Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

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Natashia1's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Hi, this is my first post here, and I don't know if it's a regular question, but...

If, um, the Lady of Pain suddenly was, REALLY BAD now and was trying to destroy everything, how could someone stop her?

I mean, I KNOW that she's supposed to be invincible, and an enigma and everything, but what if it was really, really important?

Well, thanks!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

You'd either need epic-level players or a major artifact of significant power, since she is essentially a quasi-deity. As a quasi-deity, it will be significantly more difficult to defeat her on Sigil than it would be somewhere else (quasi-deities can basically mold the terrain of their domain as they wish, such as say, make all the doors in the room you're in disappear, or place a curse on the street you're walking down so that you walk in circles no matter which direction you turn. They can also invoke a lot more supernatural powers related to their portfolio while in their realm), but it's very unlikely she could be tricked into leaving her 'divine realm', as you will.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Basically what Hyena said: Trick her into leaving Sigil and have some heavy-duty firepower backing you up. It also probably wouldn't hurt to research which powers, entities or groups that hold grudges against her and let them get involved in whatever shenanigans will be taking place. Maybe resurrect a god or two that she helped to put into the dead book. Striking up a bargain with Vecna, Orcus or the Lords of the Nine might also be a good idea.

Alternatively - and the much safer bet, given that the LoP was conceived as being DM-powerful - just abandon Sigil to its fate 'cause chances are you ain't gonna win. Or if it's reality itself that she's destroying, maybe consider lying down and contemplating the sort of life your character has lived. You know, reflect on the better times and hope that your death will be quick and painless.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I think the thing with the Lady is that it was always up to the DM to really define her power level. She might not even exist and what people see is a projection put up by the dabus.


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VikingLegion's picture
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Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

sciborg2 wrote:
I think the thing with the Lady is that it was always up to the DM to really define her power level. She might not even exist and what people see is a projection put up by the dabus.

Pay no attention to the dabus behind the curtain?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Another good idea in fighting the LoP is to convince the demons and devils to call a truce to the Blood War and come together to fight her.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Natashia1 wrote:
If, um, the Lady of Pain suddenly was, REALLY BAD now and was trying to destroy everything, how could someone stop her?

I mean, I KNOW that she's supposed to be invincible, and an enigma and everything, but what if it was really, really important?

Isolate her in Sigil by cutting off all portals leading out of the City of Doors. She may be essentially omnipotent within Sigil, but not outside Sigil. Getting either a powerful deity involved with portals (resurrecting Aoskar perhaps?) to help, or a group of deities, wouldn't hurt.

Of course, this would mean the loss of Sigil as a trade city, but other locations on the Planes would become more popular as a result.


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Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Question: is there a context, as in a real-time game taking place, or is this a thought experiment?

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I don't think cutting off the portals to Sigil would work. She possesses a fragment of Aoskar's divine power, so there's little hope of imprisoning her permanently within the City of Doors. Petitioning help from the Deities won't work either, because there are simply too many portals for all of them to seal away, and some lead to planes and demiplanes lacking a power or even quasipower (for instance, good luck getting the portals that lead to Paraelemental Magma sealed away-- Chilimba isn't even a quasipower.)

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Destroy Sigil?

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

There is no canon, in setting way to kill the Lady of Pain. There are issues and dangers mentioned, such as tanar'ric lesser power infesting a printer. Apparently the Sigil Spell could give you power over the Lady, but casting it would be incredibly difficult.


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Idran's picture
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Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

sciborg2 wrote:
There is no canon, in setting way to kill the Lady of Pain. There are issues and dangers mentioned, such as tanar'ric lesser power infesting a printer. Apparently the Sigil Spell could give you power over the Lady, but casting it would be incredibly difficult.

I think we all know there's no canon way given to do it, we're brainstorming ways about how it might be done if the situation happened to come up.

Anyway, Hyena, is the Lady having a fragment of Aoskar's power from some source, or is that fanon of yours? No objection either way, I'm just curious because it doesn't sound familiar, I'm wondering if I'm forgetting something.

As for how to do it, do you think it's possible the Last Word might be effective? Or perhaps destroying Sigil from the outside, yeah. Even if the Lady survived that, she'd still no longer have a way to avoid the influence of the Spire, so finishing her off would be a good deal easier with or without any portions of divinity.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

oh, I didn't mean it in a dismissive way, just saying I looked through the books and didn't ever find one.

really, the Sigil spell should give you power over the Lady but it requires a lot of its preparation to be done in the city itself. If there was a way to use chronomancy and activate the spell from the outside of Sigil after Darkwood almost completes it I think it'd be enough to render the Lady powerless - especially with the lesser tanar'ric god in the printer ideally ready to pounce.


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atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I didn't have this thread in mind when I posted this to the Parallel Multiverses, but I suppose it's one approach if you can pull it off.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

No, no canon method given directly, but given she is surely Divine Rank 0 (quasideity-- e.g. has not achieved apotheosis), then it would take a very powerful artifact to destroy her within her own quasidivine realm, and it would still take an artifact or two for non-epic characters simply to slay her outside of Sigil. Barring that, a deity or group of outsiders + quasipowers (such as a few Abyssal lords) could slay her once she steps outside of Sigil.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Hyena of Ice wrote:
No, no canon method given directly, but given she is surely Divine Rank 0 (quasideity-- e.g. has not achieved apotheosis)

Wait, based on what? We don't know that she's in the divine hierarchy at all. She's beyond mechanics, like the Dark Powers or the Serpent. The way I've always conceived of her, she literally doesn't have a Strength score, hit points, saving throws, or divine rank. And based on that, any methods of killing her would have to be wholly conceptual based on the nature of her being. More like destroying an artifact than killing a person.

And besides, as powerful as she's presented, placing her merely on the same level as Kelanen seems...well, ridiculous. If you had to put her in the divine hierarchy, I'd call her a Sigilian overpower - omnipotence in her domain, no need for worshippers, able to control what deities are allowed to exist within the area she oversees. And even that doesn't feel right to me.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I can see children indoctrinated with killing the LoP sent into the Infinite Staircase, but as yet it seems they are finished off before reaching their Heart's Desire, or perhaps their hearts are led astray by the Lady or Her defenders.


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Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Now that's a great idea: seek your heart's desire, and it is to kill the Lady.

I asked for context before because it seems to me that, assuming this is a real task that Natashia and her fellow players are pursuing, there may be clues from the DM to suggest a course of action. Any of us may have a really good idea, based on our view of the Lady, but the final arbiter is the storyteller.

On the other hand, she may just be fishing for ideas for a future game...

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Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

sciborg2 wrote:
I can see children indoctrinated with killing the LoP sent into the Infinite Staircase, but as yet it seems they are finished off before reaching their Heart's Desire, or perhaps their hearts are led astray by the Lady or Her defenders.

The only problem with that is if the "heart's desire" stuff sends someone into an alternate universe or timeline where the heart's desire is satisfied. If so, it wouldn't kill the Lady here, it would just send the kids to a reality where the Lady is dead.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Wait, based on what? We don't know that she's in the divine hierarchy at all.
Uh, based on prettymuch all of the qualities we know about her, such as the ability to control Sigil's portals, her immortality (she is unaging and cannot be killed by any normal means), being aware of what goes on within Sigil, and the fact that she absorbed Aoskar's power.

And besides, as powerful as she's presented, placing her merely on the same level as Kelanen seems...well, ridiculous. If you had to put her in the divine hierarchy, I'd call her a Sigilian overpower - omnipotence in her domain, no need for worshippers, able to control what deities are allowed to exist within the area she oversees. And even that doesn't feel right to me.
Quasipower is fine. The entirety of Sigil is her quasidivine realm, and as such a Divine Rank 0 creature is more than capable of forbidding gods from entering their realm while they're in it. The reason she seems like an overpower is, like I said, she is within her realm. Even 1E rules stated that Quasipowers are treated like Demipowers on their native plane (yeah, not even limited to their own realm). As for the lack of need for worshippers, not all divine beings have a need for that-- the Protogenoi, including the Elemental Lords, do not require worship and cannot die due to a lack of worshippers, but many prefer it because it gives them additional power. The same is true of the Far Realm powers, and the Lady of Pain appears to fall under the same category. These beings are not *according to the canon books* considered deities in the true sense (they are powers, but are not gods/deities)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

"Soaked into me deeper than any lover Ipos whispers secrets in the braids of my muscle and the marrow-filling of my too brittle bones.

He tells me the Lady is a vestige that got out - She died and resurrected Herself as something akin to a psion uncarnate but, well, more so. She is a fully present vestige who has no need of a vessel to be Here, to be extant in the Now.

Sigil is Her circle, the circumference-price for Her ability to traverse the axes of the Real.

Can She be killed? Yes, everything can die, but She can only be killed by someone who follows Her, who shadows the Road She took..."
-Praetor Noriia, Legends of the Pact Binders (perma-banned in Sigil)


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Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Wait, based on what? We don't know that she's in the divine hierarchy at all. Uh, based on prettymuch all of the qualities we know about her, such as the ability to control Sigil's portals, her immortality (she is unaging and cannot be killed by any normal means), being aware of what goes on within Sigil, and the fact that she absorbed Aoskar's power.

And what about the idea of her being above the very concept of mechanics, given that she is counted canonically alongside the Serpent and the Dark Powers? Can't ignore Die, Vecna, Die just because it sucks.

Quasipower is fine. The entirety of Sigil is her quasidivine realm, and as such a Divine Rank 0 creature is more than capable of forbidding gods from entering their realm while they're in it. The reason she seems like an overpower is, like I said, she is within her realm. Even 1E rules stated that Quasipowers are treated like Demipowers on their native plane (yeah, not even limited to their own realm). As for the lack of need for worshippers, not all divine beings have a need for that-- the Protogenoi, including the Elemental Lords, do not require worship and cannot die due to a lack of worshippers, but many prefer it because it gives them additional power. The same is true of the Far Realm powers, and the Lady of Pain appears to fall under the same category. These beings are not *according to the canon books* considered deities in the true sense (they are powers, but are not gods/deities)

That's an argument for her being a quasipower. Not an argument for her not being an overpower. Gimme some evidence specifically against overpower, as opposed to in favor of quasipower. (Or some evidence against her being a being that's transcended the very concept of mechanics, for that matter.)

Like I said. Do you think it is reasonable thematically - ignoring if it fits mechanically, just speaking thematically - for the Lady of Pain to be nothing more than some scrub on the level of the likes of...Murlynd, or Finder Wyvernspur? To be less than Zagyg?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

"Catella's works were all about killing the Lady, in fact it was the subject of every single one of her collected novellas. From the first - All Her Blades Are Broken - to the last - The Lady is a Tanar'ri on a Ramp - Naomi Catella's murder mysteries were the most popular gatetown penny dreadfuls of her day. Given her elven lifespan, this was no small accomplishment.

Naomi was born to destitute elves more than grateful for their lot in life, seeing as they had given a whole killer planet named Athas the laugh. Growing up in the shifting border that was sometimes Lower Ward and sometimes Hive, Ms. Catella soaked up enough lurid real life experience - and glimpses of generosity and thankless charity - to fill out the pages of what we can, for the most part, loosely call mysteries.

Often enough the identity of the Lady's killer was clear by the second or third chapter. In some works, such as Vecna Did It, the mystery was spoiled from the outset. Only in a few works were we left guessing, or were left with multiple simultaneous explanations as was the case in The Lady R.I.P. Most people didn't read these to learn the killer's identity, they read them for the titillation. Naomi had a gift for walking the tightrope border of the heretic worth chasing down and the one utilized as moral fodder by the politicians of the city who cry, "Elect me or appoint me or join me in my coup so I can save you from filth like THIS!"

Each story manages to delve into the vices that the gatetown works against, the ones that might keep it from sliding. So Ribcage has its suspects engaged in free spirited kindness while the ones at Tradegate are lazy flappers who begin to outsource their work while still claiming their position as craftsmen. One story had to be rushed toward its ending due to its featuring of a prominent, well organized, and sane urban planning consultant in the city of xSoa. (Everyone should have realized the city would riot no matter what, that the publication of this "immorally kempt man" was merely a pretext.)

Naomi Catella hadn't entered Sigil since her first chapbook saw print, and spent as much of her life fleeing bounties put up by Sigil's Wheel of Law as she did writing. At some point, nearing a millennium in age, Ms. Catella decided that she wanted to go home, to see the city that had filled her Mind's Eye for so many years, to take in the sites that she'd scribbled onto the page in the form of love letters disguised as mysteries.

All the information we have of her last known whereabouts is she stepped through a gate in the Hinterlands, one that goes to Sigil even today, and never emerged from the other side.

Which would be the end of our tale, save that there are seven unsolved stories in the sum of her works, seven stories that have the most plausible means of murdering Her Serenity..."


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I really like what you just wrote, Sciborg! I think those novels could easily find their way into a campaign. (Catella might too, actually.)

Actually, you might have a front-page article here...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Like I said. Do you think it is reasonable thematically - ignoring if it fits mechanically, just speaking thematically - for the Lady of Pain to be nothing more than some scrub on the level of the likes of...Murlynd, or Finder Wyvernspur? To be less than Zagyg?

Murlynd doesn't even have a divine realm. Finder, yes, less than Zagyg, yes. I don't know enough about the Dark Powers or The Serpent, and I don't recall the specifics of her mechanics within Die Vecna Die.
However, I think you are underestimating the power that even a quasipower has within its own realm. Within its own realm, for all practical purposes, even a quasipower cannot be killed by mortals, since it can mold the realm and parts of it to whatever form it pleases (e.g. the street could animate and devour the PCs, effectively imprisoning them as the spell if they fail a Reflex save), a quasipower can erase the doors and windows of a room they're in, it can decide which magic works within its realm, and where, and when, it can "forbid" any magic item of a type it doesn't like from entering its realm. It can create any natural or supernatural effect relating to its portfolio at a whim, not to mention that a quasipower can never be surprised within its realm. In addition to normal rank-0 immunities, a quasipower on its own realm is also immune to disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, banishment, and disintegration. That's in addition to immunity to polymorphing, petrification, other form-affecting attacks (e.g. size alteration), mind-affecting effects, energy damage and drain. In addition, it may be impossible for anything lower than Divine Rank 2 to permanently slay a Quasipower on its own realm (I can't remember if it was elaborated upon in 3E, but I think 1E had it that slaying a deity or even quasipower within its realm would simply cause it to reform some time later, as if it had been slain on another plane or something. In addition, if you assume a quasipower is effectively rank 1 in its realm, then going by Deities & Demigods rules, it cannot die from massive damage on its own realm.)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Zimrazim wrote:
I really like what you just wrote, Sciborg! I think those novels could easily find their way into a campaign. (Catella might too, actually.)

Actually, you might have a front-page article here...

Thanks! I know Clueless said that there will be more stuff involving Articles soon, would love to have a place to draft ideas on what ladykiller methods the seven special novels contain.

I actually want to put some more mechanics on the Fate Breakers as well and give them a good article, just haven't had the chance to sit down and really absorb the Pathfinder rules.


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Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Sciborg, that was amazing. Laughing out loud

And Hyena, I said ignoring mechanics. In terms of the thematics, do you think it fits the Lady of Pain as a character in a piece of fiction to be a quasipower? I know what quasipowers can do, you don't need to list off their abilities to me. I don't care about if it fits mechanically. I am saying that I do not think that thematically it fits for the Lady of Pain to be one. I don't think it fits her to be a Greater Power. I literally do not think it fits her to be in the divine hierarchy at all, I'm stretching to even consider the possibility of her as an overpower. I honestly don't think any mechanics fit her, and that the most befitting ways to kill her would be solely something dramatically appropriate from a literary perspective, something that doesn't involve a single die roll or stat bonus.

I mean, you really think that someone as unique and prime as the Lady deserves, from a literary perspective, to be just another god? One of literally thousands, nothing special at all? That any divine entity deserves to be able to call her a peer, or even a lesser? I mean...I know mechanics are important to you, but you could at least make up new mechanics for her, not just jump to Deities and Demigods. Some kind of theoretical...DR Infinity entity.

Bah, I feel like maybe I'm harping on something stupid here and getting the thread off track. Apologies if so, folks. :/

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

I mean, you really think that someone as unique and prime as the Lady deserves, from a literary perspective, to be just another god? One of literally thousands, nothing special at all? That any divine entity deserves to be able to call her a peer, or even a lesser? I mean...I know mechanics are important to you, but you could at least make up new mechanics for her, not just jump to Deities and Demigods. Some kind of theoretical...DR Infinity entity.

Thematically, of course not, just like the Far Realm powers do not thematically fit that mold, and just like the protogenoi (Gaea, Ptah, Kossuth, Nyx, etc.) barely fit that mold at all. Hell, even the Draeden possess divine ranks, and they're nothing remotely close to powers.
Also, you probably are getting into something silly. In 1 and 2E if I recall correctly, many modules and the like that involved PCs meeting a quasipower in its realm didn't even stat them and simply stated "you can't kill it while it's in its realm, if you try, it'll kill you without so much as batting an eyelash, let alone waving a hand. Oh, and no save. It cannot be surprised on its own realm."

The simple truth is that powers and quasipowers within their own realm are meant to be a Deus-Ex Machina-- they're there to advance the plot, and are not meant to be faced by PCs in battle. As a result, the DM has always been allowed to give even a lowly quasipower infinite amounts of power while it resides within its own domain.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Thanks for the kind words Idran!


I think question here is not of power level but of narrative appropriate to the game - that isn't silly to me. For some the Lady is another statted challenged to be defeated, they see Her as something to be overcome. For others, the Lady is eternal, unassailable by PCs.

Personally, if there was a cool story I wouldn't mind her being just an ageless mortal, not even a god, Her power granted to Her by the City itself. Perhaps killing Her leads to Kyle Rayner getting the role. Eye-wink

To me, I like the Lady as a mystery, but would kill Her if I could make (or play in) a campaign worthy of such an ending. I don't mind her being three ratatosks in a robe so long as things are interesting and take into account the ramifications of killing her.

To kill the Lady, or destroy the machine projecting her form or whatever is to essentially declare a gods war in the Multiverse, as it leaves Sigil up for grabs. This action completely changes the nature of the game, to the point of making Sigil uninhabitable for anything less than a god.

Of course, in a homebrew cosmology Sigil's ability to make a portal to anywhere in the Wheel might not hold, and thus its importance might be lessened but at least until 4th edition I think canon held it as one of the lynchpins of creation.

There would likely be all kinds of contingencies by the forces of Neutrality as well as plans to make sure no one's enemies or rivals could master Sigil. The Lady might even shut down all portals before She expires, as we've often posited that She negates travel rather than allows for it but it might be the case She is what makes Sigil the City of Doors even as it is Her Cage.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Need Help Killing the Lady of Pain

Proposed this as an article for the Planewalker Zine, please contribute ideas:



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