New Berk on the Block

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Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
New Berk on the Block

Greetings and salutations to all,

I have been a fan of for quite a while, frequently looking it up to check on Planescape facts. Never before have I tread into the realm of the forums, however. Shame on me. But now here I am, and I intend to stay.

Again, greetings upon you all. Now, I'm off to explore the rest of the forum.

[EDIT] Ah, now that I've had a chance to look around, I believe I can pose a question. Has anyone thought of a Planescape MMORPG?
A few weeks ago, the idea struck me that it could be interesting. If done properly, it could certainly be more interesting than any other MMO out there. There is enough material to work from, several planes to explore, with the promis of more.
It dawned on me that no developer would do such a good job. Or at least, there is a very small chance of it. So, rather as a joke to myself, I thought I should design it. Plan it all out, then attempt to get a developer interested. It's more a hobby now than an actual ambition, just something to pass the time.
So here I sit, planning out the gaming aspects of the game, and I ask you all a question? What do YOU expect from a Planescape MMORPG?

- The Marquis.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Berk on the Block

I know city of doors was looking at doing a neverwinter night's module for planescape - I don't think that ever quite took off.

I also know we had a fellow wandering around earlier this month who was wanting to know if he could use some of our works in his MUD.

So, I'm thinking the interest is there. What sort of code are you looking at using?

Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
New Berk on the Block

No idea as to the type of coding. I'm still just thinking "Hey, this would be cool." Just planning it out, that kind of thing.
However, I am planning to attend DeVry university sometime soon, then the actual coding may get started. But for now, its just the basics.

- The Marquis

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Berk on the Block

Are you thinking graphical or text based? (I actually know a bit of both ends, hence the asking. Eye-wink )

Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
New Berk on the Block

I'm the kind of person that needs to see things to really get a grasp of it, so definitely graphically based. I suppose it will also depend on if I can interest a developer, in which case I'd go for the best graphics possible. But since that is unlikely, I'll have to make do with whatever program I can get my hands on and my future graphics design classes.

- The Marquis

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Berk on the Block

*wince* Wish ya luck then.
I'll give you a list of what yer gonna need to pull that off:

1) At least one network orriented programmer to handle all the information that's going to be passing back and forth, making sure it all matches up.
2) At least one AI orriented programmer for mob behavior.
3) At least 4 programmers for all the behavors of weapons, armor, and environment.
4) Since this is, presumably - free work: At least 4 artists for modelling work. If you want a sizable world - you want more like 50 of them... (Rule of thumb: Programmers are NOT artists. Without an artist the game will look like CRAP.)

... It's a LOT of work building a MMORPG from scratch.
I'd strongly suggest checking out the City of Doors Initiative as a lot of the work is already done over there. The CoDI has recently fallen out of practice due to real life chewing up their time, but an injection of fresh blood may get them going again.

If Neverwinter Nights is not your thing - you may want to pick up a copy of UT 2004 - it's also designed to be extendable, and will give you a good base to start with. It'll also give you a good idea what it is you're biting off. A good resource on making mods for UT2004 can be found here.

Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
New Berk on the Block

Though the topic has begun to stray I am also a new berk on the block, so hi. Smiling

And yeah, I heard the City Of Doors NWN hasn't quite got where it was going yet.

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
New Berk on the Block

While many of us would like a Planescape MMORPG, it would be a tough thing to sell and/or pull off. I would suggest starting with writing one or mods for existing games, like NWN. I'm sure there are other game engines that could be used. I've seen some cool things done with the Half-life and Quake 2/3 engines. I always thought Morriwind would be a good engine too. I was reasonably proficient in modding that a while back, but have forgotten most of the "skill" by now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
New Berk on the Block

From what I've heard from some of the older members of CoDI - they really just need a 'whip' - sort of like what I am around here. A new blood with the drive and energy to pick things up again and get things moving.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
New Berk on the Block

'Clueless' wrote:
From what I've heard from some of the older members of CoDI - they really just need a 'whip' - sort of like what I am around here.

Planning on changing your nick to "Loviatrix" in keeping with your, um, professional life? :twisted:

Although, "Klueless Kuo-Toan" has a nice ring to it too...

Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
New Berk on the Block

I thought I should post my progress on the Planescape: Online development somewhere, so I decided to make a Wiki. I'll say this, so far I have no actual plans of coding this, I'm just playing with the bare bone ideas as a hobby. Anyone who would like to make a suggestion or edit something already posted, go right ahead. I look forward to your additions.

So without further adieu, I give you: WikiScape

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
New Berk on the Block

This kind of reminds me of the third mimir.

I love wiki's, usually, and I'm very impressed that you made one for Planescape. Just make sure that you also submit the stuff that you have to Planewalker, because PW has done what no other Planescape site has managed to do so far: Survive the entropy of time.

Other than that, I welcome you to the fold, and wish you best of luck. I might even contribute a thing or two to the new wiki...

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