New Anarchist Feat: Faction Filch

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Rick Summon's picture
Joined: 2005-02-01
New Anarchist Feat: Faction Filch

Faction Filch [General, Faction-Dependent]

Prereqs: Membership in the Revolutionary League, Infiltrator, Knowledge (factions and guilds) 10 ranks (7 ranks in Pathfinder)

Every faction member has certain powers that come from their faction's collective belief system, and the Anarchists are no exception. But if, for example, an Anarchist is trying to infiltrate the Harmonium, his "fellow" Hardheads might wonder why he doesn't use his command ability against a fleeing criminal. In other words, an Anarchist can disguise himself as a member of another faction, but he won't actually have any of their faction abilities. Unless, of course... he steals them.

This feat allows an Anarchist to gain access to one faction-dependent feat from another faction for 24 hours. He does not need to meet the prerequisites for the feat, but he cannot filch a feat that has another faction-dependent feat as a prereq.

During this time, spells such as know faction detect him as a member of the stolen faction. If the faction has an alignment requirement, he detects as that alignment.

To steal the feat, the Anarchist must be within 30 feet of at least three members of the target faction, and at least two of them must have the feat in question. He must then concentrate for 1 full round to infiltrate the faction's collective belief system.

The Anarchist can only steal one faction feat per day. If he desires, he can dismiss the stolen feat before the day is up, but he still has to wait to steal another one. If he is exposed as a fake, he instantly loses the stolen feat.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
New Anarchist Feat: Faction Filch

It looks okay, but I might add 1 more prequisite feat. The ability to have a changeable feat is still pretty powerful even if it's only on the first tier in a feat tree.

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