New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

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jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

It's been awhile since I did something PS-themed, but thought I'd share this, it's the villain for a Sylvan (as in fey, elves, and tauric) Races campaign I'm running for my group.

Combining elements of Modron and Baatezu, "The Creator" is a Artificier (Eberron Campaign setting) who is a master of golem and automaton construction, using magics to rob demiplanes and worlds of their resources to create massive armies of mindless servants.

Used the Rogue Modron and Half-Fiend template. Please, let me know what you think!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

Eweryone, look at the picture and try saying this in your best robotic voice:

Information: Kill, kill, kill... :twisted:

I have to say this as one artist to another: Great job fellow coleague. Laughing out loud

jordarad wrote:

Combining elements of Modron and Baatezu, "The Creator" is a Artificier (Eberron Campaign setting) who is a master of golem and automaton construction, using magics to rob demiplanes and worlds of their resources to create massive armies of mindless servants.

Heh. It seems that he is working for these guys:

Some time ago I had run game in wich main villans were sect created from unification of Doomguard and Merchants. Since that campain ended before it truly started I think that is okay to share the idea with you.

Ok, the this sect was caled the House of Red Locustus , it simbol was cog created from eight red locustus (I borowed that from Bone comics). Anyways, Locustus were something of planar mega corporation that made profit from pilaging natural resourses of underdeveloped worlds all in name of betterment of life and civilisation. They were in sipirt something like Pentex corporation from White Wolfs: World of Darkness.
Basicly the sect phylosophy was: If world have to end, why we don't proffit from resourses that will go to waste anyway and from folk that will die anyway. Secondly they belived that advanced civilisation is nothing but vermin that consume more that they produce. So they nurture civilisation need for tehnology, industry, transportation, working places and then basicly they leave people to wear out their own worlds. Finaly when life becomes unbearable they simply relocate populace on another set of worlds to speed entropy a little bit more.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

'Squaff' wrote:
Eweryone, look at the picture and try saying this in your best robotic voice:

I have to say this as one artist to another: Great job fellow coleague. Laughing out loud

Some time ago I had run game in wich main villans were sect created from unification of Doomguard and Merchants. Since that campain ended before it truly started I think that is okay to share the idea with you.

Ok, the this sect was caled the House of Red Locustus , it simbol was cog created from eight red locustus (I borowed that from Bone comics). Anyways, Locustus were something of planar mega corporation that made profit from pilaging natural resourses of underdeveloped worlds all in name of betterment of life and civilisation. They were in sipirt something like Pentex corporation from White Wolfs: World of Darkness.
Basicly the sect phylosophy was: If world have to end, why we don't proffit from resourses that will go to waste anyway and from folk that will die anyway. Secondly they belived that advanced civilisation is nothing but vermin that consume more that they produce. So they nurture civilisation need for tehnology, industry, transportation, working places and then basicly they leave people to wear out their own worlds. Finaly when life becomes unbearable they simply relocate populace on another set of worlds to speed entropy a little bit more.

Interesting premise. My campaign is more about the natural versus the synthetic world, but I like the idea of corporate planar trade. (Estavan's probalby got this on his dockett as well...)

Thanks for your feedback.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

'jordarad' wrote:

Used the Rogue Modron and Half-Fiend template. Please, let me know what you think!


(That is a LOT of drool, though... I wonder if the drool makes it rust? Laughing out loud )


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
New Artwork: Fiendish Modron!

As usual I'm green with envy at your skills!

I swear, I could run a whole adventure just hopping from picture to picture in your galley.... with this fiendish quadrone as the villain of course. Cool

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