New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

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Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

I didn't see this offhand, so sorry if it's already posted elsewhere, but this week Tony DiTerlizzi is doing new sketches of Planescape material. (Apparently he does "warm up sketches" before he works each day and decided to do revisit some of his Planescape work. So some of it is just re-sketching earlier work, and others are actual re-design like his more alien looking githyanki.)

Here's the first and you can use the link at the top to go through the rest.

Pretty fun stuff. I also like his comment on the latest one:

I realized I added lots of clothing, armor, belts and tassels, to hide my cursory figure drawing back then.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

Hmm. I still like the way githyanki are drawn in Guide to the Astral Plane best. Eye-wink

I think the newest drawings make them look too much like sci-fi space aliens.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

Oh, no, I disagree. Tony D's new githyanki are wonderful. I freaking adore his Dustman, too. And I recognize Kylie, and Hashkar, Rhys, and Lhar, and I guess the Dustman is Skall in his human guise. The cambion's neat, too, though the cornugon is a bit too bestial for my tastes. The cornugon'd be great for something for baatezu (and player characters!) to ride around, but not so much for a greater baatezu.

Those pics give me happy thoughts about how good Planescape might have looked if DiTerlizzi had illustrated it with his present-day skills rather than the skills he had a decade ago. I mean, it looked awesome before, but now... geeze. I like.

Unfortunately a revised Planescape campaign setting for 4e with new DiTerlizzi art is probably out of the question, with his plate as full of Spiderwick as it is. So I'll have to content myself with this.

But how cool would that be? There's no way I could stay mad at WotC for changing the cosmology if they let Tony DiTerlizzi design the 4e Planescape look.

Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

There's a reason Tony's my favorite artist.

Along with Paul Kidby, of course.

OneOfOne's picture
Joined: 2007-09-06
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

The man can do no wrong.

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
New DiTerlizzi Plancescape sketches

Man, that Pit Fiend sketch is epic.

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