New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

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Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

I have an Idea for an epic monster. Basically it would be an inverted god, an anti-deity if you will. What this would do is change the inverted deity from a source of divine energy to a void of it. Such a creature would negate all things divine, including divine ranks. Against this creature deitys would be mere epic mortals.

Some ideas for powers that this creature would have are the ability to grow stronger with every deity it "absorbs", The abilty to negate Divine ranks and all divine magic, And possibly an ability where it takes the divine energy it has absorbed from whatever is around it and blasts it back out like somthing akin to the Divine blast ability that some deitys have. So far with the help of some friends I've tried to come up with names for it, a possible one we thought up was The Antideius.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Would it be a diety in and of itself?
Or just an epic mortal as well?
AKA: killable or not? Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day

It sounds to me like a being as empowered by doubt as a god is by faith.

If gods are unkillable, these beings would be unkillable too - except by gods, and one another.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Except if it's defined as a trump card to a god... then it wouldn't be killable by a god. What *would* it be killable by then?

Now me, I'd like to see something more of a matter/anti-matter approach. Yes. It can kill and destroy a god, but only at destroying itself. *pop*

Leaving it having to take another approach to destroying a god, by convincing it's worshipper base of the falsehood of belief. Somehting both better suited to planescape *and* a better campaign hook. Of course just *killing* the believers isn't enough - after all, then they go to 'heaven', become petitioners and just reinforce the way the diety works. You'd have to make the living ones loose faith.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Those are all interesting ideas, this was just a basic idea. If any of you want to stat out your own version please do so.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Just in case it wasn't quite clear in the first post I am terrible at making monsters and would appreciate it if someone could stat out this idea.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Stating it out would involve the idea that player characters could kill it. Is this what you indeed want? Something that is essentially the Blackball of the Gods shouldn't be touchable by mortals without some severe artificial aid (that is, artifacts).

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

I did not intend for it to be unbeatable. This creature is tough and would certainly be an epic monster but it's major ability is the negation of the advantages deities gain by being deitys.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

"Username" wrote:
I did not intend for it to be unbeatable. This creature is tough and would certainly be an epic monster but it's major ability is the negation of the advantages deities gain by being deitys.

Drat! My first thought when I saw this thread was "Hey we already have one of those, we call it "The Lady."

Hey, why are you all running away... oh poop.

Eternal Zzyx's picture
Joined: 2004-11-15
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

could it be worshiped like a deity? you know an atheit's choice, or maby that would be how it could be defeated through believing in it? if belief makes deitys then it would unmake the anti deitys.
thats my 2p anyway

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

sounds to me like this creature is a bit of a contridiction of itself. It can negate the power of dietys, and yet it isnt a diety, are we talking some kind of sentient divine voidstone?
hrm.... perhaps it was created by one god in order to be used as a weapon against the other gods?
Or it was something that the other gods tried to destroy, and failing that, were forced to imprison in such a away that its prision wasn't controlled or created by divin power...
Wait, it nagates the divin, but what about the arcane? Could arcane magic be its weakness?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

could it be worshiped like a deity? you know an atheit's choice, or maby that would be how it could be defeated through believing in it? if belief makes deitys then it would unmake the anti deitys. thats my 2p anyway

Go Eternal Zzyx!

I personally think that this should be used, it makes sense for it, being the exact opposite of any diety and all... and you could have it so that it only has control over certian areas and planes, this would keep it from destroying all dieties, but still make it a formidable force.

Berserk_Seraph's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

I dunno. If we work on the assumption that all things have a reflection in some way or form, some overall balance to the multiverse, then the concept of an antideity - a sentient anti-apotheosis, if you will - is certainly plausible.

Such a being would not so much be opposed to deities as much as a representation of the space where deities aren't.

Repeated personifications the deities have placed the idea of them as 'entitis' into reality, so their opposite would be utterly without distinction between itself and all things - a sort of pervasive sense rather than a creature, item, or place. It would probably start small but expand quickly, because the more 'belief of deity' it disrupts the more 'belief of undeity' there is, and it would eventually encompass all reality.

Not a bad adventure hook, really - an Athar wizard or psion or scientist distils an antideity in his lab and it begins to spread. This is fine for the Athar but any creature in the 'anti-divinity region' which held the belief that a deity had created its world, species, etc. would be catastrophically unmade as the thread of belief that holds it together is unraveled (Essentially you would be disbelieved!).

The players would have to find some way to contain or unmake the anti-deity meme before it wiped out everyone but the Athar and similar beings or societies.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
oh wait, you totally did know that would happen

"Eternal Zzyx" wrote:
could it be worshiped like a deity? you know an atheit's choice, or maby that would be how it could be defeated through believing in it? if belief makes deitys then it would unmake the anti deitys.

Only if you can also defeat a deity by not believing in it. And you can, but you have to get a lot of unbelievers together for it to work, just as it takes a lot of believers to make a god in the first place. Same thing with antigods, I think.

Maybe you can create antigods by getting enough (thousands or tens of thousands) of people to specifically not believe in someone.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New Epic monster:Reverse Deity?

Perhaps this anti-god could be a living manifestation of the Last Word (from the Dead Gods adventure), specifically targetting the Powers and converting their belief into doubt in the process.

Either a mad, gibbering idiot-god at the center of the universe (Call of Chtulhu, of course), or the ultimate god of the Eschaton.

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