Narcotics in Sigil

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Narcotics in Sigil

Are narcotics officially illegal in Sigil pre-FW? I ask because I have certain plans for Metamorphosis involving narcotics. It won't impact the comic in a major way, but I'd like to be accurate if there's some established ruling one way or the other.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Illegal or not, they say you can find anything at the great bazaars...

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Given Sigil's incredible racial diversity, it seems unlikely that you could outlaw narcotics in any real fashion because so much stuff affects so many other things in about ten million different ways.

Considering that one person's drug is another exemplar's desert topping, I doubt anything in Sigil is controlled on the premise that it has deleterious effects on society unless its one of the few things in the multiverse with universal (or nearly universal) efficacy, such as Styx Water.

However, there are probably certain substances that are banned in Sigil because it's possible to establish direct harm was done to a sentient being in order to create them. I'm sure the Book of Vile Darkness has a couple good candidates.

Of course, there's also the question of enforcement, meaning how much authority for searches are you willing to a lot the Harmonium or other police force. I'd be inclined to say you don't have protection against 'unreasonable search and seizures' in Sigil, meaning the Harmonium can stop you and shake you down for contraband at any time.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Even then however, unless the officer employs a "True Seeing" spell or lenses (or is it goggles?) of True Seeing, the perk could always just disguise the contraband with a spell (or failing that, physically disguise it as something else or hide it in a hidden weapon/item compartment. Or, if he doesn't have the money for such things, he can always hide it in a body cavity. Sure, they could order a cavity search, but... given the types that frequent Sigil, that officer would have to have a REALLY strong stomach and a mind of steel if he's going to be performing cavity searches on pit fiends and slaadi.)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Well, mostly I am wondering if any narcotic substances are officially deemed illegal by the Council of Speakers to anyone's knowledge. I know that this is Sigil we're talking about. Thus, our planar sense tells us that even if it is officially illegal, it's difficult to enforce.

It's the official illegality that's important to me right now, not so much ability to enforce it. For example, would opium (or some other common addictive substance) be officially illegal? Or, put another way, would the typical Guvner avoid it because it's against the law?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

I doubt anything not truly horrendous would be outwardly illegal. Substances that require you to kill someone/thing to create probably would be illegal, simply because you could prove a crime had been committed to create them, but ordinary narcotics would not be.

Unless...if Sigil is experiencing revenue issues the Guvners, Signers, and Fated might be willing to outlaw certain substances, including narcotics as a revenue-producing scam, levying penalties in the form of fines. Of course, given that taxes on legal vice are usually more effective at producing coin, this would likely only apply to materials produced in small quantities without any sort of controlled shipment market.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

More likely the Fated would add taxes to distribution centers (a liquor license fee, or import taxes.) Outlawing something to charge a fine for people using it usually produces less end profit than just taxing it directly once you take in the court and enforcement costs.

For what it's worth - I can't recall this ever being addressed in the published books, so I'd go with the idea that illegal substances are those produced from soul-material or as a direct byproduct of torture of a sentient being.

And everything else may be subject to import taxes, transport fees, licensing for public sale, etc etc etc. That still gives smuggling a reason to exist for the goods to get around the impact to the profit margin. So you may still find drugs and booze that *are* illegal - but because of how they've been produced, not because of what they are. (Why yes, I am from a state with a sizable percentage of moonshiners - why do you ask? Eye-wink )

Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Given the lack of canon discussion on the subject, I would suggest just using whatever most suites your narrative intent.

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Clueless wrote:
So you may still find drugs and booze that *are* illegal - but because of how they've been produced, not because of what they are.

I'm fond of this interpretation.

The only drug in canon of which I'm aware is Desert's Night, from Ankhwugaht in Baator -- take a whiff, and you either undergo an introspective experience with some similarities to mainlining heroin... or die in horrible agony. In the games I run, it's very illegal in Sigil, simply because it's so insanely dangerous, but it's the only real controlled substance of note.

The Cage has shades of Victorian-era London -- I think an opium den would fit right in (maybe complete with decor from Fo Ling Po). Plenty of mind-altering substances are cultivated on the Lower Planes, even beyond the real world varities... but they still have some great hemp-growing soil in Bytopia, and I can just imagine a poor excuse for a Sensate trying to lick every toad in Elysium.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

I thought desert's night was the flower that restored memories lost to the Styx?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Ah, my mistake on the death bit. Failing the save actually sends the victim into a state of rampant paranoia and rage; after three days he mindlessly kills anything he can get his hands on. Passing the save means a quiet and pleasant day spent in your own head, recovering from mental trauma (and attempting a save at -6 to recover a memory lost to the Styx).

It's a lot like an opiate in that way: it can work wonders for the healing process, or be absolutely terrible and potentially fatal, with little in between.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Narcotics in Sigil

Both Forgotten Realms Lords of Darkness (3.0 version, not the 2.5 version) and Book of Vile Darkness deal with and list some unusual drugs (though obviously the ones in the former are supposed to be unique to Toril)

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