Hi everybody. Not sure this is the right place for this kind of thing, but here goes:
First, please excuse my over-wordiness. I tend to get carried away in that respect.
After a hiatus from roleplaying of about a year, I have finally found a new roleplaying group. It has been decided that I will DM :shock: , so I'm busily writing a campaign.
I have decided to run a planescape campaign, and to that end have been scouring "teh Intarweb", and naturally ended up here.
I will probably be posting a bunch of questions here and there over the next few weeks as I rope together the first introductory adventures.
I already have a few questions of course, but I've decided to do the right thing and introduce myself first.
I'm 26, male, and Dutch, and kind of weird even for a Dutchman . I've recently decided to quit college and start doing what I really want to do, which is writing. Depending on how durable and roleplaying-intensive the campaign is going to be, expect some stories on it sometime in the near future. (Hey, it's fun, and I can use the practice
Okay, down to my newbie questions (sorry, but the FAQ link seems to garner a pretty empty page):
Where can I best post questions about my up-and-coming campaign?
I understand you have a bunch of Planescape sourcematerial downloads available. There's quite a lot of them, so please forgive me for not checking them all out immediately :oops: .
Are these (background-wise, not ruleswise) digital versions of the paper books that are sadly virtually unavailable to me?
If not, does this site include said material in some other way, or can anyone direct me to this information?
How can I distinguish between official PS content and non-canon info on this (and other) sites?
Is there a timeline available on which I can cross-reference important events and decide when exactly I'm going to place my campaign?
Okay, I think this is enough for now.
You found the right place, RPG Discussion is probaly the best place for your questions. However, to keep the boards from getting clogged, it would probably be best to stick to this thread.
While the PW downloads are not the same texts as the TSR publications, they do contain the basic planar material thet you will need to run a 3.0-3.5 campaign.
While we do not have the TSR book available for download, a few other sites (such as RPGnow.com) do, for a price. However alot of peaple here have the books, and can probably answer your questions if your looking for a specific bit of info.
as for the cannon/non cannon... if your that worried just ask. But all in all, use waht you feel like using and ignore what you don't like. Its your campaign, just go with it! The only time you have to worry about cannon is if your submiting articles or something.
I dont think there is a timeline, but the two periods you need concern yourself with is pre faction war and post faction war. Nothing else is terribly fleshed out as far as I know.