become illegal. It's best to avoid them unless you want to lose them.

"Whattaya got against gray, berk?"

“On Wednesday the last of my pets died. The fragile creature, all bone and wishes, gave a tiny whimper and crumpled, becoming mere scraps and dross, its skull grinning at me like a solstice toy.”

“The walls, once so colorful, had gone gray. The blackness comes; it rises. It rises from the bottom of the well and someday it will engulf us all.”

Hopeless has no beginning; they say it was the beginning and Hope came only afterwards, briefly, before it left the Land forever, its ascension a time of celebration and glory for the lordly guardinals but bitter for those left behind. It has all the characteristics of a once-proud town since fallen into decay, its prosperous businesses closed, the orphanage turned into a place for executions, its fields stricken with famine, but it seems to have been created from the beginning as a channel for evil, its profane sigils and downward spiralling slope a perfect conduit. Even the inns are sad: the Defenestrated Paladin, the Open Tomb, the Tower of Bone pathetically named after a realm of death that no longer exists. It only gets worse the further down the spiral you go. But look closer: there's an organic feel that makes it clear that the burg was created by no physical hands. Still, the inhabitants are painfully human, and githzerai, and bariaur and tiefling as well. They live, breed, and die, every generation sure it will see the town's final slide into ultimate gloom, and each generation somehow discovering an inner endurance.

It is as if an impasse has been reached between the Glooms and the humanity of the city's occupants. Everything has been taken from them, but they find a way to live.The best of them are the Chapterhouse of the Sisterhood, a group of do-gooders of both sexes who wear robes of the lightest gray hue. The worst is High Cardinal Thingol (female human (prime) wizard 16). With her chains and iron wolf-mask she looks as much construct as human, and acts like it too. They say she sold her humanity (and, some suggest, her spellcasting ability) to dark powers in exchange for the loyalty of her beholders and the spirit to rule.

“You’re worthless, all of you. You’re parasites who’ve forgotten how to be productive, who live off my good will and generosity. No wonder this town’s lost its soul to the Glooms. You deserve nothing more. Do I need to execute another dozen of you or will you finish the tasks I‘m the only one thoughtful enough to assign?”

The Hopeless speak softly and numbly, as if inflection is physically painful. Their faces are drawn and wan, their mouths tight and grim.

City-in-the-Center is, perhaps, the node from which the Gray Waste was built, the thing that unites the three layers in despair, preventing them from drifting to their related planes of the Beastlands, Ysgard, and Arborea.

Hopeless thinks of City-in-the-Center as a sort of big sister, and a bully who takes its stuff and kicks sand in its face. City-in-the Center is always more prosperous, more successful, and more alive than Hopeless, and its agents are the ones who constantly try to debase Hopeless' population, corrupting their spirits until there's nothing left. If Hopeless were to slide, it would become nothing more than one of City-in-the-Center's endless series of outlying suburbs. Some of the Hopeless kind of wish that would happen. They envy City-in-the-Center's success.

[the opening quote is from Lovecraft, by the way; his unfinished story "Azathoth"]

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Burning, the other stuff about Curst is cool, but could you delete the long entry about Hopeless? I think you added that by mistake.

Information on Curst: /forum/curst-gatetown-caerceri


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Burning, the other stuff about Curst is cool, but could you delete the long entry about Hopeless? I think you added that by mistake.

Nope, I added it, because I found that info whilst looking for Gatetowns..
but spoiler tag takes it away for those who think it irrelevant. Smiling

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
By the way, any Faction-based abilities other than taking Faction feats from the PSCS document? Just wanted to check.

Given that your guy will be screwed on clerical healing, I think he deserves some kind of bonus as well... How about a +4 on saves against offensive divine magic sent his way? This would only apply to spells where a saving throw is applicable and magic resistance would apply (the inflict group of spells for example). (No +4 to saves vs. the Earthquake spell, for example, though if an Athar is facing someone powerful enough to cast Earthquake, that Defier has bigger problems anyway.) This would apply to casters whose magic comes directly from a deity (clerics, paladins...), but wouldn't apply to magic from an item (scrolls, etc.).

If you wouldn't like that but would instead prefer one of the Athar-specific feats from the PSCS for free, I'll consider it, depending on the feat in question.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
Guide’s Bond (Ex): At 4th level, a ranger may choose guide’s bond instead of hunter’s bond. All allies within 30 feet of a ranger gain a bonus to initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks equal to half the ranger’s favored terrain bonus (change this to Wis bonus or half Wis bonus, or just use half of what the favored terrain bonus WOULD be?) when he and his allies are in that terrain. The ranger and his allies must be able to see or hear each other for this ability to work.

We could try the following:

+2 to Listen/Spot/Hide/Move Silently/Survival for allies within 30 feet, but only while the ranger is within line of sight and realistically able to communicate via hand signals or whatnot (not in a darkness globe, not unconscious, not in another room with the door closed). The idea here is that the ranger is able to help his allies avoid the obvious nightengale flooring, loose cobblestones, and so on. I think I'll rarely use Survival checks in an urban environment anyway ("is that nasty water safe to drink?").


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Burning Spear wrote:
Exotic Weapon prof. Firearms

Gun-toting Neanderthal spellcaster from Ravenloft? I'm going to see an epic background for this guy, right?

On the Ravenloft thing... I don't have a single Ravenloft product, other than that awful novel about the elven vampire. As long as it only adds interesting background fluff, I think that'd be ok. If his being from Ravenloft would add special powers of any kind... maybe not.

On the firearms thing... I have to think about it. Ordinarily I'd be highly tempted to say "no," simply because I don't like 'em in a D&D game. Not for game mechanics reasons, but for thematic reasons; to me, firearms are the #1 thing that distinguishes a fantasy game from an RPG in a modern setting.

What type of firearm would you want him to be proficient in?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
Exotic Weapon prof. Firearms

Gun-toting Neanderthal spellcaster from Ravenloft? I'm going to see an epic background for this guy, right?

On the Ravenloft thing... I don't have a single Ravenloft product, other than that awful novel about the elven vampire. As long as it only adds interesting background fluff, I think that'd be ok. If his being from Ravenloft would add special powers of any kind... maybe not.

Well, he is bright, has a high intelligence but isn't superman Smiling
There are some feats in the source book, which seem fitting for a Diehard race, so I added those to him. will pm some details.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Your version of Guide's Bond sounds EXACTLY like what I want for my character. Thank you!

As for the Sodkiller, I dunno Zim's opinion yet, but I actually like the more fleshed-out version you gave us. Then again, maybe my boy just wants another well-intentioned cynic in the party.

Background things are starting to come together... I'll just wait until I've got a long one and then post that. It should be soon, though. The +4 vs. offensive divine spells sounds loverly, thank you, I'll let you know for sure that or an Athar feat after I comb the PSCS document some more.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Tim4488 wrote:
The +4 vs. offensive divine spells sounds loverly, thank you, I'll let you know for sure that or an Athar feat after I comb the PSCS document some more.

To clarify, this only applies when one or more specific deities are involved in some sense. Yeah, it'll work fine against most clerics (paladins, etc...), but there are rare cases such as "cleric of a principle or a force" or "cleric of the Great Unknown" where a "divine magic spell" in game terms is not a divine spell in the sense that I mean. Still, it'll work fine most of the time.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I was wondering why it seemed like Faithless Blessing-but-better - that makes sense, the flavor works, and yeah. None of the Athar-specific feats grabbed me so that sounds perfect, thanks.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Munin wrote:
I've got an idea for a slightly disillusioned Sodkiller, longing for the good old Mercykiller days, just how long after the Faction War is the game set?

Possible, but remember, all the PCs are starting on the INSIDE of a dungeon. Without wanting to spoil the plotline, he/she should want to get out of said dungeon; a pure 100% Second Edition Mercykiller might not want to! Both Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy can be more flexible in such a situation, though (Sodkillers being more pragmatic, and Sons of Mercy being more interested in abstract justice, I believe).


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Virash Chaudri

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Virash was born and raised on Lunia, in the citadel-island Saint's Anvil. Saint's Anvil was so named to evoke the image of a forge hardening and strengthening its citizens in their faith and hatred of all evil, and indeed, many lawful good Believers of the Source live there. His parents were not especially concerned with factions, but were very devoted followers of Tyr, the Faerûnian justice deity. Virash grew up in the faith and intended to take up paladinhood from a young age, a path which made his parents extremely proud. At the age of 14, he began traveling with an older paladin of Tyr.

What Virash saw in the planes horrified him. He had heard stories of the wickedness of the Lower Planes, of course, and knew to abhor them and everything they stood for. No, it was the evils in places that were not (supposedly) so tainted: the xenophobia of Arcadia, the savagery of Ysgard, and most especially the brutal poverty of Sigil's Hive. Here was a city of great wealth and splendor, full of angels, archons and mortal paladins and clerics, and yet the worst kind of squalor existed within half a day's walk of his own deity's temple. The Hardheads, supposed defenders of the city's order, seemed to prefer to contain the Hive rather than actually help those within it. The Mercykillers, who fought for justice (and, truth be told, contained many fellow worshipers of Tyr), lacked mercy. The Guvners, so obsessed with the law and order that Mount Celestia taught him was to be revered, were pure academics removed from the concerns of their fellows. Every day, he felt his faith slipping, surrounded by exemplars of good who seemed either powerless or uncaring towards the city's ills.

Realizing that, if he we ever to be a paladin, he would have to overcome this first, he took his leave of his paladin mentor to spend more time in Sigil. No matter how often he spoke with priests of Tyr, he did not feel comforted. His contact with his parents dwindled, with more and more time between each letter sent home. For a brief time he flirted with the beliefs of the Bleak Cabal, serving in their soup kitchens, but it only added to his despair. Due to the amount of time spent wandering the city in deep thought, and occasionally having to protect himself, he became something of a scrappy street kid. He lacked the experience of the true street urchins, of course, but made up for it with dedication and the harsh physical training of his home fortress.

Finally, while Virash was passing the Shattered Temple one day, an unusually chipper Athar by the name of Sevissi saw his contemplative face as an opportunity. She managed to convince him to sit and talk for a bit, a combination of his mood, her attractiveness and the offer of a free beer. As she explained the beliefs of the Athar, things started to click for Virash. Yes, yes, this all made sense. If the Gods were not so powerful as they claimed... if they were truly trying to control mortals, rather than aid them... so much of what he had seen came together now. The world began to fit into an order again, though it was not one he was comfortable with. Thanking her, but not wanting to rush into a devotion too soon (considering where his last “faith” had left him), he promised to think on her words and meet her again in a week.

Weekly meetings became nigh-daily, and it wasn't long before Virash was completely converted and officially became an Athar. At this point all contact with home was cut off, though it was barely a change. He has no hopes of returning home anyway. He continued to live and work in the city, occasionally volunteering in the soup kitchens with a greater ease than he felt before. His main work, however, has been protecting the innocent more directly, roaming the Hive and the Lower Ward and doing his best to lend a hand where needed, stop a mugging here, give a coin there. This has left him afoul of some of the more “official” guardians of Sigil, whom Virash feels weren't doing their job anyway. While he is by no means a threat to any of the city's real criminal powers, a few of the lower, weaker gangs view him as a foe as well.

More details on enemies and allies, as well as his relationship with Sevissi, to come. I hope that's long enough? Anything else in particular you'd like to see, or any changes I need to make?

EDIT: And of course his reason for being in Curst is coming, still working on it. Rolled 4d6 drop lowest and got:
16 16 14 14 12 12
So mechanical work should start soon. Having trouble picking a combat style, may end up looking at 3pp a bit more if the GM doesn't mind (not assuming anything is in for sure without her approval, of course).

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Zimrazim wrote:
Possible, but remember, all the PCs are starting on the INSIDE of a dungeon. Without wanting to spoil the plotline, he/she should want to get out of said dungeon; a pure 100% Second Edition Mercykiller might not want to! Both Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy can be more flexible in such a situation, though (Sodkillers being more pragmatic, and Sons of Mercy being more interested in abstract justice, I believe).

If he was placed in the dungeon while pursuing a criminal, it wouldnt be a problem, but the old Mercykiller code isnt essential to the concept, its more about the nature of Law, how you interpret it on a daily basis and how absolute it is.

I'll see if I can write some background later today, for race I was thinking either a Spiker from Planar handbook or a Bladeling (I'd prefer Spiker, as there are fewer special rules) and while fighter seems obvious, he could be a ranger.

A Spiker/Bladeling struggling with the inner darkness vs the Sons of Mercy "spark of good in everyone" idea.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Just popping in to say I like Virash. :^)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Just let you all know, I am moving from one flat, this friday, to my new one, but the provider can only do a connection on the next friday, so I will be on and off for about a week, just so you all know I am not gone, just delayed by RL. Smiling

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Jem wrote:
Just popping in to say I like Virash. :^)

I like Virash, too. Smiling

Maybe a little more detail on his enemies/allies, but this works.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Munin: Wouldn't mind reading more.

Spiker seems ok. What class/classes do you have in mind?

Eldersphinx: Would like to see background/charsheet information for your cleric when you have the time.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Oh, more detail is definitely coming, on enemies, allies, and at least one in-between, as well as why he's in Curst. Some rough ideas are floating around, I was just holding off on putting any more time into it until I got the OK on that initial bit. Need to read some papers before tomorrow, though, so tonight if I'm SUPER PRODUCTIVE (unlikely) or, more likely, this weekend.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

No rush. Eye-wink


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

Percy was a Mercykiller, good at it too. He believed in the law, that there was a proper punishment for every crime. He devoted his life to punishing the guilty.

But Percy also had a temper and once in a while a prisoner got beaten up or worse… but when he confessed to the Factotums, they simply said “they’re criminals, let’s call it resisting arrest”. He always tried to do the right thing, the legal thing, but every so often a voice deep inside of him whispered an easier solution, sometimes it just felt more just to kill the criminals instead of imprisoning them.

Percy struggled with this for many years, but then the faction war happened and Percys world was turned upside down, the law and order he’d worked so hard to enforce crumbled around him. In the chaos and confusion most of his friends were quick to join the Sodkillers, seeing an opportunity to have things their own way, to dispense justice as they saw fit.

It would have been all too easy for Percy to go with his friends, to let the inner beast take control and do what felt right instead of what was just. But in the Sons of Mercy he saw a chance to redeem himself, to become a better man.
It wasn’t easy, not everyone in his new faction welcomed him with open arms, Percy had a bit of a reputation and joining a new faction doesn’t wash away the past.

Finding the spark of good in everyone was and still is hard, especially when he isn't certain that there'se a spark within himself.

As for enemies there's obviously a lot, people he put away, relatives of those who "resisted arrest" and so on, not to mention his former Mercykiller friends who joined the Sodkillers. The list of allies is a lot shorter, maybe one old friend in the Sodkillers and a couple of Sons of Mercy allies. I'll post something more concrete soon.

I need to work a bit on a physical description "short and spiky" doesnt seem to be enough Sticking out tongue And there's a story behind the name Percy, which isn't exactly a common Spiker name.

I think he's just a fighter, probably with the Track feat, so he can be a bit of a bountyhunter type. I might look at the dualist prestige class in the DMG, but I'm generally not too keen on a lot of special rules.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

There's a bunch of good bounty hunter PrCs, Bloodhound from Complete Adventurer comes to mind, Crimson Scourge from Cityscape fits his personality well, but if you want to play some more straightforward rules that's cool too.

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: New Game: Cross Purposes

I do vaguely recall that there was a bounty hunter prestige class in Complete adventurer, but I couldn't remember the name, thanks Smiling

I'll look them up and see if they fit Smiling

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