New Adventure Idea

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
New Adventure Idea

So, I've been working on a new campaign,played by forum. The basic idea so far is the following (I would also like to ask all my players from Smoke&Mirrors not to read on, so you don't spoil your own fun. I don't even know if any of you ever come here.)



The Heroes are five clueless primers from different worlds, who, after accidentaly or on purpose stepping through portals find themselves not at their intended destination, but in a lush forest on a summer evening. A being, elf-like in appearance greets them not much later and tells them that it's name is "The Jester", and that it needs their help. A powerful curse has been placed upon it, and to break it, the heroes have to venture into the Jesters own nightmares, to find the root of the curse.  He explains that he can only communicate to the world via dreams, since he has been magically asleep for millenia, and that even now, they are in his dreams. As a reward, he offers to fulfill them one wish each, but if they decline, he only has the power left to send them all away to the same place they have to agree on.

If they agree, they are sent to a variety of dark and nightmarish places, where they have to solve riddles and problems, until they find the deepest and darkest point of the Jester's nightmares, a gigantic hall, where they find other creatures the Jester has sent to solve his problems, mostly outsiders from the chaotic side of the ring (he mentions them) and a few planar humanoids, all frozen in place, along with what appear to be millions of others, all frozen, but concious, staring at the middle of the hall, where one single, gigantic figure awaits them: a woman, ten feet tall, in a golden robe, her face made from metal and a ring of blades. They hear the voice of the Jester  in their minds, telling them that this is the root of the problem, and that htey have to defeat her.


 And now what's really going on: the Jester, so far he told the truth, is a being of pure, primal chaos that has been imprisoned in his own dreams for millenia. He does not know who cursed him, but in his dreams, he gradually gained a measure of conciousness through lucid dreaming. After thinking, he came to the conclusion that, due to some thing he did in the past, the only one that could wish to imprison him woudl be the Lady of Pain. 

He worked for millenia on his ability to influence dreams, until he was able to draw others into them. His goal is to influence the dreams, and therefore the minds of thousands of people, making them think that the lady can be defeated, and therefore weakening her substantially. So far, he has tried it on a multitude of creatures, but all the outsiders instinctly feel the wrongness of such an action, or see behind his plan, while all the planar humanoids are too affraid to hurt even a dream about the lady.

In Sigil, the Bleakers of the Asylum have their hands full: more and more people have fallen asleep, only to not wake up again in the morning, apparently in a kind of coma in which, so much magic has been able to tell, they are vividly dreaming.


So, opinions, criticism? I will, of course, towars the conclusion, try to provide the players with some clues towards why they shouldn't slay the lady (here a few ideas would be welcome.) Also, a few ideas for puzzles based on nightmares would be nice.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I don't have a lot of time

I don't have a lot of time to write a post right now, but this dreaming problem actually sounds like something a night hag would initiate.  They can enter other people's dreams, so maybe she found a way to really mess with the Jester and use that to get other people into constant dreaming so she can play.

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Interesting idea with the

Interesting idea with the night hag.

I'm currently thinking about making this a plot to kill the lady, basically: if the players, all new to planescape and not too familiar with her, slay her dream-effigy, they would be sent to Sigil, with their rewards from the Jester. After that things could really get interesting:

 There are people discharged from the gatehouse after waking up from their coma, vaguely remembering really, really disturbing dreams. And then they see this group of clueless adventurers on the street and suddenly it hits them: "Wait. Didn't these people kill the Lady in my dream?"

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