New Canon

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taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
New Canon

For a little while now I´ve had a nagging feeling getting stucked in the upper cervical part of my spine:

How are we supposed to deal with new canon coming from WotC? When new material comes out from the Wiz´s, that contradicts the old arrangements of things, should we mock it as clueless babble or try to include the changes into our glorious campaign?

As witnessed in the Fiendish Codex 2 thread there is some mocking going on, but should we rather try to include this into our setting in some way? Maybe we should have a special section in the Lady´s Sharper that updates the setting with in-campaign critique of the WotC books done like the books were actually published in Planescape?

It would be better for the setting if we tried to use the incredible amount of knowledge some of you possess and tweak the new facts into something that makes the setting progress.

Maybe Bel have indeed claimed the title of grand power over all that is Baatezu, but there is some secret twist behind it all? Maybe Bel have been promoted for a short time until he has accomplished some task? The Dark Eight probably has a protocol to give all their powers over to one general in dire circumstances. What could that circumstance be?

Unfortunatly I don´t have the detailed knowledge of Baatezu that I´ve seen others of you have, but the bottomline of this post is simply this:
Wouldn´t it be better to use that knowledge to improve and expand the setting with standard D&D, and not segregate it from the mainstream community?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
New Canon

'taotad' wrote:
How are we supposed to deal with new canon coming from WotC? When new material comes out from the Wiz´s, that contradicts the old arrangements of things, should we mock it as clueless babble or try to include the changes into our glorious campaign?

I take it on a case-by-case basis. Some of it's good and some of it's bad. Some of it is Chaotic Neutral.

Maybe we should have a special section in the Lady´s Sharper that updates the setting with in-campaign critique of the WotC books done like the books were actually published in Planescape?

That sounds like a good idea. Shemmy already did that with the in-character critique of Union.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I'd be all for that! Not only does it mean that the LSE gets more articles (article hungry editor that I am) - it also gives it more of a feeling of relevancy to the new material - something new DMs and players can pick up as an example of how Planars may view these new-fangled changes.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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Here's my take on it:

Firstly, we must decide where to place those parts which are chosen to be included into the Planewalker (aka Planescape 3.5e) canon. I personally think that a periodical like the Lady's Shaper Eye should be the sole repository of our official lore.

As for what should be included:

1) Official WotC 3.5e statistics as long as they make sense. Those that do not make sense in the Planescape universe, for example the pathetically weak Ultroloths and Death Slaad, and those that aren't adequately covered, such as the effects on the Quasielemental Planes, should be decided upon and made official.
2) All new monsters should be akgnowledged as long as they do not contradict some older 2e canon. Those that do should be either rewritten lore-wise or given a similarly fitting reason for their contradiction (Maruts being a good example of this).
3) New or changed planes should be, for the most part, treated as clueless ramblings unless there a fitting reason can be invented for their contradiction. This should be done particularly sparingly as planes don't go around changing all that much. The only possible one I can think of is the Plane of Shadow, and I would cast my vote against it becoming a transitive just yet (maybe during an adventure module, though).
4) Lore changes, such as Bel, should also only be kept if a decent reason is written out first, preferably in the form of a short story or adventure module. Obyriths, for instance, can be easily written in, with a few changes to their 'official' WotC lore. Bel's sudden climb to power would take some more work and particular expertise in Baatorian politics.
5) Particularly awesome fan stories (I'm looking at Shemmy's Baern series here in particular) should be checked for any possible contradictions and included as canon.
6) Any decisions, be they from WotC or fans, regarding the nature of powerful and enigmatic enteties or planar histories (e.g. Who is Asmodeus, Why is the Lady so powerful, How was the multiverse formed, What came first the chicken or the egg) should be regarded solely as theory and no one should be any more official than another.

Tell me if I missed anything. Sticking out tongue

Boris the BugBear's picture
Joined: 2006-10-31
one thing

I like the pathetically weak version of the Ultraloth, just saying.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
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Granted everyone has a right to their own opinion; but how can you possibly like having the greatest of the Yugoloth castes not having the greatest amount of power and being considerably weaker than Pit Fiends and Balors?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
Granted everyone has a right to their own opinion; but how can you possibly like having the greatest of the Yugoloth castes not having the greatest amount of power and being considerably weaker than Pit Fiends and Balors?

...Not to mention the advanced version of the Nycaloth. Even if you like the monster, you have to admit that it doesn't make much sense.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Canon

Take it to a tangent thread if you would boys Eye-wink
I don't mind the talk, just make it neat and orderly and *dumdumdum...* 'lawful'. Eye-wink

Re: Iavas and 'canon' Planewalker: Some of this has actually already been decided upon. Allow me to clarify what the purpose of the LSE is, and canon in it's role on Planewalker and it's downloads. Smiling

Recall that the PSCS is the place where we put the material that we hold under the strictest interpretations of 'canon'. That means in essence "sensible, fitting to prior versions of the setting, non-harmful to the setting as a whole, and coherant with other forms of canon". That already serves the purpose of what you were saying you wanted to see in the LSE (or at least what I think you're saying in regards to stats, planar writeups etc.) If that sort of figuring out the details is what you're looking for - that's where you want to put your efforts. We have a number of modules being developed already in light of changes to the githyanki heirarchy - we can also do some for Bel and others as well, again to bridge that gap - I'm all for that. Just get cracking in the PSCS forum. (Which I need to go over and review the current brainstorming threads over there too come to think of it.)

The LSE however is a fully *in* character newsrag - so things like stats and the like shouldn't even be mentioned - these are in game, in character sort of stories. Take a read through the last issue and you'll see what I mean. The 'canon' requirements are looser because there's an assumed editorial and authorial bias - but regardless it's *not* a good place to put things like stats or rewrites of planes because characters in the setting wouldn't really be aware of such things. There's only one 'stat' characters in Planescape have a good excuse for knowing: alignment.

The webpage is under even less strict canon requirements. The webpage hosts canon and non-canon 'what if' information. It's there to provide an outlet for submissions that just don't fit with other things and the like. There's some things that are perfectly sensible but just aren't good directions to combine with other perfectly sensible submissions, and there's somethings that are just oddball yet *good* - that's why the webpage exists, to allow all of that material to be hosted someplace. Some things - like Shemmy's storyhour go here. Why? Because there are some *serious* modifications to standard Planescape in there - and my super-powers as coding-goddess tell me that ... (ok - so I'm one of his players) the storyhour will take further liberties with the arrangement of powers, characters, and planes as the game continues making it rather ineligable for canon consideration.

Therefore in regards to canon in the LSE (back to the matter at hand) - since we're looking at it from an in character point of view, approaching new material should also be from an in character point of view. We may - out of game - mock the poor stats for certain creatures. And there's plenty of places for that - just not in the LSE. In game - in a well run game at least - the average street-tough reporter for SIGIS probably doesn't even notice. It's a non-issue, and probably not worthwhile for a story. However something that affects the *setting* - like Bel's rise? Now *that* just about screams for an investigative report. Does that make more sense now that you know that point of view for the LSE?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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Okay, let me clarify what I was saying. Firstly, all the stuff above was a general list, not a list of things yet to be done. Secondly, I wasn't suggesting putting all that stuff in the LSE. As far as I gathered, both Eye of Xaos and LSE are meant to be in character periodicals, LSE being particularly canon-worthy. One thing I would suggest is clearly labeling the parts of Planewalker that are considered purely canonical (be it 2e canon or PW's own updated 3.5e canon) and those that are opinionated or campaign specific. As for Shemmy's stuff, I meant the Baern chronicles in particular should be canonized (as that's about as detailed as anybody ever covered the Demented, doesn't contradict too much of the 2e stuff as far as I'm aware, and won't likely be outdone any time within the next few centuries), not the Story Hour (which although praiseworthy, runs into the problems you mentioned). So, those changes not specifically states under PSCS should be either incorporated into the Encyclopedia or placed under a purely canonical section of the site, with stats where necessary. The reason I say this is because there are some places on the site, such as the Creature Codex, that contain either original or repeated entries, some with different stats for the same creature. What I was suggesting was deciding upon one and sticking to it, the others presented as alternatives. Would that be too mean?

PS: Since I don't yet own the FCII, I can't really say anything about the likelyhood of Bel becoming master of his domain, but such stuff, were it to become PW canon, should be first described somewhere like the LSE and then placed prominantly in the my fanciful canon section with a large stamp of approval.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'Iavas' wrote:
Okay, let me clarify what I was saying.
AAAhhhh ok. Now I see what you mean - yes, that's pretty sensible there. Smiling

One thing I would suggest is clearly labeling the parts of Planewalker that are considered purely canonical (be it 2e canon or PW's own updated 3.5e canon) and those that are opinionated or campaign specific.
There's an answer towards this in the FAQ, but I don't think folks check that out much. The PSCS is the canon - so everything in that pdf download. Eye-wink The webpage in general is a catch as you can sort of place.

As for Shemmy's stuff, I meant the Baern chronicles in particular should be canonized (as that's about as detailed as anybody ever covered the Demented, doesn't contradict too much of the 2e stuff as far as I'm aware, and won't likely be outdone any time within the next few centuries), not the Story Hour (which although praiseworthy, runs into the problems you mentioned).
Makes sense. Smiling

So, those changes not specifically states under PSCS should be either incorporated into the Encyclopedia or placed under a purely canonical section of the site, with stats where necessary.
Generally I'd like to have those in the PSCS - and technically the page there *can* host articles. But for various reasons that project has lagged behind. We do have a lack of focus and writers for a goodly section of the work - as much my fault as the other editor at this point (I really need to reserve writing time for it). I want to get the basic PSCS out and then encourage side projects and modules and the very sort of updating material that you're talking about. If only I didn't have that pesky need for sleep. :-/

The reason I say this is because there are some places on the site, such as the Creature Codex, that contain either original or repeated entries, some with different stats for the same creature. What I was suggesting was deciding upon one and sticking to it, the others presented as alternatives. Would that be too mean?
Probably not too mean really. Those sections do have managers - or used to - but many of our managers have slipped away to their own projects or real life. Much of the more contradictory information you're seeing is actualyl left over from the previous incarnation of the site - and there's a *LOT* of it. To the point where I was sorta hoping that some of our managers would be able to take it over and start clipping out the dead wood and growing their sections up again. I don't think any of them have the time for that so I'm currently looking at ways to do some of that myself and providing a quicker way to allow others to help with that. Watch the meta-planewalker board in the next few weeks/months - as I'm going to have a fairly large number of code changes going through to clean up the dead wood in the site and make it all a little easier to deal with. So - put this aspect of the problem on the back burner for a little bit - trust me - it's nagging at me too, so it *will* get addressed.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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Oh, in case it wasn't obvious before... Laughing out loud

All the stuff I was suggesting would go under the "If it were a perfect world" heading. I completely understand and sympathize with not having enough time (although for me, that also includes not knowing how to manage that time which I have). So don't think that I'm sitting here telling you to go do all that stuff without offering any help. It's just a generic throwing around of concepts.

Also, I wasn't aware that the PSCS was the only true canon on the site. I thought some of the side projects, such as Rakkma, were going to be canonized, as well as certain stories / events. I get confused often.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
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'Iavas' wrote:
5) Particularly awesome fan stories (I'm looking at Shemmy's Baern series here in particular) should be checked for any possible contradictions and included as canon.

I should point out that my Baernaloth stories have some self-contradictions sprinkled throughout. While I've developed a loose network of mythology about the various members of the Demented, not all of it meshes with itself as a coherent canon, much like Lovecraft's mythos across his various stories and those by other folks in his circle of writers.

For instance I allude to a Ghoresh Ibn Shartalan as a third Ibn Shartalan 'sibling', but in other work I refer to Chorzin Ibn Shartalan (the Thrice Damned) as filling that spot.

Hopefully in those stories (and I still have several to finish), I can spawn ideas and plot hooks and such for others to work with as I reveal their individual personalities and bits of their history, rather than pin down the Demented in too much detail.

Also, my stories (and the pre-history of my campaign that they're loosely touching upon) were all written before the creation of the Obyriths, and Mona's detailing of the prehistory of the Abyss and such, and so contradictions are going to spring up in a few places. My notions on Pale Night and the origins of the Tanar'ri are considerably different from those of the Fiendish Codex I, though some of my ideas in the story of the Flesh Sculptor did apparently work their way into the WotC book in the notions of Pale Night as the mother of the Tanar'ri according to James and Erik.

Had I written my work after FC:I was out, I'd have done my best to integrate their work with my own (since I really like the Obyriths), so keep in mind in my stories that my early Abyss is going to be different from WotCs at this stage of the game.

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
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I find that as I get older, 'canon' means less and less to me. I look for good writing, and get it consistently from certain writers - professional or otherwise - and not so consistently from others.

90% of my Planescape is now fan-written. It's been years since I've used any of the official material, to be honest, although the stuff I use has it's roots in it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'Iavas' wrote:
Also, I wasn't aware that the PSCS was the only true canon on the site. I thought some of the side projects, such as Rakkma, were going to be canonized, as well as certain stories / events. I get confused often.

They are - if the folks managing those projects can pull something coherent enough together to undergo scrutiny by the PSCS editors/me Eye-wink Or just - you know - something. Unfortunately like many internet projects - without an anal obsessive compulsive sitting atop them - they don't hatch quickly. Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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My Shadowrun's the same way. Any campaign upon starting is *instantly* in-house.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
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'Orroloth' wrote:

90% of my Planescape is now fan-written.

My wife wanted me to post that this is one of the best quotes she has heard on the subject of Planescape canon. "My Planescape" is a perfect way to think of it because of the power of belief inherent in the setting. Someone at TSR was doing something right when they came up with Planescape.


Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
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One thing I like about PS is that it's ultimately mutable. As a CS, it's nice that much of the 'fluff' material is basically presented as a "this might be the case, this might not be the case, this might not not be the case" sort of fashion. So fan-written material can sometimes gain a level of canonicity and in the end, it doesn't matter, because campaign canon about the major darks can divulge entirely from the theories mentioned in the CS and it won't be surprising to the players that that has happened. At the end of the day, 'canon' PS can there, and it won't matter at all, because the Planes are belief made 'real'.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
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Yes, yes, yes... all you 'old' people and your indifference to canon. I'm anal about it comparatively, I know Puzzled .

In my defense, I agree with the fact that Planescape is one of the most adaptable settings for a DM to individualize. Still, even in 2e some basic groundwork was laid down. Granted, it could all be changed at the behest of the DM, but so could all settings. This one was just slightly easier to do so. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, if we're planning on continuing PS into the 3.5e with some officiality, there's going to be a need for some new canon around which DM's can later base their campaigns, including however much of it they desire. Without it, Planescape just becomes a sandbox. Believe me, I'm not suggesting writing up detailed history for every denizen of the planes, even if that were possible. Rather, I'm saying deciding which parts of WotC screed we would accept as truth while still having the setting feel like it did during 2e, which is basically what we're all so giddy about anyway. Also, given time, talent, and inspiration, it would be prudent to establish certain post Faction War events that would be considered canonical for 3.5e, which DM's could again refer to and change at their whims.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
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I tend to get anal about what is an isn't canon, too. I like to sample fan stuff, but I still want to know where what I'm reading came from.

Regarding the PS3E website, I thought that the Encyclopedia also only contains canon information. At least it says on it that it does.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
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'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I tend to get anal about what is an isn't canon, too. I like to sample fan stuff, but I still want to know where what I'm reading came from.

Regarding the PS3E website, I thought that the Encyclopedia also only contains canon information. At least it says on it that it does.

As I posted here TSR/WotC's position has always been that there is no "official canon", it is up to the DM to decide what material to use and not use.


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Regarding the PS3E website, I thought that the Encyclopedia also only contains canon information. At least it says on it that it does.

The Encyclopedia part of the site should be only "canon," with canon defined as stuff published by TSR/Wizards of the Coast. That's what it's for. Although there are a few articles which are specifically about fan-created things, like the Ordial Plane. In those cases, it should specifically say so.

Other parts of the site, like Planar Portals, have a much looser approach.

I don't care about what's official or not most of the time, but the Encyclopedia has a specific purpose.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Regarding the PS3E website, I thought that the Encyclopedia also only contains canon information. At least it says on it that it does.
*nod* That's the intent with the Encyclopedia - as much as possible it contains published, cite referenced material. It's meant as a tool for people to use to research their games and other works. I've had at least one author send me an email thanking us for it too - he went to look up something because he didn't have the books on hand and found a lot of cross-references that he wasn't aware of throughout other books. Smiling

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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The encyclopedia has indeed become a remarkable feature of the site that solidifies the facts on Planescape. I don't know if it sees much use though, is there some statistics on that? (that question probably goes to the encyclopedia thread, but it seemed so great right here!)

It seems that most people remain pretty much clear on what is canon and what is not. The campaign setting page has the official stamp, everything else doesn't.

But the nagging feeling in my upper cervical spine haven't been completely soothed away yet. Should we try to tie Planescape into the new stuff WotC sends out? Is it even possible to do so when there is so many new books with only limited influence on Planescape?
I guess it comes down to me wanting Planescape to remain on par with the rest of D&D. How would Planescape deal with the alternative cosmology of Eberron for example. I'm sure someone here could dream up a brilliant idea that used some weird planar fact to prove that Eberron is part of our multiverse, but couldn't we find a a way that we at least semi-agree upon is the basis for new players?

Shemeshkas statement about "My Planescape TM" is cool, but can't we provide some guide to new players so that they can find their way until they can also stand on their own two legs? Can't we have "Our Planescape" as well?

The Planescape CS is obviously the foundation for such a movement and this nagging concern is more future-oriented than living in the present I suspect.

I'm not a frequent poster, but I am a good observer, and I must say that the future looks bright. So many new people that obviously cares for the setting also brings warm, fuzzy, feelings in my cervicalities. Please remember to take care of one another, even though some of you seems to like the lower planes better then you should... Shocked

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'taotad' wrote:
I don't know if it sees much use though, is there some statistics on that?

There's a little counter on the bottom of each entry that records how many people have looked at it since it was last edited. The popular entries have seen at least a few hundred page views.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
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'420' wrote:
TSR/WotC's position has always been that there is no "official canon", it is up to the DM to decide what material to use and not use.

Sure it isn't strict like with some fictional settings, but all I mean by 'canon' s that something was published by TSR or WotC or has the legal D&D label on the product and was published by an actual publishing company, or something along those lines. As opposed to something that some dude just posted on the web.

I already have my (probably under-informed) opinion how Eberron fits into Planescape.. there's a forum thread about it, in the Festhall I think. But this new cosmology that floats in the Astral, I don't care for.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'ripvanwormer' wrote:
There's a little counter on the bottom of each entry that records how many people have looked at it since it was last edited. The popular entries have seen at least a few hundred page views.
Yeah, I've seen that, but I want hard, cold and scientific statistics. My cervicalities and other bodyparts demands it.

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